Starting XI
about 17 years
Great game, diaby's goal was a ripper, its sooooooo refreshing to see us shooting from outside the box. i hope cesc never leaves arsenal, hes gona be 1 of the greatest players to play in the EPL if he keeps going at this rate.
Starting XI
over 17 years
anyone reckon our youngsters will give newcastle a hiding in the carling cup?
over 17 years
over 17 years
Arsenal wrote:
Most likely. I wonder who'll start?
Fabianski and Merida are two who i'd say are a good chance at starting.
Starting XI
over 17 years
team line up
Arsenal (from): Fabianski, Traore, Senderos, Song, Hoyte, Diarra, Denilson, Diaby, Walcott, Eduardo, Bendtner, Mannone, Randall, Gibbs, Lansbury, Merida Perez, Eboue.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Song and senderos as centre back thats a shaky combo there, hope Bendtner will show what the hype is about. Should be a hard cos i'm sure big sam will put in newcastles strongest team. as for the tranfers kitty wenger will take 6-7years to spend the 70mill LOL
Starting XI
over 17 years
as for the tranfers kitty wenger will take 6-7years to spend the 70mill LOL
 You assume that we dont make another 70mil next year. he spends 7 mil a year from 70mil, after 5 years we have 315mil left to spend on a team
Tegal Fan Club Member #3
over 17 years

as far as i can see Arsenal dont need to sign anyone.. team of the future!

Starting XI
about 17 years
Maybe a left footed left winger might be good hehehehe Johan Djourou should be in the 1st team next year if he keeps playing like he played against liverpool 
Starting XI
over 17 years
Him and senderos are first choice CD for switzerland now.
Starting XI
about 17 years
jury is out on senderos for me, never really been a big fan
Starting XI
over 17 years
2-0 demolition of newcastle. We should have had more but considering that Wallcot & Eduardo were the only players to start on the weekend and today, its not a bad turnaround.
over 17 years
Can't wait to see the Denilson goal, it's supposed to be cracking.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
I just recently gave up on chelsea a few games ago!! Looking for a new team
At the moment the Phoenix is #1  
I Like Fantabregas (C Fabregas)
Starting XI
over 17 years
masey wrote:
I just recently gave up on chelsea a few games ago!! Looking for a new team
At the moment the Phoenix is #1  
I Like Fantabregas (C Fabregas)
Whilst i welcome you to become an Arsenal supporter, comments like the ones above wont endear you to many people. Most football fans stick to their clubs through thick and thin. To "give up" on Chelsea now that they are not winning all the time does make you appear a "fair weather fan".
I have been supporting Arsenal for only 12 years, and i still get sh*t for being "newbie" Its not my fault that I decided to follow a European club when Dennis Bergkamp arrived (my favorite player of all time) and they have done well ever since - I wasn't there for the '89 victory at Anfield, I wasn't their for the first double win in '71. For some people unless your granddad was at the club, your not a true supporter.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
UberGunner wrote:
masey wrote:
I just recently gave up on chelsea a few games ago!! Looking for a new team
At the moment the Phoenix is #1  
I Like Fantabregas (C Fabregas)
Whilst i welcome you to become an Arsenal supporter, comments like the ones above wont endear you to many people. Most football fans stick to their clubs through thick and thin. To "give up" on Chelsea now that they are not winning all the time does make you appear a "fair weather fan".
I have been supporting Arsenal for only 12 years, and i still get sh*t for being "newbie" Its not my fault that I decided to follow a European club when Dennis Bergkamp arrived (my favorite player of all time) and they have done well ever since - I wasn't there for the '89 victory at Anfield, I wasn't their for the first double win in '71. For some people unless your granddad was at the club, your not a true supporter.
I take back what I said before, what im trying to say is:
�Im fired up that Jose left us and that Abramivoch expects us to win all the time.(he should give up some cash and lose his reputation)
�Im annoyed that they could'nt get along because this is a crucial part of the league were players adapt and find their form.
�Im fired up at the fact we have no proper coach or a good coach
�Were not playing to our full potential
�Our players are'nt fit or playing well
�And most important of all were not playing as a team. We have no structure, im sick of getting payed out all the time eg getting txts saying 2-0 and were top of the prem. But I suppose thats what true supporters go through which means I felt like quitting and giving up.
masey2007-09-26 19:01:03
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
hahaha you two plastic's have it large!!!
we sing this to chelsea and all plastic supporters...
where were you, where were you, where were you when you were sh*t...
Starting XI
about 17 years
goals from the newcastle game, some nice moves from the young lads
about 17 years
nice highlights. senderos had a good game i hear, and that clearance was very nice. bar a few players, there was almost an average age of 20 years old! Great news!
Westham at Upton this week. Walk in the 'park'? Although they have been playing reasonably well, ashton is scoring a bit. still think we will be fine though
Starting XI
about 17 years
about 17 years

let me guess sky isnt showing it?

