$40-45 Million Soccer Specific Stadium - Petone Phoenix

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about 15 years

Hopefully with some pointed questions and letting them know how some of the fans feel about this.

about 17 years
patrick478 wrote:

There's the Phoenix Club Members meeting on Wednesday night this week. I'm sure that the stadium will be raised in the Q&A session.

Can you thank them for supporting those of us who went into the heart of Rugby land and made a stand with no moral support from the Welnix team. 
That twat from Petone thugby wanting a piece of the 25 million can go visit a taxidermist. Any proposal for a stand replacement will now get my objection lodged.  And I will be using their number one excuse "Because" followed by "Think of the children" followed by "Because" again and repeated over and over  and I should be able to match their objection summary towards our proposal.
Stage Punch
about 17 years
patrick478 wrote:

There's the Phoenix Club Members meeting on Wednesday night this week. I'm sure that the stadium will be raised in the Q&A session.


How does one get invited to this auspicious event?
about 17 years

I'd like to help but I am not in the "in club".

about 13 years
Smithy wrote:
patrick478 wrote:

There's the Phoenix Club Members meeting on Wednesday night this week. I'm sure that the stadium will be raised in the Q&A session.


How does one get invited to this auspicious event?


almost 13 years
over 17 years

$50k feasibility study for roof plus potential seating changes for rectangular field sports... this will be much more expensive to the average wellingtonian, and will almost certainly be paid for by hutt city rate-payers as well, since they'll likely be part of the 'super city' by the time any of this gets up and running. 

Anyone who submitted or complained about the Petone Arena based solely on money is about to get a rude awakening!

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years

Most complaints were solely on NIMBY though, not $$$.

To be honest, it would be a better solution if it can be done. I'd sure pay $10-20/yr more in rates to make it happen.

Starting XI
over 14 years
SurgeQld wrote:

Most complaints were solely on NIMBY though, not $$$.

To be honest, it would be a better solution if it can be done. I'd sure pay $10-20/yr more in rates to make it happen.

Definitely a combination of roof + Rectangular seating would be AWESOME!
Stage Punch
about 17 years
SurgeQld wrote:

Most complaints were solely on NIMBY though, not $$$.

To be honest, it would be a better solution if it can be done. I'd sure pay $10-20/yr more in rates to make it happen.


Even better if the cost falls on Wellington ratepayers aye! #hutt4lyf
almost 13 years

Isn't it the regional council, not Wellington City Council, so HV ratepayers contribute regardless of a future supercity or not?

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

Seems the cost of the new roof could be about the same as the planned Petone Stadium.

Maybe if Gareth paid for the roof, he could get the naming rights: 'Westpac Phoenix Arena' anyone?

Starting XI
over 12 years

Isn't it the regional council, not Wellington City Council, so HV ratepayers contribute regardless of a future supercity or not?

Could be wrong but I thought this was the case too. I thought that was one reason why HV ratepayers were upset, because they already subsidised Westpac Stadium through the regional council contribution.


Starting XI
over 14 years
scribbler wrote:

Seems the cost of the new roof could be about the same as the planned Petone Stadium.

Maybe if Gareth paid for the roof, he could get the naming rights: 'Petone Arena' anyone?

about 17 years

I would love to see all those whom apposed the Petone Arena having to pay for this. Gonna cost them a lot more than if they had not apposed Petone. I laugh at them and believe in Karma.

almost 14 years
scribbler wrote:

Seems the cost of the new roof could be about the same as the planned Petone Stadium.

Maybe if Gareth paid for the roof, he could get the naming rights: 'Westpac Phoenix Arena' anyone?

Thought they were saying the sixty to a hundred million dollar mark knowing how these things always go over budget its going to be at least double the cost of the Petone Arena.

What I don't understand is if they considered putting a roof on it when they built it why did they not pay the extra money strengthening it so that the extensions could happen in the future? Short sighted during construction.
almost 15 years

Never built anything with a constraint on budget have you Ryan

almost 14 years
sthn.jeff wrote:

Never built anything with a constraint on budget have you Ryan

Of course but in hindsight it would have been better to spend a few million more on reinforcing in order to save more than that now.
Starting XI
over 12 years

It wasn't an absolute essential then and it isn't an absolute essential now. Hardly think there's egg on anyone's face over this (in terms of the original stadium planners I mean).

Temporary seating to make it rectangular on the 364 days per year where they're not playing cricket would be awesome though.

about 13 years

Just for the record stadium owner is  

Wellington Regional Stadium Trust
That's right Pet One you pay
almost 14 years

Would be good if they could obscure the main stands like they do at vector arena when its not full. And enclose the smaller rectangular seats.

almost 17 years
Ryan wrote:

Pretty f'd off at Welnix about this one.

perhaps Gareth was too busy on his ban everything crusade - I get that he is a rich bugger with too much money and time but why the fuck does he have to pick on all the good things in the world - ban sugar, ban fizzy drinks at public events, ban macdonalds blah blah. If he had his way we'd live in a really bland world.
Starting XI
over 17 years

New seating, great.

But No! Dont put a roof on it.

They are saying to build a roof the stadium would need to be closed for 1 year!

What would that mean for the Nix?

Must try harder
over 17 years

Hmmm...you could build a temporary one , in , say ....Petone ?

Stage Punch
about 17 years
Blew.2 wrote:

Just for the record stadium owner is  

Wellington Regional Stadium Trust

That's right Pet One you pay


Likely, but not certain.

The fact that it has Regional in the trust name doesn't mean everyone pays equally.

The stadium has on its balance sheet a good lump of debt in the form of limited recourse loans.


Those loans are from Wellington Regional Council (so Petone residents contribute through HCC), which everyone expects, but there is a second (almost as big) loan from Wellington City Council. Petone residents pay nothing towards the cost of that debt.

