$40-45 Million Soccer Specific Stadium - Petone Phoenix

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almost 14 years

Really does look like it was a bargaining chip for welnix. Looks like they played lower hurt city council and their own fans.

How did Gareth Morgan earn his money (assuming he was wealthy before trademe)? He seems to struggle to stick with anything once he announces some grand scheme.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

A consultancy and investing. He actually donated all of his share of the TradeMe sale.

about 17 years


No NIMBYs in Honduras, maybe we could relocate there?

It would be warmer for starters and cheaper to go watch games in say Mexico or the USA or South America anywhere. The Phoenix v Santos !
almost 13 years
Lonegunmen wrote:


No NIMBYs in Honduras, maybe we could relocate there?

It would be warmer for starters and cheaper to go watch games in say Mexico or the USA or South America anywhere. The Phoenix v Santos !

Honduras does have the world's highest murder rate, but that should just make our home games more intimidating for travelling fans.
Starting XI
over 17 years


Read the comments of the PRFC chairman... I despair.
(a) It never made the annual plan.
(b) There is no budget.

Self importance or what??

about 17 years

Im sure we could use bribe money better than some allegedly in FIFA. 

almost 16 years
Lonegunmen wrote:


No NIMBYs in Honduras, maybe we could relocate there?

It would be warmer for starters and cheaper to go watch games in say Mexico or the USA or South America anywhere. The Phoenix v Santos !

Honduras does have the world's highest murder rate, but that should just make our home games more intimidating for travelling fans.
That's my impression of the Hutt Valley generally.
almost 13 years
Junior82 wrote:
Lonegunmen wrote:


No NIMBYs in Honduras, maybe we could relocate there?

It would be warmer for starters and cheaper to go watch games in say Mexico or the USA or South America anywhere. The Phoenix v Santos !

Honduras does have the world's highest murder rate, but that should just make our home games more intimidating for travelling fans.

That's my impression of the Hutt Valley generally.

I think Honduras and the Hutt seem quite similar, but Honduras wins out because it is warmer, beer is cheaper, and there's plentiful cocaine.
almost 16 years

A Petone mullet trumps cheap, warm beer and drugs.

Was quite looking forward to educating the whanau about NZ bogans on our doorstep.


almost 13 years

I got Honduras in my works World Cup sweepstakes so now I'm trying to talk them up....

almost 16 years

I got Honduras in my works World Cup sweepstakes so now I'm trying to talk them up....

Fair enough.
F*cking Petone troglodytes.  Who needs them?

almost 16 years
Hard News wrote:

The nimbys will kill it.  I'm about 99.97% sure.

18 Feb post.
Should have just locked the thread then.

over 11 years
It's funny because Petone has just missed out on a once and a life time opportunity. The amount of money that would have been brought into the town would have been quite significant. The local businesses should have been lobbying in favour of this stadium proposal, instead of against it. It's really counter intuitive and illogical in my opinion. The whole of Petone should have considered itself extremely fortunate that such an idea was brought forward and recommended for their area. It seems the only real reason that people have against this proposal is protecting the status quo.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Plus not wanting poofball on THEIR ground was a very popular reason that I heard. 

Stage Punch
about 17 years

"The Phoenix did not make an Annual Plan submission to Hutt City Council, which made McMillan suspect the plan was to call Westpac Stadium's bluff." 

I don't know whether to laugh out loud at this, or throw my laptop against the wall.

From: http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/hutt-valley/10130333/Public-dislike-may-seal-fate-of-stadium 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
over 17 years
Smithy wrote:

"The Phoenix did not make an Annual Plan submission to Hutt City Council, which made McMillan suspect the plan was to call Westpac Stadium's bluff." 

I don't know whether to laugh out loud at this, or throw my laptop against the wall.

From: http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/hutt-valley/10130333/Public-dislike-may-seal-fate-of-stadium 

That's not even a good bluff
over 17 years

Despite having called the lack of seriousness from the start, I feel really bad for those who have been basically taken for a ride by the club and have invested significant time and emotional energy in what was essentially a lost cause from the beginning.

about 13 years

The Phoenix could not commit to the proposal until the licence extension came through. 

The council had to get it into the draft annual plan as the proposer IMO

over 11 years
Smithy wrote:

"The Phoenix did not make an Annual Plan submission to Hutt City Council, which made McMillan suspect the plan was to call Westpac Stadium's bluff." 

I don't know whether to laugh out loud at this, or throw my laptop against the wall.

