almost 14 years
Morrison has always talked about learning to live with the virus, he initially fought against the states from locking down (even talked about going to the footy when the epidemic really picked up) and was very clearly against the covid restrictions that they ended up implementing.

The states, however, control their own borders and their own policies. They ignored the federal government and eventually the federal government had to change tact somewhat to align with the state governments - and a good thing they did.

As far as vaccinations and policies around reopening and learning to live with covid goes. Australia is behind us with the vaccination rollout and, although they manufacture AstroZenica domestically and therefore have an advantage there, political pressure has meant that they're fazing out AstroZenica in favor of Pfizer, which is the same vaccine that we use. We're aiming to hit herd immunity by the end of the year and our treasury is planning for a reopening of international borders from January so I doubt Australia and our timelines will differ much.
about 9 years
Doubt Aus will completely phase out Astrazeneca. They manufacture it in Melbourne, and has proven to be low risk (has been some blood clotting side effects) for the over 60s. Getting supply of Pfizer will continue to be an international lolly scramble for awhile yet.

NZ is not really ahead of Aus. Stats amongst the stats, like an election run in! People are only just starting to get their 2nd jabs here now, as a 3 month gap between 1st & 2nd jabs with Astrazeneca. So a reasonable number of people in Aus with 1 jab, with a very low popn % fully vaccinated. That will change alot over next 1-3 months. NZ with only Pfizer (3 week gap between jabs) naturally has a higher % fully vaccinated.

Aus has done 7.8M jabs overall. NZ 1.2M. So if anything on a popn basis Aus is a bit ahead, according to Bloomberg.

Anyway good to see Morrison finally announce some sort of co-ordinated plan going forward, and I see this as all good news for the Nix, re a normal home & away season - providing there are no anti-vaxxers in the squad!
almost 17 years
Morrison can announce all he wants, if the state leaders dont agree with him then it means very little. They will do want they want with regards to lock-downs etc.
about 9 years
Lockdowns will continue in need over the next few months. They are unpopular, but most people are smart enough to grudgingly know they are still needed, whilst the majority of the population are unvaccinated.

But that will change when you get say 50% plus of the popn (or 70% of the adult popn) with their 2 jabs, especially coming into spring/summer when flu cases naturally drop, and people like to be outside more. As long as the vaccines have proven to be effective, the groundswell will become very anti lockdown. Over the next few months the rhetoric of 'learning to live with the virus' will gradually sink in.

Then it will become political suicide as a State Premier, Liberal or Labour, to put your state into any 2 week quarantine. You can blame the federal govt all you like, but the masses will want your head.
almost 14 years
So, regardless of vaccine supply, it seems the phases that Morrison announced (and I notice theirs no dates to them) aligns pretty well with our strategy which is good for the A-League. One country may end up being a month ahead of the other, but it's going to be pretty minor (unless you get France levels of antivax or Pfizer has a setback in their timeframes - and they've been reliable so far).

But, we're looking at these vaccination rates and the opening of borders at around the new year - there is a bit of risk to the trans-tasman bubble and an October start with these more transmittable variants and anticipated vaccination rates at that period.

The other issue will be if Australia opens their borders earlier than us, for instance they're talking about going back to a trust based self isolation system for low risk cases, which may contradict what we're doing. Although, now that the trans-tasman bubble is open, our government has been relatively accepting of risk and committed to keeping it open longer than most of the public would feel comfortable, and opening it earlier. Which you have to do as business needs to trust it.
about 9 years
No he didn't give any set dates. But at least now there is some clarity with this 'Four Phase Plan'.

He also mentioned the word modelling a lot, ie the scientist boffins with their modelling will basically advise when they see the vaccination rates are at a high enough level, that Covid cases (whatever strain) in the community, will only lead to low hospitalisation rates & death rates - similar rates to say the flu.

A function of a lot of factors I guess. What strains are around, how deadly/infectious they are, effectiveness of vaccines,  say 95% plus of vulnerable people vaccinated etc etc. And yeah probably some political stuff, plus secret polling data on the public's appetite for some Covid deaths in the community verus lockdowns.

