over 17 years
hepatitis wrote:
paulm wrote:
i've seen some bad ones in my time, but this has to be the most oddly written opinion piece;


what is he getting at exactly?

That there is a crisis in the A league - 3 clubs gone in 2 seasons.

that's what the headline says yes...

more was getting at the fact that it starts off slating the a-league, and ends with slating tinkler, not really an opinion piece if he's sitting on the fence slating all and sundry... no structure at all, no coherent argument, not what you'd expect from a journalist (is he even one?)
Starting XI
over 17 years
Yes he is a regular writer in the Age and other papers. Seems fair analysis to me, both sides have a lot to answer for. You dont have to pick one over the other.hepatitis2012-04-11 09:54:07
over 14 years
paulm wrote:
hepatitis wrote:
paulm wrote:
i've seen some bad ones in my time, but this has to be the most oddly written opinion piece;


what is he getting at exactly?

That there is a crisis in the A league - 3 clubs gone in 2 seasons.

that's what the headline says yes...

more was getting at the fact that it starts off slating the a-league, and ends with slating tinkler, not really an opinion piece if he's sitting on the fence slating all and sundry... no structure at all, no coherent argument, not what you'd expect from a journalist (is he even one?)
Don't blame the headline on the writer.  These are decided upon by a someone else and often - regardles of topic - have no relevance to the text in the story.  Dom Post seems quite bad for this IMO.
First Team Squad
almost 16 years
So does that mnean the FFA will have to go, tail between their legs, to the likes of Canberra and GCU to get everyone back to a 10 team league? Or would they just try and get another owner for Jets (probably not hard seeing as what Tinkler did in a season to improve the club)
3rd XI
over 14 years
First Team Squad
almost 16 years
Would they be organised enough? I doubt they'd be funded by the FFA, or get government funding either.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
paulm wrote:
hepatitis wrote:
paulm wrote:
i've seen some bad ones in my time, but this has to be the most oddly written opinion piece;


what is he getting at exactly?

That there is a crisis in the A league - 3 clubs gone in 2 seasons.

that's what the headline says yes...

more was getting at the fact that it starts off slating the a-league, and ends with slating tinkler, not really an opinion piece if he's sitting on the fence slating all and sundry... no structure at all, no coherent argument, not what you'd expect from a journalist (is he even one?)
I think it is fair to slate both sides if both sides are being morons.
about 17 years

Jets players told not to show up at the awards,
Told by who?
Kevin Airs @KevinAirs442HSG apparently told Jets players not to come but at least one Jets W-League player still on guest list.

Yeah, the players still have contracts with HSG
First Team Squad
over 15 years
chefmivec wrote:

tazzie�could be a go?

Cheaper to keep the Jets going than start a new club.
However that means bowing to Tinkler and accepting his returned license. The FFA seem to want to force Tinkler to retain the license.
The FFA should get a back up plan ready to start bankrolling a replacement Jets, the Newcastle planes.
That way they can continue a legal battle without completely ruining the competition.
about 17 years
Kingz-Knights-Serfs=> Phoenix
First Team Squad
almost 16 years
martinb wrote:
Kingz-Knights-Serfs=> Phoenix

Starting XI
about 16 years
Well, at least we're on the outside looking in this time...
Starting XI
about 17 years
Tim Verschelden (Leader of the Jets Squadron) wrote:
You really have to sit back and think about the whole league and the situation it is in atm.

If you can't see that the league is failing, well you need to get out of your Westfields Shoebox and see the bigger picture which is alot bigger then a Qantas Airbus A380 while drinking your Ballentines.

Every expansion club has failed or isn't far from it. At some point in every clubs life the FFA have... owned it or had a huge steak in the ownership of it. We have the same sponsors since day dot supporting the league either tho its common knowledge of other big worldwide companies wanting to get involved in the local game. Rumours around that another 2 clubs might be falling of the edge of the cliff with a matter of days or weeks. If old mate from russia doesn't buy the some, they are gone and its a hot rumour that Sage won't be in the West anymore.

The FFA have always had to much control on the league and how it functions. Yes, great in the start when it was first coming back onto the Australian Sporting scene, but now that it has established its place its starting to fall behind because of the lack of competition the current sponsors have to put money into the game.

