about 17 years
AJ13 wrote:

Is your name Billy Harris?

Nope and he isnt a mate of mine either. Ive met him in total maybe a dozen times, attended a coaching course he took and watched him coach half a dozen times. I know a player who I like and get on very well with who hates Billy but I also know other players who rate him.

My point here is Im not seeing much in the way of intelligent rebuttal of his article but mostly vitriolic childishness.

The other point is some of those who have slagged him off in here for criticizing the Phoenix in a polite manner have themselves slagged off the phoenix in pretty sh*tty manner. Its ironic that they are getting so uppity about a polite opinionated criticism when they themselves write some absolute trash about the team, coach etc.

Double standards much?
Starting XI
over 17 years
Stack wrote:

The other point is some of those who have slagged him off in here for criticizing the Phoenix in a polite manner have themselves slagged off the phoenix in pretty sh*tty manner. Its ironic that they are getting so uppity about a polite opinionated criticism when they themselves write some absolute trash about the team, coach etc.

Double standards much?
Stack, you beauty.  Superbly put.
a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years

Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Absorbent and yellow and porous is he
If nautical nonsense be somethin' ya wish
Then drop on the deck and flop like a fish.
Starting XI
over 17 years
I agree with a lot on of what's been said, ironically by people who are disagreeing with each other. Stack, AJ13, ballane and others all make good points. As far as Billy's columns go, I find I agree with about as many as I disagree with (just like supporting the Nix). Also, like Laws and other columnists, he's paid to stir things up, not write bland pieces that please everyone.
There's much worse said about the Nix on a weekly basis here than what Billy's written. 
Whatever history has shown us, expectations were always going to be high after last season and the World Cup - therefore this season has been disappointing. We expected the squad to have improved and strengthened, and that performances would reflect this. Instead the same weaknesses have remained - lack of creativity in midfield (Ifill, and lately Rojas aside), lack of specialist fullbacks, poor away form, a sometimes overly defensive mindset.
I didn't expect us to romp through the league, but after last season, I expected us to be in somewhat comfortable 3rd or 4th spot, rather than a nervy scramble for 6th. I don't think I would have been alone at the beginning of the season.
That said, I do agree that back-to back finals appearances is something to be pleased about, and accordingly I will get my hopes up again for next season
Billy is off when comparing us to the Heart. Others have made the fair point about difference in preparation time, but he's also conveniently forgotten that the Nix were still in contention with 3 matches to go in season 1, much like the Heart. The Heart may have climbed higher earlier in the season, but the end result is the same. (And yes, I know that the playoff system is such that everyone has a shot right till the end, but you play the cards you're dealt) 
I haven't seen as much of the Nix as I would have liked this season, but some of the early-season stuff was dire. Things have improved lately, but making the playoffs and our home record shouldn't stop us looking realistically at the deficiencies (or maybe I should borrow J82's specs). At the same time, it would be nice for some opinion pieces to praise the Nix from time to time for some balance.
over 14 years
I've decided I don't like this Harris person.

Here is THE prediction for him (special two-part edition)......
This may be my last....)
a) His budgie will drop dead on Christmas morning
b) All of his hair will fall out on boxing day.

We are the Phoenix. Who listens to Harris?

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
Grandadi wrote:
I've decided I don't like this Harris person.

Here is THE prediction for him (special two-part edition)......
This may be my last....)
a) His budgie will drop dead on Christmas morning
b) All of his hair will fall out on boxing day.

We are the Phoenix. Who listens to Harris?

What are the TAB paying on b?
AJ132011-02-07 15:47:51
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
Perennial strugglers Liverpoolfan1 wrote:
Stack wrote:

The other point is some of those who have slagged him off in here for criticizing the Phoenix in a polite manner have themselves slagged off the phoenix in pretty sh*tty manner. Its ironic that they are getting so uppity about a polite opinionated criticism when they themselves write some absolute trash about the team, coach etc.

