about 3 years
Well it gonna be interesting to see how all this plays out. Now there's talks of boycotts left right and centre. The APL have massively fudgeed all this up but I'm so glad to see that enough fans actually care to make an issue of it. It'd be far worse if no one loved the league enough to even say anything.

Starting XI
almost 12 years
Haven't followed this that closely, but what do people feel a walk out will achieve other than probably disrupting the players when it happens? Would not buying the tickets in the first place and not going to the game at all not be a more effective protest? Will the league care if a few people leave part way through when they have already paid? 
Hit them in the pocket surely.
Starting XI
almost 9 years
Haven't followed this that closely, but what do people feel a walk out will achieve other than probably disrupting the players when it happens? Would not buying the tickets in the first place and not going to the game at all not be a more effective protest? Will the league care if a few people leave part way through when they have already paid? 
Hit them in the pocket surely.
I've already paid for my season ticket, and I'm sure the same is true for many in the Fever.

A walkout means people notice. It has a tangible impact on the games, the commentators have to mention it and casual fans have their curiosity piqued. We should turn up, sing about how fudged the APL is for 20 minutes, then go back to the pub.

If we stay home we just get dragged for having a small crowd again.

Its unfair on the players, but with the sheer number of them that have indicated how much they don't like this (including the 2 Ausse reps used in the promo materials), I'm sure they understand.
and 2 others
Starting XI
almost 12 years
Thanks for the reply, makes sense.
almost 17 years
The thing is the APL has already norticed and ignored the agst, a walkout now only punishes the players/owners who have likely already objected to the decision - not the APL (who I know includes the owners). Given the retraction of the owners names and repost of the decision it seems ill convdeived to walkout on thise who have voiced their discontent at this decision. Not going to the finals will make a massive impact. The NSW Gov has paid money to host the finals, hitting them in the pocket will mean there are some serious questions being asked.
Starting XI
almost 9 years
The thing is the APL has already norticed and ignored the agst, a walkout now only punishes the players/owners who have likely already objected to the decision - not the APL (who I know includes the owners). Given the retraction of the owners names and repost of the decision it seems ill convdeived to walkout on thise who have voiced their discontent at this decision. Not going to the finals will make a massive impact. The NSW Gov has paid money to host the finals, hitting them in the pocket will mean there are some serious questions being asked.
The Nix haven't voiced their discontent though, have they? They told us loud and clear that selling fans and football for short term gain is completely worth it to them (& will continue to be in the future)

This is the only thing we can actually do to show our displeasure, beyond an easily muted social media feed. Ongoing demonstrations send mesages to the NSW government and the APL that this will not be profitable. 

If the players and owners are punished, then they also feel the pressure to reverse this abortion of a decision and will continue to push back against the APL. The pressure mounts internally, and cracks (such as the Victory chair resigning as an APL Director & WU making public statements against the move) start to open. Its kind of a core function of protesting, which you continue to demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of.

about 3 years
The thing is the APL has already norticed and ignored the agst, a walkout now only punishes the players/owners who have likely already objected to the decision - not the APL (who I know includes the owners). Given the retraction of the owners names and repost of the decision it seems ill convdeived to walkout on thise who have voiced their discontent at this decision. Not going to the finals will make a massive impact. The NSW Gov has paid money to host the finals, hitting them in the pocket will mean there are some serious questions being asked.
The Nix haven't voiced their discontent though, have they? They told us loud and clear that selling fans and football for short term gain is completely worth it to them (& will continue to be in the future)

This is the only thing we can actually do to show our displeasure, beyond an easily muted social media feed. If the players and owners are punished, then they also feel the pressure to reverse this abortion of a decision and will continue to push back against the APL. The pressure mounts internally, and cracks (such as the Victory chair resigning as an APL Director & WU making public statements against) start to open. Its kind of a core function of protesting, which you continue to demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of.

He desperately doesn't want the weekend entertainment interrupted and will defend the Nix to the death to make that happen.
almost 17 years
in the email sent to members by the Nix, Dome clearly states the clubs viewpoint that they believe the finals should be held at the home of the league winner. He goes on to say that the club understands the commercial benefits of the decision even if it is contradictory to the interests of our fans. He very clearly states that this was an APL board decision and the nix were not involved.