probably a fair guess, ill check their site. they have such horrible programming.
Starting XI
over 17 years
yep, no sky coverage. sop-cast for me again this weekend i think.
about 17 years
how good is sop-cast? i think i need to start the streaming action. does it show a good range of football too uber? and for us unfortunate souls with limited download, how much does a game usually take off you?
almost 17 years
really annoyed at sky of late, not showing the gunners games! not fussed about the gimmes like derby but still it would have been good to see it. They (sky) did this a couple of season's ago, played live only Man U an Liverpool games, gope that hasn't started again!!!
Starting XI
over 17 years
NZgooner wrote:
how good is sop-cast? i think i need to start the streaming action. does it show a good range of football too uber? and for us unfortunate souls with limited download, how much does a game usually take off you?
The quality depends on you net speed, i play it on fullscreen mode, and transfer it to my Tv via an S-video cable, the quality isnt much worse than ESPN. as for bandwidth, im not sure exactly, the last time i used it, i only downaloaded 600ish mb for the day, but i dont recall if i had my filesharing up or not.
about 17 years
UberGunner wrote:
NZgooner wrote:
how good is sop-cast? i think i need to start the streaming action. does it show a good range of football too uber? and for us unfortunate souls with limited download, how much does a game usually take off you?
The quality depends on you net speed, i play it on fullscreen mode, and transfer it to my Tv via an S-video cable, the quality isnt much worse than ESPN. as for bandwidth, im not sure exactly, the last time i used it, i only downaloaded 600ish mb for the day, but i dont recall if i had my filesharing up or not.
Thanks! Will have to get amongst that. On a lighter note, bit of a laugh, went to watch the prem highlights at sports cafe on moday and Daniel was there. watched a little with him and my mate, but man his english is a let down on a good conversation!
over 17 years
Chances of getting the Hammers game live were slim. To start with we have been on two weeks in a row and the club isnt exactly in Sky's good books at the moment. With Shearer leading the BBC commentry team and Bellamy at West Ham, we dont expect much there, and even the Daily Mail is run by a Sheffield United fan. Now we know how Milwall feel!!
Uber Gunner, have to agree with your comments to Massy. As a Hammers supporter since 1964, (yes, as a 14 year old I did jump on a bandwagon), I could have walked away a few times. Probably the worst time was when Brown sold all the gems and sacked Harry.
Anyway, as for the Hammers v Arsenal battles, I finally made it to the UK in 1999 and saw my first game at Upton Park. Top of the table Arsenal against Paulo Di Canio. 2-1 Berkamp scored yours.
As for a walk in the Park, is that what you have done for your last four ganes against us. 3 losses and 1 draw.
Go the Hammers, Might see you in a cup final at some stage.
uiron2007-09-28 11:30:00
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
that team that is a walk in the park happily picked up 6 points off you lot last season.. remember?
but a realistic prediction for this week
arsenal - 2
west ham - 1
I reckon we will cause havoc up front with bellamy and ashton.
good luck my french comrades.
over 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
1-0. Well done our lads. it was always going to be a tough game and to see us hang on like that is heartening. the hammers had some poor luck, but it looked like they got away with some really bad tackles. noble's should have been a straight red. Late, 2 feet, studs up.
over 17 years
over 17 years
A player shouldn't be let off because of his age.
over 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years
No sky coverage of our next champions league game, but the game vs Sunderland is on live.
over 17 years
So they appear to be only showing the games we are certain to win.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
Anyone got a link to the goal?
yer go to
Starting XI
over 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
So they appear to be only showing the games we are certain to win.
If that was the case the Champions league game would be on.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Buffon II wrote:
Anyone got a link to the goal?
for heaps of Gooner Goodies
Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Whats the go with Sky over there? Do you only get one game live on a Sat night/Sun mornin when there are four being played?

Can't be the EPL cos we a choice of the four games here, you can watch what you like... same as they do for the NRL...

I've never seen so many live games... it's 'eaven!!!! (more so atm).


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