Things that piss you off...

about 17 years
I <3 Nix wrote:

Drivers not merging properly.

Just how hard is it to do a zipper merging? Near impossible by too many drivers whom hate the idea of another car getting one car space ahead of them.
about 17 years

Breaking down on the way from Palmy to Wellington for final Nix game of the season. $300 tow bill to get the car home and I don't have Sky to watch the match :(

Starting XI
over 12 years
Lonegunmen wrote:
I <3 Nix wrote:

Drivers not merging properly.

Just how hard is it to do a zipper merging?

What if you're Amish and don't believe in zippers? 'Merge like a button' just doesn't really have the same ring to it.


about 15 years

Breaking down on the way from Palmy to Wellington for final Nix game of the season. $300 tow bill to get the car home and I don't have Sky to watch the match :(

Oh bro no way,superstink - time to get on the piss.COYN
tradition and history
over 17 years

Watching the Nix getting taken apart again.

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Breaking down on the way from Palmy to Wellington for final Nix game of the season. $300 tow bill to get the car home and I don't have Sky to watch the match :(

Best $300 you'll ever spend on the Phoenix!
over 17 years

conceding a 95min winner

over 11 years
hamezilla wrote:

Breaking down on the way from Palmy to Wellington for final Nix game of the season. 1.  $300 tow bill to get the car home and I don't have Sky to watch the match :(

Oh bro no way,superstink - time to 2. get on the piss.COYN

1. Join the A A

2. Don't join A A.

about 17 years

Supermarkets being closed on Good Friday.

Why is this sh*te still going on?

I can go and worship at the alter of Petrol and buy, petrol, automobile parts (?), food, in their own little mini market, usually unhealthy and and overpirced yet I can't buy healthy stuff from a supermarket?

I can go to a Diary and buy tinned stuff, milk and a newspaper, probably a top shelf magazine if I wished. No fresh food though unless you are lucky.

I can eat in McDonalds but not able to buy food to prepare at home?

I can go and buy agricultural products? Livestock? (What you can't have one day off a year without buying a cow or sheep?)


It gives people a holiday and brings families together

Thats apart from police, fire crews, nurses, doctors, people working in petrol stations, garden centres, diaries, rail-track workers, road workers, etc.  

So it gives some people a holiday, usually the people that get all the Bank holidays off anyway? Therefore denying others holiday pay and an extra day off. You talk to most people that have to work public holidays and  apart from Christmas  most are happy to work them.

It celebrates the crucifixtion of christ.

Never quite got that, celebrating a blokes agonizing death, who lived a long time ago. A guy who possibly pissed of a few Romans and local native bigwigs who we don't really know as it was all written about by blokes who never met him and who pinched lots of stuff from Egypt and stories about that other bloke Gilgamesh to pad out the story.

If you asked me  what's more likely to be true Big Foot,  Aliens from another planet or Jesus being the son of god who returned back to life after being crucified. I'd go BigFoot, Aliens, Jesus in that order. A lot of people reckon they've seen Hominid Cryptids in various parts of the world and although unlikely they could be right. Same with flying saucers, less so Jesus. 

I don't worship Christianity. Why not have one day a year called all faiths day where all faiths have a holiday? Seems fairer to me. I work shifts and unsocial hours so don't have the luxary of always planning around some religious festival I don't even subscribe to.


Britain ditched this anachronism of shops closing when I was still living there I've been over here 13 odd years ago. Why do we still have to put up with it here?


Head Sleuth
over 17 years

This issue is well worthy of such a rant. Pisses me off too. 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

I don't understand why we don't have laws based on Star Wars. At least they would be based on a much more up to date piece of fiction.

Starting XI
about 17 years

People that aren't organized enough to buy enough food to last one day, without the need to go to a supermarket! #GetAGrip

Starting XI
about 17 years

Being a Priest at Easter

EclesiasticalEquality #FairPayForFairPray
about 17 years
Kiwi Hatter wrote:

People that aren't organized enough to buy enough food to last one day, without the need to go to a supermarket! #GetAGrip

Sorry your #hatted-holiness but I have enough food to last around a month should we have an earthquake thank you very much, so it's not a case of being disorganised.

Yesterday when I was sat at work on a nightshift  I'd thought of something nice I could cook later, then I remembered that I couldn't because it was Son of Yoda day or something and I had to spend the day dressed as a Klingon.