From: http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/hutt-valley/10130333/Public-dislike-may-seal-fate-of-stadium 

Stage Punch
about 17 years
james dean wrote:
Smithy wrote:

"The Phoenix did not make an Annual Plan submission to Hutt City Council, which made McMillan suspect the plan was to call Westpac Stadium's bluff." 

I don't know whether to laugh out loud at this, or throw my laptop against the wall.

From: http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/hutt-valley/10130333/Public-dislike-may-seal-fate-of-stadium 

That's not even a good bluff

I feel used. And not in that pleasing post-coital way either.
Stage Punch
about 17 years
Blew.2 wrote:

The Phoenix could not commit to the proposal until the licence extension came through. 

The council had to get it into the draft annual plan as the proposer IMO


I agree Blew, but you'd expect the club to at least publicly state, for the record, as part of the process, that it was enthusiastic about the potential of the idea and committed to it?
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Smithy wrote:

"The Phoenix did not make an Annual Plan submission to Hutt City Council, which made McMillan suspect the plan was to call Westpac Stadium's bluff." 

I don't know whether to laugh out loud at this, or throw my laptop against the wall.

From: http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/hutt-valley/10130333/Public-dislike-may-seal-fate-of-stadium 

I'd go with the laptop smashing. 
almost 13 years

When did that Russian billionaire with the flash boat visit Wellington - was it after the stadium proposal? Maybe he is buying the club and doesn't want to build a new stadium but Welnix can't announce it until the sale is finalised?

Or maybe RoF is going to get torn down and a new fit-for-purpose stadium will be built in its place?

Or a new boutique stadium at Newtown park, complete with light rail link to the train station?

Or a smaller rectangular stadium in the log farm?





Or maybe Welnix never actually cared and its all just a really half-arsed bluff. Or they did care but they're incredibly arrogant or incompetent and assumed it would be enthusiastically embraced by everyone.


over 17 years
Smithy wrote:
james dean wrote:
Smithy wrote:

"The Phoenix did not make an Annual Plan submission to Hutt City Council, which made McMillan suspect the plan was to call Westpac Stadium's bluff." 

I don't know whether to laugh out loud at this, or throw my laptop against the wall.

From: http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/hutt-valley/10130333/Public-dislike-may-seal-fate-of-stadium 

That's not even a good bluff

I feel used. And not in that pleasing post-coital way either.

I think the club has really embarrassed itself here. This whole episode is really unprofessional
Starting XI
over 14 years

What a pack of Twunts! Welnix seem completely clueless, How the F#$% do you propose something like this and then not make a submission. 

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Thanks for far call Welnix.

Copped another barrage in the weekend (one of several) courtesy of having an opinion that doesn't match the 70-odd percent. Ahhhh well, luckily the dream was free.


Yours sincerely,

Disillusioned of Pito-one.

almost 14 years

Pretty f'd off at Welnix about this one.

The Special One
over 17 years
james dean wrote:
Smithy wrote:
james dean wrote:
Smithy wrote:

"The Phoenix did not make an Annual Plan submission to Hutt City Council, which made McMillan suspect the plan was to call Westpac Stadium's bluff." 

I don't know whether to laugh out loud at this, or throw my laptop against the wall.

From: http://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/hutt-valley/10130333/Public-dislike-may-seal-fate-of-stadium 

That's not even a good bluff

I feel used. And not in that pleasing post-coital way either.

I think the club has really embarrassed itself here. This whole episode is really unprofessional

I also like how the Petone Rugby chairman is angling for part of the $25 million,  which to my knowledge isn't actually available as it was only going to be added to council spend for the Arena project.
Must try harder
over 17 years

To quote Mr J Rotten esq

" Ever get the feeling you've been used ?"

almost 15 years

To say Welnix made no submission, in my view is a crock. The whole proposal was surely their submission.  What were they supposed to say in a submission? We support the proposal we have made?

As for the cock from PRFC.... the thing never even made the annual plan. This is the process on how things do or don't get put in an annual plan. If it took you 200 hours of time, diddums, that is the price for democracy. I also fail to see how it could take them 200 hours to say, we dont want that poofball played in our backyard, but we would like a slice of that $25m though. I suppose it does take longer when you write with crayons.

If a proposal comes before council to upgrade the stand at the Rec, I think I may start a facebook page.

almost 14 years
sthn.jeff wrote:

To say Welnix made no submission, in my view is a crock. The whole proposal was surely their submission.  What were they supposed to say in a submission? We support the proposal we have made?

