First Team Squad
almost 2 years
Yeah, gives off a very "too good to be true" vibe. Of course anyone selling such a proposal would try to make it seem like greatest thing ever. But it's not my city so not my problem, can just say wow and see what happens 
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Not a chance this will happen 
The council say it will take six weeks to fix a road in Auckland then a few weeks later make it 18 weeks, with no logical explanation 
Auckland Transport fixes the roads, not the council

No, the main reason this won't happen is that the government in Wellington are pissed off with Auckland/Wayne Brown and won't let anything happen that will give him a "win"
Starting XI
over 7 years
Napier Phoenix
Behind paywall at NZ Herald but have a search or look yourselves. Latest proposal at Quay Park, this is the most exciting prospect in my eyes. Of course cost is a big factor but I like the concept. Multi purpose area, sport, hotels, retail, apartments, immediately adjacent to Spark Arena…..

Here is the link anyway.
Not gonna lie on this one. Looks pretty damn impressive if it gets the green light. Iconic if you will.

Unbelievable. I'll be psychologically tormented if this doesn't become a reality.

The block this is slated for is a bit crap - it's sort of purgatory between Britomart and Spark Arena - and the area desperately needs rejuvenation. Developments are slowly creeping up that way, towards Beach Road (including the Takutai Square makeover and the Seascape tower)

Goldman Sachs is a consortium partner, and perhaps most importantly, New Zealand Rugby has apparently put its support behind this consortium. That's some significant pulling power, and hopefully that sharke Eden Park rejuvenation bid (one of four options, alongside this, a sunken stadium and a Wynyard Point complex) never gets anywhere close to acceptance
over 9 years
If NZ Rugby back this proposal over a refurbed EP (or the other 2 options) then yes that is very significant. 

Good news the design has a downsized 'club mode' - which will suit Auckland FC, Blues and Warriors. Though I think the Warriors will be wary about leaving Mt Smart (near their Sth Auckland heartland) completely. 

over 17 years
Looks very pretty on paper. I'm wondering where the "up to 2000" residential apartments fit in. That's a helluva lot of apartments. They might not look so pretty.
about 1 year
Still very excitedd of course but struggling to see what the 'club mode' would look like from the pictures?
Phoenix Academy
over 9 years
Still very excitedd of course but struggling to see what the 'club mode' would look like from the pictures?

Polish_20240210_162014058.png 1.91 MB
over 17 years
Seascape, the tallest residential tower in NZ at 56 storeys, just down the road from proposed stadium, will have 221 apartments available for sale on completion. So Seascape times almost 10 is what the consortium is proposing to be able to fund the build. Sounds kinda hideous.
over 9 years
Jessie Merino
Seascape, the tallest residential tower in NZ at 56 storeys, just down the road from proposed stadium, will have 221 apartments available for sale on completion. So Seascape times almost 10 is what the consortium is proposing to be able to fund the build. Sounds kinda hideous.

A fancy version of Kenilworth Road, walking through someone's backyard at each entrance!!

But as MM said there is a lot of vacant nothing land in that area of Auckland. I'm guessing getting the land free/cheap (is it Maori leasehold there?), and then selling all those apartments - the profit from that, will go a long way to funding the stadium construction. Does the same developer then get to later, develop the area around a demolished Eden Park? All combined that would all help with the infill housing Auckland needs that's for sure.

I'm sure the bean counters and consultants behind each bid are burning the midnight oil, getting these proposals altogether for the Govt and Council.

over 17 years
Not leasehold. Ngati Whatua Orakei own the land. Have yet to commit to any agreement. They'll want a big part of the action.
about 17 years
A lot of everything to everyone (except Eden Park!) about this proposal. 

Also waterfront places tend to get cold and windy a lot more than those nestled in trees and houses. Probably not a major consideration, but. 
First Team Squad
almost 6 years
Yuck. As an architect, that is horrendous and very Dubai. 

I get the nod to rangitoto, that’s about all I like. Sorry.
about 1 year
Still very excitedd of course but struggling to see what the 'club mode' would look like from the pictures?

Polish_20240210_162014058.png 1.91 MB
Not quite Vancouver
over 17 years
Love it but if built I bet it turns into an ugly monstrosity nothing like the initial design.

