First Team Squad
over 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Ryan54 wrote:
austin10 wrote:
hepatitis wrote:
austin10 wrote:

In addition it is highly likely that Carlos will go rogue next season. Post World Cup and last year of his contract I expect big problems

Big call on Carlos

Carlos had huge motivations this year to make the WC. He lost weight and generally made an effort. But he was still a "problem child" at times. Next season he has no WC motivations and he knows he won't be re-signed. It will take all of Ernies man management skills to get a full productive season out him IMO.

We have Khrisna, Riera, Kenny and Carlos tying down 4 import slots. If we use an import slot on a gun midfielder then where are the goals going to come from?   Krishna, Boyd, Brockie LOL? Ernie has very little room to move  improving the squad

Where is the defence going to come from? We had the worst defence last year and all anyone wants to talk about is who to replace Huysegems with. We made our bed when we signed Krishna who is just clearly not good enough to be an import. The final import spot should either be for a top quality defensive midfielder  or a top quality defender. Krishna, Boyd and Brockie will have to do and it would obviously be a major plus if we could sign someone else. Maybe the Victory won't be too keen to hold on to Barbarouses as he does take up one of their import spots?

I think most people are fairly realistic that Siggy and Durante are staying put, but with possible movement on the full back positions, but with Boxall, Fenton, Caira, etc I can't see to much going on in the off season.

The reason people are talking about Stein is that he's gone as is Bertos and theoretically they leave gaps in the squad, I say  theoretically as I'd not bat a eyelid seeing Siggy and Adams playing up front as a new strike partnership they way this squad has had to make do over the season.

So even though nobody holds out to much hope of a radical overhaul of the entire squad, folk feel even Welnix will replace those that have gone.

Pretty much agree with Krishna and the import spot, we have to hope he can really step up though.

I understand this but the squad was already overbalanced in favour of attacking players. I agree that Sigmund and Durante are staying and Merrick has indicated he wants a midfielder and a striker. I wonder if our best hope for next season is to pick Sigmund, Durante and Boxall by playing 3 centre backs. Manny and Fenton could then be on the wings and be encouraged to get forward as much as possible.

I guess I'm holding out for a top quality defensive midfielder then. We were so much better when Reira was playing it makes me wonder how good we would have been if we had a top quality defensive midfielder.

I wonder how much pressure Welnix puts on Ernie to sign strikers? Surely he realises that our defence is sub par. What Welnix is correct about is that people want to see attacking football with lots of goals. However, what they ignore is that a team losing 5-0 all the time isn't a good look either. Any gains we will receive from playing attacking football are lost (and then some) when we get thrashed.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
FU BLU wrote:

When they find another market of 4 mill who share / buy the same products / services ....

Your attitude seems to be: "They need an A-league team in NZ, the Nix are safe no matter how crap we are." Exhibit A for the contrary: New Zealand Knights.
about 14 years
Ryan54 wrote:

I wonder how much pressure Welnix puts on Ernie to sign strikers? Surely he realises that our defence is sub par. What Welnix is correct about is that people want to see attacking football with lots of goals. However, what they ignore is that a team losing 5-0 all the time isn't a good look either. Any gains we will receive from playing attacking football are lost (and then some) when we get thrashed.

I agree.  If we were consistently losing 0:1, or 1:2, you could say that a better strike rate might help, because even a decent team may ship one or two goals from time to time against another team (see Adelaide losing to the Jets 0:2 last weekend). However, we got thrashed 1:4 or even 0:5 too often. A better defence would help: we need to stop leaking goals, and the worrying trend of getting penalties against us way too often. We didn't need to lose against Adelaide at home to a penalty kick. But it may not necessarily be just the defence, it can actually be the midfield (as well as the fullbacks) that I worry about.

about 17 years
2ndBest wrote:

Has everyone gone off the idea of Michael Eager? Not the most exciting signing but a kiwi in a position we need.

I haven't. Proven VPL player. Kiwi. Still young. CB who could fill in at DM.

Whether South Melbourne would let him go (either transfer or trial) might be an issue.

