about 13 years

Bullion wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Removal of the cap on Homegrown is really good for us, below is what it used to be before the caps now been removed.

  • Homegrown Players – A Club can spend up to a collective $200,000 on 4 Australian Players aged 23 or younger that have come through the Club’s youth system. Any payments to such Players above the $200,000 allowance are included in the Club’s Salary Cap;

Would that include Stensness (if he did sign) and Elliott? What is the definition of come through the club's youth system?

Funny enough that is what I'm trying to find out as well, I assume not for Stensness as he would have to be in the Nix system but not sure about Elliott and how long in the youth part they would need to be.

almost 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

Bullion wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Removal of the cap on Homegrown is really good for us, below is what it used to be before the caps now been removed.

  • Homegrown Players – A Club can spend up to a collective $200,000 on 4 Australian Players aged 23 or younger that have come through the Club’s youth system. Any payments to such Players above the $200,000 allowance are included in the Club’s Salary Cap;

Would that include Stensness (if he did sign) and Elliott? What is the definition of come through the club's youth system?

Funny enough that is what I'm trying to find out as well, I assume not for Stensness as he would have to be in the Nix system but not sure about Elliott and how long in the youth part they would need to be.

I was thinking Stensness more likely than Elliott because Stensness was never signed directly to a HAL contract like Elliott was. It could be a number of years under a certain age like other leagues.
Getting paid to be here
over 6 years

Bullion wrote:

Yakcall wrote:

Removal of the cap on Homegrown is really good for us, below is what it used to be before the caps now been removed.

  • Homegrown Players – A Club can spend up to a collective $200,000 on 4 Australian Players aged 23 or younger that have come through the Club’s youth system. Any payments to such Players above the $200,000 allowance are included in the Club’s Salary Cap;

Would that include Stensness (if he did sign) and Elliott? What is the definition of come through the club's youth system?

They both first played/signed for the Phoenix as 19-year-olds having been at other clubs most recently beforehand, so surely not.

almost 13 years

Alen Stajcic

No matter how much FFA's media advisers must have assured the FFA Board the opposite, the 'Alen Stajcic saga' just hasn't gone away.

Today The Australian's chief reporter in Melbourne, Chip Le Grand, has written that “no plausible explanation” ($) has been provided about why Stajcic and his team were “wrenched apart” just under five months ago. He notes that the “closest things we had” - strong intimations of misconduct - were recanted by the FFA Board and, specifically, deputy Chairman Heather Reid who made them in comments to a newspaper and in a series of private tweets and text messages.

However, Le Grand notes that it “is clear that an influential group of women in soccer formed a view long ago that Stajcic was the wrong coach for the Matildas”, referring to his “management style ... short temper” and the fact that “a man was in charge of Australia’s most celebrated women’s team”. Those powerful women are FFA employees Emma Highwood and Sarah Walsh, former FFA Board member Moya Dodd and current FFA deputy Chairman Reid. Le Grand traces back the beginning of the end for Stajcic as a meeting of the Women's Football Committee at FFA HQ in August last year - something we wrote about here - which included then FFA Board members Chris Nikou, Danny Moulis, Highwood, Walsh, long time friend of Moya Dodd, Mia Garlick of Facebook, and Reid.

Le Grand notes that Stajcic was trying to enforce an elite team regime: for example, partners not sleeping with partners in camp. Parents of some younger players raised concerns about senior players “making sexual advances towards them”, and Stajcic's attempts at discipline were “being railroaded by a more powerful group who saw it as against their interests”. Le Grand writes that the “treatment of Stajcic has nonetheless appalled former Matildas like (Danielle) Brogan and Catherine Cannuli” who have known Stajcic since they were very young. Le Grand finishes with:

“This time, Stajcic picked a fight he could only ever lose. Whether the FFA decision to dump him was a grand folly or necessary in the circumstances, the next four weeks will decide.”

Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years

Stajcic was trying to enforce an elite team regime: for example, partners not sleeping with partners in camp. Parents of some younger players raised concerns about senior players “making sexual advances towards them”

Someday, someone's going to write a sociological examination of the whole Don't Ask Don't Tell culture that has grown up about same-sex relationships between élite woman footballers. It's one of those things that "everyone knows about but no-one talks about" (until eg. Katie and Cilla Duncan became media figures)

Also see this historical post

Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years

Let me be more clear what I'm talking about. What consenting adults do is and must remain their own business. But I'm intrigued by this fear among parents (in both the current drama and the older post I linked) that young girls are being recruited into Sapphic sleazery by older women players. This could just be homophobic jitters that could be safely ignored. But if we switched genders, imagine if there was a suggestion that young elite male players were being given the come-on by their senior colleagues. Bricks would be shark'd, to coin a phrase.

