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over 17 years

We will have to rely on Holding returning and Chambers stepping up. No way around it.

over 16 years

I can’t believe Mavropanos keeps getting considered and Bielek is not. One’s had a cracking season on loan and an amazing off season with Poland U21’s while the others had maybe 8 senior appearances, none of which have covered himself in glory.

over 16 years

Emery overnight has talked up 3-4 signings. If he includes Saliba in that list then between Saliba, Tierney, Ceballos you're looking at probably one of Everton/Malcolm type player too. Still doesn't get us a CB though, and without that signing I'd consider those 4 ineffective given it hasn't resolves our biggest issue.

Also, if we do get Ceballos on loan I really hope there's a sell on clause we can activate - even if it is 50m+ so we have the option end of the season.

All in all, I think there's an exciting end to the window coming up. 22 days left until it closes over here, could be a cracker of a finish.

Starting XI
over 11 years

New away kit looks nice. If I could justify giving Kroenke another cent I might offer $2 up front and let them keep it on loan for the season, another $2 when I receive it and the rest when we win the Champions League.

over 16 years

You know the majority of shirt sales revenue goes to Adidas right? That's why they pay so much up front in their sponsorship.

Skip the Emirates tickets or memberships if you really want to hurt them.

Personally I'll be buying both home and away this season, they're fudgeing sexy and it's been a long time since we could say that.

Starting XI
over 11 years
brumbys wrote:

You know the majority of shirt sales revenue goes to Adidas right? That's why they pay so much up front in their sponsorship.

Skip the Emirates tickets or memberships if you really want to hurt them.

But not 100% right? And I did say a cent. Living in NZ tickets and memberships are not an option anyway so all I can really do is withokd my money on things like merchandise. Anyway, know it makes no impact, it's for my own feelings more than anything else but the post was more an attempt to make a transfer fee joke

about 17 years

Anyone bought the new strip yet? 

I'm looking to purchase online but not sure what adidas sizing profiles are like. Are their larges like larges or are they slimfit jobs? 

almost 17 years
paulm wrote:

Anyone bought the new strip yet? 

I'm looking to purchase online but not sure what adidas sizing profiles are like. Are their larges like larges or are they slimfit jobs? 

I went to Rebel Sport to see if they had the new home shirt but no luck. Would pay to try one first as sizing can vary between kit providers.

When I was in England in 2013, I bought the home shirt and got a medium which fitted perfectly so later on, I bought the yellow away shirt and just grabbed a medium as well. Some weeks later, I tried it on and it was way too small. Luckily I still had the receipt so went back to the club shop and swapped it for a large. Both were made by Nike.

tradition and history
about 17 years
paulm wrote:

Anyone bought the new strip yet? 

I'm looking to purchase online but not sure what adidas sizing profiles are like. Are their larges like larges or are they slimfit jobs? 

I went to Rebel Sport to see if they had the new home shirt but no luck. Would pay to try one first as sizing can vary between kit providers.

When I was in England in 2013, I bought the home shirt and got a medium which fitted perfectly so later on, I bought the yellow away shirt and just grabbed a medium as well. Some weeks later, I tried it on and it was way too small. Luckily I still had the receipt so went back to the club shop and swapped it for a large. Both were made by Nike.

That's what happens when you down a few pints. :)

almost 17 years

Haha, it's hard to stay away from those English pubs :)

over 16 years

I've promised myself to buy one as soon as I'm earning - can't wait. Walking past them in the shops they're bloody sexy man.

over 17 years

Seems like Cebellos on loan is locked in, Saliba done and Tierney may not happen.

Can't say I know much about Ceballos but it seems like he may be a Xhaka replacement.

about 17 years

He's a ball-carrier by the sounds, box to box? Seems more a direct Ramsey replacement, although I don't know a lot about him either. 

I don't think Xhaka is going anywhere, and may well be our captain this season. 

over 17 years

Xhaka was terrible again v RM. Not sure how much longer we can carry him. 

Going by the stats, Dani doesn't have any real offensive contribution - Ramsey replacement would be a bit of a stretch I'd say.

about 17 years

More senior goals than Ramsey at the same age... but both had fairly small numbers (12 vs 11). 

