$40-45 Million Soccer Specific Stadium - Petone Phoenix

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Stage Punch
about 17 years
dairyflat wrote:
Christo wrote:
The comments on that page. Much Wow.

...made worse when you see the names of people you thought you knew.   Grr!!

Stage Punch
about 17 years
brumbys wrote:

Any students out there with nothing to do? Perhaps we could get down there and film 24 hours of usage at Petone rec, count the number of people using it and time, and then counter these arguments with fact based on whether remaining green space would be enough to service the users needs.


Shit that's a good idea. Time lapse of the rec.
Stage Punch
about 17 years
Junior82 wrote:

The Petone Rec is a large open space where people of all ages come to play, walk, compete (sport), relax and regenerate.

A little slice of Gallifrey in NZ?


I think they mean procreate.
over 11 years
Smithy wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

The Petone Rec is a large open space where people of all ages come to play, walk, compete (sport), relax and regenerate.

A little slice of Gallifrey in NZ?


I think they mean procreate.

almost 17 years
Smithy wrote:
brumbys wrote:

Any students out there with nothing to do? Perhaps we could get down there and film 24 hours of usage at Petone rec, count the number of people using it and time, and then counter these arguments with fact based on whether remaining green space would be enough to service the users needs.


Shit that's a good idea. Time lapse of the rec.

Exactly. I don't know the area but I know council assets are often massively under utilised by the public, especially in a city like Wellington where the weather's often a big barrier for using said green space.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years
dairyflat wrote:

and they roll in -

Hi All
Can you please send this Petition out to all your team  members to sign, regarding the stopping of the building of a  Arena at Petone Rec. 

Lets spend 49 million then!
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
dairyflat wrote:

and they roll in -

Hi All
Can you please send this Petition out to all your team  members to sign, regarding the stopping of the building of a  Arena at Petone Rec. 

If this means that people think they can make a difference just by signing the petition, and refrain from making a submission, I'm all for it. The only way to actually have your say is to make a submission.
almost 16 years
Smithy wrote:
brumbys wrote:

Any students out there with nothing to do? Perhaps we could get down there and film 24 hours of usage at Petone rec, count the number of people using it and time, and then counter these arguments with fact based on whether remaining green space would be enough to service the users needs.


Shit that's a good idea. Time lapse of the rec.

David Attenborough hidden cams a la "Tiger - Spy in the Jungle".

Dog turd cam
Overflowing rubbish bin cam
Toilet cubicle cam (...actually maybe not this one)
Starting XI
over 17 years


Greetings to Petone Planning Action Group contacts and those concerned about the Petone Arena,

Over 40 people attended the PPAG meeting on Monday 5 April which focused mainly of the Draft Annual Plan and how to make submissions. Here are some of the things that were covered:

It is important that people make submissions and this can be done up to (and a little beyond) 16 May. The questionnaire can be filled in but doesn't have to be. A submission to CEO HCC in any format that you choose (typed or handwritten) is valid. Making an actual submission to HCC is still the key way to influence what will happen.

Every member of a household can make a separate submission or fill in a separate questionnaire, including those under 18 – there isn’t an age limit.

It is important to state that you are a resident and/or a ratepayer (if you are).

Dealing with changing information from the Council and CFT about the Petone Arena.

Because additional reports or information seem to be popping up on the HCC website and the CFT Facebook page it is obvious that this proposal could keep on changing every day for weeks. So people who are opposed to the stadium/arena idea could say that they are aware that could be further information and that they are opposed on the basis of what the CFT proposed to HCC and don't or won't agree with any later versions of this proposal either. 

Questions to do with the Town and Horticultural Halls are quite misleading as it seems as if the only difference is in the cost. In fact 3E+ would see both Town and Horticultural Halls demolished. 3F would see the Town Hall retained and just the Horticultural Hall demolished. If people value the heritage of these halls then choosing 3F is the only option to save at least one of them. As the form only has a tick box beside both options it will pay to make it very clear which one you support –by either striking out the other option or writing something about your choice.