I can say for a fact that no older woman ever tried to seduce me, but then I'm pretty off-putting

almost 13 years

so National team players should be able to stay with partners while in camp? 

almost 13 years
Budgie lover
almost 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

so National team players should be able to stay with partners while in camp? 

Yes. When they are both National team players in the same camp. What do you think the issue is with that?

almost 12 years

Similar problems 'exist' in women's cricket where one of the young stars dad has stated (privately but quite loudly) he travels with her, in part to protect her from the 'grooming that occurs' in the game.

Don't know how much of it is truth/rumour, but I think Aussie coaches ideas were/are fine.

I don't think partners should room together on tours. They are high pressured situations that naturally strain and challenge relationships. Adding another, more personal element to that, has the potential to go very badly.

Budgie lover
almost 17 years

Ah, the Fleetwood Mac theory. Got it.

over 10 years

According to the Aussie Sports Show "The Back Page", Gallop will be for the gun if the Matildas perform poorly at the World Cup. He is being accussed of not quelling the rumours  which the Board acted upon and now have apologised to Stajicic for as they had no substance.

The deputy Chairman of the Board, Reid has "fallen off her perch"  and taken  leave after making a personal apology.

First Team Squad
over 7 years

MetalLegNZ wrote:

Similar problems 'exist' in women's cricket where one of the young stars dad has stated (privately but quite loudly) he travels with her, in part to protect her from the 'grooming that occurs' in the game.

Don't know how much of it is truth/rumour, but I think Aussie coaches ideas were/are fine.

I don't think partners should room together on tours. They are high pressured situations that naturally strain and challenge relationships. Adding another, more personal element to that, has the potential to go very badly.

There's nothing thats actually guaranteed to work though. With such a high percentage being lesbian, if you separate them there is a risk they'll think there's something going on between their partners and whoever they may be rooming with. It's a minefield, as many have found out. And the players seem to rule most of the time. If you set up rules they don't agree with they rebel and you are out of a job. 

about 9 years

Another issue that was raised (I think even leaked around the time of Stajcic's sacking), was the problem of dropping a player who had a partner in the side. The remaining player could possibly go on a bit of a sulk, and even potentially seek to undermine the new player who had replaced her partner in the team.

Yes all in all a real minefield, to navigate.

almost 17 years

whatever wrote:

According to the Aussie Sports Show "The Back Page", Gallop will be for the gun if the Matildas perform poorly at the World Cup. He is being accussed of not quelling the rumours  which the Board acted upon and now have apologised to Stajicic for as they had no substance.

The deputy Chairman of the Board, Reid has "fallen off her perch"  and taken  leave after making a personal apology.

Yes Please Gallop. I think the only way forward for the FFA to gain some form of credibility would be to appoint someone like Tony Pignata as CEO. In my world, the guy is an underrated genius in football administrations. He knows how to treat players, coaches and build good relationships with fans and clubs.

Woof Woof
almost 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

whatever wrote:

According to the Aussie Sports Show "The Back Page", Gallop will be for the gun if the Matildas perform poorly at the World Cup. He is being accussed of not quelling the rumours  which the Board acted upon and now have apologised to Stajicic for as they had no substance.

The deputy Chairman of the Board, Reid has "fallen off her perch"  and taken  leave after making a personal apology.

Yes Please Gallop. I think the only way forward for the FFA to gain some form of credibility would be to appoint someone like Tony Pignata as CEO. In my world, the guy is an underrated genius in football administrations. He knows how to treat players, coaches and build good relationships with fans and clubs.

He knows way more than that...

almost 13 years

whatever wrote:

According to the Aussie Sports Show "The Back Page", Gallop will be for the gun if the Matildas perform poorly at the World Cup. He is being accussed of not quelling the rumours  which the Board acted upon and now have apologised to Stajicic for as they had no substance.

The deputy Chairman of the Board, Reid has "fallen off her perch"  and taken  leave after making a personal apology.

So fallen off her pech she has landed in France on FFA/FIFA duty.
almost 13 years

Football Federation Australia has defended the presence of board member Heather Reid in France less than a fortnight after her public apology to sacked Matildas coach Alen Stajcic, as pressure mounts on his successor, Ante Milicic, after Australia's shock opening World Cup loss to Italy.

The FFA came in for heavy criticism for dismissing Stajcic just five months before the World Cup, and now Milicic is under fire for introducing a new defensive style without having had enough time to bed down the game plan

Public angst was heightened when Reid was photographed in Paris, where she was attending a FIFA convention.

Reid apologised late last month for causing damage to Stajcic's reputation due to public and private comments she made after his sacking, when she suggested the public would be "shocked" if they knew the truth and told the media Stajcic would never work in women's soccer again.

