Starting XI
over 11 years
Thankfully we've got into a position where this result isn't too damaging in itself, but it does make the next game in the weekend vitally important.
about 17 years
Really disappointing. Not quite up to this level when it comes to the big moments. 
We had our chances, didn't take them, Liverpool took theirs, although that was an uncharacteristic error from Ramsdale to be fair. 
We were all over them for the first 10 mins of the 2nd half and then conceded just like that, gutting. 
over 16 years
Those are two sharkty goals to concede. A lot of lucky rebounds in that second and the first you have to rely on Ramsdale to save.

That Liverpool are winning due to those errors tells you a lot about the progress we are making.
almost 17 years
shame to have those two goals scored so close together, what can you expect when a guy like Salah is on the bench. It's no surprise that Liverpool score 2.5 goals per game with the strike power they have.

still 2 games in hand on liverpool so we can make up some point with those.
over 17 years
Ah fudge it.

We move on.

almost 17 years
Gabi deserved a goal. 
about 17 years
The Villa game naturally gets bigger now.
This is our key game in hand. Tough one too, away game, and Villa are looking decent. 
Critical we don't lose our confidence. 
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
From  a liverpool fan pov, I don't think losing confidence should be a concern.
 You went toe to toe with us in the first half, and were clearly the better team.
 It's obvious we got a rocket up our @.... at half time, and still relied on strong Alison save, a Ramsdale blunder ( harsh, but beaten at the near post) and a lucky bounce for the second to win this game. 

A little torn if I want to see you guys get 4th this season, your the lesser of the evils in the mix, and getting 4th would only strengthen you for next season. Plus I wouldn't mind if we took Saka/Martinelli off your hands.

almost 17 years
From  a liverpool fan pov, I don't think losing confidence should be a concern.
 You went toe to toe with us in the first half, and were clearly the better team.
 It's obvious we got a rocket up our @.... at half time, and still relied on strong Alison save, a Ramsdale blunder ( harsh, but beaten at the near post) and a lucky bounce for the second to win this game. 

A little torn if I want to see you guys get 4th this season, your the lesser of the evils in the mix, and getting 4th would only strengthen you for next season. Plus I wouldn't mind if we took Saka/Martinelli off your hands.

lol nice try, it started out as "you guys did well" then you're trying to steal our stars.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
If you don't achieve 4th, just saying I would sooner see them lining up for us rather than against us for some other club.
Martinelli will be giving TAA nightmares.
Klopp has made no secret of his admiration for him.
However, I think you will easily get that champions league spot, and my hyperthetical wish won't happen.
almost 17 years
you guys already have the attacking stocks to fill 2 or 3 teams you dont need to be drafting in ours to bolster the squad. We need them to take us from 4th this season to #1 next year,
over 16 years
It feels like the club are in a much better space to weather offers for now, unlike after the stadium when we seemed to have a 20m release clause on every player! That said I am expecting we may take the hit on one of our gems in the next few seasons if a huge offer came in, bit like Liverpool did with Coutinho
over 16 years
Ramsdale, White, ESR, Saka all getting call ups. Very well deserved for all 4.
over 16 years
No Ramsdale or Martinelli, Villa full strength. Nervous.
almost 17 years
always nervous with Leno in goal.
almost 17 years
decent enough first 45, we've controlled a lot of the game and Villa really havent shown much at all. Quite niggly and I wouldn't be shocked if we saw a red for a Villa player of Xhaka.
Back 4 have done well to keep Villa without a shot on target - still nervous about Leno though.

almost 17 years
3 points, tougher than it needed to be but thats 4th locked in for the week. Still with a game in hand on Manu and Chelsea
over 17 years
I’m starting to believe now.

almost 17 years
over 16 years
10 to go.
We get this right we’ll be one of the best “projects” going in the summer for new recruits to join.
Buffon II
I’m starting to believe now.