In season one each club received a grant of 1.2 million from the FFA to help run each club. As the salary cap has improved in the 7 seasons since plus adding 2 marquess, a youth and Womens team has that grant increased to much the clubs need to fund all these new changes?

We have seen alot of money spent on the socceroo's, which will never work if the local demand and product is doing well. They fly first class around the world playing meaningless friendly's etc and fail at every chance to win something. Why continue to pay these overseas coaches big dollars to deliver nothing. Only Guus has done something and he earnt more then enough for what he did.

The FFA big guns are one massive salaries while the codes like NRL and AFL are only on half the amount of what the a-league boss's earn. Ben Buckley has no idea IMHO in what he is doing to keep this game alive. They make a committee that is full of FFA members but won't listen to what they say nor Let the clubs speak other commercial deals outside what is already in place.

In no way do i personally think what HSG have done was the right thing to do, but they made the decision for themselves and there own reasons. So yes they need to be held accountable for their actions but the whole league and federation need to listen to whats being said.

Yes a community based club will be great but it will just face the same issues WHY EVERY OTHER CLU
B IS STRUGGLING. We need to target the FFA for change.
I think Timmy has hit numerous nails on their heads here.
The FFA seem determined to F**k the league up as long as they continue to be able to splash out on the Socceroos, everything seems to be done half arsed with the A-League. Let's hope that they start listening, before more clubs are forced to shut up shop.
Kiwi Hatter2012-04-11 19:39:53
Life and death
over 17 years
I'm not sure of this link between the Socceroos and the A League at all. Surely the hope is that the A League will be self supporting and the financial/franchise  model will be such that clubs can make money from their participation. Are you [or others] saying that FFA is purposely making it tough for franchise owners to make money from the A League and siphoning off $$ from the A League to fund Australian international football??
about 13 years
Do the FfA need to do what cams did with v8 supercars, sell the mamjorrity share to a large investment group. It has worked for them.
Life and death
over 17 years
There are plenty of successful models to follow. They wanted to keep things pretty close while the league established itself [and didn't want to revert to the bad old days of the NSL] the day they can let go of the reigns appears to be moving further and further away as clubs bust/hand back/get chucked.
Starting XI
over 17 years
Kiwi Hatter wrote:

[QUOTE=Tim Verschelden (Leader of the Jets Squadron)]<span -ft='{"":3}'>
Blah blah blah/QUOTE]
I think Timmy has hit�numerous nails on their heads here.
The FFA seem determined to F**k the league up as long as they continue to be able to splash out on the Socceroos, everything seems to be done half arsed with the A-League. Let's hope that they start listening, before more clubs are forced to shut up shop.

LOL Timmy has more hyperbole (and bad spelling) than logical argument in all that.

Serious wake up call for the A League though

Head Sleuth
over 17 years
exaggeration aside, he does have some decent points.
Starting XI
over 17 years
about 17 years
Kiwi Hatter wrote:

[QUOTE=Tim Verschelden (Leader of the Jets Squadron)]<span -ft='{"":3}'>
You really have to sit back and think about the whole league and the situation it is in atm.   If you can't see that the league is failing, well you need to get out of your Westfields Shoebox and see the bigger picture which is alot bigger then a Qantas Airbus A380 while drinking your Ballentines. Every expansion club has failed or isn't far from it. At some point in every clubs life the FFA have<span>...</span><span> owned it or had a huge steak in the ownership of it. We have the same sponsors since day dot supporting the league either tho its common knowledge of other big worldwide companies wanting to get involved in the local game. Rumours around that another 2 clubs might be falling of the edge of the cliff with a matter of days or weeks. If old mate from russia doesn't buy the some, they are gone and its a hot rumour that Sage won't be in the West anymore. The FFA have always had to much control on the league and how it functions. Yes, great in the start when it was first coming back onto the Australian Sporting scene, but now that it has established its place its starting to fall behind because of the lack of competition the current sponsors have to put money into the game. In season one each club received a grant of 1.2 million from the FFA to help run each club. As the salary cap has improved in the 7 seasons since plus adding 2 marquess, a youth and Womens team has that grant increased to much the clubs need to fund all these new changes?   We have seen alot of money spent on the socceroo's, which will never work if the local demand and product is doing well. They fly first class around the world playing meaningless friendly's etc and fail at every chance to win something. Why continue to pay these overseas coaches big dollars to deliver nothing. Only Guus has done something and he earnt more then enough for what he did.   The FFA big guns are one massive salaries while the codes like NRL and AFL are only on half the amount of what the a-league boss's earn. Ben Buckley has no idea IMHO in what he is doing to keep this game alive. They make a committee that is full of FFA members but won't listen to what they say nor Let the clubs speak other commercial deals outside what is already in place. In no way do i personally think what HSG have done was the right thing to do, but they made the decision for themselves and there own reasons. So yes they need to be held accountable for their actions but the whole league and federation need to listen to whats being said. Yes a community based club will be great but it will just face the same issues WHY EVERY OTHER CLU</span><span>B IS STRUGGLING. We need to target the FFA for change.</span>