Created the most chances at the 2017 U21 Euros, and was player of the tournament - that was the stat I saw that led me to believe he was more of an attacking midfielder than a defensive one. 

Played in the 2019 U21 Euros as well, and made the team of the tournament. 

about 17 years

Ozil had the armband today ahead of Xhaka which was interesting. 

I only saw the last 15 mins so missed all goals and both red cards, but dang we shoulda won it at the end there. Plenty of chances to score at the end, including Nketiah missing a one on one. 

Starting XI
over 11 years

I just can't believe it's July 2019 and I'm still watching Jenkinson turn out for Arsenal. He played in the 8-2, how many decades did we let him sign for?

over 16 years

Yeah Jenko's an interesting one. Emery's consistently invested in him at trainings and given him opportunities - I wonder if we stretch one more season out of him as a back up given we've loaned out our best youth RB prospect.

Game sounded interesting, was bemoaning on Twitter that I've moved to the UK for more sport and am now 0 from 4 Arsenal matches live due to the time differences ha!

over 16 years

There's a bit of chatter about today that we might miss out on Ceballos if Asensio's knee injury is long term. That would be the most Arsenal thing to do at this point.

The other interesting chatter is that Rugani from Juventus might be available and we're interested. Word from Juventus fans is that he's not lived up to the hype, but equally hasn't had a long run in the team. Bit of a gamble but I'd rather we took a risk on someone who's been learning of Chielleni and Bonucci and in front of Buffon/Szy than Mustafi.

Finally it sounds like we've bailed on Tierney, refusing to meet the demands. I think we'll go the same way with the Zaha deal. Emery's talked about working through a priority list, so I wonder who is 'next' on the LB shopping list. I think the Everton Soares links are possibly due to him being 2nd or 3rd behind Zaha on the list, but also a way of us showing we're open to other signings to try get Palace to budge. I'd happily take either of Zaha or Everton at this stage.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Everton would be much better value - but also more risky with a higher up and downside than Zaha; who we know is capable at PL level but we're going to pay overs for. I'd prefer Zaha, but it's not my (lack of) money.

over 16 years

Going into this off season I thought we needed players that should be starting at LB, CM, CB, and Wing. We also needed back up for Hector from someone up and coming.

It looks like Cellabos delays the CM investment by 12 months - good value.

Saliba is one for the future - doesn’t solve any of this years problems.

Osei-Tutu is on loan for the year, suspect he is heir apparent and we’ll cover his absence through AMN & Jenkinson.

With cash tight like you mentioned Surge I’m hoping we put it to Tierney & Everton. Not sure we’d have much in the kitty for a CB which gets real concerning.

about 17 years

Surge you back in for picks this season? Some info in the other thread, got some good numbers this season, should be fun!

over 17 years

Tierney is a good player who has a chronic injury - I don't think we should spend any more than what's been reported. It's the right move to back out, though it's not great for squad depth.

over 16 years

Ceballos officially confirmed. Good, financially sensible loan deal that works well for both clubs and the player. Gives us another season to get the cash together to properly replace Ramsey, or see if someone like Willock can step up.

Here's to a few more signing up.

over 16 years

Saliba has also been confirmed hours later.

And I’ve just secured a rental of a season ticket for the whole year!!

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
brumbys wrote:

And I’ve just secured a rental of a season ticket for the whole year!!

What a legend! Well done Rich!!!
over 17 years

That's fudgeing insane. Glad they're okay; could've been much worse.

Starting XI
about 15 years

Kolasinac, what a champ! Best defending in the preseason!

Starting XI
over 11 years

Scary stuff glad that are ok. 

One player who won't be here this season and another who won't be next is a fairly underwhelming transfer announcement even by Arsenal standards. Find it difficult to get excited by either when as it stands we continue with Mustafi and Jenkinson in the defence this season.

over 17 years
ajc28 wrote:

Scary stuff glad that are ok. 

One player who won't be here this season and another who won't be next is a fairly underwhelming transfer announcement even by Arsenal standards. Find it difficult to get excited by either when as it stands we continue with Mustafi and Jenkinson in the defence this season.