The Cross Valley Link is mentioned again but with investigation only proposed to be started in 2017-18. People felt this needed to happen long before this and that a CVL is needed regardless of what happens with a Grenada to Petone link road - any such point will need to be added at the end of the questionnaire or on a separate page or in a separate submission.

The questions to do with finances are all related and need careful attention:

·  The first question is “Do you agree with overall plans to rejuvenate Hutt City?” If you tick Yes you could be agreeing to a Petone Arena.

·  Special Project for Consultation is specifically about $25M being put into the final Annual Plan for a Petone Arena (and Don't Mind and Don't Know can be construed in many ways so not worth ticking - for this or any question)

·  The Debt limit questions - the first one gives HCC open slather to spend what it likes; the second one would potentially stop the new projects (see P 9 of summary) and funding for a Petone Arena; and in the third option with varying debt levels, anything over $80m - $100m could allow $25M for a Petone Arena to be included. 

·  Rates increase/s: A 1% per year gives HCC open slather to spend what it likes;  ticking the second box “I don’t agree with an additional rates increase…” would potentially stop

the new projects (see P 9 of summary) and funding for a Petone Arena.

Do we want a Fortress for the Phoenix (as it is described in the CFT proposal to HCC) or a much used and loved and needed community green space and community sports grounds? That is the question, and one that you can get everyone you know to respond to - and you don't have to live in the Hutt to make a submission. 

There is a website petition that can be found at www.change.org and look for Petone in search box under big red heading of Start a Petition! For this to work every person who signs needs to send the link to their friends.

For further information out today you may like to read the following: Open Letter From Petone Rugby to The Community  on why the  Petone Rugby Club is strongly against the Arena.

Please put in a submission if you haven’t already done so, either online a www.hutt.city.govt.nz/annualplan or on the form, which is available from libraries and the Council – you can return it to these places too, or freepost it.

Regards, Merran Bakker

a.k.a AJ13
over 14 years
patrick478 wrote:
dairyflat wrote:

and they roll in -

Hi All
Can you please send this Petition out to all your team  members to sign, regarding the stopping of the building of a  Arena at Petone Rec. 

If this means that people think they can make a difference just by signing the petition, and refrain from making a submission, I'm all for it. The only way to actually have your say is to make a submission.

Im going to troll the shit out of this.
almost 17 years
dairyflat wrote:


 So people who are opposed to the stadium/arena idea could say that they are aware that could be further information and that they are opposed on the basis of what the CFT proposed to HCC and don't or won't agree with any later versions of this proposal either. 

This is the part I find most disturbing. The absolute refusement of ever supporting anything to do with this project is absurd. Why would you not have the debate and be prepared to find a solution that works for all parties?

almost 13 years

I note that the Doom Post today had an article about how Petone RFC don't think they'll have enough space for all their teams if the stadium goes ahead, and another article about how numbers of registered rugby players are declining across the whole Wellington region....

Maybe Petone RFC won't need as many grounds in a few years as it thinks it will....


Early retirement
over 17 years

That's been happening for years. 

Fraser Park has had two football pitches added at the expense of Rugby pitches and regularly only has one or two games of Rugby on it at all.

As for the rest, I am staying out of it lest I get quoted mid-rant in the media.  Suffice to say I think some high profile people have proven to be incompetent and that the WellNix PR machine is less effective than a couple of elderly hippies which does not bode well for the future of the club, let alone the Petone Arena.

Still Believin'
over 17 years
brumbys wrote:
Smithy wrote:
brumbys wrote:

Any students out there with nothing to do? Perhaps we could get down there and film 24 hours of usage at Petone rec, count the number of people using it and time, and then counter these arguments with fact based on whether remaining green space would be enough to service the users needs.


Shit that's a good idea. Time lapse of the rec.

Exactly. I don't know the area but I know council assets are often massively under utilised by the public, especially in a city like Wellington where the weather's often a big barrier for using said green space.

Interesting to think about those numbers...

