Things that piss you off...

over 15 years

C-Diddy wrote:

foal30 wrote:

C-Diddy wrote:

foal30 wrote:

C-Diddy wrote:

Having a Subacromial Bursitis inflammation in my shoulder.

Absolute cod of an injury to have!

Do you play Tennis?

Nope. Have played a lot of golf in the past and have quite a physical job so Dr suggested it is probably result of repetitive strain over many years.

A restful time might be in order. 

Gathering that it wont be covered under ACC either.

Age + wear and tear = no ACC

Chant Savant
about 17 years

foal30 wrote:

C-Diddy wrote:

foal30 wrote:

C-Diddy wrote:

foal30 wrote:

C-Diddy wrote:

Having a Subacromial Bursitis inflammation in my shoulder.

Absolute cod of an injury to have!

Do you play Tennis?

Nope. Have played a lot of golf in the past and have quite a physical job so Dr suggested it is probably result of repetitive strain over many years.

A restful time might be in order. 

Gathering that it wont be covered under ACC either.

Age + wear and tear = no ACC

Oh cock. Just realised that I am entering that stage of my life where my age comes into consideration when injuries present themselves. Only 39 in Feb... ☹️

over 16 years

Being lied to.

Especially by people who I care about.

over 13 years

I always wonder which forum member is guilty when I read these posts.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

I always wonder which forum member is guilty when I read these posts.

Some say the universe stretches beyond this forum.

I'm not convinced.

Phoenix Academy
over 6 years

hollywood actors

bunch of self serving hypocrites who will do anything to make a dollar and/or get famous

about 7 years

Having Bursitis in my foot so I can't play football, have to wear a fudgeing moon boot and then have to get a cortizone injection into my foot to fix it. 

almost 17 years

hollywood actors

bunch of self serving hypocrites who will do anything to make a dollar and/or get famous

AKA "The Kardashians" or as I prefer..."The Kartrashians".

Starting XI
about 7 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

hollywood actors

bunch of self serving hypocrites who will do anything to make a dollar and/or get famous

AKA "The Kardashians" or as I prefer..."The Kartrashians".

Still baffles me how an entire family became a billion-dollar world famous brand because one of them had a sextape with a rapper nobody had ever heard of

Chant Savant
about 17 years

mrsmiis wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

hollywood actors

bunch of self serving hypocrites who will do anything to make a dollar and/or get famous

AKA "The Kardashians" or as I prefer..."The Kartrashians".

Still baffles me how an entire family became a billion-dollar world famous brand because one of them had a sextape with a rapper nobody had ever heard of

They are only in that position because they feed off the millions of people globally who watch their show, buy their products and follow their social media. 

Cant 100% blame the Kardashians for their fame and wealth. 

almost 14 years

I thought they were famous because of oj Simpson?

almost 17 years

If I saw Kimi in a club, I'd ask her to come over and pull up a couple of seats her beam is that wide.

Starting XI
about 7 years


I thought they were famous because of oj Simpson?

Yep kind of, their dad was one of OJ’s lawyers and that made the Kardashian name known. Also one of them married Bruce Jenner. They weren’t really that known, but basically the thing that set them into stardom was the fact that Kim had a sextape with B-List rapper Ray J leaked, and it went viral. She rode the back of this fame and got the family involved. Embarrassed that i know this much

Phoenix Academy
over 6 years

C-Diddy wrote:

mrsmiis wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

hollywood actors

bunch of self serving hypocrites who will do anything to make a dollar and/or get famous

AKA "The Kardashians" or as I prefer..."The Kartrashians".

Still baffles me how an entire family became a billion-dollar world famous brand because one of them had a sextape with a rapper nobody had ever heard of

They are only in that position because they feed off the millions of people globally who watch their show, buy their products and follow their social media. 

Cant 100% blame the Kardashians for their fame and wealth. 

True but I think you will find that it is not accident that they are so famous: they have full time marketing teams working for them, everything about them and their image is carefully managed, manipulated and marketed to the gullible masses, who in their mindless stupidity just lap it up.

Sounds harsh...cos it is :D

The whole thing is pretty ridiculous imo

Back in the days of yore the masses looked up to scientists, poets, philosophers, artists; people who brought real value to the world.

Now we idolize reality TV stars famous for making sex tapes. 

Beam me up scotty...

Starting XI
about 15 years

C-Diddy wrote:

mrsmiis wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

hollywood actors

bunch of self serving hypocrites who will do anything to make a dollar and/or get famous

AKA "The Kardashians" or as I prefer..."The Kartrashians".