Double standards much?
Stack, you beauty.  Superbly put.
I suppose it comes back to the old "they might be sh*t, but they're OUR sh*t".
Criticism, or perceived criticism, from people who aren't recognised as supporters, particularly when there is a feeling that we are receiving a lot of negative press, is always going to provoke a strong reaction. 
about 17 years
Wolfman I think Billy is forgetting to factor in what went before the Phoenix and what a mess that all was. The Phoenix as an organization are a million miles better than the Kingz and Knights were. He isnt factoring in the need for the good of football for the Phoenix to be a stable, viable entity regardless of on field results.

Im seeing kids running around up here in Auckland with phoenix shirts where they used to have Man Utd , Europa League side Chelsea or Perennial strugglers Liverpool shirts on. They have seen the emergence of Kosta and Marco. I am not too worried about their league position at this point, sustainable success takes time and I would rather they progress steadily than have boom and bust years like we have seen with Sydney.

With respect to Ricki and his performance I remember asking Clive Campbell what made a good coach in his opinion and he told me if you could see a team improve over time when there were problems that was probably a good indicator the coach was working hard to fix things. Ive watched the last 2 seasons have bad patches and then things have improved.
Same deal with some of the players, they have had bad patches and then come right. Jade North didnt have a very special beginning but he is looking better and better to me each week for example.

I think the Phoenix have been a huge success, the Christchurch crowd tells me that.
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Stack wrote:
 My point here is Im not seeing much in the way of intelligent rebuttal of his article but mostly vitriolic childishness. [/QUOTE]

OK how about this.

In their first year they won five and lost 11. Those figures were forgiven by a very understanding media and public on the basis that it was the first year, and it would "take time" to build a competitive team. (This theory has been somewhat disproved by Melbourne Heart who in this, their first year, have made a serious tilt at the playoffs). [/QUOTE]

Uttely silly to compare Heart to Phoenix.  We had a 4-6 month lead in time.  They got the green light about 15 months before their game so could get in players much easier.  We had to pick up all those unwanted players (O�dor, Ferrante etc)

[QUOTE]  In year two, the Nix won seven and lost nine. In season three, their best, they won 10 and lost seven in the regular season, then won two and lost one in the playoffs.  This year they've gone backwards, and their record before last night's match was 10 wins and 12 losses.  This gives us a grand total of 99 played, 34 won, 40 lost and 25 drawn.

Heard of a salary cap? Newcastle went from first to last in successive seasons .  Sydney to first to out of the playoffs.  Sydney won the league last year even after losing 9 of 27 games.  Tell me another league where you could lose a third of your games and still take the title.  If you excuse the first season for the above reasons, our W/D/L would be pretty good.








Win %

Draw %

Loss %

Melbourne Victory



































































































North Queensland











[QUOTE]  They started season 2010-11 as preliminary finalists, and they more than offset the loss of John McCain with the signings of Jade North, Dylan Macallister and Nick Ward.

I think you mean JON MCKAIN.  Basic fact checking.


almost 17 years
Jag wrote:
Perennial strugglers Perennial strugglers Liverpoolfan1 wrote:
Stack wrote:

The other point is some of those who have slagged him off in here for criticizing the Phoenix in a polite manner have themselves slagged off the phoenix in pretty sh*tty manner. Its ironic that they are getting so uppity about a polite opinionated criticism when they themselves write some absolute trash about the team, coach etc.

Double standards much?
Stack, you beauty.  Superbly put.
I suppose it comes back to the old "they might be sh*t, but they're OUR sh*t".
Criticism, or perceived criticism, from people who aren't recognised as supporters, particularly when there is a feeling that we are receiving a lot of negative press, is always going to provoke a strong reaction. 
Like most here I always jump to defend my team, I am happy to read, listen to reasoned critques, however when it's just slanderous comments along the lines of an ex allwhite, doom post writer just slagging the team off for not winning the whole tourney then I get really mad. I'm happy to accept that the t4eam has frailties, they are pretty opbvious, but despite the atrocious away form and some inept defending at times we are for the second out of four seasons competing in the playoffs.
when the club has been around for 10 years we can all then look back at 300 games and look at the record, then and only then will the numbers mean anything.
about 17 years
2ndBest wrote:
I think you mean JON MCKAIN.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes">� </SPAN>Basic fact checking.<o:p></o:p></SPAN>


good lord....
about 17 years
theprof wrote:

Like most here I always jump to defend my team, I am happy to read, listen to reasoned critques, however when it's just slanderous comments along the lines of an ex allwhite, doom post writer just slagging the team off for not winning the whole tourney then I get really mad. I'm happy to accept that the t4eam has frailties, they are pretty opbvious, but despite the atrocious away form and some inept defending at times we are for the second out of four seasons competing in the playoffs.


when the club has been around for 10 years we can all then look back at 300 games and look at the record, then and only then will the numbers mean anything.

What comments of Billys were slanderous?
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Stack wrote:
2ndBest wrote:
I think you mean JON MCKAIN.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes">  </SPAN>Basic fact checking.<o:p></o:p></SPAN>


good lord....
May need to expand your comments there.  Am I right?
almost 16 years
wolfman wrote:
I agree with a lot on of what's been said, ironically by people who are disagreeing with each other. Stack, AJ13, ballane and others all make good points. As far as Billy's columns go, I find I agree with about as many as I disagree with (just like supporting the Nix). Also, like Laws and other columnists, he's paid to stir things up, not write bland pieces that please everyone.
I haven't seen as much of the Nix as I would have liked this season, but some of the early-season stuff was dire. Things have improved lately, but making the playoffs and our home record shouldn't stop us looking realistically at the deficiencies (or maybe I should borrow J82's specs). At the same time, it would be nice for some opinion pieces to praise the Nix from time to time for some balance.
Certainly - although without them my vision goes from rose-tinted to misty-eyed, so not too long please Wolfman.
I hope I am not vitriolic Stack, but IMO when I used to "read" the SST I found Billy's opinions to be as useful as Eric Young's or Mayor Lols.  i.e. not at all really (and I consider myslf to be an uber-tolerant guy).
Sorry for any mediocrity. 
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
I'm ashamed to have gone to the same college as him in the same era
about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
I hope I am not vitriolic Stack, but IMO when I used to "read" the SST I found Billy's opinions to be as useful as Eric Young's or Mayor Lols.� i.e. not at all really (and I consider myslf to be an uber-tolerant guy).


Sorry for any mediocrity.�


I know what you mean, sometimes I would read the SST hoping to see Billy writing about football because we get such little coverage and he would sometimes wander off on to some totally different sport or even topic.

Terry Maddaford used to really piss me off but then he was one of the very few sports journalists I would see at local football games on a regular basis.
First Team Squad
about 16 years
I am not a one that goes with conspiracy theories but I am getting a little tired of explayers writing columns that are negatively slanted against the Nix.
Last week Harris would have sat in front of his computer thinking of what he should write for the weekends Sunday-Star times column.
He could have taken the slant " 100 games....look where we were then and look where we are now". He could have written about the amazing revitalizing impact the Nix has had on NZFootball and how its transformed the Wellington sporting scene. He could have written how the club is closing in on having its 500,000th spectator in 4 brief years. He could have mentioned the pathways opened up now for youngsters through the Nix "A" team and the stellar rise of talent like Rojas and Barbarouses.
 He could have mentioned the tremendous scenes....the like rarely seen in NZ football of huge crowds at last years playoffs and the Beckham game. He did not mention the "phoenix effect" where thousands of youngsters have swelled the numbers playing the game. He could have mentioned the role of the Nix players in the fantastic WC campaign. He missed out by forgeting the impact of the Yellow Fever. Has he not noticed that compared to 4 years ago football is now "cool" and the media regularly and happily show increasing amounts off football.
Sure, he could have balanced it all by mentioning the woefull away record....but did you check your facts to see their home record and it how it rates.
So why, why why Billie did you chose to write that article the way you did?
  The Sunday Star times is read by 100,000's of people. FFS it is hard enough to promote football and get people to buy a ticket and come to a game without ex-players being negative. I thought your article was mean spirited and contrary to what we are trying to do.....promote football!!!!
over 17 years
Stack wrote:
AJ13 wrote:

Is your name Billy Harris?