I also worry about how well that would keep out the wind and rain. That sight line to Rangitoto could be very grim in winter.
over 17 years
The paywalled article via Greater Auckland:

New Zealand Rugby (NZR) is backing a downtown stadium for Auckland, as the long-term solution for the city.The national sport’s governing body has aligned itself with one of the three consortiums proposing a new waterfront venue.Such a stance by NZR is almost unprecedented in more than three decades of stadium debates in Auckland, as they have usually preferred to be neutral, or backed the status quo.As reported in the Weekend Herald, on December 11 the Auckland council working group, put together by Mayor Wayne Brown to strategise on the best future option for a main stadium in the city, heard extended submissions from four parties.The quartet were: Eden Park, with their 2.0 redevelopment, the downtown options at Bledisloe Wharf (”the sunken stadium”), Quay Park on the eastern part of the waterfront near Spark Arena, and the Tank Farm proposal, near Wynyard Point.The groups gave 75-minute presentations, with a range of speakers on each pitch.The Herald has been told NZR chief executive Mark Robinson was part of the Quay Park presentation team, outlining his vision and the benefits for the city as a whole.

The details of the presentations are highly confidential but observers in the room said Robinson emphasised the “transformational” impact of that particular bid – which is based on a sporting and entertainment precinct rather than just a venue – as well as the overall positives of having an inner-city venue.The working group was told NZR believed a new venue could put Auckland on the map in an unprecedented way.They were also interested in potential commercial and strategic opportunities from a brand new facility and were excited about the possibilities to enhance the match-day experience for fans.The benefits for a range of stakeholders were also outlined, including iwi Ngāti Whātua, while the meeting was also told by Robinson that NZR’s stable of world-class athletes – including the All Blacks and Black Ferns – deserved to play in the best possible arenas.

At the end of his presentation, it’s also understood Robinson suggested the 2029 British Lions tour could be a stretch goal to christen the new facility, given the massive opportunities that come with those expeditions, with tens of thousands of travelling fans.

NZR’s involvement feels like quite a statement.Through the All Blacks, they are the biggest sporting brand in the country and their influence carries weight, formally and informally, in corridors of power, from Auckland Council to the Beehive.However, it is still very early days. Sources close to the council have told the Herald NZR remains respectful of their long-standing relationship with Eden Park, especially with the All Blacks’ success at the Sandringham venue.

NZR also knows that the process, which is expected to be completed by the end of the first quarter next year, needs to be completed, with the ultimate decision made by the wider council.But the NZR board also believe, as emphasised by Robinson, that the time is right to explore all the opportunities – in a thorough way – to arrive at the optimal solution for Auckland and New Zealand. In that way, they appear willing to be at the forefront of the conversation.While it is an unprecedented move to be aligned with a bid, NZR’s involvement will certainly add credibility to a waterfront option. It could also send a signal to other sporting codes that alternative ideas should and can be investigated.Such a proactive stance is a change of tack for NZR.Back in 2005-2006, when plans for a waterfront facility (Stadium New Zealand) were first mooted ahead of the hosting of the 2011 Rugby World Cup, NZR was neutral.While they suggested conditional support of the Labour government’s plan for a fully funded 60,000-seat downtown stadium, behind the scenes there were mixed messages and even considerable lobbying in favour of Eden Park from some quarters, before the waterfront option was eventually ditched by Wellington, buried in red tape thanks to Auckland Council and Auckland Regional Council.It was a similar scenario in 1997-1998, when a new city stadium was being proposed ahead of the co-hosted 2003 Rugby World Cup with Australia (which eventually fell through).Granted, back then it was a very different environment – in the first few years of professional rugby – but the NZR board chose a wait-and-see approach as the merits of both proposals were debated, with the council eventually deciding to redevelop Eden Park’s North Stand rather than put funds into a downtown venue.Even recently, as numerous different plans have been mooted since 2012, NZR has mostly seemed reluctant to take a position. In 2016 the Blues board decided they would support – in principle – a new rectangular downtown venue for the football codes in Auckland, despite being long-term tenants of Eden Park.

It was quite a statement, but at the time then-NZR chief executive Steve Tew told the Herald: “We have a current arrangement with Eden Park and will leave any discussions on a new stadium to the wider Auckland community.”The new stance could reflect the vision and make-up of the new NZR board.When contacted by the Herald, NZR declined to comment on a “confidential council process” but provided the following statement from Robinson.“NZR is always looking for ways to grow the game and create great experiences for our fans and our teams. We also understand that we have a leadership role wider than rugby and being engaged in conversations about transformational opportunities in Aotearoa is also important.

Life and death
over 17 years
Note to self: Don’t employ Wandering Sheep to design my brand new stadium project….
Yuck. As an architect, that is horrendous and very Dubai. 

I get the nod to rangitoto, that’s about all I like. Sorry.
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
How long before the cry goes up again to put a roof on the Cake Tin? Or maybe bowl the whole thing and build something new to match Dunedin and Christchurch. 
Starting XI
about 12 years
Still very excitedd of course but struggling to see what the 'club mode' would look like from the pictures?