But his language was around December at the latest for going into Phase 2 (end of lockdowns), and Covid in the community having to be tolerated.
almost 14 years
Yep, and NZ is also targeting herd immunity by end of December - which is apparently around 78% although we're talking 90% done by Dec (which I doubt). So, timings work out - just as I said a bit of risk around the start of the season.

I wonder if it makes sense to frontload away games.
Starting XI
about 17 years
For all those talking up the Pfizer jab over Astra Zenica (ie most in NZ govt.):

Things for Kiwis in NZ and abroad would have been better had Jacinda and co not knee jerked about Astra Zenica.

almost 17 years
For all those talking up the Pfizer jab over Astra Zenica (ie most in NZ govt.):

Things for Kiwis in NZ and abroad would have been better had Jacinda and co not knee jerked about Astra Zenica.

Guna wait on other studies- this isn’t settled science yet!

Yeh, a tough call. There’s the possibility of more variants or worse more pandemics ahead, so hard to predict...
Edit: oh I see it’s a dose thing. If you’re halfway vaccinated you’re not as covered. A bit of a misleading headline. Though the other article quotes Pfizer a lot.
almost 14 years

 It wasn't a knee jerk, that's the only one that's gone through pharmac certification, the Jannson one is currently getting certified.

But completely off topic for the a league. .
Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
Quite right. We've even bought close to 8m doses of it. Medsfe has this as it status 
COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, solution for injection, 5 x 1010 VP/0.5 mL
Approval pathway: rolling new medicine application
Status: Application received, some data under evaluation, further data to be provided by sponsor. 

about 9 years
Yep, and NZ is also targeting herd immunity by end of December - which is apparently around 78% although we're talking 90% done by Dec (which I doubt). So, timings work out - just as I said a bit of risk around the start of the season.

I wonder if it makes sense to frontload away games.

Front loading away games early season (when lockdowns are still potentially a risk), not so silly. Glory effectively did it last season, but from memory as much from necessity with the WA Govt having a closed interstate border at the time.

But a few months yet before those discussions need to be held.
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
about 9 years
FIFA windows to be observed. Start date October 29th.
2nd Division hoped to start 2023.
See there is an extra FIFA window Jan 24th-Feb 1st 2022. Wonder if planned OFC WC qualifying tourney will be over that window.

  • Joey Lynch Australia Correspondent
The introduction of a national second tier has taken a significant step forward with Football Australia inserting a placeholder for the competition into the nation's domestic football calendar for 2021-22.

The new schedule will be unveiled on Friday and will see an aligned Australian football pyramid played year-round through 2021-22, beginning with the A-League season on Oct. 29 and concluding with the FFA Cup final on Oct. 28, 2022.

Football Australia will also introduce other reforms for the international breaks and to the National Premier Leagues (NPL).

The women's season will commence with the 2021-22 W-League, before ending on Sept. 25, 2022 with a newly nationally aligned conclusion to the country's state-based National Premier League Women's (NPLW) seasons.

The men's equivalent of those games will occur on Sept. 11; the new "finals days" ensuring that NPL's season across the country will align to conclude on a uniform date -- part of Football Australia's push to greater connect the game across the country, raise the competitions' profile and, it hopes, increase their prestige and value over time.

Envisioned as running largely in parallel with these NPL competitions, the placeholder dates for the second-tier competition -- previously mooted to be called the Championship -- have been pencilled in to commence in January 2022 and conclude in May.

However, with a final model still to be settled and more consultation needed, this timeframe may shift when the federation seeks to commence a formal competition in the following years.

"The placeholder is an important first step towards the creation of [a national second tier]," said FA CEO James Johnson. "[It allows] for its ongoing development and, subject to finalisation of the model, can be adjusted within the [domestic football calendar] framework."

