almost 16 years
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years

I never thought I'd see that fat prick's name in the same sentence as Dr Karl Kruszelnicki

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Still Believin'
over 17 years
Interesting story explaining Kristian Rees' absence from the Gold Coast side yesterday.
I find it hard to understand Rees' thinking but was fascinated by this bit:
Courier Mail wrote:
With FFA only able to guarantee his future until the end of his contract on April 30, 32-year-old Rees was not willing to throw away the prospect of long-term post-football employment in deciding to stay loyal to Palmer.
"Long-term post-football employment"? Does that mean Palmer has been offering players jobs outside football in order not to sign with the FFA? Has Kristian Rees effectively just ended his football career based on a Palmer promise?
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Yeah I don't see how signing a 4 week contract to play football for the rest of the season could stop you from getting a job after football, unless that was the case. It wouldn't even stop you from getting a footballing contract next season - in fact it puts you in the shop window for a month.
First Team Squad
almost 14 years
Bizzare. Wonder if this was behind Porters comments as well? And if Clive really wanted all the best for "his players" then he surely wouldn't have held it against them if they did play out the season.
Early retirement
over 17 years
Wouldn't be surprised if he's pulled a cap related swifty in that space as well (like thwe Warriors got busted for).
Still Believin'
over 17 years
Yeah, gives you some idea of the pressure the GCU players must have been under this week.
It sounds like Rees, at age 32, has decided his post-football career is more important to him than his football career, and has thrown his lot in with Palmer. Seems like a shame, and a gamble.
Will be interesting to see if he turns up in the A-League again anywhere.
terminator_x2012-03-05 16:26:56
Starting XI
almost 17 years
"Kristian Rees has accepted an offer to take on the role of Player Relations Officer with the newly-formed Football Australia"
Early retirement
over 17 years
How do they think this is going to work?
Starting XI
almost 17 years
As they have no players, being Player Relations Officer sounds like a pretty easy job to me.

I've had it suggested to me that Rees is just going to be the pie buyer.Colvinator2012-03-05 17:25:32
First Team Squad
almost 14 years
I think this is going to be more expensive than Palmer realises. He will have to pay everyone a massive premium. I just don't think he will have the patience to see this through for that long.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Colvinator wrote:
"Kristian Rees has accepted an offer to take on the role of Player Relations Officer with the newly-formed Football Australia"

 Good-oh. So if you're related to a player you can get all the perks and good jobs that come up in Football Australia...modelled on a role he created in Gold Coast United, I'd say
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years
RedGed wrote:

Colvinator wrote:
"Kristian Rees has accepted an offer to take on the role of Player Relations Officer with the newly-formed Football Australia"
�Good-oh. So if you're related to a player you can get all the perks and good jobs that come up in Football Australia

The kind of nepotism CP claimed got one selected for the Socceroos.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Bizarre. So the role is to be some kind of independent players spokesman or player liaison within Football Australia. That sounds like it will compete with the PFA as much as anything. I wonder when Brendon Schwab will grow a big enough pair of nuts to tell Palmer to f**k off.

I hope Kristian Rees has got a water-tight contract as well, he's giving up the last couple of years he can earn any money from playing.

tradition and history
over 17 years
terminator_x wrote:
http://au.fourfourtwo.com/news/233546,kristian-rees-joins-palmers-posse.aspxBizarre. So the role is to be some kind of independent players spokesman or player liaison within Football Australia. That sounds like it will compete with the PFA as much as anything. I wonder when Brendon Schwab will grow a big enough pair of nuts to tell Palmer to f**k off.I hope Kristian Rees has got a water-tight contract as well, he's giving up the last couple of years he can earn any money from playing.

He might as well, cause he would'nt get in any other A league side.
Starting XI
over 17 years
. . . A foolish rich owner that is hopefully gone forever and get someone halfway decent and in tune with the fans and GCU could come back. But somehow I doubt it.

The stadium location [Robina] away from the main populations centre, the small car park, the lack of marketing, having hardly any players visiting in the community, steep ticket prices, little to do with the crowd and hardline fans and player exdous , destroyed a very capable coach career . . . all because of a fat rich egomanic.

Heck on a free ticket games, they were able to get 11,000 fans on a torrential rainy day, so there is plenty of people.

Truly, running a football club is about the fans not about the TV money and making an appeal to the general population. Clive Palmer is all about the TV money, "building a stadium and they will come" mentally, screw the football sport and league is better. The idiot had his own agenda but hardly listens to the other people who know how to run a professional club.

So really, I hope that the FFA can let it run further and find someone or a group of investors that can take the slack, with some passion and do a better job. . . . or move the players over to Canberra. Although it seems that a west sydney team is on the books for the next year instead.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Leggy wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
http://au.fourfourtwo.com/news/233546,kristian-rees-joins-palmers-posse.aspxBizarre. So the role is to be some kind of independent players spokesman or player liaison within Football Australia. That sounds like it will compete with the PFA as much as anything. I wonder when Brendon Schwab will grow a big enough pair of nuts to tell Palmer to f**k off.I hope Kristian Rees has got a water-tight contract as well, he's giving up the last couple of years he can earn any money from playing.