Who knows how a roof would be funded. Perhaps Wellington CC will see it as an investment in keeping events near to the City, and fund it in some significant way purely through Wellington ratepayer contributions. As the balance sheet shows, this is anything but a far fetched notion.


Stage Punch
about 17 years

A bit of further colour: 

The development of the stadium was partially funded by the Wellington city council ($15 million) and the Greater Wellington 

regional council ($25 million). The funding was by way of unsecured limited-recourse loans. No interest has been charged 

on these loans by the councils.

about 17 years

Imagine if when the lid was closed it exposed a big picture of Gareth Morgan!!...or a Cat. ;)

over 17 years
Smithy wrote:

A bit of further colour: 

The development of the stadium was partially funded by the Wellington city council ($15 million) and the Greater Wellington 

regional council ($25 million). The funding was by way of unsecured limited-recourse loans. No interest has been charged 

on these loans by the councils.

There is a big push for an indoor concert venue - this would have to be an instead of project to even have a snowballs chance of going through in the next 10 years.  I'm not sure we need a full roof - but maybe the current roof could be extended?  I think the shape of the ground is more of an issue and shouldn't cost anywhere near what they are talking about here
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I think the idea behind a full roof is so the stadium can host concerts with more certainty. I think the prevailing though will be that its more prudent to build an indoor arena for a much lower cost. I tend to agree. 

about 17 years

You mean an increase of the number they've had? Should've had Sprinsgteen here, The Eagles but no, they're not that friggen intelligent.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I'm sure they'd have them here if it were feasible or possible. 

about 17 years
about 15 years

I agree with JD. You try to take what you have and adapt it to cover everything I think because real estate in Wellington is not exactly lying about. At least in Auckland we can bulldoze a couple of stadiums and have that space. At the moment there is a cricket and AFL oval. If we can make that suit rugby, league, football as well as host indoor concerts then you cater to a lot more of a market and then increase you 'days used' for the stadium and start recouping cash. Granted you are not likely to see an increase of 'days used' by league, rugby and football but once you start hosting more concerts that can hold a greater number of folk.... I guess it then comes down to a return on investment or cost to benefit study.

almost 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

I agree with JD. You try to take what you have and adapt it to cover everything I think because real estate in Wellington is not exactly lying about. At least in Auckland we can bulldoze a couple of stadiums and have that space. At the moment there is a cricket and AFL oval. If we can make that suit rugby, league, football as well as host indoor concerts then you cater to a lot more of a market and then increase you 'days used' for the stadium and start recouping cash. Granted you are not likely to see an increase of 'days used' by league, rugby and football but once you start hosting more concerts that can hold a greater number of folk.... I guess it then comes down to a return on investment or cost to benefit study.

The days of it being an AFL oval appear to be numbered as well. In the paper the other day they said there was something like only 7k sold tickets.
about 15 years

Ah ok. I was meaning more the design than actual use.

Considering it hosted 1 AFL game a year and its hosts 2-3 cricket games a year (Basin reserve?) I would suggest that the proportional usage would lend towards sports that require a rectangular shaped field so..... why did they build an oval again?

about 13 years

Extract from South Wairarapa District Council Rates notice 2012/13 - WRST is still funded regionally

about 17 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

Ah ok. I was meaning more the design than actual use.

Considering it hosted 1 AFL game a year and its hosts 2-3 cricket games a year (Basin reserve?) I would suggest that the proportional usage would lend towards sports that require a rectangular shaped field so..... why did they build an oval again?

Building sh*t is a strong point of Kiwis but vision and what you actually do with the project isn't.
about 15 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

Ah ok. I was meaning more the design than actual use.

Considering it hosted 1 AFL game a year and its hosts 2-3 cricket games a year (Basin reserve?) I would suggest that the proportional usage would lend towards sports that require a rectangular shaped field so..... why did they build an oval again?

Building sh*t is a strong point of Kiwis but vision and what you actually do with the project isn't.
It sounded like you said Skytower there for a moment.
Still Believin'
over 17 years

Officially dead...


Funding for the Petone Arena proposal has not been included in Council’s Annual Plan after a lack of support was shown by the community during consultation.

Mayor Ray Wallace today commended the Community Facilities Trust (CFT) and Welnix Director Dr Gareth Morgan for “bringing the proposal to the Council table” but said he could not ignore the “strength of public opinion”.

“As Mayor I pride myself on listening to the people I represent; to me that’s part of democracy. I also pride myself on considering opportunities that have the potential to bring economic benefit and push our city forward.

“It would be a sad day for Lower Hutt if proposals such as Petone Arena were never put up for discussion simply because they generate strong views or force us to think differently about the future. I thank the CFT and Dr Morgan for their vision in putting this proposal in front of us to consider.

“We’ve heard from many different people during consultation on Petone Arena and the discussion has been robust. The feedback though has been overwhelmingly similar with the majority of those who’ve had their say, clearly against it.

“As one of the strict conditions we imposed on the proposal was a satisfactory level of community support we will not be providing funding to progress Petone Arena.

“My vision for our city continues to be a great place to live, work and play both today and tomorrow, and as a council we’ll continue to be open to ideas that help us achieve that.

“The Petone Arena discussion has uncovered fantastic information about aspirations and needs in the Petone community and I look forward to working with the people of Petone and the CFT to explore these further.”

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Public opinion is such bs when that opinion is a result of the spread of misinformation and hatred toward a sport. 

It should be about the facts, whether its good for a region, not the opinion of a vocal minority. 

Saying "it would be a sad day if proposals were never put up for discussion because they generate strong views" at the same time as you reject an idea because it generated strong views is also bs. 

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$40-45 Million Soccer Specific Stadium - Petone Phoenix