over 5 years
i dont think that was the point of theprof's message but sure
Starting XI
over 10 years
wah wah wah, cry me a river, the YF did exactly what the other fans did, Piney commentated on it and the banners left behind were pretty clear. The APL lot wont be watching the games they will have read the statements though. the message has been loud and clear.

Not sure why you need a message to be sent to the Nix owners, this has been done to them as much as us! 

Yeah yeah we know, getting out of a chair to protest is very hard.


They did get out of a chair to protest.  They walked around the stadium and then continued to support their club.

I thought the fever aisle with just the handful of fans with the banner was a striking image.
almost 17 years
wah wah wah, cry me a river, the YF did exactly what the other fans did, Piney commentated on it and the banners left behind were pretty clear. The APL lot wont be watching the games they will have read the statements though. the message has been loud and clear.

Not sure why you need a message to be sent to the Nix owners, this has been done to them as much as us! 

Yeah yeah we know, getting out of a chair to protest is very hard.

I applaud the YF doing what they did!it was effective, and noticed. What, f anything, did you do?
almost 17 years
about 17 years
See, this is why Melbourne can’t have nice things. 
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
I'm honestly still confused about what happened. The OSM fan group says that the plan was for a walkout at 20 minutes. But instead it turned into "throwing flares on the field at 20 minutes". And crucially it wasn't just them - the City fans were doing the same thing at the other end. Which suggests that this was a "cunning plan" cooked up by the "capos" on both sides - which went horribly wrong. Am I missing something?
almost 17 years
froem the video clips I saw, Victory fans were throwing flares onto the pitch, nothing too new there. Glover tossed one back, which landed behind the advertising screens, then another lands closer to him, he tosses that back woithout really paying too much attention as to where he's throwing it, it goes further than intended and gets close too (maybe hits) one of the OSM crew and they errupt. Thye then charge onto the field, some looking very pleased to have an excuse to do so, one picks up the sand pail and slams it into glovers head and then another gets thrown towards the ref.
Excuse the pun, but the OSM crew and fans beside them were just looking for a reason to flare up!
about 3 years
I'm honestly still confused about what happened. The OSM fan group says that the plan was for a walkout at 20 minutes. But instead it turned into "throwing flares on the field at 20 minutes". And crucially it wasn't just them - the City fans were doing the same thing at the other end. Which suggests that this was a "cunning plan" cooked up by the "capos" on both sides - which went horribly wrong. Am I missing something?

From what I keep hearing it sounds like the walk out at 20 mins thing was a front to cover up the proper plan which was to pitch invade and get the match called off. Obviously the plan never involved buckets being thrown and referees assaulted.

What a mess.

almost 17 years
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
I'm honestly still confused about what happened. The OSM fan group says that the plan was for a walkout at 20 minutes. But instead it turned into "throwing flares on the field at 20 minutes". And crucially it wasn't just them - the City fans were doing the same thing at the other end. Which suggests that this was a "cunning plan" cooked up by the "capos" on both sides - which went horribly wrong. Am I missing something?

From what I keep hearing it sounds like the walk out at 20 mins thing was a front to cover up the proper plan which was to pitch invade and get the match called off. Obviously the plan never involved buckets being thrown and referees assaulted.

What a mess.

If the pitch invasion was actually Plan A, then that's dynamite news which should properly lead to the OSM being banned/dissolved for life. Any source?
Starting XI
almost 9 years
Look at the photos - quite a few of the lads are wearing football boots. If that doesn't scream pre-planned, i don't know what does.

Whether that was a OSM decision or a few rogue idiots will likely come out in the wash, but good to see they've already had 3 blokes hand themselves in, including the bucket thrower
Starting XI
about 7 years
Adam Peacock on the global game also said pre match there were rumours/texts circulating that victory fans weren't going to walk out and we're going to try storm the pitch to get the game cancelled instead. There's no way that guy makes something like that up
about 3 years
I'm honestly still confused about what happened. The OSM fan group says that the plan was for a walkout at 20 minutes. But instead it turned into "throwing flares on the field at 20 minutes". And crucially it wasn't just them - the City fans were doing the same thing at the other end. Which suggests that this was a "cunning plan" cooked up by the "capos" on both sides - which went horribly wrong. Am I missing something?

From what I keep hearing it sounds like the walk out at 20 mins thing was a front to cover up the proper plan which was to pitch invade and get the match called off. Obviously the plan never involved buckets being thrown and referees assaulted.

What a mess.

If the pitch invasion was actually Plan A, then that's dynamite news which should properly lead to the OSM being banned/dissolved for life. Any source?

Just rumors in the rumor mill. No concrete source. The rumor is that the city fans were in on it too.