Starting XI
over 17 years
From the West Australian
"At least the A-League still has the support of another mining tycoon who was poised to take his bat and ball and go home.

Perth Glory owner Tony Sage told a Perth newspaper in December that he intended to hand back the club's licence to Football Federation Australia at the end of the season, only to backtrack on those threats.

Sage was shocked by Newcastle counterpart Nathan Tinkler, who attempted to hand his club licence back in on Tuesday despite there being eight years remaining on the deal.

"We have lost two billionaires in Clive Palmer at Gold Coast United and now Nathan Tinkler at the Jets inside a couple of months and that's far from ideal to say the least," Sage told SBS website The World Game.

FFA rejected Tinkler's announcement, with chief executive Ben Buckley warning Tinkler's Hunter Sports Group (HSG) they're breaching a contract by walking away from the Jets.

A peaceful resolution to the matter now seems unlikely, but Sage plans to hold discussions with Tinkler and examine HSG's decision to pull the pin due to a variety of issues with the FFA.

"Until I do that I can't comment on exactly what his motivations may be and whether there is any possibility of there being some sort of re-think on his behalf," Sage said.

"I am just not sure whether this is unequivocal or whether he has left the door open in any way at all."

Tinkler's attempted exit came less than one week after Professional Footballers Australia (PFA) chief executive Brendan Schwab noted the "devastating" impact of the death of Palmer's Gold Coast United.

Schwab's plea that "never again can an A-League team be allowed to fail" is already in danger of being refused.

But Sage is hopeful that even if Tinkler leaves, Newcastle will remain in the competition.

"I am as shocked as anybody and while the club will certainly be in turmoil for the time being, in the bigger picture I feel the A-League will get through this," he said.

"FFA chairman Frank Lowy is no idiot and the clubs are really supportive of the new committee structure which came out of the recent owner's meeting with FFA.

"I am positive on the league going forward. Somebody will take on Newcastle for sure - I am absolutely certain of that."

Tinkler was battered with a multitude of bad press on Wednesday, with Newcastle Knights legend Matt Johns amongst those questioning how his former NRL club will fare under Tinkler's ownership.

"We're not sure what is going on, we don't know what Nathan Tinkler is going to do next," he said on Triple M.

