over 17 years
Spud wrote:
Soccer: Young star taking on the world
Soccer is giving Luke Adams the chance to see the world. Australian-born of English parents and one of the youngest players� More etc by Madderford in todays Herald.

Well DC this is definitily the most purile inane article I've had the misfortune to read on the Phoenix Home Page this year. If it were printed matter toilet paper at best.
Soccer is giving Luke Adams etc. FFS use the right code for a
Terry M Rex's Waitakere muppet.
In future please DONT use such articles in latest news from Maddaford/Waitakere as it's really a blog and zero relevance as with most of Maddaford's articles.
He who pays the piper eh Terry.

It's an editorial decision at the herald to use soccer not football, nothing to do with the journos, been covered many times before.
I really don't see what the issue with that article was - profile piece on a decent young players, what's the big deal??
We link to articles from all types of media, newspapers, websites, blogs which may be of interest to football fans in NZ, this is not the Phoenix home page.
james dean2011-01-29 00:47:33
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Moaning about football getting positive press coverage now?

I can't keep up....
about 17 years
james dean wrote:
Spud wrote:
Soccer: Young star taking on the world Soccer is giving Luke Adams the chance to see the world. Australian-born of English parents and one of the youngest players� More etc by Madderford in todays Herald. Well DC this is definitily the most purile inane article I've had the misfortune to read on the Phoenix Home Page this year. If it were printed matter toilet paper at best. Soccer is giving Luke Adams etc. FFS use the right code for a Terry M Rex's Waitakere muppet. In future please DONT use such articles in latest news from Maddaford/Waitakere as it's really a blog and zero relevance as with most of Maddaford's articles. He who pays the piper eh Terry.


It's an editorial decision at the herald to use soccer not football , nothing to do with the journos, been covered many times before.


I really don't see what the issue with that article was - profile piece on a decent young players, what's the big deal??


We link to articles from all types of media, newspapers, websites, blogs which may be of interest to football fans in NZ, this is not the Phoenix home page.

really?? I emailed them a few months ago to ask them why the weren't using the term the the sport's governing body uses. Below is the reply from one of the editors.

on that basis they are either a fairly 'disorganised outfit' or he was fobbing me off


Hi Ed,

I agree that football is the correct term. Unfortunately many people in New Zealand, including our sub-editors, do not.

I have however raised the issue as a matter for our style guide.

Graeme Baker
News editor


tigers2011-01-29 15:53:56
Starting XI
almost 15 years
The above reason may well be correct for print. I asked my editor, and the reason soccer is used online (other than the fact soccer is used for print) is something to do with google analytics. So soccer is probably what the majority of people are searching in this country regardless of whether it is the correct term.

I use the term football and if the style guide comes up for review I will push for football to be used. However it is certainly not the most important issue in the world - I'd prefer to see the Herald continue to do great football coverage but use the term soccer than see bugger all football covered at all. But you cannot please some people!

It's not just a Herald/APN thing - the Fairfax community paper I used to work for also used soccer rather than football as the editor believed that to be the term most people use - at the end of the day - whether we like it or not - he is right.
almost 16 years
Kind of like table tennis/ping pong/whiff whaff
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
I imagine if you googled football the first things that come up would be NFL. So a way around that is to use soccer. Makes sense.
tradition and history
over 17 years
Tegal wrote:
I imagine if you googled football the first things that come up would be NFL. So a way around that is to use soccer. Makes sense.

I'm sure it would depend where you live. In NZ it would probably be rugby and in the UK it would be proper football.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Yeah,in hindsight that was a massive fail on how the internet works.
Think before you post kids.
Starting XI
almost 15 years
I just googled "football". First was the New Zealand Football site, then Wikipedia's page for "football" (all types) then "association football" and "American football". Rugby doesn't come up on the first page.

Regardless, I'm sure they know what they're doing!

Edit: If you type in "soccer", Herald stories come up on the front page - so there is logic to the madness! (No New Zealand news sites came up for "football")
Footpaul2011-01-31 21:34:40
over 17 years
Chris Rattue. Usually not a fan but says in this article the Phoenix should be saved. Down toward the botom af the article.
almost 16 years
Also a good article on Terry by some hack called Harper I think (first name same as Ifill's).
almost 16 years
steelo wrote:
Chris Rattue. Usually not a fan but says in this article the Phoenix should be saved. Down toward the botom af the article.