Polish_20240210_162014058.png 1.91 MB

Club mode? Like the Sky Stadium ‘club mode’, just close ranks and put everyone one side of the stadium?
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
If NZ Rugby back this proposal over a refurbed EP (or the other 2 options) then yes that is very significant. 

Good news the design has a downsized 'club mode' - which will suit Auckland FC, Blues and Warriors. Though I think the Warriors will be wary about leaving Mt Smart (near their Sth Auckland heartland) completely. 

Always wondered if the Warriors had the chance to move to a Stadium & training base in South Auckland, whether they would consider it. That would allow the possibility for a second Auckland NRL team based in the City, which makes more sense than a Welly/ChCh team to me. An Auckland NRL derby would be fun but is never gonna happen.
almost 17 years
How long before the cry goes up again to put a roof on the Cake Tin? Or maybe bowl the whole thing and build something new to match Dunedin and Christchurch. 

A roof on Sky stadium would have made sense when it was being built, retro fitting one would cost more than the stadium did when first built. If we had a ready to go cricket venue then I'd be happy to see Sky knoocked down, sold for scrap and a rectangular football/dugby stadium built in it's place. If only we had a circular ground for cricket in the city. Oh wait we do, it just needs some money spent on the stands to increase its capacity to the original 18k.
over 9 years
If NZ Rugby back this proposal over a refurbed EP (or the other 2 options) then yes that is very significant. 

Good news the design has a downsized 'club mode' - which will suit Auckland FC, Blues and Warriors. Though I think the Warriors will be wary about leaving Mt Smart (near their Sth Auckland heartland) completely. 

Always wondered if the Warriors had the chance to move to a Stadium & training base in South Auckland, whether they would consider it. That would allow the possibility for a second Auckland NRL team based in the City, which makes more sense than a Welly/ChCh team to me. An Auckland NRL derby would be fun but is never gonna happen.

Port Moresby, PNG is almost locked in now as the next NRL expanision side. Aus Govt working with PNG Govt etc. After that Perth seems the next likely destination.

Starting XI
over 12 years
Napier Phoenix
Note to self: Don’t employ Wandering Sheep to design my brand new stadium project….
Yuck. As an architect, that is horrendous and very Dubai. 

I get the nod to rangitoto, that’s about all I like. Sorry.

I agree with him the design is woeful - but it's also probably just one of those concept drawings that when it's actually drawn up properly it looks much better.
over 17 years
I've just come back from having a wander around the proposed site. Had interesting chat with a gatekeeper for Spark Arena stage deliveries who reckoned site was nowhere near wide enough for "another Eden Pk". Not to mention adding 000's apartments. Not to mention all the rail lines. So is it proposed that trains travel to and from Britomart underground beneath the stadium? Expect warfare between AT and Council to continue ... not to mention massive disruption to train timetables YET AGAIN!
about 17 years

It looks like a Magic Mushroom!! Perhaps the architect was eating some for inspiration?? ffs
over 9 years
Jessie Merino
I've just come back from having a wander around the proposed site. Had interesting chat with a gatekeeper for Spark Arena stage deliveries who reckoned site was nowhere near wide enough for "another Eden Pk". Not to mention adding 000's apartments. Not to mention all the rail lines. So is it proposed that trains travel to and from Britomart underground beneath the stadium? Expect warfare between AT and Council to continue ... not to mention massive disruption to train timetables YET AGAIN!

The gate keeper says it won't work and all the fancy architects & consultants have it wrong.

Few years back for 6 months I worked for BNZ at Quay Park which is right next door to Spark Arena. The building would shake a bit when trains passed underneath.

Life and death
over 17 years
That’s it then….. scrub the whole idea.
Jessie Merino
I've just come back from having a wander around the proposed site. Had interesting chat with a gatekeeper for Spark Arena stage deliveries who reckoned site was nowhere near wide enough for "another Eden Pk". Not to mention adding 000's apartments. Not to mention all the rail lines. So is it proposed that trains travel to and from Britomart underground beneath the stadium? Expect warfare between AT and Council to continue ... not to mention massive disruption to train timetables YET AGAIN!
over 17 years
No, not the whole idea. Just less grandiose. A compact stadium would be excellent without all this overdesigned overblown overkill. If not this site then Victoria Pk or north end of Wynyard Pt would be fine. Without the hassle. Foley's up for it.
over 9 years
Jessie Merino
No, not the whole idea. Just less grandiose. A compact stadium would be excellent without all this overdesigned overblown overkill. If not this site then Victoria Pk or north end of Wynyard Pt would be fine. Without the hassle. Foley's up for it.

A new downtown Stadium of only 18-25K doesn't really help Auckland or NZ that much. It's more a nice have for football/rugby/league fans, tired of oval multi use stadiums. 