At an absolute minimum the stadium could claim to be used by 8,000 - 10,000 people at least 12 times a year. In reality, it will be more than that if they can run other events there, conferences etc.

There's only 8,000 people even live in Petone. How many of those people regularly use the rec? I'll bet it's not even a quarter, so even if some outsiders come and play sport on it once in a while the usage numbers are probably well in favour of the stadium. Plus, we're not even talking about losing the whole rec. Not even close to it.

I'm sure opponents would fall back on the "loss of green space" argument but that implies recreation on green space is somehow superior to recreation taken inside a stadium, through watching sport. That's a purely subjective judgement. I'm sure there are many residents of Petone whose "usage" of the rec would actually increase if there was a stadium built there.

Early retirement
over 17 years

Don't go bringing your facts into this Termy.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

Berhampore Golf Course is another one that irks me.

Apparently the Mornington Golf Club are against the idea of having a cycle way pass through there. It wouldn't even reduce the already significant amount of land they get to use - it would just be a pathway so that people could cycle through the golf course instead of having to risk their lives on Adelaide Road.

I wasn't there but I was told one of them said at a meeting about it "and we've already given up part of the course for the kids mountain bike track". You know - that tiny bit of land directly opposite Wakefield Park that wasn't even part of the golf course!!

Some people's sense of entitlement and lack of community spirit is amazing.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

I do think that if opponents of the stadium are going to make statements like "much used and loved green space" then that is wide-open to challenge. How much is it used and loved and will it be more or less used and loved with a stadium? What is the worth of green space versus other kinds of space?

almost 13 years

I know this is just repeating what people on here have said a million times, but the owners/club have managed the media and public relations aspects of this horribly. It shouldn't be up to a fan group to be addressing these issues.

Gareth Morgan has a "I say what I think and f*ck people who disagree" public persona but he's not the sole owner of the club, and regardless, this is quite a different issue to domestic cats chomping on native birds,  or the merits of North Korea. If the club appears to just be steamrolling through ignoring ratepayers' concerns then anyone on the fence is going to fall on the side of the poor embattled Joe Kiwi fighting the greedy professional sports (not rugby) team. There should be a concerted campaign saying these are the benefits, this is what we want to bring to Petone, and we understand people's concerns and here's how we are addressing them.

IMO, the lack of effort and money invested in the media and marketing campaign for the stadium project definitely adds weight to the argument that this is all an effort to get Westpac to give us better terms. At most it seems like the club have an attitude that they will take the new stadium if the Hutt Council do all the work but they don't particularly want to put up a fight to get it. 

As fans we can definitely do our bit to make it happen but it is really disheartening to continue to hear nothing from the club about all this.

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
terminator_x wrote:

Berhampore Golf Course is another one that irks me.

Apparently the Mornington Golf Club are against the idea of having a cycle way pass through there. It wouldn't even reduce the already significant amount of land they get to use - it would just be a pathway so that people could cycle through the golf course instead of having to risk their lives on Adelaide Road.

I wasn't there but I was told one of them said at a meeting about it "and we've already given up part of the course for the kids mountain bike track". You know - that tiny bit of land directly opposite Wakefield Park that wasn't even part of the golf course!!

Some people's sense of entitlement and lack of community spirit is amazing.

I would play a lot more golf if I knew there were cyclists on the course to aim at. Missed opportunity for MGC.
over 17 years

I know this is just repeating what people on here have said a million times, but the owners/club have managed the media and public relations aspects of this horribly. It shouldn't be up to a fan group to be addressing these issues.

Gareth Morgan has a "I say what I think and f*ck people who disagree" public persona but he's not the sole owner of the club, and regardless, this is quite a different issue to domestic cats chomping on native birds,  or the merits of North Korea. If the club appears to just be steamrolling through ignoring ratepayers' concerns then anyone on the fence is going to fall on the side of the poor embattled Joe Kiwi fighting the greedy professional sports (not rugby) team. There should be a concerted campaign saying these are the benefits, this is what we want to bring to Petone, and we understand people's concerns and here's how we are addressing them.

