Contracted Players - Return of the Long Pins

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over 6 years

None of the off-contract departures bother me that much, but a little sad to see Mandi go.

Doyle still a key signing for me, covers CB and LB, not a lot of other local options there for us.

Feel sorry for Gulley, he was a local squadie at least, we must have some great squad players lined up to cover all of the bench warmers we just let go.

Looking forward to a key signing to balance the departures. *turns blue while holding breath*

over 13 years

Mandi has gone as well

First Team Squad
almost 7 years

Not quite a player but deleted Instagram post from Paul Gothard last night.

Starting XI
almost 9 years

Friar Tuck wrote:

Not quite a player but deleted Instagram post from Paul Gothard last night.

Hudson is gone, so if he's going there likely Smith or Wynne's involvement? Could also be nothing though - maybe did some work there for Tony while he was coach before coming back to the Nix?
First Team Squad
almost 7 years

Nelfoos wrote:

Friar Tuck wrote:

Not quite a player but deleted Instagram post from Paul Gothard last night.

Hudson is gone, so if he's going there likely Smith or Wynne's involvement? Could also be nothing though - maybe did some work there for Tony while he was coach before coming back to the Nix?

He did comment something along the lines of "I'll miss you" in reply to who I believe was his son.

over 17 years

Really bad news if Gothard is leaving; it sounds like he had a big impact this year and I believe he worked closely with Marinovic previously?

Phoenix Academy
about 15 years

valeo wrote:

Really bad news if Gothard is leaving; it sounds like he had a big impact this year and I believe he worked closely with Marinovic previously?

are Bazely and Emblen still assistants. Wiki says yes.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

keefy_NZ wrote:

valeo wrote:

Really bad news if Gothard is leaving; it sounds like he had a big impact this year and I believe he worked closely with Marinovic previously?

are Bazely and Emblen still assistants. Wiki says yes.

I guess we will find out on Friday when Talay has his first press conference.
Phoenix Academy
about 15 years

RR wrote:

keefy_NZ wrote:

valeo wrote:

Really bad news if Gothard is leaving; it sounds like he had a big impact this year and I believe he worked closely with Marinovic previously?

are Bazely and Emblen still assistants. Wiki says yes.

I guess we will find out on Friday when Talay has his first press conference.

meant assistants at Colorado....
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

[/quote] meant assistants at Colorado....


I heard from reliable source that the interim head coach at Colorado was keeping them there at the time it was announced he was in the role.

over 17 years

So looks like pretty much another brand new team next year.  It's a pity as you'd think there was something to build on out of 2019 but maybe not really our decision in a lot of respects

Bossi Insider
about 16 years

keefy_NZ wrote:

RR wrote:

keefy_NZ wrote:

valeo wrote:

Really bad news if Gothard is leaving; it sounds like he had a big impact this year and I believe he worked closely with Marinovic previously?

are Bazely and Emblen still assistants. Wiki says yes.

I guess we will find out on Friday when Talay has his first press conference.

meant assistants at Colorado....

Whoops, my bad.
First Team Squad
about 11 years

David Williams made a post on Instagram saying his kid has started daycare. Doesn't sound like much but if they're in New Zealand still surely that sounds positive about his future here.

over 17 years

He said 'new' daycare which implies they've moved 

over 9 years

Looking out for player's TVs being sold online is so last year.

Time to track the kids. Maybe with microchips.

First Team Squad
about 11 years

valeo wrote:

He said 'new' daycare which implies they've moved 

His wives instagram still says there in Wellington
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Friar Tuck wrote:

Not quite a player but deleted Instagram post from Paul Gothard last night.

. I notice they have someone on their staff with the same initials so perhaps Elmben or Bazeley sent it over. Doesn't explain the comment underneath but it would be weird to be sent gear before you arrive for a new job.
Getting paid to be here
almost 7 years

2ndBest wrote:

Friar Tuck wrote:

Not quite a player but deleted Instagram post from Paul Gothard last night.

. I notice they have someone on their staff with the same initials so perhaps Elmben or Bazeley sent it over. Doesn't explain the comment underneath but it would be weird to be sent gear before you arrive for a new job.

I am told it was a gift. The comment was from another Nix staffer having a bit of a laugh.

over 17 years

who is our fitness coach? Someone reckoned a while back that he was going with Rudan to WU

Starting XI
almost 9 years

coochiee wrote:

Looking out for player's TVs being sold online is so last year.

Time to track the kids. Maybe with microchips.