Still baffles me how an entire family became a billion-dollar world famous brand because one of them had a sextape with a rapper nobody had ever heard of

They are only in that position because they feed off the millions of people globally who watch their show, buy their products and follow their social media. 

Cant 100% blame the Kardashians for their fame and wealth. 

True but I think you will find that it is not accident that they are so famous: they have full time marketing teams working for them, everything about them and their image is carefully managed, manipulated and marketed to the gullible masses, who in their mindless stupidity just lap it up.

Sounds harsh...cos it is :D

The whole thing is pretty ridiculous imo

Back in the days of yore the masses looked up to scientists, poets, philosophers, artists; people who brought real value to the world.

Now we idolize reality TV stars famous for making sex tapes. 

Beam me up scotty...

I think that's very slowly changing for the better. People who actually have something to say are becoming more media savvy. I'm thinking Elon Musk, Neil Degrasse Tyson and even people like Joe Rogan. He has a very interesting cross-section of guests on his podcast, not just comedians and MMA fighters.

There will always be the likes of the K*********s (not even gonna use the word or I'd have to look up how to spell it and to be honest I don't really give a fudge) but you've just gotta ignore it the best you can. Everyone will move on to the next fad mass-marketed bollocks at some stage but there's good shark too if you look!

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Arsenal Football Club.

Starting XI
over 11 years

Going to the gym before work this morning, finishing workout then going to shower and realising I hadn't packed a towel. Fail.

almost 13 years

ajc28 wrote:

Going to the gym before work this morning, finishing workout then going to shower and realising I hadn't packed a towel. Fail.

Nothing like drying your ballsack with a hairdryer to get you amped for the day
almost 17 years

ajc28 wrote:

Going to the gym before work this morning, finishing workout then going to shower and realising I hadn't packed a towel. Fail.

Nothing like drying your ballsack with a hairdryer to get you amped for the day

over 13 years

If you trimmed your pubes once in a while, it would be a bit easier

One in a million
over 17 years

Landing in auckland on time air nz from Rotorua to be told i had missed my connection to queenstown be cause they couldnt load my bag on time. WTF!? Now waiting till next flight hoping i can still get to my nieces wedding in Wanaka this arvo.

almost 17 years

Having David Carney score against us. Matt Simon, Brosque, Carney and Berisha. I hate it when any of them score against us because they are such cocks about it.

One in a million
over 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Having David Carney score against us. Matt Simon, Brosque, Carney and Berisha. I hate it when any of them score against us because they are such cocks about it.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Kroenke, Stan

As if fudgeing up my English club wasn't bad enough; he's fudgeing up my home town club too. Cod!

Starting XI
about 10 years
Idiots in social sport...

I've played football for 33 years and cricket for 20 years. For much of that time, I have captained or help organise teams I've been involved with.

In that time, I have NEVER pulled my team off of the field du to opposition behaviour - that is until the weekend just gone.

When you're umpiring your own games, playing what is supposed to be a "Gentleman's game", to then be questioned on every decision, harassed, abused and surrounded by opposition players everytime they feel hard done by, it's just awful.

The opposition have a history of this and hopefully, Cricket Wellington will come down like a ton of bricks on them.

I know everyone should play to win, but not to the point where the rules of the game get manipulated and questioned at every turn.

Just 35 overs into a two day game comprised of 170 overs and it's all over due to player behaviour and the inability of their captain to control his team.

almost 17 years

I hope they get dealt to by the Cricket Authorities.

Starting XI
about 10 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I hope they get dealt to by the Cricket Authorities.

I'm currently working with CW to get something sorted. Appalling behaviour.

almost 17 years

The Club putting a second game up in Auckland - the final game of the season. Time for new Management? Who dictates the rules? The Sponsors or the club? I say that as a response to a conversation I had in New Plymouth with some one. Because in theory it should always be the Club.

about 17 years

Salted Caramel. 

All caramel is salted and always has been, it's a key ingredient. Suddenly it sounds a bit fancier so everyone is updating their product names with "salted" without changing recipes. 

I get very annoyed at small things. 

Starting XI
about 10 years

paulm wrote:

Salted Caramel. 

All caramel is salted and always has been, it's a key ingredient. Suddenly it sounds a bit fancier so everyone is updating their product names with "salted" without changing recipes. 

I get very annoyed at small things. 

What if it was called "Caramel - now with extra salt"

about 17 years

Well that would be a recipe change and would be totally justified, even if it would still slightly irk me. 