IMO, the lack of effort and money invested in the media and marketing campaign for the stadium project definitely adds weight to the argument that this is all an effort to get Westpac to give us better terms. At most it seems like the club have an attitude that they will take the new stadium if the Hutt Council do all the work but they don't particularly want to put up a fight to get it. 

As fans we can definitely do our bit to make it happen but it is really disheartening to continue to hear nothing from the club about all this.

Letting Gareth front it wasn't a great idea.  I've said before that he's not a consensus builder - which is what was needed here.  You need to bring people with you, not bowl them over.

I've gone from thinking this is the greatest thing ever to now thinking there's about 20% chance of it going through. How is that possible when you have private funders investing $30 million in a community asset?  All signs point to a cock up.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

People never factor that in, it amazes me. The council basically go into this $30million up in a way. 

Chant Savant
over 17 years
TopLeft07 wrote:
terminator_x wrote:

Berhampore Golf Course is another one that irks me.

Apparently the Mornington Golf Club are against the idea of having a cycle way pass through there. It wouldn't even reduce the already significant amount of land they get to use - it would just be a pathway so that people could cycle through the golf course instead of having to risk their lives on Adelaide Road.

I wasn't there but I was told one of them said at a meeting about it "and we've already given up part of the course for the kids mountain bike track". You know - that tiny bit of land directly opposite Wakefield Park that wasn't even part of the golf course!!

Some people's sense of entitlement and lack of community spirit is amazing.

I would play a lot more golf if I knew there were cyclists on the course to aim at. Missed opportunity for MGC.

In all seriousness, putting a cycle path through a golf course imposes huge risk and increased insurance payments due to the risk of someone getting hit by a ball, deliberately or otherwise.
Not sure ratepayers would be happy incurring this extra cost to keep some soap dodging hippies happy
about 15 years
james dean wrote:

I know this is just repeating what people on here have said a million times, but the owners/club have managed the media and public relations aspects of this horribly. It shouldn't be up to a fan group to be addressing these issues.

Gareth Morgan has a "I say what I think and f*ck people who disagree" public persona but he's not the sole owner of the club, and regardless, this is quite a different issue to domestic cats chomping on native birds,  or the merits of North Korea. If the club appears to just be steamrolling through ignoring ratepayers' concerns then anyone on the fence is going to fall on the side of the poor embattled Joe Kiwi fighting the greedy professional sports (not rugby) team. There should be a concerted campaign saying these are the benefits, this is what we want to bring to Petone, and we understand people's concerns and here's how we are addressing them.

IMO, the lack of effort and money invested in the media and marketing campaign for the stadium project definitely adds weight to the argument that this is all an effort to get Westpac to give us better terms. At most it seems like the club have an attitude that they will take the new stadium if the Hutt Council do all the work but they don't particularly want to put up a fight to get it. 

As fans we can definitely do our bit to make it happen but it is really disheartening to continue to hear nothing from the club about all this.

Letting Gareth front it wasn't a great idea.  I've said before that he's not a consensus builder - which is what was needed here.  You need to bring people with you, not bowl them over.

I've gone from thinking this is the greatest thing ever to now thinking there's about 20% chance of it going through. How is that possible when you have private funders investing $30 million in a community asset?  All signs point to a cock up.

I've never thought this would happen from the get go simply because it's Gareth. 
a.k.a AJ13
over 14 years

Shouldve made Iffil the public relations go to guy for these meetings

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

The funny thing about Gareth fronting it is that aside from the initial presser and a couple of radio rants he's been missing in action. As has anybody else from Welnix to fill that void... leaving plenty of room for conjecture, misinformation, and nimby's.

As has been said previously (ad-nauseum), this indicates either:

  1. It's a negotiating "tactic" to get more/pay less at Westpac.
  2. The deal is pretty well already done well behind the scenes.


I'm picking/fearing it's infinitely more likely 1.



Still Believin'
over 17 years
SurgeQld wrote:

The funny thing about Gareth fronting it is that aside from the initial presser and a couple of radio rants he's been missing in action. As has anybody else from Welnix to fill that void... leaving plenty of room for conjecture, misinformation, and nimby's.