Sadly I had to resort to cooking a Curried Chicken and Pumpkin pie with the ingrediants I happened to have in my well stocked cupboard and fridge - very nice it was too.

My cat on the other hand was well pissd off he's had to wait for his Jimbo's. Can't get that in a petrol station or garden centre you know. which illustrates my point.


about 17 years

I don't worship Christianity. Why not have one day a year called all faiths day where all faiths have a holiday? Seems fairer to me. I work shifts and unsocial hours so don't have the luxary of always planning around some religious festival I don't even subscribe to.

Sounds like a great suggestion, it certainly would be fairer to everyone, although with various faiths having such diverse dates of importance in their own calenders, would we get them all to behave and change for the common good?

tradition and history
over 17 years
patrick478 wrote:

I don't understand why we don't have laws based on Star Wars. At least they would be based on a much more up to date piece of fiction.

I don't have an assertion one way or the other, but interesting that this 'fiction' has lasted over 2000 years.
about 15 years
over 13 years

Drivers who crawl along at 75k and when they hit a passing lane decide two lanes, I can now speed up to 110

Chant Savant
over 17 years

So people think 362.5 days of retail trade a Year isnt enough?

about 17 years
C-Diddy wrote:

So people dont think 362.5 days of retail trade a Year isnt enough?

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Peter Yealands 2013 Merlot!

Half a glass left. Her indoors is driving tonight so flying solo and loving it!!! Great drop!!!

Woof Woof
about 17 years

And this pisses you off how?

Chant Savant
over 17 years
almost 13 years

People who correct other people's grammar and spelling on the internet. 

almost 16 years
C-Diddy wrote:

Its empty

almost 13 years
Junior82 wrote:
C-Diddy wrote:

Its empty

How do you know he wasn't referring to an empty that belonged to it?
almost 16 years

Grammar National Socialist!

almost 13 years
about 17 years


almost 13 years

Grammar got run over by a reindeer?

about 15 years

Grammar got a brand new bag

about 17 years

Marrying the epic simplicity and ease of use of Itunes via the epic simplicity and ease of use of Microsoft to the epic simplicity and ease of use of my cheap schizophrenic Hauwei Android phone...

This experience has been akin to staging a Satanic ritual. I felt sure that bringing these epic powers of shiteness together might actually release such an amount of hateful energy that the world would be devoured by a Black Hole of utter frustration.

about 17 years

Grammas Boy.

Fourteen, trying what you did is akin to proving that time and distance travel in multi dimensional episodes is possible when you are in dreamland. Apple, Microsoft and everyine else all playing in the same playground and behaving? Tui ad right there!

about 17 years

David Cameron

SIR – We respect the Prime Minister’s right to his religious beliefs and the fact that they necessarily affect his own life as a politician. However, we object to his characterisation of Britain as a “Christian country” and the negative consequences for politics and society that this engenders.

Apart from in the narrow constitutional sense that we continue to have an established Church, Britain is not a “Christian country”. Repeated surveys, polls and studies show that most of us as individuals are not Christian in our beliefs or our religious identities.

At a social level, Britain has been shaped for the better by many pre-Christian, non-Christian, and post-Christian forces. We are a plural society with citizens with a range of perspectives, and we are a largely non-religious society.

Constantly to claim otherwise fosters alienation and division in our society. Although it is right to recognise the contribution made by many Christians to social action, it is wrong to try to exceptionalise their contribution when it is equalled by British people of different beliefs. This needlessly fuels enervating sectarian debates that are by and large absent from the lives of most British people, who do not want religions or religious identities to be actively prioritised by their elected government.

Professor Jim Al-Khalil
Philip Pullman
Tim Minchin
Dr Simon Singh
Ken Follett
Dr Adam Rutherford
Sir John Sulston
Sir David Smith
Professor Jonathan Glover
Professor Anthony Grayling
Nick Ross
Virginia Ironside
Professor Steven Rose
Natalie Haynes
Peter Tatchell
Professor Raymond Tallis
Dr Iolo ap Gwynn
Stephen Volk
Professor Steve Jones
Sir Terry Pratchett
Dr Evan Harris
Dr Richard Bartle
Sian Berry
C J De Mooi
Professor John A Lee
Professor Richard Norman
Zoe Margolis
Joan Smith
Michael Gore
Derek McAuley
Lorraine Barratt
Dr Susan Blackmore
Dr Harry Stopes-Roe
Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC
Adele Anderson
Dr Helena Cronin
Professor Alice Roberts
Professor Chris French
Sir Tom Blundell
Maureen Duffy
Baroness Whitaker
Lord Avebury
Richard Herring
Martin Rowson
Tony Hawks
Peter Cave
Diane Munday
Professor Norman MacLean
Professor Sir Harold Kroto
Sir Richard Dalton
Sir David Blatherwick
Michael Rubenstein
Polly Toynbee
Lord O'Neill
Dr Simon Singh
Dan Snow
Starting XI
almost 17 years