As for the cock from PRFC.... the thing never even made the annual plan. This is the process on how things do or don't get put in an annual plan. If it took you 200 hours of time, diddums, that is the price for democracy. I also fail to see how it could take them 200 hours to say, we dont want that poofball played in our backyard, but we would like a slice of that $25m though. I suppose it does take longer when you write with crayons.

If a proposal comes before council to upgrade the stand at the Rec, I think I may start a facebook page.

I thought it was a proposal from the Hutt City Council Community Facility Trust?

The Phoenix approached them to see if they could get a training pitch with office space attached somewhere in the hutt rather than their current setup of offices in town and training at newtown park. The talks with the CFT lead to the idea of a whole stadium. It was the CFT that put the proposal forwards however.

As the main tenant and investor the Phoenix surely needed to put forwards a submission as well, at least argue their point and engage the community.

My thoughts on this are that the conspiracy theorists are right this was a play at getting a better deal at Westpac and extending their license within the A-League.

It could also be the public's dislike for Gareth Morgan at the moment meant that the Phoenix and Welnix decided to stay out of the lime light, but then the CFT should have pushed the agenda forwards.
about 17 years

So what Welnix are not even going to explain what has happened?

They owe us and other Phoenix fans an explanation about what the f*ck is going on.

about 15 years

Of interest is the silence from Gareth since this whole thing came about. It seems he never learns to keep his gob shut and this is one where he should have followed through or just said nothing in the first place. He has a history of doing this so I really believe that the next time he opens his gob, people should just say 'Hey are you not the Welnix man that cried wolf?' For all his riches and self-superiority, he makes rugby folk look less boofheaded than him.

I love being a smug cunt and saying 'I told you so' but in this case, it just makes everything associated with the Phoenix look like complete and utter muppets. For once, I really don't want to say that.

Still Believin'
over 17 years

At first I was pretty pissed off at finding out the Phoenix or Welnix never made a submission.

Then I calmed down a bit and moved back towards the view that it was their proposal in the first place so perhaps a submission was unnecessary or even inappropriate.

On balance though, I still think it would have been a good idea, even just from a PR point of view, because there's clearly a lot of Phoenix fans out there who feel like they've been taken for a ride.

But, as has been discussed at length here already, the PR around this from Welnix/Phoenix has been terrible ever since the proposal was first presented. For example, Gareth Morgan's Twitter account (7,000 followers) must have sent at least 100 tweets since February about cats, sugar and climate change but not a single one that I can remember about this proposal. It's actually bizarre.

about 15 years

And that's exactly it Term. "Here is this grand plan we have" all on the day the press are there taking their nice photos and then complete silence on the issue after that. It's very bizarre. Even if there was just the occasional press release from the club around this and Rob and Gareth said nothing, it would have been infinitely better. Dare I ask, are there too many balls being juggled (FU tour, stadium, player recruitment) for them to manage at once?

I hope Veitch can get one of these guys on his afternoon show for an hour and ask the question or at least have the lines open so we can ask the questions.

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years

Lock thread please. Thanks

Life and death
over 17 years

What this whole exercise has done for me is realuise that I no longer give a toss about the ownership of the Nix. If there was another A League club set up tomorrow in NZ and Gareth Morgan wasn't involved in it, I would switch my allegance to them. As a Phoenix fan that followed their supposed lead, and made a submission, I feel totally fucked up the ass by the blatant usery of the ownership. You do not treat your fans like that and expect them to show you loyalty, they have destoyed that bond with me and probably others. In the meantime, I will continue to follow the team but the owners can take a running jump as far as I'm concerned.

almost 15 years

What this whole exercise has done for me is realuise that I no longer give a toss about the ownership of the Nix. If there was another A League club set up tomorrow in NZ and Gareth Morgan wasn't involved in it, I would switch my allegance to them. As a Phoenix fan that followed their supposed lead, and made a submission, I feel totally fucked up the ass by the blatant usery of the ownership. You do not treat your fans like that and expect them to show you loyalty, they have destoyed that bond with me and probably others. In the meantime, I will continue to follow the team but the owners can take a running jump as far as I'm concerned.

Is that you Tonya?
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

There's the Phoenix Club Members meeting on Wednesday night this week. I'm sure that the stadium will be raised in the Q&A session.

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$40-45 Million Soccer Specific Stadium - Petone Phoenix