As has been said previously (ad-nauseum), this indicates either:

  1. It's a negotiating "tactic" to get more/pay less at Westpac.
  2. The deal is pretty well already done well behind the scenes.


I'm picking/fearing it's infinitely more likely 1.

Yeah, I guess there's a possibility the deal's already done behind the scenes and that Welnix have decided to keep a low profile so as not to stoke the fires too much.
I fear that might be just wishful thinking though.

Stage Punch
about 17 years
C-Diddy wrote:
TopLeft07 wrote:
terminator_x wrote:

Berhampore Golf Course is another one that irks me.

Apparently the Mornington Golf Club are against the idea of having a cycle way pass through there. It wouldn't even reduce the already significant amount of land they get to use - it would just be a pathway so that people could cycle through the golf course instead of having to risk their lives on Adelaide Road.

I wasn't there but I was told one of them said at a meeting about it "and we've already given up part of the course for the kids mountain bike track". You know - that tiny bit of land directly opposite Wakefield Park that wasn't even part of the golf course!!

Some people's sense of entitlement and lack of community spirit is amazing.

I would play a lot more golf if I knew there were cyclists on the course to aim at. Missed opportunity for MGC.

In all seriousness, putting a cycle path through a golf course imposes huge risk and increased insurance payments due to the risk of someone getting hit by a ball, deliberately or otherwise.

Not sure ratepayers would be happy incurring this extra cost to keep some soap dodging hippies happy


Factually inaccurate AND off topic.

ACC negates the insurance argument in this fine country my Australian friend.

So, in all seriousness, there is no additional cost it's just head in the sand selfishness.

But if you want to discuss golf courses and state-funded public insurance start a thread and we can debate it all there.
Stage Punch
about 17 years
terminator_x wrote:
SurgeQld wrote:

The funny thing about Gareth fronting it is that aside from the initial presser and a couple of radio rants he's been missing in action. As has anybody else from Welnix to fill that void... leaving plenty of room for conjecture, misinformation, and nimby's.

As has been said previously (ad-nauseum), this indicates either:

  1. It's a negotiating "tactic" to get more/pay less at Westpac.
  2. The deal is pretty well already done well behind the scenes.


I'm picking/fearing it's infinitely more likely 1.

Yeah, I guess there's a possibility the deal's already done behind the scenes and that Welnix have decided to keep a low profile so as not to stoke the fires too much.

I fear that might be just wishful thinking though.

I don't think it was just leverage. And I have put the question directly to Rob Morisson and Gareth Morgan. 

According to the DomPost only 400 people have made submissions to HCC so far on the Draft Annual Plan. 

That is a number we can sway!
First Team Squad
over 16 years
C-Diddy wrote:
TopLeft07 wrote:
terminator_x wrote:

Berhampore Golf Course is another one that irks me.

Apparently the Mornington Golf Club are against the idea of having a cycle way pass through there. It wouldn't even reduce the already significant amount of land they get to use - it would just be a pathway so that people could cycle through the golf course instead of having to risk their lives on Adelaide Road.

I wasn't there but I was told one of them said at a meeting about it "and we've already given up part of the course for the kids mountain bike track". You know - that tiny bit of land directly opposite Wakefield Park that wasn't even part of the golf course!!

Some people's sense of entitlement and lack of community spirit is amazing.

I would play a lot more golf if I knew there were cyclists on the course to aim at. Missed opportunity for MGC.

In all seriousness, putting a cycle path through a golf course imposes huge risk and increased insurance payments due to the risk of someone getting hit by a ball, deliberately or otherwise.

Not sure ratepayers would be happy incurring this extra cost to keep some soap dodging hippies happy

Not a direct comparison, but you can bike through Shandon Golf Course. The stopbank is public access, but not part of any official cycle trail.
The Special One
over 17 years


nice, emotive stuff in there. But really, far far more iconic sporting grounds with much richer histories have gone the way of the dodo.


claiming they will only get "maybe 6 games" a season on the arena. sounds false. might ask some questions.