A Football Australia spokesperson confirmed to ESPN that the competition remained a priority to the federation, while its chairman Chris Nikou declared in May that he was "expecting [an NSD model] to come to the Football Australia board in the second half of this year, and I'd love to see a second division up for the 2023 season."

After the absence of several stars called away for international duty cast a shadow over the 2020-21 finals, the coming A-League and W-League seasons will also, for the first time, observe both men's and women's FIFA international windows and AFC tournaments -- with one small caveat.

The A- and W-Leagues will be given a special dispensation to organise games during the Jan. 24-Feb. 1 international window created by FIFA to make up for games lost due to coronavirus pandemic -- although clubs are still required to release selected players in this window.

"The [new calendar] is the framework for the whole pyramid of football," Australian Professional Leagues managing director and Sydney FC CEO Danny Townsend said.

"This announcement is demonstrative of the determination of Football Australia, APL and all other football stakeholders to achieve outcomes that serve the whole game.

"By reducing the amount of club versus country clashes next season we can build a brighter future for Australian football, with an all-around better football experience for players and for fans."

Further alignment of the tiers is set to occur through the introduction of uniform transfer windows. The men's transfer windows is set to run from July 26 to Oct. 18, 2021 and Jan. 14 to Feb. 10, 2022, and the women's windows running from Aug. 3 to Oct. 25, 2021 and March 15 to April 12, 2022.

Football Australia did note, however, that the calendar may be subject to change due to the ongoing threat of COVID-19, as well as "further opportunities and enhancements are identified ... in consultation and collaboration with stakeholders."

Phoenix Academy
about 9 years
To all you people saying Morrison has provided a pathway out of the pandemic, get real. He's done no such thing.
As someone else said, it's all map and no road. Reminds me of those notes I used to write to Santa.
So we complete phase A and then we go to phase B- hang on, when do we complete phase A? Don't know but then we move on to....hang on, how can you talk about phase B when you have no idea when phase A will be completed?
The answer to that is that Morrison is a PR man and PR and spin is all  he knows. He's under immense pressure (mainly because he's useless) and so he's come up with some meaningless drivel.
Dream on.
Starting XI
about 17 years
To all you people saying Morrison has provided a pathway out of the pandemic, get real. He's done no such thing.
As someone else said, it's all map and no road. Reminds me of those notes I used to write to Santa.
So we complete phase A and then we go to phase B- hang on, when do we complete phase A? Don't know but then we move on to....hang on, how can you talk about phase B when you have no idea when phase A will be completed?
The answer to that is that Morrison is a PR man and PR and spin is all  he knows. He's under immense pressure (mainly because he's useless) and so he's come up with some meaningless drivel.
Dream on.

Bit off topic but feel NZ is churning out the same BS.

Anyway do these announcements mean all Aussie footie is in summer or is the A League not aligning with the rest.  Winter A League would kill the comp.
about 9 years
To all you people saying Morrison has provided a pathway out of the pandemic, get real. He's done no such thing.
As someone else said, it's all map and no road. Reminds me of those notes I used to write to Santa.
So we complete phase A and then we go to phase B- hang on, when do we complete phase A? Don't know but then we move on to....hang on, how can you talk about phase B when you have no idea when phase A will be completed?
The answer to that is that Morrison is a PR man and PR and spin is all  he knows. He's under immense pressure (mainly because he's useless) and so he's come up with some meaningless drivel.
Dream on.

Not so. Morrison announced today that Phase 2 to commence when 70% of the popn is vaccinated. Ardern made any such definitive annoucements?

The original description of Phase 2 from a few months back.
"Australia Phase 2: post-vaccination
In this phase, the international arrival cap will be restored to current levels (pre Phase 1) for unvaccinated passengers, and a larger cap applied to fully vaccinated passengers.

Lockdowns would rarely be needed, and fully vaccinated people would have eased restrictions in any outbreak with respect to lockdowns or border closures. More students and economic visitors will also be allowed in.

Although no dates or vaccine rollout targets have been set, for us to reach Phase 2, we would clearly need a high percentage of our population to be fully vaccinated.