The wording, whilst not directly saying "we voted against this" is pretty clear they are not happy with the decision and the clearly do not agree with it. But understand why it happened. 

in respect to the continued arguement that I don't understand protests.....lests just say I'll protest when I think I can effect change, or if the cause is actually worth figthing for. Sometimes, especially in this day and age, protests go unnoticed because people are literally protesting everything. Take a step back, look at the big picture here. The APL has a responsibility to the clubs, the fans and the players to keep the league afloat. If the can save/make money by selling the final to one area then I can see why they did it, do I like it? not really. Can I see me walking out on my team making a difference, definately not. If anything I can see it hurting our club more than it helps. A walk out will send a message to the casual fans - that we are a bunch of petulant whingers who care more about making a statement than the team we suposedly love to the ends of the earth and back. 

Protesting is fine, all power to you, but if you want the protest to be effective you have to hit the people you are targetting not everyone else in the hope they'll join your cause.

The only way the APL and the NSW govt see this as a bad decision is when noone turns up to the finals, cos then the money they've invested has returned them nothing in tourism or attendances. 
Starting XI
almost 9 years
The thing is the APL has already norticed and ignored the agst, a walkout now only punishes the players/owners who have likely already objected to the decision - not the APL (who I know includes the owners). Given the retraction of the owners names and repost of the decision it seems ill convdeived to walkout on thise who have voiced their discontent at this decision. Not going to the finals will make a massive impact. The NSW Gov has paid money to host the finals, hitting them in the pocket will mean there are some serious questions being asked.
The Nix haven't voiced their discontent though, have they? They told us loud and clear that selling fans and football for short term gain is completely worth it to them (& will continue to be in the future)

This is the only thing we can actually do to show our displeasure, beyond an easily muted social media feed. If the players and owners are punished, then they also feel the pressure to reverse this abortion of a decision and will continue to push back against the APL. The pressure mounts internally, and cracks (such as the Victory chair resigning as an APL Director & WU making public statements against) start to open. Its kind of a core function of protesting, which you continue to demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of.

He desperately doesn't want the weekend entertainment interrupted and will defend the Nix to the death to make that happen.
Yeah spot on
almost 17 years
The thing is the APL has already norticed and ignored the agst, a walkout now only punishes the players/owners who have likely already objected to the decision - not the APL (who I know includes the owners). Given the retraction of the owners names and repost of the decision it seems ill convdeived to walkout on thise who have voiced their discontent at this decision. Not going to the finals will make a massive impact. The NSW Gov has paid money to host the finals, hitting them in the pocket will mean there are some serious questions being asked.
The Nix haven't voiced their discontent though, have they? They told us loud and clear that selling fans and football for short term gain is completely worth it to them (& will continue to be in the future)

This is the only thing we can actually do to show our displeasure, beyond an easily muted social media feed. If the players and owners are punished, then they also feel the pressure to reverse this abortion of a decision and will continue to push back against the APL. The pressure mounts internally, and cracks (such as the Victory chair resigning as an APL Director & WU making public statements against) start to open. Its kind of a core function of protesting, which you continue to demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of.

He desperately doesn't want the weekend entertainment interrupted and will defend the Nix to the death to make that happen.
Yeah spot on

as I would expect any fan of the club to do.
I love my team and will be with them through thick and thin. This is somehting that is being done to them as much as us, not BY them. 

Lashing out/Protest is a way of voicing your displeasure, but you need to make sure you're targetting the right people and this walk out is not hitting the people who made the decision you're so unhappy about,
almost 10 years
The APL would have accounted for some kind of backlash. We have to out-backlash their expectations. A walkout in solidarity with our fellow fans across the ditch is the least we can do. Continued protests in various forms will be needed I imagine. Cannot just leave an angry react on social media, and then continue on like nothing has happened, or else this will not be the last time they make a disgusting decision to sell out the fans.