However, it's understood Reid is on a self-funded holiday and the FFA confirmed she was in France at her own expense.

full article

Just a Holiday #Team

about 13 years

Yakcall wrote:

Football’s internal rift widens - Paywall

A new rift has opened within Australian soccer over the sacking of Alen Stajcic, with Football Federation Australia refusing to provide its own compliance committee with board documents showing why the Matildas coach was dumped five months before the World Cup.

As the Matildas’ loss to Italy in their opening World Cup match under interim coach Ante Milicic received scornful reviews, The Australian obtained correspondence between FFA chief executive David Gallop and FFA compliance committee chairman Greg Griffin revealing a dispute over the closely held documents.

Mr Griffin, a former Adelaide United chairman who previously clashed with the FFA board over a push to give A-League clubs greater say over the governance of the game, is seeking access to board minutes, papers and any legal advice that FFA ­directors considered on January 19 when they voted to terminate Mr Stajcic’s contract.

Australia’s loss to Italy, a nation playing its first women’s World Cup in 20 years, has intensified scrutiny on the Stajcic decision.

It has also increased pressure on FFA director Heather Reid, who two weeks ago publicly withdrew and apologised for comments she made in the aftermath of Stajcic’s departure, implying he had been sacked for misconduct.

Ms Reid, who has taken extended leave from her FFA duties to receive treatment for cancer, travelled to France at her own expense for the World Cup. Former Socceroos goalkeeper Mark Schwarzer has declared her board position untenable.

Canberra United coach Heather Garriock, a respected former ­Matilda who played three seasons under Stajcic in the W-League, ­described the Matildas’ loss as ­disastrous and the defensive tactics under Milicic as “absolutely ridiculous”.

“If you think as a coach you can come in and change your philosophy and change the style within five matches … we have just been crucified,’’ Garriock said.

Australia scored first in its match against Italy through a Sam Kerr penalty but played a ragged second half, conceding two goals to Italy’s Barbara Bonansea, including a heartbreaker in the 95th minute. Milicic defended his tactics and said the team lacked composure. The Matildas must beat Brazil on Friday to restore their prospects of advancing to the business end of the tournament.

Mr Griffin wrote to Mr Gallop last week requesting the board documents to enable his committee — an oversight body established as part of last year’s governance overhaul of the FFA and demanded by FIFA — to ­review whether the FFA followed its own complaint-handling rules and procedures in its treatment of Stajcic.

The request was rejected by Mr Gallop on behalf of the FFA board. The chief executive said the decision to terminate Stajcic’s contract had not involved a complaint nor FFA’s complaint procedures.

“The basis upon which you have sought access to confidential board documents is therefore in the respectful view of the FFA board misconceived,’’ Mr Gallop wrote.

Mr Griffin vowed to keep pushing for the release of the documents. “To be blunt, I find your response not only unacceptable but dismissive of what are entirely proper matters raised,’’ Mr Griffin said. “I think the board has made a serious error in judgment but it is not one that cannot be addressed and remedied. I therefore urge the board members to reconsider the position they have taken.’’

Mr Griffin’s intervention will be seen by some within football politics as an attempt to gain leverage over Mr Gallop and the FFA as the game moves towards a June 30 deadline for the governing body to surrender control of the A-League to the clubs.

Mr Griffin is general counsel of the Australian Professional Football Clubs Association and was ­appointed to the FFA Compliance Committee by the clubs. The only other member of the committee is John Didulica, chief executive of the players’ union.

If taken at face value, the dispute over documents goes to the heart of the unease surrounding Stajcic’s ejection from one of Australia’s most celebrated national women’s sporting teams.

Ms Reid, in a series of background comments to journalists in January, said that if people knew the truth about Stajcic’s ­behaviour they would be shocked and Stajcic would never work in women’s football again. Four months after those comments were made, Ms Reid apologised to Stajcic and the FFA issued a statement confirming that Stajcic had not been sacked for misconduct.

According to the statement, Stajcic’s contract was terminated solely for football reasons.

“FFA’s decision to do this was reached simply because its board formed the view, following a process undertaken by management, that the Matildas would benefit from a new coach for the FIFA World Cup in France,’’ the statement read.

Stajcic was the most successful coach of the national women’s team, taking the Matildas to the last eight of the 2015 World Cup and leading them to a historic victory over the US, the powerhouse of women’s football, in 2017. During the final six months of his tenure, the Matildas’ performances declined, prompting concerns that the coach had become stale and allowed an indulgent culture to take root.

It is understood that some of Stajcic’s fiercest critics were members of his own staff. There is also evidence that a group of influential women in football agitated to have Stajcic removed. Former Matilda Danielle Brogan, a friend and supporter of Stajcic, told The Weekend Australian her mentor was the victim of a gender-based campaign to install a woman as coach. The board documents sought by Mr Griffin would clarify what matters the board considered before it voted to part ways with ­Stajcic.

Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years

MetalLegNZ wrote:

I don't think partners should room together on tours. They are high pressured situations that naturally strain and challenge relationships. Adding another, more personal element to that, has the potential to go very badly.