about 17 years
Huge win. Tough atmosphere.
Excellent overall performance. 
We're not scoring enough goals to show for the consistent domination of the matches lately. 
Shout out to Xhaka. Since his red he's played very well. Then today, he's all fired up, he gets the yellow, he's living on the edge in an important game, and he pulls his head in for once and plays it calm and safe. 
How good is Partey looking. I love it when he plays instinctively. This will probably curse him, but he's got a bit of the vieiras about him I reckon. 
about 17 years
Spurs have hit a bit of form, no help from West Ham this morning. The pressure will stay on, we have to keep winning. 
Ramsdale missing is a huge blow. Leno was getting some praise from the commentators and aftermatch pundits but not from me, I felt he was shaky. Made the saves he needed to but he doesn't command the area like Ramsdale and the nervousness when he has it at his feet is obvious to all. We are just not the same team without Ramsdale. 
Starting XI
over 11 years
I see the opposition are upset we celebrated winning again. Our 2nd choice keeper who hasn't played a league game since August made a match winning save from the last kick of the game so the team went and let him enjoy the moment and take some glory at the final whistle. It's weird, I don't see other teams getting told they shouldn't be celebrating every week. Only means we must be relevant again if everyone is getting upset when we win. Doesn't feel that long ago we were getting relegated.
over 17 years
I see the opposition are upset we celebrated winning again. Our 2nd choice keeper who hasn't played a league game since August made a match winning save from the last kick of the game so the team went and let him enjoy the moment and take some glory at the final whistle. It's weird, I don't see other teams getting told they shouldn't be celebrating every week. Only means we must be relevant again if everyone is getting upset when we win. Doesn't feel that long ago we were getting relegated.

It's because we are absolutely gargantuan.
almost 17 years
I see the opposition are upset we celebrated winning again. Our 2nd choice keeper who hasn't played a league game since August made a match winning save from the last kick of the game so the team went and let him enjoy the moment and take some glory at the final whistle. It's weird, I don't see other teams getting told they shouldn't be celebrating every week. Only means we must be relevant again if everyone is getting upset when we win. Doesn't feel that long ago we were getting relegated.

I love that we celebrate every win like it was our only win of the season. I hate it when teams who win walk off like it means nothing. Anyone complaining that we celebrate winning need to look at their own reasons for being in a league in the first place. Noone in the team is gloating or shaming the losing team, they are simply sharing in each others success. BIG difference.
about 17 years
And if they dont celebrate at the end of the game they will probably get criticised for not showing the opposition enough respect. 
It's all pathetic noise. 
I was celebrating as hard as the players at the fulltime whistle of that one!

about 17 years
I see the opposition are upset we celebrated winning again. Our 2nd choice keeper who hasn't played a league game since August made a match winning save from the last kick of the game so the team went and let him enjoy the moment and take some glory at the final whistle. It's weird, I don't see other teams getting told they shouldn't be celebrating every week. Only means we must be relevant again if everyone is getting upset when we win. Doesn't feel that long ago we were getting relegated.

Perhaps I was being harsh on Leno, that save at the end was critical indeed, and it was great to see the team celebrate it with him. Also shows that there is a great feeling in this squad. Leno was dropped for not doing a lot wrong, probably has good reason to feel a little bitter, so to see him so happy, and the team so happy for him, was really awesome. 

almost 17 years
If people are criticising others celebrating then I think they’ve run out of genuine things to give criticism on. 
Also this noise is coming from Cashley. Who the hell listens to him!?!

Im happy for Leno. Ramsdales injury gives him a chance to remind us of how good a shot stopper he is in a kind of farewell tour before he moves on in the summer. I can’t see him costing many games if he isn’t asked to play out too much. 
over 16 years
The Athletic has a great piece from
James M on this - hilarious writing.

This is the run in pending the Spuds match being rescheduled:

Palace away
Brighton home
Southampton away
Chelsea away
United home
West Ham away
Leeds home
Newcastle away
Everton home

30 possible points left, only 16 needed to get us to 70 points.