As it will take at least until the end of year for the whole adult population to have received their first dose, Phase 2 is likely to kick in some time in the first half of 2022."

Starting XI
over 14 years
The A-League is now ranked below Bangladesh in the latest ratings. Earning them only 1 AFC place and 2 AFC Cup spots. 
AFC Club Competitions Ranking 2021 – Footy Rankings
What a fall from grace but hey SFC didn't care for it treating it like a micky mouse comp. Shame Nixs cant play in it.
Phoenix Academy
about 9 years
"Not so. Morrison announced today that Phase 2 to commence when 70% of the popn is vaccinated. Ardern made any such definitive annoucements(sic)?"
No she hasn't. Because making definitive announcements in the face of a pandemic is idiotic.
And now he's back tracking like hell. He doesn't even have the power to enforce his announcements.

about 9 years
"Not so. Morrison announced today that Phase 2 to commence when 70% of the popn is vaccinated. Ardern made any such definitive annoucements(sic)?"
No she hasn't. Because making definitive announcements in the face of a pandemic is idiotic.
And now he's back tracking like hell. He doesn't even have the power to enforce his announcements.

He ain’t back tracking, he’s still talking up the 70% target for opening up. The political squabbling is messy and unseemly.

But end of the day NSW and VIC will likely end their lockdowns sometime October when hit the 70% mark. Then other states like QLD and WA will eventually open their borders at some point from Nov-Dec onwards. It will be a messy next few months, but odds are that by Xmas fully vaccinated people will be travelling interstate throughout Oz.

From 2022 the endemic phase of learning to live with the virus will kick in. Though expect WA and QLD especially to continue to toe a tough line.
almost 17 years
when you say a messy next few months do you mean thousands of new cases and more deaths = messy? In any language that is a shambles.
NZ will reach 70% vaxxed at the same time and have successfully eliminated Covid from the community.
about 9 years
when you say a messy next few months do you mean thousands of new cases and more deaths = messy? In any language that is a shambles.
NZ will reach 70% vaxxed at the same time and have successfully eliminated Covid from the community.

Getting off a bit topic so I'll respond in the Covid thread.
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
about 9 years
Phoenix Academy
about 9 years
Jarred Gillett will become the first overseas official, to take charge of a EPL game.
Watford v Newcastle.
Congratulations to him. He always looked a cut above in the A League. There are a couple of other referees in the A League who look very promising.
almost 14 years
New branding Looks good. Perfect timing for the nix a league woman's team. 
about 17 years
I agree. Never a huge fan of regrading, I think they've done well this time. Happy with the names of the new Leagues 
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years

Effing hell, 8 in one team (isn't WSW). That is gonna make things hard for them
almost 14 years
Phoenix saying the entire squad is vaccinated, glad it's not us, would be the last thing we need. 
and 2 others
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
Don't expect Keegan Jelacic to break thru into the Roar team this season. The NZ u17 Rep's mum was on a anti-vax rant on Twitter yesterday. 
Bossi Insider
almost 16 years
First Team Squad
over 5 years

What an aussie sponsor, a ute?
Starting XI
about 17 years
What a terrible name for a competition.
Phoenix Academy
about 9 years
What a terrible name for a competition.
Agreed, but still better than Uber Eats Ligue Un. 
Starting XI
about 17 years
What a terrible name for a competition.
Agreed, but still better than Uber Eats Ligue Un. 

I think its quite hard to call, both are cack!
Phoenix Academy
about 9 years
I'm going to applaud Josh Cavallo for acknowledging he is gay.
It shouldn't be an issue in 2021, unfortunately it is.
and 1 other
Starting XI
over 14 years
I'm going to applaud Josh Cavallo for acknowledging he is gay.
It shouldn't be an issue in 2021, unfortunately it is.
Acceptance (as has been the majority of social media reaction so far) and discussion has to be a good thing for other young men and women struggling with their identity.

As a sportsman, he is being a true role model for a lot of people.

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