Nope and he isnt a mate of mine either. Ive met him in total maybe a dozen times, attended a coaching course he took and watched him coach half a dozen times. I know a player who I like and get on very well with who hates Billy but I also know other players who rate him.

My point here is Im not seeing much in the way of intelligent rebuttal of his article but mostly vitriolic childishness.

The other point is some of those who have slagged him off in here for criticizing the Phoenix in a polite manner have themselves slagged off the phoenix in pretty sh*tty manner. Its ironic that they are getting so uppity about a polite opinionated criticism when they themselves write some absolute trash about the team, coach etc.

Double standards much?
I dont think even the worst critics on here would come anywhere near proclaiming
"It could still happen, but nothing short of making the final will paper over the fact that this season, despite the occasional excellent home performance, has been a disappointment"
almost 17 years

<SPAN style="FONT-FAMILY: 'Tahoma','sans-serif'; COLOR: #333333; FONT-SIZE: 8.5pt; mso-ansi-: EN" lang=EN>I think you mean JON MCKAIN.<SPAN style="mso-spacerun: yes">� </SPAN>Basic fact checking.<o:p></o:p></SPAN>



Great tweet from RichieHerbet today.
"Actually we let Jon McKain go so he could focus on his political career."
almost 17 years
about 17 years
Feverish wrote:
I dont think even the worst critics on here would come anywhere near proclaiming
"It could still happen, but nothing short of making the final will paper over the fact that this season, despite the occasional excellent home performance, has been a disappointment"

To be honest I partly agree with that statement and its not been said with some of the abuse that people on here post.
Heres the thing with respect to the playing side of things having a hint of disappointment. Many fans of the Phoenix after the great finish to last season had some level of expectation of the club challenging higher up the table than it has.

The away form has been a disappointment or am I missing something here?

We had a couple of good signings, the way the team finished last season was exciting and full of promise. So to find this season has been a fight to make the top 6 isnt what many were expecting or am i alone in thinking we were going to maybe spend the season sitting inside the top 6?.

I dont see how the statement you quote is particularly scandalous?

Sure we have or will make the top 6 but it hasnt been a comfortable placing, its been a battle. After last seasons finish didnt most people think we would be more of a force rather than nicking the last top 6 spot?Stack2011-02-07 18:18:16
about 15 years
Stack wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

Its kinda funny all of this.

If the paper had done any homework they'd be asking themselves 'Whats Billy Harris ever done?' There is/was a reason he doesn't stick at clubs that he coaches because he bleeds them dry of wages, and ends up with nothing to show for it then buggers off. The only claim to fame he has is that he is an ex All While. Wow, so  is Campbell Banks.....


If you really measure it up and look at all his articles, when has he ever had one in the last year or so where the football mass public have gone 'Did you read Billy's article? Spot on that was' While everyone has an opinion, like Paul Thompson and Terry Maddaford, its grounded in 'nah nah nah nah I know better than you :op'

If you did your homework you would find that Billy has done quite a bit in football in NZ. Being an ex all white is not his only claim to fame.The biggest thing in my opinion Billy does is coach kids, he has his own coaching clinics and having watched him work he is very good with the kids, they all want to come back and play. I would bet he has spent more time coaching kids over the years than the vast majority of people on here.

I disagree with his column but it wasnt in any way vitriolic and there will be people out there who agree to a certain extent. Billy is definately pro Phoenix as he was with the Kingz. He has an eclectic view at times and his columns are often a bit off to left field at times.

Disagree with what he has said, counter his points but the sort of childish slagging off of the guy based on heresay or god knows what is pretty pathetic.

Bleeding clubs dry? seriously?. All the coaches in the Northern Premier division pay their coaches at some level and if you wanted you would find it easy to find some disgruntled soul to come up with claims their particular coach is bleeding their particular club dry.