"The Phoenix should be saved if at all possible. Whether soccer people like the club or not, the Phoenix have lifted the game's domestic profile, given local youngsters something real to aim at and played a part in the amazing World Cup story."

Interesting comment!  Who could this be?
Early retirement
over 17 years


The Wellington Phoenix soccer club faces troubling times. Owner Terry Serepisos is seeking good money overseas to throw after bad. The company which owns the A-League franchise owes $1.5 million in tax.

This story has been bubbling along uncomfortably for a long time.

The Phoenix should be saved if at all possible. Whether soccer people like the club or not, the Phoenix have lifted the game's domestic profile, given local youngsters something real to aim at and played a part in the amazing World Cup story.

The Phoenix's late run last season was exciting and wonderful entertainment. We need variety in our sporting diet.

Maybe the Government and local authorities should step in to help our little corner of the world's biggest game. New Zealand's local and national leaders don't have much trouble bending over backwards when rugby needs a leg-up - the World Cup alone is costing hundreds of millions.

Rugby claims to have four million fans but keeps forgetting to count its taxpayers. A little bit of World Cup loose change would help set the Phoenix right.

Serepisos may have made mistakes, but he also saved New Zealand's A-League position. One stanza of possibly poor management should not be allowed to bring the whole house down - New Zealand soccer won't get this chance again.

Life and death
over 17 years
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Chris Rattue wrote:

"The Phoenix should be saved if at all possible. Whether the ACFC Knitting Circle, embittered ex-pros who can't handle Ricki Herbert being more successful than them, or people who just want to watch Terry S eat sh1t like the club or not, the Phoenix have lifted the game's domestic profile, given local youngsters something real to aim at and played a part in the amazing World Cup story."

Fixed. But interesting that Rattue - who clearly has some contacts in the world of round-ball football - has picked up the Knitting Circle vibe. You think jordybean writes him badly spelled emails on a regular basis?Doloras2011-02-09 12:18:47
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
More from Rattue. He backs the AW's getting the Halberg, but:

Rattue wrote:
Those in and around the team know that Ryan Nelsen (rather than coach Ricki Herbert) was in charge, and Nelsen's debilitating illness before and during the Paraguay game left him unable to exert his usual control. Herbert was ineffective. The All Whites' limitations were exposed.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Footpaul wrote:
The above reason may well be correct for print. I asked my editor, and the reason soccer is used online (other than the fact soccer is used for print) is something to do with google analytics. So soccer is probably what the majority of people are searching in this country regardless of whether it is the correct term.

I use the term football and if the style guide comes up for review I will push for football to be used. However it is certainly not the most important issue in the world - I'd prefer to see the Herald continue to do great football coverage but use the term soccer than see bugger all football covered at all. But you cannot please some people!

It's not just a Herald/APN thing - the Fairfax community paper I used to work for also used soccer rather than football as the editor believed that to be the term most people use - at the end of the day - whether we like it or not - he is right.

The SMH is a Fairfax Media publication - but in the last year or so switched from Soccer to Football
First Team Squad
almost 15 years
ginger_eejit wrote:
The SMH is a Fairfax Media publication - but in the last year or so switched from Soccer to Football
Given that NZ is a few years behind Australia, this means we shouldn't have to wait long until the NZH come to their senses  Perhaps sooner if they promote that Harper bloke to Editor...
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Doloras wrote:
More from Rattue. He backs the AW's getting the Halberg, but:

Rattue wrote:
Those in and around the team know that Ryan Nelsen (rather than coach Ricki Herbert) was in charge, and Nelsen's debilitating illness before and during the Paraguay game left him unable to exert his usual control. Herbert was ineffective. The All Whites' limitations were exposed.
This statement is worse "The All Whites were lifeless and appeared not to read the qualification situation properly."
Come on Rattue.  you seriously think that they didn't know that a draw would get them through?
almost 16 years
And in other news in the last few days related to the Nix: 
Ricki is quoted referring to off-field issues but there is no further elaboration.  I think this is a major issue for non-native English speakers in NZ generally.  Would be keen to find out how easy it is for foreign players to adapt to life in Wgtn.  Maybe some experienes with the NZFC might be useful comparisons?
Early retirement
over 17 years
What he does fail to mention (unless I missed it) is that our experience in this space matches the rest of the league.  More latin americans have failed in this league than succeeded and even some of those deemed to have been a success are subjective when you compare it to the hype of their signing.
almost 16 years
That's interesting too - it would support the football style incompatibility line of the article, as I wouold have thought that in the bigger cities in Oz it might be easier to have support systems in place for foreign players (compared with Wgtn).
Would be good to see how long foreign players stick around in the A-League andthe  domestic league - one/two seasons or more?
almost 16 years
Probably not totally right place but I just want to plug Granny Herald's general coverage of news and info.
A good range of opinion columns (e.g. Fran O-Sullivan and Gwynne Dyer), good coverage of topical issues (e.g. school bullying, Japan eq & Fukushima, Libya, good section on China and Us today) and of course coverage of Wills and Kate (Kate >>>> Di).
Pretty @rse web layout but.
Stuff is easier to navigate/read but is very lightweight in terms of content.
First Team Squad
about 16 years
LOL about the NZHeralds recent articles about the RWC.
Seems like its all been a massive beatup.
From yesterdays paper
According to the analysis of a whole bunch of economists the RWC is not going to be a massive money maker. In fact they say its going to lose half a billion dollars. The Prof of Economics at Auckland University said "the economic case for hosting the Cup was weak"
it has been a well known fact that most of these big ticket sports events are money down the drain not money earnt. Sydney is still paying the bills for the Olympics....and that was held years ago. South Africa got a less than 20% return for money spent at the last WC
Todays paper.
The global TV audience for the RWC is a myth. We were told that it is the 3rd biggest sporting event on the planet and that billions will watch it on TV....WRONG. Surveys have shown that only 500,000 people outside the traditional rugby countries of UK, Ireland, SA and NZ watched the last RWC final....LOL....that is so pathetic.
The global audience for the last RWC fional was a mere 33 million.....95% of those were from the above mentioned countries.
So there we have it.....a globally minor sports tournament that is going to lose heaps of $$
I have always hoped that the RWC does well for NZ. But what got up my nose was all the crap about how it was this mega global phenomenum. Its essentially a gig for the UK and a handful of white, english speaking countries. Nothing wrong with that......but don't tell lies about how big and important it is globally
Not Elite enough
over 17 years
I know a bloke who works for one the breweries, the one that makes Heineken, and he has told me, from the dealings he's had, that the organisation for the RWC is one huge clusterf**k.
almost 16 years
Women and children only.  Very progressive.
Imagine the fever zone like this (shirts off would be great).
Chant Savant
over 17 years
Junior82 wrote:
Women and children only.� Very progressive.

Imagine the fever zone like this (shirts off would be great).


Beaver Zone?

almost 16 years

"Manisaspor midfielder Omer Aysan said: "It was such a fun and pleasant atmosphere."

The fans were searched by all-women police officers."

Chant Savant
over 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

"Manisaspor midfielder Omer Aysan said: "It was such a fun and pleasant atmosphere."

The fans were searched by all-women police officers."

I think i've seen that DVD...

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
somehow missed this over the weekend.  Have emailed the author point out his mistake and asking for a correction.

Other nations could call on Rojas By Michael Burgess
5:30 AM Sunday Oct 30, 2011Marco Rojas is now playing in Australia - but could he one day play for Australia?

Though it seems unlikely, it is still technically possible for the wonder winger to switch allegiance to either Chile or Australia in the future.

Rojas, who will be the centre of attention today as the Phoenix host the Melbourne Victory, has already played for the All Whites in friendly matches. But under Fifa's current rules, a player is not locked in to a country until he has figured in a 'competitive fixture'. In a New Zealand scenario, this would mean a World Cup or Confederations Cup qualifying match.