IIRC, I think that there is a maximum amount for Australian HAL teams to pay players transferring from state leagues (pretty low, something like $3k or $5k) I assume this is also the case for us.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Ryan54 wrote:

I wonder how much pressure Welnix puts on Ernie to sign strikers?

This is unrealistic. I don't think an experienced A-League coach would be blithely going along with suggestions from people he knows full well are ignorami when it comes to football. Welnix might determine the budget but Ernie determines the signings and the game-plan.
over 17 years
austin10 wrote:

OK...there seems to be universal approval that Stein is going.....can't score , slow, no right foot etc.

It is quite likely that he will be snapped up by another A-League side and then probably ending up scoring A-league goals again next year. So if everyone is happy us ditching our leading goal scorer and probably our technically best player then what makes us so confident that we can attract a better player?. Because it seems to me that we are just as likely to struggle to find someone very similar to Stein i.e someone plus 30 y.o who has some defects that keep them from getting signed at a better level and we will end up paying more to get them here.

The reality is that coming to Wellington NZ to play for a club that is consistently at the bottom of the Australian A-League is not a major career move for any player on the planet. We got Stein because he had a glitch in is contract in Europe and wanted a complete change of scenery. And was he that bad a player?  sure he missed goals but when the team was on song midseason and Riera and Carlos were on fire Stein scored  8 goals in 12 games???? and would  have probably pushed for the Golden boot if  the team had not fallen apart for the final third of the season. Was he at fault for the last third of the season?  Because IMO the problems were further back  in midfield. He was a great pro, had a good attitude, was rarely injured and offered good experiance when a large chunk of the squad are still schoolboys.

In addition it is highly likely that Carlos will go rogue next season. Post World Cup and last year of his contract I expect big problems from him. If we had kept Stein at least he can do a job in that creative midfield position....he has all the skills to make a success of that role. Others may be optimistic about our ability to recruit quality for next season....I don't share that optimisim. IMO we have ditched one of our better players with absolutely no guarantee that we will find a better replacement. 

I think he went badly missing in the second half of the season.  Maybe he will fit into another side, but on balance I understand why we released him.  In the end, over 2 seasons he was unable to really push us forward.  I think for us, he just wasn't the player we need as our main striker, highest paid player and an import
almost 14 years

I think we have to understand our reality when we set our stall out for players.

It has to be: 1 it's A-league football, 2 a great club culture, 3 play in a brilliant purpose-built stadium, 4 with a packed, raucous crowd, and 5 a great coach. It's more "plucky little Phoenix punching above its weight & a feelgood factor". Depending on the player it could be a stepping stone to a bigger league; however if you are over 23, we rely on you to be a pro and earn your $ and contribute positively to team culture.

Of those 5 we can probably tick 1, 2 and 5.

Is there anything else that we offer?

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Er, the Wellington lifestyle?

almost 14 years

You get paid on time in Wellington which doesn't happen in plenty of higher leagues around the world.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Ryan wrote:

You get paid on time in Wellington which doesn't happen in plenty of higher leagues around the world.

Our track record probably doesn't suggest this. 
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Tegal wrote:
Ryan wrote:

You get paid on time in Wellington which doesn't happen in plenty of higher leagues around the world.

Our track record probably doesn't suggest this. 

New CBA guarantees player payments. That would be rather attractive for players in certain parts of Europe right now.
almost 16 years
Tegal wrote:
Ryan wrote:

You get paid on time in Wellington which doesn't happen in plenty of higher leagues around the world.

Our track record probably doesn't suggest this. 

New WGA guarantees player payments. That would be rather attractive for players in certain parts of Europe right now.


almost 16 years

"All Whites Chris Killen, Shane Smeltz, Michael McGlinchey or Rory Fallon could also be targeted for the right price."

Err... no.

tradition and history
over 17 years
Doloras wrote:

Er, the Wellington lifestyle?

Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Junior82 wrote:

"All Whites Chris Killen, Shane Smeltz, Michael McGlinchey or Rory Fallon could also be targeted for the right price."

Err... no.

Wee Mac is under contract with CCM still. We can't buy him off them.
almost 13 years
Junior82 wrote:

"All Whites Chris Killen, Shane Smeltz, Michael McGlinchey or Rory Fallon could also be targeted for the right price."