Could all be hearsay but this was said by someone involved with City active support.
almost 14 years
Jazzy Jeff
Adam Peacock on the global game also said pre match there were rumours/texts circulating that victory fans weren't going to walk out and we're going to try storm the pitch to get the game cancelled instead. There's no way that guy makes something like that up
There's screenshots circulating from various social media platforms about people planning to storm the field. Not to say that OSM officially organised it, it could very well have been bottom up, we don't' know.

It will be sad to see what active support is like at the Victory after this, does it become more European like with stricter security, no alcohol, etc.  The active support of teams like the Victory are one of the selling points of the league and although OSM has to be disbanded I hope there is something there afterwards.

I bet this whole thing costs the league more than what they made from selling the finals.
Starting XI
about 12 years
They lit 50 flares, 150 fans made it to the pitch, 120K worth of damage. It's obvious that the club doesn't have their fans under control.
For all the other bystanding fans, if you did not walk out around the 20min as planned, they are complicit, they encouraged them, helped the to hide them, they need a ban for while. The 150 who stepped on the field should banned for a long time.
Starting XI
almost 12 years
How did they get the flares in? You can be sure people had their food and water confiscated at the gate.
almost 14 years
They lit 50 flares, 150 fans made it to the pitch, 120K worth of damage. It's obvious that the club doesn't have their fans under control.
For all the other bystanding fans, if you did not walk out around the 20min as planned, they are complicit, they encouraged them, helped the to hide them, they need a ban for while. The 150 who stepped on the field should banned for a long time.
Yep, and I saw online that a lot of the people who invaded the pitch already had lifetime bans. With the heated nature of the event and the rumors online, OSM should have been policing themselves and gotten security on to the people in the crowd who shouldn't have been there.

Even if they didn't organise it, they didn't do much to stop it.
about 17 years
They need to be careful how they go about this though. 

They need to isolate the trouble makers, but also if they come down on the Victory as the Sydney-APL-A league they risk irritating the biggest club with the biggest paid membership. On top of the irritation of the initial thumbing of the nose by the league. 

150 fans isn’t the 20 thousand or 30 thousand who have attended Victory’s games regularly over the last ten years.  

It’s gotta be deeply annoying to be getting socked by the league on one side and by the general media on the other. 

The greatest threat to the league isn’t a few fans, it’s the idiot administrators who thinks it’s a great idea to play the big blue in the board room rather than on the pitch.
over 17 years
Not at all if they allowed for that rabble to sit amongst them without doing anything they deserve everything thats coming their way. No way can you convince me they wernt aware that something was going to happen, there didnt appear to be any attempt to walkout at the 20th minute mark. They have to come down hard on the Victory its not the first time their fans have played up. Just because they get large crowds dosnt mean they get to get off.  You also have to ask is it just coincidence that flares were used by both sets of fans. I somehow doubt it. Sorry if you dont think fans like this are a threat to the league you are badly under estimating things.
almost 14 years
They need to be careful how they go about this though. 

They need to isolate the trouble makers, but also if they come down on the Victory as the Sydney-APL-A league they risk irritating the biggest club with the biggest paid membership. On top of the irritation of the initial thumbing of the nose by the league. 

150 fans isn’t the 20 thousand or 30 thousand who have attended Victory’s games regularly over the last ten years.  

It’s gotta be deeply annoying to be getting socked by the league on one side and by the general media on the other. 

The greatest threat to the league isn’t a few fans, it’s the idiot administrators who thinks it’s a great idea to play the big blue in the board room rather than on the pitch.
Technically the A League doesn't have a say in how it's regulated, and while I'm sure the FFA will discuss with the APL when it comes time to punish and change regulations, they've made it clear that their number one priority is protecting the soceroos brand, the Womans world cup, and grass roots participation. If the A League has to suffer to protect those then I'm sure they won't hesitate.

I'm also sure the FFA are glad that the A-League was taken from them when it was so that they don't have to deal with the commercial realities of the last couple of years.
over 9 years
Next 3 home/Melb games for VUC should be behind closed doors (no fans), then review.

Onus on the Victory to come up with a robust plan to prevent this clusterfudge from happening again.

Plans like having a dozen VUC staff/bouncers/OSM members on each entrance come game day, who are trained to spot anyone with a life time ban trying to enter. Same with anyone trying to smuggle in flares. That shouldn't be the job of some pimple faced innocent kid working the gates of AAMI Park.

In other words the responsbility falls on the VUC to sort this mess out & prevent it happening again. No crowds will hurt them financially, so they should be motivated to sort it out, and continue to monitor it each game day.

Threaten a full season closed door situation if it ever happens again.