I saw Callan Elliot advertising his flat. Lil bigger than a TV
Phoenix Academy
about 15 years

Feverish wrote:

who is our fitness coach? Someone reckoned a while back that he was going with Rudan to WU

Aiden Wivell.
almost 6 years

He is very good. Team looked 100x fitter this year than what they previously have 

about 17 years

He is very good. Team looked 100x fitter this year than what they previously have 

except Mandi...

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Nelfoos wrote:

coochiee wrote:

Looking out for player's TVs being sold online is so last year.

Time to track the kids. Maybe with microchips.

I saw Callan Elliot advertising his flat. Lil bigger than a TV

I know the Wellington rental market is bad at the moment, but a flat that is only a bit bigger than a TV is really taking the piss...
Starting XI
almost 9 years

patrick478 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

coochiee wrote:

Looking out for player's TVs being sold online is so last year.

Time to track the kids. Maybe with microchips.

I saw Callan Elliot advertising his flat. Lil bigger than a TV

I know the Wellington rental market is bad at the moment, but a flat that is only a bit bigger than a TV is really taking the piss...

Depends on the TV
over 17 years

He is very good. Team looked 100x fitter this year than what they previously have 

Also no real major injuries except Fenton and a minor one to Taylor

Starting XI
over 17 years

Can't blame Max though, I know he's from Sydney but given a choice it's easy to see why he would opt for a move back home

I'm not taking issues with you Jazzy, but this whole thing about being able to play near home is so massively overblown. Professional footballers travel the globe seeking new or better opportunities. Many end up playing in all sorts of weird places, many of which are utter dumps. Finding a pro club in your home town is surely a 'nice to have' rather than the requirement that it seems to be for many.

The bottom line is that we are a poorly performing franchise with a smaller budget. In the English Football League, we'd be a selling club.

Starting XI
over 17 years

james dean wrote:

coochiee wrote:

Bullion wrote:

coochiee wrote:

1. Would Kurto & Burgess have signed for the Nix if not for Rudan? Highly unlikely

2. Was Kurto ever going to stay in Wellington? Not if Mrs Kurto had her way

3. Would Williams have come to the Nix, if again not for Rudan? See 1.

Signing Aussie players on one year deals (esp if they do well) is always a risk, because most of them would rather naturally live back in their home country.

Of course if Rudan takes Krishna that really is poaching, and yes unleash the fury. But apparently WU is the one team we have heard, NZ's favourite Fijian has definitely turned down.

Also need to put some faith in Talay, being able to recruit/lure in a gem or two.

1. Why would a first time professional coach, with no prior relationship with the players, have sway over a player in Europe or a player wanting to reignite his pro career?

2. Would Kurto be more likely to stay with the 'Nix if the coach he has formed a relationship with over the season wasn't moving to a rival club? Or, if he was wanting to leave then moving back to Europe could have been more likely if not for current manager moving to a rival club?

3. Again, see 1.

All 3 players were brought to the club on 1 year contracts. They were all brought to the club by Rudan.

When he first arrived he looked at the keeper situation, decided Sail, Smith not up to it. Couldn’t sign Marinovic or Gleeson.

From memory he had some contacts in Poland?? Found Kurto and Kopa as well. Both Rudan signings.

Burgess definitely a Rudan signing plucked from NSW NPL, where Rudan had obviously coached for a few years.

Williams well I guess he was looking to rejoin the A League. But from memory if was again Rudan who talked him into joining the Nix along with Nichols. We're building a project here blah blah. I doubt he would have come to Wellington if not for Rudan. Maybe CCM or the Roar. Anyway he may stay if Ufuk can talk him round.

The stories are that Kurto was on his way out no matter what. Wellington is a cool little city. But Melbourne is a very cool big city. Many overseas players & their partners would find the Capital a bit boring after a few months. I’d wager Mrs Kurto was in that camp. Then she visited Victoria, and said to Filip I like it here in Polish. Look they would probably have gone back to Europe if not for WU/Rudan, but really so what they would have left anyway.

It’s the UK boys and their whanau who tend to lap up Welly a bit more. Ifill, Greenacre and now it seems Taylor.

This just shows how much Rudan fudgeed us by leaving after one year of a two year deal. All these players on one year contracts who Rudan brought were probably given these contracts so that the club and Rudan could make a call on them. Yes, there was a risk another A League club comes in with a great offer, but you'd assume we'd have a good chance of re signing the players we wanted to stay provided they like the club and the coach. Instead, it's allowing Rudan and WU to pick the players off as they are off contract. 

So much this

almost 8 years

The image Williams posted on Insta about a ‘new daycare’ definitely doesn’t look like Welly to me!