There is always a line you do not cross, and this line (and the way they have crossed it) is too far. I will follow the sentiment of the other fans in the league for as long as this requires. Hoping for a walkout, or else we are complicit through inaction in my eyes.
Starting XI
almost 9 years
The thing is the APL has already norticed and ignored the agst, a walkout now only punishes the players/owners who have likely already objected to the decision - not the APL (who I know includes the owners). Given the retraction of the owners names and repost of the decision it seems ill convdeived to walkout on thise who have voiced their discontent at this decision. Not going to the finals will make a massive impact. The NSW Gov has paid money to host the finals, hitting them in the pocket will mean there are some serious questions being asked.
The Nix haven't voiced their discontent though, have they? They told us loud and clear that selling fans and football for short term gain is completely worth it to them (& will continue to be in the future)

This is the only thing we can actually do to show our displeasure, beyond an easily muted social media feed. If the players and owners are punished, then they also feel the pressure to reverse this abortion of a decision and will continue to push back against the APL. The pressure mounts internally, and cracks (such as the Victory chair resigning as an APL Director & WU making public statements against) start to open. Its kind of a core function of protesting, which you continue to demonstrate a complete lack of understanding of.

He desperately doesn't want the weekend entertainment interrupted and will defend the Nix to the death to make that happen.
Yeah spot on

as I would expect any fan of the club to do.
I love my team and will be with them through thick and thin. This is somehting that is being done to them as much as us, not BY them. 

Lashing out/Protest is a way of voicing your displeasure, but you need to make sure you're targetting the right people and this walk out is not hitting the people who made the decision you're so unhappy about,
I don't actually get to go to any games that the APL team plays, so I can't walk out of those ones.

I'm very upset at the Phoenix and their pissweak response. and have emailed them to ask for a pro-rata membership refund. They're just one of the parties involved and their refusal to stand up for us is part of what needs to be protested. That, in turn, makes the Phoenix put pressure on the APL.

Its willfully disingenuous to say this is being done to the Phoenix when they've publicly said that they support the decision and haven't uttered a word in protest - they've made their position on this very clear and now, as fans, it is our turn.

This is targeting the right people, regardless of whether you refuse to see it or not. The Phoenix are complicit and if we want there to be a football club to support in the future then protest action is necessary immediately, lest they contribute to the destruction of the league as we know it (which, to me and many of the Aussie journos, looks to be the likely outcome here).

If you just stand quietly while they kill us by a thousand cuts then you'll be left standing there wondering what happened and regretting not speaking up when you had the chance when we do go.  God forbid anything be more important than 180 minutes of football this weekend.
Do the right thing, walk out.

over 17 years
Not going to pe a popular opinion but here goes.
I just dont get football supporters why do they think they are so different from passionate NRL and AFL fans who for years if they have wanted to attend a Grand Final have had to travel to either Sydney or Melbourne. Yet for some reason its something that football fans cant do.
There seems to be plenty of emotion being displayed by many and frankly some of the stuff i have seen is just way over the top.I have seen little comment about the the money being paid or just where people think replacing that investment will come from. While i have some empathy for some of the objectors i for one will not be turning my back on my team and walking out.

As an side i wonder why Yellow Fever has decided to speak up about this while staying silent on  some of the issues affecting fans attendance at games this season
about 17 years
This is whole situation is wrong to me and as I don’t have any formal power or individual leverage, I’ll be joining others to make my impact. I will be walking out/switching off. 

Together, fans have power in their response to this.  As already mentioned when other fans got behind save the nix campaign who made an impact. Time to see that again but now it’s for the betterment of the whole league. 

Collective actions matter. 
Take them. 
Starting XI
almost 9 years
Not going to pe a popular opinion but here goes.
I just dont get football supporters why do they think they are so different from passionate NRL and AFL fans who for years if they have wanted to attend a Grand Final have had to travel to either Sydney or Melbourne. Yet for some reason its something that football fans cant do.
There seems to be plenty of emotion being displayed by many and frankly some of the stuff i have seen is just way over the top.I have seen little comment about the the money being paid or just where people think replacing that investment will come from. While i have some empathy for some of the objectors i for one will not be turning my back on my team and walking out.

As an side i wonder why Yellow Fever has decided to speak up about this while staying silent on  some of the issues affecting fans attendance at games this season
NRL and AFL were both state leagues that became national and that tradition already existed. It wasn't forced upon fans who universally hated it.