"Nathan Tinkler has proved himself to be extremely volatile. He's a man with little patience, and even less loyalty."
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
First Team Squad
over 15 years
Thank god Sage is still on board...
The Jets need to be sorted out soon or there will be no players and the costs of fighting Tinkler will be greater than the FFA running the club itself.
Who owns the other clubs? Like Heart for instance?
"I am positive on the league going forward. Somebody will take on Newcastle for sure - I am absolutely certain of that."
How so certain? Is he prepared to do it himself/contribute or is that just brave talk?
First Team Squad
over 15 years
I've got the solution. Aussie govt to raise taxes on mining to pay fund the FFA and prop up a-league.
If they won't pay for it willingly then tax it out of them.
So simple, so unlikely, pity it would work.
Still Believin'
over 17 years
I'll be surprised if this makes it as far as court.
The FFA and HSG will already be negotiating a termination of their contract by mutual consent.
HSG want to get out of a 10 year commitment, and the FFA will probably settle for a sum that allows them to run the Jets for a season or two while they tee up new owners. There should be plenty of room for them to meet somewhere in the middle.
over 17 years
i don't think we should discriminate against billionaires. Let's ban obese guys from the A-League insteadjames dean2012-04-12 09:38:25
Early retirement
over 17 years
There goes half the league's fan base.
about 13 years
james dean wrote:
i don't think we should discriminate against billionaires. Let's ban obese guys from the A-League instead
Definition required urgently as I decide my membership status!
Starting XI
about 17 years
Solution: ban obese guys who are billionaires....with no provable love of football...(never mind ya money sunshine, where's ya old football photos?...sorry there's 11 players in football, not 13/15/18 mate!)
almost 16 years
Can I briefly reflect on the following ... I am not sure whether to post this here, on on the 'get your balls out' prediction thread  .. but it was always going to happen ....
Posted: 21 Feb 2011 at 5:11pm <!-- Start Member Post -->
Re Nathan Tinkler (see above) ... the guy has also spent a small fortune (well a large one actually) on Australian horse racing ... the best that money can buy etc ... some success but unfortunately he has also established a track record for firing trainer after trainer ...
cronus2012-04-12 11:33:26
almost 17 years
so he's really just another Palmer, wanting his money to get him titles and championships.
Still Believin'
over 17 years
"A looming $35 million-plus damages claim by Football Federation Australia (FFA) against Tinkler's Hunter Sports Group, which owns and operates the Knights, places the NRL club at risk under its current ownership model, according to legal experts."
"The huge damages claim is fuelled by the knowledge within FFA that it may end up funding the Jets next season while it hunts for new investors, having accepted that the club cannot be allowed to fold."
"Legal experts say the FFA can pursue all the companies in HSG, including the NRL club, and even sue Tinkler and Troy Palmer personally in the fallout of the company's decision to hand back the A-League licence for the Newcastle Jets, the Knights' stablemate."
"Players union chief Brendan Schwab said HSG had said "existing contracts will be honoured, and that gives us time" to find a solution to the dispute.
Schwab also allayed fears of a an immediate flight of talent to other clubs, saying the union had advised its members to sit tight."
Still Believin'
over 17 years

"They have not communicated the answers we have been seeking in regard to why we were charged a licence fee and commissions were paid, when other clubs were not charged a cent."

Tinkler would have us believe he's some poor 80 year-old granny who's been hoodwinked by a dodgy second hand car dealer and not a billionaire mining magnate.
What a load of bullsh*t. He should be embarrassed at the very suggestion that he and his team were not completely aware of what the deal was about.
over 17 years
I just can't get over the fact that he can't understand why buying an established team in a proven market costs more than a startup team in a volatile market.

To put it in terms he would understand, it would be like expecting to buy a fully operational, producing mine for the same price as a piece of unsurveyed land with the possibility of striking coal. It is a complete excuse, and even if it wasn't, does he pay all his mining contractors exactly the same, and if he doesn't, would he top all the lowest paid ones up if they came to him when they found out someone else got paid more, or tell them to F off, because thats the way the world works?
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
THEY call him "The Gambler", because of his propensity for making a seemingly endless array of "double or nothing" bets on his business empire that seem to come off.

But has Nathan Tinkler - the ex-sparkie from Muswellbrook who made his fortune by outsmarting international mining giants like Rio Tinto - this time bitten off more than he can chew?

On Tuesday, he abruptly dumped his A-League licence for the Newcastle Jets, triggering a potential $50 million legal action from Football Federation Australia.

But that is just the start of the rumour mill concerning the Tinkler empire, despite the fact that his wealth is estimated to be over $1 billion.

In the face of this paper fortune, Tinkler has some of the problems of average Australians: like a large mortgage on his home on Merewether Beach in Newcastle.
Early retirement
over 17 years
almost 16 years
theprof wrote:
so he's really just another Palmer, wanting his money to get him titles and championships.
Yes:  wants the A League, AND the Melbourne Cup ....
First Team Squad
over 15 years
aitkenmike wrote:
I just can't get over the fact that he can't understand why buying an established team in a proven market costs more than a startup team in a volatile market.

To put it in terms he would understand, it would be like expecting to buy a fully operational, producing mine for the same price as a piece of unsurveyed land with the possibility of striking coal. It is a complete excuse, and even if it wasn't, does he pay all his mining contractors exactly the same, and if he doesn't, would he top all the lowest paid ones up if they came to him when they found out someone else got paid more, or tell them to F off, because thats the way the world works?

This is true but apparently the FFA didn't charge anything or anything like 5mil for the license for Adelaide, another established club. If this is true an explanation is required.
As much as the Tinkler can complain about the FFA, probably validly, the course he has taken is makes him scum. Hope the FFA take him for all he's worth in the courts.

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