Err... no.

Wee Mac is under contract with CCM still. We can't buy him off them.
and Killen and Smeltz are old and injury prone, and Fallon isn't good enough and doesn't fit in our style either
Early retirement
over 17 years

So.  Suspect we'll sign all three then.

about 15 years
terminator_x wrote:

My theory on Chris James - 

It does seem strange that we never gave him a shot after the Mexico games, even if just on a short-term injury replacement or something. Even stranger when you consider that Ernie has been much more open-minded than Ricki (too open-minded?) to giving players like Riera, Timmins, Krishna etc the opportunity to prove themselves.

So there must be something else going on and my theory is that the All Whites at the Nix are the ones who've told Ernie to pass on James. He has a bit of a rep for being "difficult" and I'm wondering if that's something that's got back to Ernie from guys who have spent time in All Whites camp with him.

Pure speculation of course, but if you look at it the other way - if the Nix All Whites were raving about him, he'd be playing for us already wouldn't he?

I reckon there is some merit in that there. You would hate to think so but even he has admitted he was a conspirator in his own AW downfall. I would also think that the shape he is in would probably be another. He does not look like he is in shape for a guy that is currently a pro footballer and has been so for a while. How is he going to fare in our system where similar players like Ifill and Carlos who are not noted trainers, have had to get their ass in shape (and even then, you would say those two have probably been marginal in the 'shape' department)
about 15 years
Smithy wrote:
Wibblebutt wrote:


Long in the tooth but still has pace and knows where the goal is. Proven A-League performer. Merrick knows him well. Exactly the type of striker we need. Not an import. Offer him a 1+1, based on appearances and/or goals.


I'd be happy if we signed Archie. But I can't see it happening.

I think everyone would take Archie because he has shown at his age, that he is still in shape and can still play. Imagine him and Smeltz in the same team. That would be motivating knowing the other striker is the other leading goalscorer in league history.
First Team Squad
over 16 years
Jeff Vader wrote:
Smithy wrote:
Wibblebutt wrote:


Long in the tooth but still has pace and knows where the goal is. Proven A-League performer. Merrick knows him well. Exactly the type of striker we need. Not an import. Offer him a 1+1, based on appearances and/or goals.


I'd be happy if we signed Archie. But I can't see it happening.

I think everyone would take Archie because he has shown at his age, that he is still in shape and can still play. Imagine him and Smeltz in the same team. That would be motivating knowing the other striker is the other leading goalscorer in league history.

I'd take Archie on 1 year deals. I get the impression he generally has less injury problems, but I have no idea how accurate that is.
First Team Squad
over 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

"All Whites Chris Killen, Shane Smeltz, Michael McGlinchey or Rory Fallon could also be targeted for the right price."

Err... no.

Wee Mac is under contract with CCM still. We can't buy him off them.
and Killen and Smeltz are old and injury prone, and Fallon isn't good enough and doesn't fit in our style either

We can't be like that. If we don't want to sign one of those guys then we probably won't sign another striker. There is no one better than those guys going for a price we can afford.
almost 14 years

Next season is going to be interesting.

about 17 years

Plus Archie does love to score in Wellington! 

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

We have lost Waffles & Ifill off our books and added this Gorrin kid. Surely he wouldn't be taking their cap space, so we must have an Aus/NZ player lined up on pretty decent wages right?

First Team Squad
over 13 years

We have lost Waffles & Ifill off our books and added this Gorrin kid. Surely he wouldn't be taking their cap space, so we must have an Aus/NZ player lined up on pretty decent wages right?

Has Ifill officially left the club/retired?
One in a million
over 17 years

Signed Sunderland academy player Alex Gorrin, Spanish midfielder

almost 14 years
dunnix wrote:

We have lost Waffles & Ifill off our books and added this Gorrin kid. Surely he wouldn't be taking their cap space, so we must have an Aus/NZ player lined up on pretty decent wages right?

Has Ifill officially left the club/retired?