The team has turned their back on us, its not us doing it to them.
almost 17 years
So much enititlement form the YF here, what part of this do you think the Nix have agreed with? They've not said they support it in fact they've only said the understand it. Thye like us are beholden to the powers that be - ie the APL who run the league. The Nix can't be sniping and openly oppositional to a league that can and will kick us out if we dont come along for the ride. We as fans have to be smarter than this too. We, as an NZ team, are in no way guaranteed a spot in this leage, we as fans are in no way guaranteed a team full stop. If our support for the club goes, then so does the club. 
If you think a wlak out will change any of this then you are fooling yourselves. The money has eben banked, noone is reversing it. The best you'll get is an apology and that will be veiled behind a bland statement.
and 1 other
Starting XI
almost 9 years
So much enititlement form the YF here, what part of this do you think the Nix have agreed with? They've not said they support it in fact they've only said the understand it. Thye like us are beholden to the powers that be - ie the APL who run the league. The Nix can't be sniping and openly oppositional to a league that can and will kick us out if we dont come along for the ride. We as fans have to be smarter than this too. We, as an NZ team, are in no way guaranteed a spot in this leage, we as fans are in no way guaranteed a team full stop. If our support for the club goes, then so does the club. 
If you think a wlak out will change any of this then you are fooling yourselves. The money has eben banked, noone is reversing it. The best you'll get is an apology and that will be veiled behind a bland statement.

The bit where they literally say that they agree with it because of the cash.

Still don't understand protest, do ya? You think its pointless unless its immediately successful. Clueless.

My support from the club is pretty much gone over this. We'll walk out in solidarity with the actual fans of this league (not the self-serving wankers). Maybe we'll create change and maybe we won't, the point is to try to do the right thing and to use the very small amount of power that we do have to correct a catastrophic error with huge ramifications for the long term stability of the league.

The Nix have decided to shut up and ride it out and I'll be doing my utmost to show them that that was the wrong decision. If it hurts the club, that's too bad because I genuinely believe the damage will be less than outcomes of the approach the APL is taking. 

I understand you value the Nix more than you value the A-League, you've made that clear. What you're obviously missing is that if the APL are successful in running the league into the ground (obviously not what they're attempting, but its clear that its what they're achieving), you don't get to support the Nix then either.

But hey, when there's no team to support at least you were "smart".
about 17 years
Try my idea of smoke and mirrors in the match day thread ;) 
almost 17 years
If the APL fail in keeping the league aflot we all lose, Aussie fans and us. If this long protest wins (which it wont) the potential for clbs to fold due to lack of support in our faces again. The big clubs wont fold, the nix could and who loses? not the league, not the APL! We as Nix fans do, and for what? Solidarity?

Please note Nelfoos I've not name called or anything in my posts, implying I'm a self-serving wanker is unnecessary, play the ball not the man!

Often protests are undertaken by the idealists, and these are generally the ones that are too naive to see/understand and accept the financial realities of running a business/league/football club. Sometimes you have to accept a decision becasue it makes financial sense, even if on a moral/sporting level you dont like it. (this is where I see the nix being at) expecting them to come out firing is ridiculous, noone is going to bite the hand that feeds them - except somone who refuses to understand the complxities of the situation. 

almost 10 years
My question is simply - where is your line drawn?

If this grand final issue is not it, then what is?

What if APL announce all finals games will be played in Sydney/one location. What if this is in conjunction with an announcement that 2 rounds each year are played in Sydney for all teams?

If losing out on all finals matches in Welly and 5+ regular season home games (2 in Aus, 2 in Auck, 1 in NZ somewhere) is enough for you to draw the line, it would be too late already sorry.

In saying that, I understand that we take some games across NZ every season, and am not protesting that. There is not much margin to take more games away from Wellington/NZ willingly and have my support (Covid aside). Never gonna see the Nix lift the toilet seat with my friends in Wellington in all likelihood, and that's where I draw my line.

Curious what would be too far for you to want to support the league and the Nix.
almost 17 years
Try my idea of smoke and mirrors in the match day thread ;) 

this is the smart move, you create the obvious walk out, which will be seena dnc ommented on. But you stay and watch the game, drink your beers, eat the food and financially support the club who forks out millions of dollars a season to brinjg you a profesional football team.
almost 17 years
My question is simply - where is your line drawn?

If this grand final issue is not it, then what is?

What if APL announce all finals games will be played in Sydney/one location. What if this is in conjunction with an announcement that 2 rounds each year are played in Sydney for all teams?

If losing out on all finals matches in Welly and 5+ regular season home games (2 in Aus, 2 in Auck, 1 in NZ somewhere) is enough for you to draw the line, it would be too late already sorry.