Ive coached at Northern premier Division and there are some serious hours put in running a side. Personally I think any wages for coaches and players should be simply expenses but thats a whole other discussion.

He gets paid for the hours he puts in. He works full time as a football coach, either coaching kids, schools or clubs. Its his job and he is pretty good at it but you wouldnt know that as you have clearly never seen any of his sessions.

He has put some serious hours in over the years, some as a volunteer and some paid. You really should do some proper research because ill informed comments like yours are embarrasing to read.

I think he got it wrong in his column, I think the Phoenix have been superbly successful, maybe not as much on the field as we would like but absolutely a massive positive impact on the NZ football scene. He probably should have taken that into account but his column seriously doesnt deserve the spiteful vitriol being dished out here.

As HN said - any success.

I'm not denying that Billy has done a bit in NZ football - you have said you have done some yourself. What has he ever done that ammounted to anything. He coaches kids. Fair play. There are a thousand other people out there that do too. What I am getting at is his opinions are for the most part, at odds to most of the football fraternity. What has he ever done to quantify having an opinion on a major mag that quantifies as being 'worthwhile' to football in NZ. Ridiculing this season if we don't make the finals - what a load of shyte.

Everyone has an opinion and I'm sure you'll point out that I have one, he has one and you have one. But is his really the best we can do and the best we have? Far from it.
over 17 years
Stack wrote:
Feverish wrote:
I dont think even the worst critics on here would come anywhere near proclaiming
"It could still happen, but nothing short of making the final will paper over the fact that this season, despite the occasional excellent home performance, has been a disappointment"

To be honest I partly agree with that statement and its not been said with some of the abuse that people on here post.
Heres the thing with respect to the playing side of things having a hint of disappointment. Many fans of the Phoenix after the great finish to last season had some level of expectation of the club challenging higher up the table than it has.

The away form has been a disappointment or am I missing something here?

We had a couple of good signings, the way the team finished last season was exciting and full of promise. So to find this season has been a fight to make the top 6 isnt what many were expecting or am i alone in thinking we were going to maybe spend the season sitting inside the top 6?.

I dont see how the statement you quote is particularly scandalous?

Sure we have or will make the top 6 but it hasnt been a comfortable placing, its been a battle. After last seasons finish didnt most people think we would be more of a force rather than nicking the last top 6 spot?
See thats what i wanted to say.+1
Starting XI
over 17 years
The thing is the Billy Harris article had the subtext that reaching the 100 game milestone was not worth celebrating.

I think it is. And it is.

Slightly mischievous journalism, but that's the name of the game.
U Turning
over 14 years
Yeah sometimes the truth hurts if you're a hard core fan.
There are 5,000 floating fans (above the 5,000 core) who used to show up at Phoenix home games, and don't come anymore. Yeah they'll be there sunday because we've won back to back games (at home and then away) How many times have we done that in our history.
Like it or not, playing well and winning gets the crowds in. 
 Everytime there's been a decent home display and home win, they are more often than not close to appalling in the next game, away from home, and lose.  
Mum, Dad and the kids aren't gonna fork out $100 after watching them play like sh*te in the away game.       
It's about time a few independent critics had a go. Expectations were high within the club this season, and with this squad, they should've bolted into the top 4. But they were so lack lustre in the first half of the season, it eliminated any chance of doing that. Too defensive-minded early on, and tactically wierd.
Pre-season, RH got his wish, a tall targetman striker (McAllister), and attacking midfielder (Ward) - but dropped them both - falling back to the same old boring, non effective lineup with pint-sized Greenacre up front on his own, and Bertos (who's had a shocker). Our tactics were hit the ball long to Greenacre, or down the sidelines to Ifill (who had 3 shadows continually harrassing him) and Bertos - who runs 20 metres towards the corner flag for no reward, or runs 10 metres, only to stop and lay the ball back. 
Both McAllister and Ward have proven recently what they can do. Shame really. The arrival of  Rojas into the starting lineup at last has given us a glimmer of hope of a decent Finals run.
The squad, to its credit, has stood up really well since the Ifill injury. Hopefully the away culture will be sorted no we got through against Adelaide. RH is a developing coach, who isn't at a level yet to handle both the AW's and a Phoenix GF run. That must be sorted thru too when his contract comes up after next season.   
Hopefully the internal debrief on the season will be thorough.   
As for the media - most are handcuffed to the point where we're saturated with "good news" stories only .. no hard questions asked .. and never know what's really going on off the field.
Plus the Nix Execs have been too flat out sorting the biz plan, and have handled Terry S money matters badly in public.
We need honest, transparent coverage.  
over 17 years
zinidane wrote:
I am not a one that goes with conspiracy theories but I am getting a little tired of explayers writing columns that are negatively slanted against the Nix.