There have been recent cases that have clarified the law. Alex Bruce, who had previously played for the Republic of Ireland in two A internationals, has now pledged his future with Northern Ireland. Jermaine Jones, who turned out three times for Germany in 2008, is now playing for the United States and has represented them on 12 occasions.

So in theory, if Rojas was wanted by Chile, he would still be available to play for La Roja but that seems a stretch given the vast playing talent in the South American nation. Australia is a different matter, as the 19-year-old could bring a genuine attacking spark to the Socceroos that was especially lacking in South Africa last year.

However, it would require Rojas being resident in Australia for another four seasons after this one. There are sometimes exceptions made for younger players but generally players have to be resident in a country for five years to qualify, as is currently the case with possible future All Whites Daniel and Andrew Durante.

Rojas is still young and has time on his side but is also highly ambitious, as demonstrated with his unpopular move to the Melbourne Victory. He has Europe in his sights and being in the A-League come 2015 is not on the agenda.

Secondly, there is the question of desire. He has been fully committed to the New Zealand cause since coming on to the scene. Not only at senior level but also at under-20 level, where he came to every training camp and played every game he could, even when his place was never in doubt.

"I can't see it happening", says former All White Harry Ngata. "He has pledged his allegiance to New Zealand and has a role to play with Ricki Herbert."

Even if Football Federation Australia decided to tap Rojas on the shoulder, they would have to move quickly. The All Whites have their first instalment of 2014 World Cup qualifiers in June next year in Fiji; once Rojas takes the pitch in one of those, he is locked in.

Meanwhile, Rojas faces one of the biggest challenges of his burgeoning career today as he returns to Westpac Stadium. He has kept in touch with many of his Phoenix team-mates but there will be no love lost on the pitch; Durante has already urged the crowd to "get stuck into" Rojas and Melbourne's other star, Harry Kewell.

Rojas has mixed feelings about the match. Like the rest of his team, he is desperate to grab their first win - and goal - of the season.

"I'm looking forward to coming home," says Rojas. "I'm not sure what the crowd will do but I can't control that. Anyway, when I play, everything is a blur outside the pitch."

He says he won't celebrate if he scores, out of respect for fan group Yellow Fever that originally gave him the chance at professional football with their scholarship.

The Victory have endured an average start to the year, despite their star-stacked squad, with scoreless home draws against Sydney and Melbourne Heart and a loss to Adelaide.

Apart from the lack of results, the move has worked out well for Rojas. He has seen plenty of game time while stars such as Carlos Hernandez and Danny Allsop can't make the starting 11.

"I thought he would be coming off the bench to start with," says Ngata. "They have a pretty formidable line-up. He has done okay so far but today is a massive task for Marco. He will definitely get some stick."

Woof Woof
about 17 years
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
his response "Thanks for your email; this would seem to indicate that Andrew Durante could not switch to NZ, as has been widely touted."
O dear!
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Dylan Cleaver in the Herald insinuates that Aucklanders only turned out to see the despicable Phoenix because Ricki blackmailed them with no more AWs games. What a tool.
about 17 years
Dylan Cleaver is a bell end.

Patronised the All Whites round the Halbergs for having the 'feel good factor', but not being really a serious sport.

Dylan you don't like football we get it. Leave the thinking to that notable smartarse Rattue and get back to whatever it is that you do best.

over 17 years
martinb wrote:
Dylan Cleaver is a bell end.

No more needs to be said after this tbf.
Starting XI
about 15 years
2ndBest for the dumb amongst us what are the errors in the Marco for Australia piece?

PS have PM'd you re Bahrain thanks :)
Woof Woof
about 17 years
Marco can't play for Australia because he's represented NZ at youth level and was not eligible to represent Australia at that same time.
over 17 years
Doloras wrote:
Dylan Cleaver in the Herald insinuates that Aucklanders only turned out to see the despicable Phoenix because Ricki blackmailed them with no more AWs games. What a tool.
and Cleaver spoke on behalf of all Akld football fans saying they dont want the Nix back. Clown
Starting XI
about 15 years
el grapadura wrote:
Marco can't play for Australia because he's represented NZ at youth level and was not eligible to represent Australia at that same time.

Thanks. Born in Chile I guess so can play for country of birth?

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