In saying that, I understand that we take some games across NZ every season, and am not protesting that. There is not much margin to take more games away from Wellington/NZ willingly and have my support (Covid aside). Never gonna see the Nix lift the toilet seat with my friends in Wellington in all likelihood, and that's where I draw my line.

Curious what would be too far for you to want to support the league and the Nix.

So I accept the nix taking two games a season to other NZ cities, the club needs the money, any more than that and I'd be a little grumpy and would reconsider buying a season pass. If finals footy was to be played all in one location I'd also be upset as this directly affests the nix - we have actually achieived home finals series games.

If this decision was to affect us, and we had to fly to Aus to play a final that should be in Wellington then I would be upset. But as it is yet to affect us the pain is not palpable. 

I'm trying to be pragmatic about this call, we dont ahve all the financial information that drove it, so we cant understadn fully the gains expected or the implications if it doesnt go ahead.

But if this money is needded ot keep the league sustainable for the next 3 years then this is the smart move - because without it the league fails and we all lose, like it or not. 

Sponsoirship money is tough to get right now, fans are not attending games because they are making financial decisions to eat over going tot he games. money in the bank keeps the lights on, and sometimes the people putting their hands in their pockets to give us what we want have to make decisions that we wont like.

Starting XI
almost 9 years
If the APL fail in keeping the league aflot we all lose, Aussie fans and us. If this long protest wins (which it wont) the potential for clbs to fold due to lack of support in our faces again. The big clubs wont fold, the nix could and who loses? not the league, not the APL! We as Nix fans do, and for what? Solidarity?

Please note Nelfoos I've not name called or anything in my posts, implying I'm a self-serving wanker is unnecessary, play the ball not the man!

Often protests are undertaken by the idealists, and these are generally the ones that are too naive to see/understand and accept the financial realities of running a business/league/football club. Sometimes you have to accept a decision becasue it makes financial sense, even if on a moral/sporting level you dont like it. (this is where I see the nix being at) expecting them to come out firing is ridiculous, noone is going to bite the hand that feeds them - except somone who refuses to understand the complxities of the situation. 

So, no matter what, we need to shut up and take it because they could take things away from us? That's a 5 year old's reasoning. There's a line worth taking a stand somewhere and for me and thousands of other A-League fans, this is the line. They're already taking it away from us.

If the financial realities are such that $4m/year is the difference between life and death then its already dead and Rob should stop pissing his money away yesterday.

Sorry, but if you're gonna act like a self-serving wanker, I'm gonna tell you that. Putting your own interests above all the other fans is self-serving wankerism, like it or not. You've literally said you don't care until it personally affects you - what else am I supposed to see?

I'd rather live in a society of idealists that tries to improve things around us than one of self-defeatists who won't even try because they don't understand how community pressure creates change.
almost 17 years
If the APL fail in keeping the league aflot we all lose, Aussie fans and us. If this long protest wins (which it wont) the potential for clbs to fold due to lack of support in our faces again. The big clubs wont fold, the nix could and who loses? not the league, not the APL! We as Nix fans do, and for what? Solidarity?

Please note Nelfoos I've not name called or anything in my posts, implying I'm a self-serving wanker is unnecessary, play the ball not the man!

Often protests are undertaken by the idealists, and these are generally the ones that are too naive to see/understand and accept the financial realities of running a business/league/football club. Sometimes you have to accept a decision becasue it makes financial sense, even if on a moral/sporting level you dont like it. (this is where I see the nix being at) expecting them to come out firing is ridiculous, noone is going to bite the hand that feeds them - except somone who refuses to understand the complxities of the situation. 

So, no matter what, we need to shut up and take it because they could take things away from us? That's a 5 year old's reasoning. There's a line worth taking a stand somewhere and for me and thousands of other A-League fans, this is the line. 

If the financial realities are such that $4m/year is the difference between life and death then its already dead and Rob should stop pissing his money away yesterday.