First Team Squad
over 7 years
How did they get the flares in? You can be sure people had their food and water confiscated at the gate.

Flares are currently easy enough, stuff a couple in each sock. But anyone bringing in and lighting flares is an idiot and should get a lifetime ban.
They will start actually frisking people if it keeps happening, and I for one would prefer not to be felt up every time I go to a stadium. 
Plus that would slow the entry process somewhat, which already takes long enough when a proper crowd turns up, and increase prices as trained security with the authority to do that costs more than a few low level security people checking bags.
over 17 years
Not just Victorys problem Citys fans also had flares. Security needs amassive rocket. Hate to say it but those at the ROF certainly dont look to be  the most attentive and robust not sure how good most of them would be at spotting and handling trouble.
about 17 years
Weird how it’s a security problem and not a problem of how do we change peoples minds so they don’t bring them in the first place. 

Anyway, I saw the join active supporter group statement, looks good. Nice sent of demands. Well done YF. Can’t wait to hear what comes back from the ALP. 
about 17 years
Weird how it’s a security problem and not a problem of how do we change peoples minds so they don’t bring them in the first place. 

Anyway, I saw the join active supporter group statement, looks good. Nice sent of demands. Well done YF. Can’t wait to hear what comes back from the ALP. 

Starting XI
about 12 years

Weird how it’s a security problem and not a problem of how do we change peoples minds so they don’t bring them in the first place. 

Anyway, I saw the join active supporter group statement, looks good. Nice sent of demands. Well done YF. Can’t wait to hear what comes back from the ALP. 


almost 14 years
No Melbourne Victory (somewhat understandable, but their supporters are more than just OSM) or Canberra representation in the call?
Starting XI
about 12 years
Weird how it’s a security problem and not a problem of how do we change peoples minds so they don’t bring them in the first place. 

Anyway, I saw the join active supporter group statement, looks good. Nice sent of demands. Well done YF. Can’t wait to hear what comes back from the ALP. 

I you see a fan with a flare, talk to him, take it away, take a photo and report him. Same for racist, homophobic etc comments. If it's just a few few under a thousand you should get support from people around him.
I think there are many fan projects world wide who tackled those issues before, learn form them, I guess.

over 17 years
Wont mean much at all didn't some of them already  have life bans. Seems some of the active supporter groups may  have been happy to allow some of the extreme fans to mingle with them without fear of being called out. Pretty disappointing when some of those same groups are know making demands. Do wonder how many fans don't attend games because of some of these supposed active fans.
Starting XI
over 10 years
I like the clubs having board representation but also think the fan representation is a good idea.

I wonder if the Victory fan group removed themselves from the statement so the antics the other night don't detract from the actual message.

Also do wonder if the Victory club will receive any significant repercussions.  So far all I have seen is the fans being banned which is well below the bare minimum. 
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Just some context re the statement. There was already a fan group meeting set for Sunday night, but once the incident on Saturday happen, OSM were asked not to attend. 
Starting XI
over 10 years
Just some context re the statement. There was already a fan group meeting set for Sunday night, but once the incident on Saturday happen, OSM were asked not to attend. 

Thanks for clarifying.
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
I like the clubs having board representation but also think the fan representation is a good idea.

I wonder if the Victory fan group removed themselves from the statement so the antics the other night don't detract from the actual message.

Also do wonder if the Victory club will receive any significant repercussions.  So far all I have seen is the fans being banned which is well below the bare minimum. 
I'd expect a lot of punishment coming in the next few days which could include things like: points deduction (either actual or suspended), fines, games behind closed doors, games without active areas. Assume they will forfeit the game they had on Saturday.
over 17 years
I like the clubs having board representation but also think the fan representation is a good idea.

I wonder if the Victory fan group removed themselves from the statement so the antics the other night don't detract from the actual message.

Also do wonder if the Victory club will receive any significant repercussions.  So far all I have seen is the fans being banned which is well below the bare minimum. 
I'd expect a lot of punishment coming in the next few days which could include things like: points deduction (either actual or suspended), fines, games behind closed doors, games without active areas. Assume they will forfeit the game they had on Saturday.
Would also hope City cope some sort of sanction although their fans didnt go to the level of Victorys they arnt squeaky clean either.
almost 17 years

how this conversation takes place and the outcome will be intersting, APL wont want to budge due to the legal ramifications of breaking a contract, the supporters reps aren't budging from their position so finding some middle ground will be tough.
over 17 years
Did any of you organizers get the invite to join a conversation with Townsend  issued from the Phoenix. Any suggestions for approach should one be selected .
over 17 years
Shark just got real just got email to say i was selected any help with ideas 
almost 17 years
lucky you.....make them good for all of us.

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