Just read through this thread, and I have to say that as one of the "mindless sheep", the amount of anti-Christian in this thread p**ses me a off a bit. 

about 17 years

I've not got an issue with anyone believing in a religion and If I offended you then I apologize. My point is that in no way shape of form should non-believers lives be effected or dictated to by religious doctrine and that goes for any religion.

Starting XI
almost 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

I've not got an issue with anyone believing in a religion and If I offended you then I apologize. My point is that in no way shape of form should non-believers lives be effected or dictated two by religious doctrine and that goes for any religion.

No worries man, and I don't really have any problems with the above (though I think that affected by and dictated to are completely different kettle of fish... to say that no-one else can be affected at all by a belief system that is held by about 50% of the population is pretty difficult, though I agree that it shouldn't dictate the way that you choose to live your life).
My main beef was with the underlying current that I was picking up from a few of the posts, that being that people who do believe are either: stupid, brainwashed or irrational. If that wasn't intended then I'm not worried, and likewise I apologise.
about 17 years

A few things that do make me laugh are when "non beleivers" have great sex, who's name is it they call out as they cum? And when a very serious emergency happens who's name do they call out at that point in time. Yet to deny is one thing but to utter the name you are acknowledging it so it must therefore have some credence.

Without wishing to start a religious argument, we in our various beliefs and personalities have someone or perhaps something that we look to for guidance or spiritual aid. To each of us that is possibly our own version of an almighty? I believe in God but I find most churches so hypocritical. I also believe in the big bang theory and evolution but something had to create the point of where the pressure was so great that the big bang happened and also something had to be present at the point that man became a thinking person too, not just another primate.

Who knows? Just offering an opinion and perhaps a philosophical debate amongst the other users here.

about 17 years

Yeah but a lot of that is conditioning, we call out god and christ because it's more acceptable than saying f*ck, (sorry Hlmphil). Also I used to put religion down my as CofE when I was younger because I was christened until I thought 'Hang on, I don't believe in a Christian god".  I would imagine there are loads of folk that do the same. 

Some would say ancient aliens invented/spawned us. I think it's the fact that we ate a lot of fats from fish, (guess that also lends to credance to the aquatic ape theory), that made us smart and the smarter of us survived and bred.

almost 13 years

... but here we go...

The problem with the aliens spawning us argument is that it just shifts the problem to somewhere else - how did the aliens come into being? The really big questions remain - why does anything exist at all? why does life exist? what is consciousness and how does it relate to matter?

I have very personal answers to these questions which could be considered "religious" - but I don't like trying to express them too much because in doing so I feel they lose some meaning in the process of trying to explain them to others. 

Some atheists I know (definitely not all) adopt an air of smugness about not believing which really isn't justified IMHO - there's a lack of acknowledgement about current and potential limits to scientific investigation and modelling of the physical world and what inferences can be gained from that. Two books I'd highly recommend which cover these ideas from a scientific perspective (as in, the limits of our understanding) are Pi in the Sky  and Theories of Everything, both by John D Barrow who's a British astrophysicist.

Which isn't to say that I don't think people should be atheists - if that's the explanation for existence you prefer, then fair enough. But if your worldview is meant to be based on logic and reason you should acknowledge that logic and reason have limits as well.

Ultimately the only philosophical position which doesn't appear to rest on some assumptions about the world is solipsism. The only thing you can be sure of is that "you" are experiencing something.

I also think anyone can believe anything they want to as long as they don't use that as a justification to hurt or control anyone else, or to openly express hate towards others (Taliban, Westboro Baptist Church, etc). And no one should dismiss or denigrate anyone for what they believe as long as the people who believe that aren't trying to hurt or control anyone.

Things that piss you off...

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