Last week Harris would have sat in front of his computer thinking of what he should write for the weekends Sunday-Star times column.


He could have taken the slant�" 100 games....look where we were then and look where we are now". He could have written about the amazing revitalizing�impact the Nix has had on NZFootball and how its transformed the Wellington sporting scene. He could have written how the club is closing in on having its 500,000th spectator in 4 brief years. He could have mentioned the pathways opened up now�for youngsters through the Nix "A" team and the stellar rise of talent like Rojas and Barbarouses.


�He could have mentioned the tremendous scenes....the like rarely seen in NZ football of huge crowds at last years playoffs and the Beckham game. He did not mention the "phoenix effect" where thousands of youngsters have swelled the numbers playing the game. He could have mentioned the role of the Nix players in the fantastic WC campaign. He missed out by forgeting the impact of the Yellow Fever. Has he not noticed that compared to 4 years ago football is now "cool" and the media regularly and happily show increasing amounts off�football.


Sure,�he could have balanced it all by mentioning the woefull away record....but did you check your facts to see their home record and it how it rates.


So why, why why Billie did you chose to write that article the way you did?


� The Sunday Star times is read by 100,000's of people. FFS it is hard enough to promote football and�get people to buy a ticket and come to a game without ex-players being negative. I thought your article was mean spirited and contrary to what we are trying to do.....promote football!!!!

Brilliantly put.
about 17 years
Turfmoore wrote:
The thing is the Billy Harris article had the subtext that reaching the 100 game milestone was not worth celebrating.

I think it is. And it is.

Slightly mischievous journalism, but that's the name of the game.

Thats an excellent point
about 17 years
zinidane wrote:
I am not a one that goes with conspiracy theories but I am getting a little tired of explayers writing columns that are negatively slanted against the Nix.
Last week Harris would have sat in front of his computer thinking of what he should write for the weekends Sunday-Star times column.
He could have taken the slant " 100 games....look where we were then and look where we are now". He could have written about the amazing revitalizing impact the Nix has had on NZFootball and how its transformed the Wellington sporting scene. He could have written how the club is closing in on having its 500,000th spectator in 4 brief years. He could have mentioned the pathways opened up now for youngsters through the Nix "A" team and the stellar rise of talent like Rojas and Barbarouses.
 He could have mentioned the tremendous scenes....the like rarely seen in NZ football of huge crowds at last years playoffs and the Beckham game. He did not mention the "phoenix effect" where thousands of youngsters have swelled the numbers playing the game. He could have mentioned the role of the Nix players in the fantastic WC campaign. He missed out by forgeting the impact of the Yellow Fever. Has he not noticed that compared to 4 years ago football is now "cool" and the media regularly and happily show increasing amounts off football.
Sure, he could have balanced it all by mentioning the woefull away record....but did you check your facts to see their home record and it how it rates.
So why, why why Billie did you chose to write that article the way you did?
  The Sunday Star times is read by 100,000's of people. FFS it is hard enough to promote football and get people to buy a ticket and come to a game without ex-players being negative. I thought your article was mean spirited and contrary to what we are trying to do.....promote football!!!!
Exactly what Zinidane has written. There are more positives harris could have chosen to write about to celebrate our 100th game.
Perhaps he's just jealous he never got to live the dream as per se?? I have found his writing over the years to be quite bitter and negative towards any football in NZ. I sometimes wonder why he bothers to stick around here.
over 17 years

maybe come to some games some time Stack -or do you watch them with Billy on tv?