Kinda feel the same, but some action is better than none :)

We really need defensive reinforcements and I don't think we'll get them - as it stands, we go into next season with a weaker defence and we were pretty damn bad last season.

over 16 years

Rumours about that it's between us and Napoli for Pepe - which seems odd given the club denied putting up 80m. What a signing that would be though.

over 16 years

Don't know how many of you caught the news before bed that we've been in for Pepe. Ornstein has confirmed that it's agreed with Lille, and that the players got to make a choice between us and Napoli, suggesting we've offered a 5 year deal with decent coin that Napoli didn't beat...I'm wondering if they'll announce it at The Emirates cup live - how crazy a week would that be?!

about 17 years

Dang this Pepe stuff is unexpected. 80m??? Where dis coin coming from

Fantastic boost for the fans if it works out. 

Whether he'll be a success is another story... seems highly coveted around the bigger clubs but I know next to nothing about him. 

Also sounds like Tierney is back on.

If both of these work out then we're probably just a CB short of a very good window. Unfortunately that would seem like it would be the priority signing... yet there seems to be no rumours that we're even out in the market for one... 

Only hope of this defence getting through the season is if Holding comes in very quickly and is amazing, and Sokratis stays fit. Big ifs. 

Oh and Bellerin needs to tear it up as well, which is a hell of a lot more likely at least. 

Starting XI
over 11 years

Would be surprised if we actually spent this amount on Pepe. Haven't seen him play but the numbers are impressive so he would definitely be more exciting than a loan and a teenager who isn't available for another season. Still got to fix the defence to make any of it worthwhile, unless we're aiming for the you score 3 we'll score 4 tactic this season.

over 16 years

I don't know why you're not excited by Ceballos? He's absolute class and fills a gap for a season. Tidy bit of business - especially if it's enabled us to spend big on Pepe.

I think the CB signing will come down to sales - we'd need to feel confident of moving both Kosc, Kolasinac, Mustafi, Jenkinson etc on to then have some coin to put towards a signing.

From reading about the deal with Pepe it's all about structure and with Lille happy to take instalments I think it's made it possible for us to buy him.

over 16 years

Good to watch a match in the right time zone finally! Nelson, Willock, and Chambers were the stand outs for me. While Chambers was at fault for losing Dembele for the first I can't help but wonder if he drifted in anticipating of AMN losing out to Depay (had happened a bit) which caused him to be stuck between marking his man and covering the space. Showed good pace, passing, and reading of the game. Nelson was dribbling like an actual bloody winger which was a nice change of pace. Didn't always take the right option, but skinned a number of their players - I liked his intent. Willock had another solid showing, putting in a well rounded midfield performance. Got a little sloppy towards the end but always wants the wall and pops up in both offensive and defensive scenarios.

Mustafi was booed as he came on, as much as he needs to move on I'm not sure he deserves that.

Laca went off injured within 10 minutes but apparently it was a precaution, nothing serious.

Also Emery confirmed we're in the market for a CB and for a Winger. Rumours today around Rugani deal being structured as a 2 year loan and then forced to buy...

Starting XI
over 11 years

Haven’t watched him play and don’t really know much about him, but rather than him personally it’s the loan with no option to buy that doesn’t excite me. I don’t like the idea of developing someone for Real Madrid and feel it’s pointless to make him a key player and try and build anything around a player who is only here temporarily, as then you have to start again next season. Loan signings never seem to work out well for us either. 

Disappointed to hear about Mustafi being booed. Hrs crap and shouldn't be in the team, but as a man he's not done anything to disrespect the club or the fans. You don't boo your own players during a game.

over 17 years

Loan signings have worked OK for us in the past - see one Yossi Benayoun. I do get the feeling that even though there is no formal option to buy, if Cebellos enjoys it and Madrid happen to go for Pogba or similar, we could see him stay.

Fans booing their own players during pre-season ;what a fudgeing state this club is in.

Anyway, Pepe news is insane - I can't say I know anything about him past his YouTube highlights; but he does look good. Get Tierney over the line with a half decent CB and we'd have one of the best windows in a very long time.

re: Lyon game - Willock was the standout. This guy is ready; probably the biggest surprise for me over the last 6 months or so with Arsenal as when he first got a shot at the team he looked lightweight - he's really bulked up and matured. Guendouzi also looked really good for his first hitout.

With Torreira to come in, Willock, Cebellos, Douzi - we'll hopefully see the slow phasing out of Xhaka. 

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