Sorry, but if you're gonna act like a self-serving wanker, I'm gonna tell you that. Putting your own interests above all the other fans is self-serving wankerism, like it or not.

ok I'll call it like I see it, you my firend are behaving like a spoiled brat! As are a lot of the other fans in Aus. the big mean APL have taken our finals away from us, so we'll stamp our feet and try and ruin football for everyone!
Grow the fudge up, sometimes it's not all about you getting what you want, when you want it. Money makes the world go around, and that includes the A-league. If this deal guarantees the league for another 3 years then I for one am ok with that. Because if the league fails, the nix fail and that means you, me, the YF and casual fans, NZF all lose!

aslo, I never said "do nothing and take it" - I've said be smart about how you protest, as LG has suggested, come to thegame support your teams, at the designated point make a massive show of movign away from the camera view, walk to aisle 18 where noone can see you. It's win win, the point is made, as long as you have some banner or words to explain the move to the casual fans and the club still receive your support.
Starting XI
almost 9 years
If the APL fail in keeping the league aflot we all lose, Aussie fans and us. If this long protest wins (which it wont) the potential for clbs to fold due to lack of support in our faces again. The big clubs wont fold, the nix could and who loses? not the league, not the APL! We as Nix fans do, and for what? Solidarity?

Please note Nelfoos I've not name called or anything in my posts, implying I'm a self-serving wanker is unnecessary, play the ball not the man!

Often protests are undertaken by the idealists, and these are generally the ones that are too naive to see/understand and accept the financial realities of running a business/league/football club. Sometimes you have to accept a decision becasue it makes financial sense, even if on a moral/sporting level you dont like it. (this is where I see the nix being at) expecting them to come out firing is ridiculous, noone is going to bite the hand that feeds them - except somone who refuses to understand the complxities of the situation. 

So, no matter what, we need to shut up and take it because they could take things away from us? That's a 5 year old's reasoning. There's a line worth taking a stand somewhere and for me and thousands of other A-League fans, this is the line. 

If the financial realities are such that $4m/year is the difference between life and death then its already dead and Rob should stop pissing his money away yesterday.

Sorry, but if you're gonna act like a self-serving wanker, I'm gonna tell you that. Putting your own interests above all the other fans is self-serving wankerism, like it or not.

ok I'll call it like I see it, you my firend are behaving like a spoiled brat! As are a lot of the other fans in Aus. the big mean APL have taken our finals away from us, so we'll stamp our feet and try and ruin football for everyone!
Grow the fudge up, sometimes it's not all about you getting what you want, when you want it. Money makes the workd go around, and that includes the A-league. If this deal guarantees the league for another 3 years then I for one am happy for that. Because if the league fails, the nix fail and that means you, me, the YF and casual fans, NZF all lose!
The only people ruining football are those sitting still and letting the APL do what they're doing.

This deal doesn't guarantee the league for that long, its a paltry sum of cash in what it takes to operate the league. I'll say it again since you didn't get it the first few times - if $4m a year is the difference between life and death then we're already dead.

I understand that if the league fails, there is no Nix, which is why it is so confusing to me that you're willing to stand around and let the APL do its utmost to kill it.  

You're gonna have to accept that these protests are happening and fans are not going to shut up about this until the deal is gone. As I see it, the league is on borrowed time as long as this board is in charge and the sooner their incompetence can be nipped in the bud, the better. You're right, this isn't remotely about what I want. This is about what's best for football and your position ain't it.

almost 17 years
all I can hope is that the protest/walk out or whatever is done smartly.
I'd support it wholeheartedly if it didnt kick sand in our own owners face. I dont see that they are the ones to blame here. 
the question I have then, if the APL get removed, replaced by someone else - who is/are these people that are goinna do it better? I'd rather have a league on borrowed time than no league at all.

Clearly we fundamentally disagree on what is the best for football. for me having a professional league in Aus/NZ is good for football, no matter what shape it takes. Having an NZ team in said league is better. 

I'll fight when/if Welnix say they've had enough, as I did when Terry was on the way out. Until them I will watch and see how things pan out. Because I'd rather have a professional team to support which develops NZ footballers than have to go back to the way it was before the Nix.
Starting XI
almost 9 years
all I can hope is that the protest/walk out or whatever is done smartly.
I'd support it wholeheartedly if it didnt kick sand in our own owners face. I dont see that theya re the ones to blame here. 
the question I have then, if the APL get removed, replaced by someone else - who is/are these people that are goinna do it better? I'd rather have a league on borrowed time than no league at all.
The APL board should've been independent in the first place. High profile directorships of a national sports league will likely be filled with high quality applicants, if remunerated appropriately, and they'd actually be independent unlike the existing board which is exactly what has got us into this mess. I'm not saying we fold the structure as it currently exists, I'm saying the governance of the organisation needs an overhaul.