You'd think he would be back on reduced wages. Although apparently the insurance that players have says that if an injury is career ending you get a year of full wages, so maybe Ifill is expecting to be compensated to turn down free money.
Starting XI
almost 17 years
Ryan wrote:
dunnix wrote:

We have lost Waffles & Ifill off our books and added this Gorrin kid. Surely he wouldn't be taking their cap space, so we must have an Aus/NZ player lined up on pretty decent wages right?

Has Ifill officially left the club/retired?

You'd think he would be back on reduced wages. Although apparently the insurance that players have says that if an injury is career ending you get a year of full wages, so maybe Ifill is expecting to be compensated to turn down free money.
Pretty sure he's waiting a couple of months till he starts running again before making a call on whether to give it another crack. So we won't know for a while.
almost 13 years

So we apparently are still looking for a versatile defender, a def mid, and a striker to bang in the goals.

Defender: ???

DM: Eager? Payne? (if he doesn't sign with Toronto)

Striker: Archie? Kosta? (although Kosta probably isn't the right sort of player) Smeltz?

Are there any other names we've been linked with?

almost 14 years

Would like to see Killen come here, but I thought Ernie wanted mobility - so really only Kosta.

Archie will be 36 next season kind of the opposite of what Ernie seems to go for.

almost 13 years
Ryan wrote:

Would like to see Killen come here, but I thought Ernie wanted mobility - so really only Kosta.

Archie will be 36 next season kind of the opposite of what Ernie seems to go for.

Except Archie still seems quick and mobile enough to bang in the goals in the A League, and flourished under Ernie previously


almost 14 years
Ryan wrote:

Would like to see Killen come here, but I thought Ernie wanted mobility - so really only Kosta.

Archie will be 36 next season kind of the opposite of what Ernie seems to go for.

Except Archie still seems quick and mobile enough to bang in the goals in the A League, and flourished under Ernie previously


Doesn't Archie have the most off sides in the A-League? Anyway age can catch up pretty quickly.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

One of Ernie's jobs is to rejuvenate the squad, signing a 36 year old doesn't do that. 

almost 13 years

Fair responses

Phoenix Academy
almost 13 years
dunnix wrote:

We have lost Waffles & Ifill off our books and added this Gorrin kid. Surely he wouldn't be taking their cap space, so we must have an Aus/NZ player lined up on pretty decent wages right?

Has Ifill officially left the club/retired?

He's said in his last fairfax article that the club was allowing him to stay till he has finished his recovery. I assume that's unpaid, and he'll get a chance to show Ernie that he's fit enough to play in the a-league but personally I'm not sure how we could take such a big risk on an import, esp. after letting Stein go.
about 17 years
CloneMM wrote:
dunnix wrote:

We have lost Waffles & Ifill off our books and added this Gorrin kid. Surely he wouldn't be taking their cap space, so we must have an Aus/NZ player lined up on pretty decent wages right?

Has Ifill officially left the club/retired?

He's said in his last fairfax article that the club was allowing him to stay till he has finished his recovery. I assume that's unpaid, and he'll get a chance to show Ernie that he's fit enough to play in the a-league but personally I'm not sure how we could take such a big risk on an import, esp. after letting Stein go.

He's a kiwi next year. If he was an import he'd be gone, as we already have 5
about 14 years

Why would archie come here if we wanted him? I just don't see him wanting to

'The Scoop'
almost 16 years

I'm not the biggest fan but Brockie looks to be Ernie's intended main striker. He's been giving him so much time in these last games and that's because he'd already started planning for next year. 

If we are gonna play a similar system next year- with one main striker and a second more mobile winger / striker, then I would say that we have Krishna & Boyd to cover that mobile spot. Although Kosta would be a step up on them. But we do need another central striker to compete with Brockie and return goals. Youth isn't probably the right direction for that. 

Maybe we could target a Scot McDonald or another Aussie. 

over 17 years

imo Brockie struggled with the fact he didnt have a normal pre season + was always played with Stein - Stein + Brockie never worked. 

First Team Squad
almost 12 years

For me, if Ifill can be included as a non import next season then re-signing him is a no brainer, as long as he still wants to play. 30/45 mins off the bench, he can still be a game changer. Great clubman, still has a lot to offer.

and 2 others

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