But a financially profitable 50,000 plus National Stadium, with as many events (sport, concerts, Crusty Demons or whatever) or tenants as possible, is a must have for NZ to ever host anything like a Rugby World Cup again, or co hosting a Mens Football World Cup, Club World Cup etc etc. I'm sure Foley is being told this.
over 17 years
If I was Bill Foley I'd ask Auckland Council how much they'd accept for Nth Harbour Stadium to be taken off their hands. Then rebuild it quicktime as a dedicated football stadium.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Jessie Merino
If I was Bill Foley I'd ask Auckland Council how much they'd accept for Nth Harbour Stadium to be taken off their hands. Then rebuild it quicktime as a dedicated football stadium.

So no one will go to North Harbour for football matches yet again? 
and 3 others
over 17 years
That was for the Knights. NZ under 20's got near full houses in the U 20 WC. If the football's good they'll come.
over 13 years
Think some people are still trying to get home 
over 17 years
Life and death
over 17 years
I don’t think so. These days stadia of that type can’t pay for themselves. They need to have many more revenue streams than a couple of football games that is why you see these complexes being built that include apartments, retail, tourism, hotels, restaurants, conferences, etc that  keep these places going outside game time. add to that the desire for a large national stadium and to get over the political line it needs to be/look a bit special. With all of that in mind, Eden Park can’t provide that even with the millions of dollars spent on upgrades. Foley could buy NHS and use as their training base if he really wanted a home but the cost of upgrade may preclude that. The AK team need a training facility like the Nix have and in Auckland (without building his own) only the Warriors and Blues have anything close to similar. Might have to see who owns the arena in Vegas and where the Black Knights train. I recall visiting the LA Lakers facility in LA, it wasn’t at the Staples Center where they (and the Clippers) played their NBA games. As an aside, the Sparks (WNBA team) actually played their games at the training facility, not The Staples Center. So the training and playing locations dont need to be the same or even close to each other.

Edit:   City National Arena is the practice facility and team headquarters of the Vegas Golden Knights of the National Hockey League. City National Arena opened on September 18, 2017, and is located in Summerlin South, Nevada, a suburb of Las Vegas.
Jessie Merino
No, not the whole idea. Just less grandiose. A compact stadium would be excellent without all this overdesigned overblown overkill. If not this site then Victoria Pk or north end of Wynyard Pt would be fine. Without the hassle. Foley's up for it.
First Team Squad
almost 6 years
Napier Phoenix
Note to self: Don’t employ Wandering Sheep to design my brand new stadium project….
Yuck. As an architect, that is horrendous and very Dubai. 

I get the nod to rangitoto, that’s about all I like. Sorry.

Ha that's fine. The key things from this:

a) you'll get wet
b) it looks like a dubai shopping centre
c) and crucially, it will never look like that as it would cost 100's of millions

over 9 years
Urggh. Just wrote a masterpiece (he says modestly) but it's lost into the ether.

In summary Mt Smart (ex OFC headquarters so must have some football specific infrastructure there), Ngahue Reserve (current OFC headquarters) and Albany (NZF HQ) could all be good training options for Auckland FC. Albany is also close to AUT Millennium - Auckland's version of NZCIS.

No coincedence Nix's ALM are doing so well, not long after moving to world class NZCIS. Fantastic training & recovery facilities can only help on field performance, a general feeling of excellence, and raised standards around any club.

But I'm sure Foley has a spare $5M or so to throw at improved facilities at either Mt Smart, Ngahue Reserve or Albany. Can only benefit Warriors, OFC, NZF or whoever. Similar to FIFA throwing money at various grounds for last year's WWC.

over 13 years
Believe the pacific rugby team have dropped mt smart for training and moved to North Harbour due to the superior training facilities 
Life and death
over 17 years
There is probably more room for them there at NHS, The Wahs have a pretty good set up but it is theirs.
Believe the pacific rugby team have dropped mt smart for training and moved to North Harbour due to the superior training facilities 
about 1 year
Feel like maybe the stands could be steeper in those designs? Maybe I'm just inventing problems though.
over 9 years
Napier Phoenix
There is probably more room for them there at NHS, The Wahs have a pretty good set up but it is theirs.
Believe the pacific rugby team have dropped mt smart for training and moved to North Harbour due to the superior training facilities 

No idea what commercial sponsors Moana Pasika have behind them, or how much money they get from NZR to run their team (they are part of the NZ Conference - Fiji Drua is in the Australia Conference). But MP's crowds at Mt Smart for Super Rugby Pacific have been pretty pitiful. 

I don't imagine they have alot of spare cash. That won't be a problem for Foley, and the Wahs will be happy enough to welcome Auckland FC bling, if he throws a few million dollars at upgrading the training, rehab & media facilities in Penrose for everyone.

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