Really enjoying Arteta’s “we’ve done nothing yet” mantra, one game at a time.
almost 16 years
Maintain the faith - Sp*rs gonna Sp*rs.
almost 17 years
and 1 other
over 16 years
Ozil kicked out of the Fenerbahce squad. Arteta’s decisions ageing like a fine wine.
almost 17 years
as are many of his player decisions, letting Auba go to be his best self is another.
almost 17 years
Ozil kicked out of the Fenerbahce squad. Arteta’s decisions ageing like a fine wine.

That’s one take on it. Another is that the club is behind in paying his wages. Understandably he wasn’t happy with this and let them know it. Then they kIcked him out. 
They also kicked out another starting player who has grumbled about not being paid before. Gunners fans might be taking some big leaps when reading the tea leaves on this one. 
almost 17 years
it's simple to do, put one and one together and get two. Ozil and some reports of unhappiness/grievances and he's being kicked out. Given his issues at Arsenal its not hard to come to the result that he's being trouble again. The club itself has said there are no issues with wage payments - believe what you want I guess.
almost 17 years
Agree that it's not hard to come to that result, but that doesn't mean the result is correct. 

Having Ozil come up again in gunner conversation has made me reflect on how totally differently 2 former pros/club heroes are viewed ay. Like Auba couldn't even make it to training on time when he was captain. But was so committed to leaving our club that he was at another club's grounds before they opened to force through a move. Yet the commentary on him is that people wish him well. While Ozil wanted to stay and fight for his place and prove his worth, demonstrate loyalty (even offered some of his paycheck to reduce staff redundancies at the club) etc. After that didn't work, he waited until there was a deal that would suit him and took it. Yet there is no love lost on him from most comments I read.  my own real conclusion from this pondering is that we(football fans in general here) are a fickle bunch ay and paint very narrow narratives around players.  
almost 17 years
I loved Ozil when he was with us, have his name on a shirt and all. But he went of the rails big time, focussing on political stuff and his football slipped. His attitude is what turned people off him. Auba was clearly struggling and missed trainings cos his mum was ill - he shouldnt be missing trainings for anything but when he was on the pitch he clearly wanted to be there. Ozil I'm not so sure about. I always felt the nice stuff Ozil did was a ploy to make the club keep him and garner favour with the fans - it never really seemed genuine.
over 16 years
Curse of the England call up for our boys. Ramsdale got injured before the window, Saka picked up COVID, ESR is “unwell” so only White made the squad but didn’t take to the field! Unsure how white didn’t get a start when Stones was partnered by Coady from Wolves and Guehi from Palace, two teams not exactly offering defensive solidity at the moment.
over 16 years
The main difference between Auba and Ozil is Auba didn’t publicly shark on the club while still employed by them. Ozil’s behaviour at the end was unnecessarily vile. Auba might have forced through a move but in doing so did right by the club in a situation which has worked out for all concerned. Ozil just stank up the place, flipped the bird on the way out, and has done nothing on the field to make his new employers happy or his former employers envious. Such a tragic end for Ozil, for all that talent ego took over and he’s wasted his final years ruining his legacy.
over 17 years
Agree that it's not hard to come to that result, but that doesn't mean the result is correct. 

Having Ozil come up again in gunner conversation has made me reflect on how totally differently 2 former pros/club heroes are viewed ay. Like Auba couldn't even make it to training on time when he was captain. But was so committed to leaving our club that he was at another club's grounds before they opened to force through a move. Yet the commentary on him is that people wish him well. While Ozil wanted to stay and fight for his place and prove his worth, demonstrate loyalty (even offered some of his paycheck to reduce staff redundancies at the club) etc. After that didn't work, he waited until there was a deal that would suit him and took it. Yet there is no love lost on him from most comments I read.  my own real conclusion from this pondering is that we(football fans in general here) are a fickle bunch ay and paint very narrow narratives around players.  
The fact you believe any of this really nails down the fact that Ozil has a fantastic PR team

A much better comparison would be Koscielny, who did everything for the club and is unfairly viewed in a bad light because of one or two things said and done in the wake of leaving.

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