Its not kicking sand in the owners faces, we're still buying tickets and its no skin off their nose if we stay for 90 minutes or not. If we were boycotting, you might have a point.

I don't know why you think I don't want a professional league. I've been very clear that I do want that and that I think, if we don't stop this decision, that we won't have it for very long at all. We've got the same motivation, we just see the threat coming from a different location - I think they'll keep selling the soul of football out from under us and that that will turn fans away - it certainly seems to be the outcome of this decision.
almost 17 years
all I can hope is that the protest/walk out or whatever is done smartly.
I'd support it wholeheartedly if it didnt kick sand in our own owners face. I dont see that theya re the ones to blame here. 
the question I have then, if the APL get removed, replaced by someone else - who is/are these people that are goinna do it better? I'd rather have a league on borrowed time than no league at all.
The APL board should've been independent in the first place. High profile directorships of a national sports league  will be filled with high quality applicants, and they'd actually be independent unlike the existing board.

Its not kicking sand in the owners faces, we're still buying tickets and its no skin off their nose if we stay for 90 minutes or not. If we were boycotting, you might have a point.

Sure, but what impact on future crowds is the YF elaving at the 20 minute mark gonna have. We are already struggling to attract crowds, YF leave and the game goes quiet, the wmen get no support unless you come back adn repeat. Next home game those that bought a ticket on the day wont be back to watch you all leave again - the sentiment will be one of "if they don't want to watch why should I?"

I'm assuming you'll have some plans to let people know why you're walking out? Because the people at the game will want to know.

about 17 years
There is another idea. Victoria counter the NSW offer with an even bigger offer and see what happens!!
Starting XI
almost 9 years
all I can hope is that the protest/walk out or whatever is done smartly.
I'd support it wholeheartedly if it didnt kick sand in our own owners face. I dont see that theya re the ones to blame here. 
the question I have then, if the APL get removed, replaced by someone else - who is/are these people that are goinna do it better? I'd rather have a league on borrowed time than no league at all.
The APL board should've been independent in the first place. High profile directorships of a national sports league  will be filled with high quality applicants, and they'd actually be independent unlike the existing board.

Its not kicking sand in the owners faces, we're still buying tickets and its no skin off their nose if we stay for 90 minutes or not. If we were boycotting, you might have a point.

Sure, but what impact on future crowds is the YF elaving at the 20 minute mark gonna have. We are already struggling to attract crowds, YF leave and the game goes quiet, the wmen get no support unless you come back adn repeat. Next home game those that bought a ticket on the day wont be back to watch you all leave again - the sentiment will be one of "if they don't want to watch why should I?"

I'm assuming you'll have some plans to let people know why you're walking out? Because the people at the game will want to know.

I'm still waiting for the Fever to advise the official approach but I absolutely expect a large number of banners and chants, that's part of the walkouts that were already successful in the league and I don't see why it wouldn't continue.

I believe the intent is to return for the ALW game and whether we convert  2-3 casual fans who showed up for the nice weather is secondary at the minute. I think the future crowd impact would be negligble, because there's a negligble amount of existing crowd to lose.
Starting XI
almost 9 years
There is another idea. Victoria counter the NSW offer with an even bigger offer and see what happens!!

That's exactly what the APL is banking on in 3 years time and hey, maybe it would've happened if they were allowed a chance to make an offer in the first place.
almost 17 years
There is another idea. Victoria counter the NSW offer with an even bigger offer and see what happens!!

That's exactly what the APL is banking on in 3 years time and hey, maybe it would've happened if they were allowed a chance to make an offer in the first place.

Suggesting there was some colusion with the melbourne clubs and the APL/NSW govt to make this happen? It wouldnt shock me if that was the case.

This league has an unbalance representation, Sydney FC seems to get a massive say in how things are done, the Melbourne teams as well (I know their fans are upset about it but what have their owners said?) Smaller club owners like CCM, Newcastle, WSW are all gonna be ok with it becasue it has minimal impact on them. 
about 3 years
If we don't walk out I think all supporter groups who do this weekend can rightfully be mad at us.

Defending the league no matter what shark decision they make is a good way to end up with no real league at all.

We want crowds to show up? Well if the league gets sold out to be an over commercialized mess then what proper football fan would take it seriously anyway? Football has its traditions and trying to turn it into American sport isn't the way to keep fans on side.