I am not a fan of marketing in general. 

about 17 years

Also we need to talk about Manuka Honey.

These motherf*ckers have zero idea how much Manuka these bees are actually tending to. They're probably throwing a couple of manuka trees in the vicinity of their hives to charge 1000% more than regular honey. 

As far as I can see there is very little regulation around this.

Starting XI
about 10 years

paulm wrote:

Also we need to talk about Manuka Honey.

These motherf*ckers have zero idea how much Manuka these bees are actually tending to. They're probably throwing a couple of manuka trees in the vicinity of their hives to charge 1000% more than regular honey. 

As far as I can see there is very little regulation around this.

Were you already "Salted Paulm" or are you "Paulm with Added Salt"?

...and don't they test the honey to see how much of a certain strain of pollen is in it, which then indicates its Manuka-ness (which is probably the technical term)

Starting XI
over 11 years

Ticketmaster facilitating scalping through the resell part of their website. The purpose of this should be for people who genuinely can't go (because life happens, and it's happened to me a couple of times that I couldn't go to something for reasons that didn't exist at time of purchasing several months in advance) to recover their costs by selling at the purchase price rather than people reselling at more than double the price within 5 minutes of the presale going live. I guess they figure it's going to happen anyway so they may aswell provide the platform so they can take a second cut of fees for the same tickets instead of Trademe getting it.

It pissed me off yesterday when I was trying to buy tickets for Celine Dion for my Mum and couldn't get anything in the presale yet minutes after it went live the resell page had tickets listed at 3 times the price. My mum has wanted to see her for 20+ years and has had a pretty tough time lately so fingers crossed I can get some.

about 17 years

LeighboNZ wrote:

Were you already "Salted Paulm" or are you "Paulm with Added Salt"?

HA! that was good

Starting XI
about 10 years

ajc28 wrote:

Ticketmaster facilitating scalping through the resell part of their website. The purpose of this should be for people who genuinely can't go (because life happens, and it's happened to me a couple of times that I couldn't go to something for reasons that didn't exist at time of purchasing several months in advance) to recover their costs by selling at the purchase price rather than people reselling at more than double the price within 5 minutes of the presale going live. I guess they figure it's going to happen anyway so they may aswell provide the platform so they can take a second cut of fees for the same tickets instead of Trademe getting it.

It pissed me off yesterday when I was trying to buy tickets for Celine Dion for my Mum and couldn't get anything in the presale yet minutes after it went live the resell page had tickets listed at 3 times the price. My mum has wanted to see her for 20+ years and has had a pretty tough time lately so fingers crossed I can get some.

"...for my Mum." Sure.

That sucks though - Ticketmaster are terrible, always have been.

about 17 years
about 17 years

LeighboNZ wrote:

paulm wrote:

Also we need to talk about Manuka Honey.

These motherf*ckers have zero idea how much Manuka these bees are actually tending to. They're probably throwing a couple of manuka trees in the vicinity of their hives to charge 1000% more than regular honey. 

As far as I can see there is very little regulation around this.

Were you already "Salted Paulm" or are you "Paulm with Added Salt"?

...and don't they test the honey to see how much of a certain strain of pollen is in it, which then indicates its Manuka-ness (which is probably the technical term)

Right you are;

Test only started in Dec 2017 by the looks, due to complaints - I was reading about it some time ago.

But that's great. We no longer need to talk about Manuka Honey. 

At the same time I accept that I will probably never eat it, due to price. 

about 17 years

ajc28 wrote:

Ticketmaster facilitating scalping through the resell part of their website. The purpose of this should be for people who genuinely can't go (because life happens, and it's happened to me a couple of times that I couldn't go to something for reasons that didn't exist at time of purchasing several months in advance) to recover their costs by selling at the purchase price rather than people reselling at more than double the price within 5 minutes of the presale going live. I guess they figure it's going to happen anyway so they may aswell provide the platform so they can take a second cut of fees for the same tickets instead of Trademe getting it.

It pissed me off yesterday when I was trying to buy tickets for Celine Dion for my Mum and couldn't get anything in the presale yet minutes after it went live the resell page had tickets listed at 3 times the price. My mum has wanted to see her for 20+ years and has had a pretty tough time lately so fingers crossed I can get some.

That is even without the suspicion that some retailers (not sure if ticketmaster is one, but I wouldn't be surprised) actually hold back some of their allocation to go on the 'resale' section of their site.

Starting XI
over 11 years

True. They go to resale quickly enough once presale has opened that I'd be shocked if almost all of them weren't just Ticketmaster themselves.

Things that piss you off...

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