Starting XI
about 7 years

The image Williams posted on Insta about a ‘new daycare’ definitely doesn’t look like Welly to me!

on his insta story though he was dropping off Dura's kids at school though, so who knows
Starting XI
almost 9 years

The image Williams posted on Insta about a ‘new daycare’ definitely doesn’t look like Welly to me!

on his insta story though he was dropping off Dura's kids at school though, so who knows

Family already headed back to Aus while he's staying for awards night, surely? 
Starting XI
about 7 years

Nix media posted a compilation of all of Willo's goals. We always talk about the partnership of Williams and Krishna, but Singh provided the assists for 6 out of his 11 goals. Obviously losing Krishna will be a massive loss for us but if we can keep that Williams and Singh relationship going we'll still more or less have the core of the starting XI from this season

Phoenix Academy
about 10 years

Nix media posted a compilation of all of Willo's goals. We always talk about the partnership of Williams and Krishna, but Singh provided the assists for 6 out of his 11 goals. Obviously losing Krishna will be a massive loss for us but if we can keep that Williams and Singh relationship going we'll still more or less have the core of the starting XI from this season

Glass half full guy, huh? Good stuff. I agree, for the record. Club is the most important thing, bigger than any player, even Roy. The future is bright.

Starting XI
over 17 years

JC wrote:

Nix media posted a compilation of all of Willo's goals. We always talk about the partnership of Williams and Krishna, but Singh provided the assists for 6 out of his 11 goals. Obviously losing Krishna will be a massive loss for us but if we can keep that Williams and Singh relationship going we'll still more or less have the core of the starting XI from this season

Glass half full guy, huh? Good stuff. I agree, for the record. Club is the most important thing, bigger than having any players, even Roy. The future is bright.


Starting XI
about 7 years

JC wrote:

Nix media posted a compilation of all of Willo's goals. We always talk about the partnership of Williams and Krishna, but Singh provided the assists for 6 out of his 11 goals. Obviously losing Krishna will be a massive loss for us but if we can keep that Williams and Singh relationship going we'll still more or less have the core of the starting XI from this season

Glass half full guy, huh? Good stuff. I agree, for the record. Club is the most important thing, bigger than any player, even Roy. The future is bright.

I will add though that I can't even begin to explain how gutted I am that Roy is gone. Uffie has got an enormous rebuild on his hands, but that rebuild is made possible by the small core left over. Tough but the bare bones are still there.
over 17 years

If the independent a-league somehow gets confirmed - along with our existance (until the league folds, of course) - I'll be happy no matter who is playing for us. Until then, I'm on edge that this is possibly our last season and we're going into it with a new (new in every sense of the word..) coach and no players.

about 17 years

valeo wrote:

If the independent a-league somehow gets confirmed - along with our existance (until the league folds, of course) - I'll be happy no matter who is playing for us. Until then, I'm on edge that this is possibly our last season and we're going into it with a new (new in every sense of the word..) coach and no players.

I think I should just remind people that the season kicks off in October . . .  and it is currently May.

Phoenix Academy
almost 8 years

Buzzing wrote:

valeo wrote:

If the independent a-league somehow gets confirmed - along with our existance (until the league folds, of course) - I'll be happy no matter who is playing for us. Until then, I'm on edge that this is possibly our last season and we're going into it with a new (new in every sense of the word..) coach and no players.

I think I should just remind people that the season kicks off in October . . .  and it is currently May.

This. We didn't sign half of our squad until the last week before the season started last year and had our best season in what feels like a gazillion years. We'll have a full, and talented squad come October.

almost 17 years

except now we have the noose tightening around our necks. Officially we have one season left. Regardless of how much time uffy has to sign players he's gonna find it tough to get decent ones to come here for a season.

Starting XI
almost 6 years

theprof wrote:

except now we have the noose tightening around our necks. Officially we have one season left. Regardless of how much time uffy has to sign players he's gonna find it tough to get decent ones to come here for a season.

Yeh that does make things tricky but most imports only sign on for a year it seems anyway. And the club have been signing local players on longer contracts. 

But I feel that if we had of kept Krishna that could have been a real draw card to attract players. But not to be. Still having Taylor could work for us though in attracting some good UK experienced players. 

Think back to Sydney last year though. They lost Bobo who scored 27 goals for them and Adrian (last years JW medal winner). We are in the same situation as a lot of the other A League clubs right now.

I hope Uffy is talking to Baumyohan and maybe Hariej. Getting proven imports that already know the A league is better than rolling the dice sometimes on someone foreign that you dont know much about. 

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