It seems this decision has rightfully fudgeed off pretty much every die hard supporter around, they are the life blood of the league without them it doesn't exist. Not a great way to rebuild the league to its former glory.
about 3 years
There is another idea. Victoria counter the NSW offer with an even bigger offer and see what happens!!

Apparently they were never even asked if they wanted to make an offer, which is a bit strange tbh.
over 17 years
Wow love the abuse and name calling  across social media because people dont agree with a walk out and telling people they dont understand what a protest is. Thats the nature of protests some agree some dont and one side dosnt get to claim that their point of view is the only correct one. 
As for supporting the Phoenix if its this that makes you decide you cant support them thats frankly piss poor. Not sure what right people have to make things up about the Phoenixs and Robs part in it,unless you were in any meetings then just making assumptions isnt the thing to be basing your arguments on.
Starting XI
almost 9 years
There is another idea. Victoria counter the NSW offer with an even bigger offer and see what happens!!

That's exactly what the APL is banking on in 3 years time and hey, maybe it would've happened if they were allowed a chance to make an offer in the first place.

Suggesting there was some colusion with the melbourne clubs and the APL/NSW govt to make this happen? It wouldnt shock me if that was the case.

This league has an unbalance representation, Sydney FC seems to get a massive say in how things are done, the Melbourne teams as well (I know their fans are upset about it but what have their owners said?) Smaller club owners like CCM, Newcastle, WSW are all gonna be ok with it becasue it has minimal impact on them. 
Not at all, Danny Townsend stated that this is a 3 year term and after that it will go to the highest bidder. Victoria wasn't given a chance to put their name in the hat for this one, it was a behind closed doors deal. You'd think Victoria is likely the only other real option to NSW though. Victory and City knew about it by virtue of having club members as APL directors and I'm sure supported it to varying degrees, but not suggesting anything illegal!

The APL CEO is literally ex-CEO of Sydney FC and he did both jobs for a bit. You can't tell me that's a good thing for the league and for it being a level playing field.

about 17 years
Hold all Grand Finals in Palmerston North as a compromise.
about 17 years
From an interview with whatshisface yesterday, other states were sounded out but no one came back with any interest near what Sydney were offering. 
almost 17 years
There is another idea. Victoria counter the NSW offer with an even bigger offer and see what happens!!

That's exactly what the APL is banking on in 3 years time and hey, maybe it would've happened if they were allowed a chance to make an offer in the first place.

Suggesting there was some colusion with the melbourne clubs and the APL/NSW govt to make this happen? It wouldnt shock me if that was the case.

This league has an unbalance representation, Sydney FC seems to get a massive say in how things are done, the Melbourne teams as well (I know their fans are upset about it but what have their owners said?) Smaller club owners like CCM, Newcastle, WSW are all gonna be ok with it becasue it has minimal impact on them. 
Not at all, Danny Townsend stated that this is a 3 year term and after that it will go to the highest bidder. Victoria wasn't given a chance to put their name in the hat for this one, it was a behind closed doors deal. You'd think Victoria is likely the only other real option to NSW though. Victory and City knew about it by virtue of having club members as APL directors and I'm sure supported it to varying degrees, but not suggesting anything illegal!

The APL CEO is literally ex-CEO of Sydney FC and he did both jobs for a bit. You can't tell me that's a good thing for the league and for it being a level playing field.

Agree with you there, any leadership of the league shold have a degree of separation from the clubs, if at least to avoid suggestions of bias andfunneling money to their mates or own clubs.

The process of how this has come about it pretty suspect, it doesnt shock me that it's gone this way given the connections to Sydney.  I can see why the Melbourne fanbase would be upset at their owners, assuming they agreed with this. I dont see the rationale for being angry at Rob. As Ballane has said, we have no idea what was discussed or how it went down, just a couple of statements which is the only way an organisation can show opposition and explain themselves, Welnix are not like Musk or Trump, spraying virtiol around the socials. They will obviously want to retain some professionalism regardless of how unhappy they are with this.
Starting XI
almost 9 years
From an interview with whatshisface yesterday, other states were sounded out but no one came back with any interest near what Sydney were offering. 
Victoria has stated that they knew nothing at all about it - which is not to say they'd have won it if they did, but it speaks to how little thought and effort actually went into this decision.

Given the other lies that have come out of his mouth in the last few days I'm surprised anyone actually took that seriously.

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