After some digging, have found they played around 21 games on PetRecOne in 2013. sometimes 2 games per day. So quite a cut assuming they'd only be able to play just one game a day and just their prem team. Still seems off considering A-league is summer fun and rugby is in winter months.


Starting XI
over 17 years

I saw this bit

Another possibility is the proposed sand based training pitch being shifted to Petone Memorial Park where it will have a severe impact on the Petone Football Club with loss of usable grounds and having to share them with Phoenix Academy and Team Wellington along with the proposed Development and Women’s teams …..Yes this does have ramifications far wider than Petone Rec.

In a show of solidarity three very senior Petone (Soccer) Football officials attended the latest Petone Community Board meeting to voice their personal support for the Rugby Club’s opposition to the proposal but couldn’t speak on behalf of their club as it hadn’t been discussed at management level.


Starting XI
almost 15 years

I just read this, Its on the subject of purpose built grounds for A-League clubs.

Q&A De Bohun confident of A-League future

Would you like big-city clubs like Sydney FC, Melbourne Victory and Brisbane Roar to consider playing in smaller venues to generate a better atmosphere once their tenancy agreements expire?

It's a very good observation. Purpose-built stadia are a long-term goal. If you look at Major League Soccer, many clubs are moving to smaller stadia. There are a number of venues in Australia that meet that purpose. Hindmarsh Stadium in Adelaide is a great venue for the Reds' market, so is nib Stadium in Perth for Glory's.

We also have to accept the reality that we do share many venues with other sports and our game is one where the playing surface is very important.

But a vital part of our long-term vision is one where we can own some grounds where we can manage the surface.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Wonder if the nix have raised the possibility of FFA chipping in...not that they would for the nix I guess! 

Starting XI
almost 15 years

Well they would or have already back the idea otherwise we would have heard something negative from the FFA saying otherwise.

about 17 years
Smithy wrote:

Wonder why Mallard is anti the idea.

Because it is not named The Trevor Mallard Arena. Anyone remember what was tried on the Auckland water front with the then impending Rugby World Cup?

almost 16 years
Lonegunmen wrote:
Smithy wrote:

Wonder why Mallard is anti the idea.

Because it is not named The Trevor Mallard Arena.

The Mallard Stand 

Must try harder
over 17 years

Just in this morning ...the Eden Park residents Soc...wanting it both ways , now is against Eden Pk selling off the No2 ground ...for housing !

Pays to have a brass neck ,  and no  sense of shame ....speaking of which , wheres my old mate .....

Len !

Lennie !

almost 16 years

A song for Trev c/o Jack Elliott (Durham miner):

"The Unlucky Duck"

The spuggy chirping on the tiles
never suffers from the piles
Because there never was one yet
that got his backside sopping wet x2

The little duck that never smiles
has no such luck he gets the piles
'cos when he's walking round and round
His backside's bobbing on the ground x2

Every time he dips his heed
To bend his neb doon to a weed
He sticks his backside up on high
To try and get the bugger dry x2

How would you feel if your arse
was trailing on the sopping grass
well when he sails on water blue
the nagging pain strikes through and through x2

So when you hear a duck go quack 
divent huff or turn your back
Divent shout ye greet fond thing
Oh sing ye flat arsed buggers sing x2

Do you think the bugger would 
even if the bugger could
The duck goes quack but don't forget
His arse is always sopping wet x2

about 11 years

Sorry not adding anything to the discussion but this is a new Stadium that German club Paderborn built, holds 15000, intimate, and sheltered from the elements. Imagine if the Petone Arena was built, what a great place/athmosphere this would create for a game of football

This is really the type of stadiums that should've been build in NZ, where there's only a small population and many different clubs/codes.

Let's hope Petone Arena will be a new beginning

almost 13 years

Just out of curiosity, any idea how much that cost?

Edit: had a look on Wiki, 25m Euros apparently... not bad...

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$40-45 Million Soccer Specific Stadium - Petone Phoenix