I've played with a few ex-Ferns and had the nerve to ask them whether "lesbian drama" has ever messed up a team they were on, either national or club. The response was a smile, a shake of the head and an assurance that everyone acts like grown-ups in such situations.

(Worst thing that ever happened on a team I was on was we had a dynamite midfield pairing who happened to be a couple, one suffered a career-ending injury and the other one didn't want to play without her.)

Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years

liberty_nz wrote:

Ah, the Fleetwood Mac theory. Got it.

Fleetwood Mac did their best work while they were all breaking up with each other!

almost 15 years

Doloras wrote:

I've played with a few ex-Ferns and had the nerve to ask them whether "lesbian drama" has ever messed up a team they were on, either national or club. The response was a smile, a shake of the head and an assurance that everyone acts like grown-ups in such situations.

In a similar manner that men always smile, shake their head and say that sexual harrassment never happens in their workplace?
almost 17 years

Doloras wrote:

liberty_nz wrote:

Ah, the Fleetwood Mac theory. Got it.

Fleetwood Mac did their best work while they were all breaking up with each other!

Agreed but I still think the very original Fleetwood Mac was the best. Dr Brown, Albatross, Black Magic Woman...

Bossi Insider
almost 16 years

Football Federation Australia announced on Wednesday that newly installed Technical Director Rob Sherman is set to lead a review into the development of young Australian footballers.
Starting XI
over 5 years

Some interesting comments in this Sydney Morning Herald article. Sounding more promising for an outcome on independent A league next week.

Woof Woof
almost 17 years

Would be good to know what the proposed 'transition' phase entails.

Starting XI
over 5 years

el grapadura wrote:

Would be good to know what the proposed 'transition' phase entails.

Making sure they don't leave any loopholes for Fox to renege on there $60 million per year contract. but yes details here will be interesting

Woof Woof
almost 17 years

Ranix wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

Would be good to know what the proposed 'transition' phase entails.

Making sure they don't leave any loopholes for Fox to renege on there $60 million per year contract. but yes details here will be interesting

Yep, not very surprising given the collective pant-sharkting caused by Fox rattling their sabre. But what that means in practical terms will be very interesting to see. I hope it doesn't turn out to be a situation where the really big decisions are left to be sorted out four years down the line.

Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years

As I said elsewhere - if the FFA retain any control, we're not getting our licence renewed.

almost 14 years

Doloras wrote:

As I said elsewhere - if the FFA retain any control, we're not getting our licence renewed.

Why? Greg O'Rourke said he's confident the Phoenix have a future in the A-League.

almost 17 years

Ryan wrote:

Doloras wrote:

As I said elsewhere - if the FFA retain any control, we're not getting our licence renewed.

Why? Greg O'Rourke said he's confident the Phoenix have a future in the A-League.

Gallop and Fox.

almost 14 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Ryan wrote:

Doloras wrote:

As I said elsewhere - if the FFA retain any control, we're not getting our licence renewed.

Why? Greg O'Rourke said he's confident the Phoenix have a future in the A-League.

Gallop and Fox.

How do you know they don't have the same opinion?   O'Rourke is an ffa employee.

almost 17 years

Gallop has been very open about his Anti-nix stance, and Fox have been out to shaft the NZ teams from day one.

almost 14 years

They're business people, the economics will change their opinion.

Starting XI
over 8 years

Ryan wrote:

They're business people, the economics will change their opinion.

Bold to assume the economics are in our favour
Woof Woof
almost 17 years

Ryan wrote:

They're business people, the economics will change their opinion.

Not sure that commercial value is our strongest argument here. 

But coincidentally, the league being in the sharkter and Fox rumblings about their investment in the league has actually been quite helpful for us, in that it's focused the minds of the anti-Nix brigade in Australia on the much more important and pressing issues (i.e. ensuring that the league can actually survive).

The downside, of course, is that the league is in the sharkter, there's Fox rumblings about their investment in the league, and there's a fight on to ensure that the league can survive.

almost 14 years

It is if the other teams and sponsors say it is. 

almost 13 years

Ryan wrote:

It is if the other teams and sponsors say it is. 

Interesting point when the leagues exposure is this.

almost 13 years

N2D White Paper Response from Melbourne Knights

"Simply put, if governing bodies begin to impose certain protections in order to maintain certain teams in certain areas, the breaking of the games principles seeps into other areas and the game - the one true global game - becomes unrecognisable over time. People tend to become aware of this occurrence on a conscious and subconscious level and lose interest in the sport. In its current form, the lofty goal of Australian domestic football being one of the top global leagues is unlikely to eventuate. However, collectively we can make it the best possible version of itself – a sport which is relevant in this country and which people happily to attend, play, contribute to and in one way or another “be a part of”. 

almost 12 years

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