almost 17 years
Thing that really annoys me is the negative spin and anti nix reportuing that goes on, sure discuss the poor away form, and some of the under performances, I don;'t think anyone in YF would argue that our away form is concerning. What these reporters, ex all whites need to think about is, where would nz football be without the a-league, without the nix.....they'd have nothing to write about, in fact they'd probably be writing about the lack of a professional team in NZ.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Does anyone remember the rugbyhead writing an article last year saying that New Zealanders should ONLY follow sports that we are best in the world at, not - for example - sports which the rest of the world cares about? The hypercriticism of the Nix is all part of the same NZ insecurity that we throw tantys if we're not world champions at whatever we do, and yet are totally unprepared to actually do anything to make our country world-class. (I'm thinking Auckland's public transport here.)
about 15 years
zinidane wrote:
I am not a one that goes with conspiracy theories but I am getting a little tired of explayers writing columns that are negatively slanted against the Nix.
Last week Harris would have sat in front of his computer thinking of what he should write for the weekends Sunday-Star times column.

He could have taken the slant " 100 games....look where we were then and look where we are now". He could have written about the amazing revitalizing impact the Nix has had on NZFootball and how its transformed the Wellington sporting scene. He could have written how the club is closing in on having its 500,000th spectator in 4 brief years. He could have mentioned the pathways opened up now for youngsters through the Nix "A" team and the stellar rise of talent like Rojas and Barbarouses.
He could have mentioned the tremendous scenes....the like rarely seen in NZ football of huge crowds at last years playoffs and the Beckham game. He did not mention the "phoenix effect" where thousands of youngsters have swelled the numbers playing the game. He could have mentioned the role of the Nix players in the fantastic WC campaign. He missed out by forgeting the impact of the Yellow Fever. Has he not noticed that compared to 4 years ago football is now "cool" and the media regularly and happily show increasing amounts off football.
Sure, he could have balanced it all by mentioning the woefull away record....but did you check your facts to see their home record and it how it rates.
So why, why why Billie did you chose to write that article the way you did?
The Sunday Star times is read by 100,000's of people. FFS it is hard enough to promote football and get people to buy a ticket and come to a game without ex-players being negative. I thought your article was mean spirited and contrary to what we are trying to do.....promote football!!!!