He might as well, cause he would'nt get in any other A league side.
He has been pretty good this season, I think a team would have picked him up for a 3rd choice CB.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Leggy wrote:
terminator_x wrote:
http://au.fourfourtwo.com/news/233546,kristian-rees-joins-palmers-posse.aspxBizarre. So the role is to be some kind of independent players spokesman or player liaison within Football Australia. That sounds like it will compete with the PFA as much as anything. I wonder when Brendon Schwab will grow a big enough pair of nuts to tell Palmer to f**k off.I hope Kristian Rees has got a water-tight contract as well, he's giving up the last couple of years he can earn any money from playing.

He might as well, cause he would'nt get in any other A league side.


Sold for 30 pieces of silver. He's helping to make the problem worse and once he has his fill, he will bail out. I can't see what he sees in Palmer, the fat grezzer has ran the GCU fanbase downwards and he wants to help Football Australia by making a rebel organization to the FFA??

Taking his money and bonus and then in a few years take a runner.
almost 15 years
Don't go getting all high and mighty on him, he is 32 has limited time left in the game and in reality limited ability and if he has been offered some job that pays well elsewhere within Palmers evil empire, good on him for accepting it if that is what he feels is right for him and his family
almost 15 years
about 13 years
I thought full court case was to be heard on Wednesday Did any one hear any update? Been out of town.Blew.22012-03-08 19:33:37
about 13 years

The latest development in Palmer's feud with the FFA has the warring parties on a collision course yet again with the A-League set to ban Palmer from advertising inside the Newcastle venue under FIFA rules which forbid all political and religious messages as they are allowed to do under their licence agreement with all A-League venues.

The A-League only has the power to shut down advertising in stadiums if the signage violates the FIFA terms.

As of Wednesday night A-League officials had yet to see the artwork for the signage.

Palmer has been involved in a war of words with FFA chairman Frank Lowy that resulted in the governing body stripping him of the licence to run the Gold Coast A-League club. He then failed to get an injunction in the Queensland Supreme Court on to stop the FFA from reassuming control of the bottom-placed team.

Hunter Sports Group, the sports arm of billionaire Nathan Tinkler's empire, including the Jets and Newcastle Knights, is responsible for selling the advertising around Hunter Stadium and issued a statement to say Palmer's extraordinary approach is being treated like every other advertising case.

"The Newcastle Jets have been contacted by Clive Palmer to purchase match day signage for this Friday night's game," the statement said.

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"The Jets are yet to receive the artwork, but once the club does, it will be sent to the FFA for approval.

"This is standard procedure for any sponsor who buys signage."

It threatens to turn the game, where the Jets can potentially cement a finals spot, into a farce, but A-League officials privately believe it is nothing more than a publicity stunt from Palmer.

Even the head of Palmer's Football Australia organisation Archie Fraser did not know Palmer had purchased the signage.

A-League boss Lyall Gorman confirmed the Hunter Sports Group had not sent any proposed advertisements to the A-League for approval.

"A-League regulations require central approval for any changes to the signage grid but at this stage no documentation has been received by our Events or Commercial team," he said.

Palmer was stripped of his A-League licence over a string of controversies and breaches of contract - including a failure to rectify the controversial "freedom of speech" slogans on Gold Coast's uniforms.

Blew.22012-03-08 19:42:49
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years

SFCU Forum
Maverick billionaire Clive Palmer is expected to further antagonise Football Federation Australia tonight.

Palmer is believed to have hired a helicopter which he has instructed to hover around Hunter Stadium for almost three hours before tonight�s A-League match between Newcastle Jets and the club he used to own, Gold Coast United.

In a move that is certain to cause more rancour in the already bitter dispute between the mining magnate and FFA after the head body stripped him of the licence to own United, The Australian understands Palmer has booked the helicopter to trail a banner bearing the words Freedom of Speech between 5pm and 8pm.

Sorry, don't have the link.

Traitor2012-03-09 17:42:54
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years

Why? It would have been massive news in NZ, surely?
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Palmer can go get f**ked. Leave our game alone.
about 13 years
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years

You'd have to think above the actual stadium would be a "no-fly" zone?

Either way it's a shame the prick didn't put this much effort into publicising the club when he was running it.

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Traitor wrote:

You'd have to think above the actual stadium would be a "no-fly" zone?
during the rugby world cup helicopters flew above westpac stadium before games which RWC weren't happy with, threatened legal action etc but even then I don't think it was officially a "no fly zone", you would think should be during a world tournament like that though.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Gotta say he is pretty good at trolling. He Even looks like one.
over 17 years
Starting XI
about 16 years
about 13 years
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Sydney 'til they fold
about 17 years

Lol, he's started a little early. Not too sure what the law is over here but I'm pretty sure only emergency services can fly choppers during the hours of darkness.

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