Post of the week
about 15 years
I'll go one step further from that Slack.
You spouted at me about how much work he does with these kids and the academies and coaching clinics some paid and some volunteer and how he is basically the next Mother Teresa. I want you to tell me what Billy Harris says to the kids that he coaches when one of them says 'I want to play for the Phoenix and be like Marco'
Jeff Vader2011-02-08 10:15:04
Starting XI
over 14 years
Tbh, I find his articles about the Nix relentless too. For me, it always seems to be negative. Every article, you're just waiting for his sarcastic arrogance to ocme to the fore and criticise something, regardless of how well they've done (we just beat Adelaide away ffs!) I vaguely remember last year when the All Whites had to go to Mexico when the Nix had a play-off game on the weekend against Jets and he spent the whole article bagging Herbert and how he shouldn't have the two coaches role because of the conflicting issues when dealing with selection (basically that he took all the Nix players and played them for near enough the full match midweek against Mexico when we had a semi to worry about). Like, it might be a fair point, but there are better ways of handling it. getting all high-and-mighty on it, comparing it to the Prem etc. Then the Nix went on to win the semi- after extra time no less- and proved that they can cope with the extra game fine. And the next week, nothing about it. meh, he just seems to me to come off quite bitter and he acts like he's above all the positive stuff. Still, I guess he's got 6 pages of our thread, so he probably got what he want in a bit of sh*t-stirring!
Also, yeah great, he does coach kids and that- good on him. But as has been said, so do lots of other people. Herbert has done more for NZ Football than he ever will. Just a bit of positivity in his writing, especially towards Ricki, would be nice. Just a bit of recognition that doesn't sound bitter.
I guess the great irony is me having a go at him for having done fk all for NZ Football and just being critical the whole time when thats exactly what I'm doing. But yeah. Whatever. I'm not writing for a national newspaper either.
Also, its funny how he's just talking up how United are playing well now etc and they lose to Wolves...
Anyways, I know other people can write what I'm trying to say a lot more clearly and effectively but all good. Peace and love.
Starting XI
over 14 years
zinidane wrote:
I am not a one that goes with conspiracy theories but I am getting a little tired of explayers writing columns that are negatively slanted against the Nix.
Last week Harris would have sat in front of his computer thinking of what he should write for the weekends Sunday-Star times column.
He could have taken the slant " 100 games....look where we were then and look where we are now". He could have written about the amazing revitalizing impact the Nix has had on NZFootball and how its transformed the Wellington sporting scene. He could have written how the club is closing in on having its 500,000th spectator in 4 brief years. He could have mentioned the pathways opened up now for youngsters through the Nix "A" team and the stellar rise of talent like Rojas and Barbarouses.
 He could have mentioned the tremendous scenes....the like rarely seen in NZ football of huge crowds at last years playoffs and the Beckham game. He did not mention the "phoenix effect" where thousands of youngsters have swelled the numbers playing the game. He could have mentioned the role of the Nix players in the fantastic WC campaign. He missed out by forgeting the impact of the Yellow Fever. Has he not noticed that compared to 4 years ago football is now "cool" and the media regularly and happily show increasing amounts off football.
Sure, he could have balanced it all by mentioning the woefull away record....but did you check your facts to see their home record and it how it rates.
So why, why why Billie did you chose to write that article the way you did?
  The Sunday Star times is read by 100,000's of people. FFS it is hard enough to promote football and get people to buy a ticket and come to a game without ex-players being negative. I thought your article was mean spirited and contrary to what we are trying to do.....promote football!!!!
Well said, fking quality 
Phoenix Academy
almost 15 years
Sad that Bill Harris has now been flattened because of his critical article about Wellington Phoenix. It shows that we have an army of supporters who will defend WP regardless -- never crticise our WP or you will be done.
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
AngusBeef wrote:
Sad that Bill Harris has now been flattened because of his critical article about Wellington Phoenix. It shows that we have an army of supporters who will defend WP regardless -- never crticise our WP or you will be done.
Don't think it's a case of 'never criticise', more of who's doing the criticising and how they go about it.
Would be interesting to see someone like Piney write a critical article and see if our response was any different
On probation
over 13 years
Jag wrote:
AngusBeef wrote:
Sad that Bill Harris�has now been flattened because of his critical article about Wellington Phoenix. It shows that we have an army of supporters who will defend WP regardless -- never crticise our WP or you will be done.


Don't think it's a case of 'never criticise', more of who's doing the criticising and how they go about it.


Would be interesting to see someone like Piney write a critical article and see if our response was any different

put it in context. billy harris is just a columnist and sam worthington at the dom post has been around for 5 mins. he graduated in 2006 ffs
a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
Jag wrote:
AngusBeef wrote:
Sad that Bill Harris has now been flattened because of his critical article about Wellington Phoenix. It shows that we have an army of supporters who will defend WP regardless -- never crticise our WP or you will be done.
Don't think it's a case of 'never criticise', more of who's doing the criticising and how they go about it.
Would be interesting to see someone like Piney write a critical article and see if our response was any different

Piney's no troll though
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
AJ13 wrote:
Jag wrote:
AngusBeef wrote:
Sad that Bill Harris has now been flattened because of his critical article about Wellington Phoenix. It shows that we have an army of supporters who will defend WP regardless -- never crticise our WP or you will be done.
Don't think it's a case of 'never criticise', more of who's doing the criticising and how they go about it.
Would be interesting to see someone like Piney write a critical article and see if our response was any different

Piney's no troll though
That was my point.

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