about 17 years
about 17 years
<!-- bmi_SafeAddOnload(bmi_load,"bmi_orig_img");//--> The success of the phoenix is going to be largely decided by the crowds, because if hoards of people turn up then it will justify media coverage and so on...even if they're having an up and down season.
So how many people do we REALISTICALLY think we'll get to
(a) Basin for Sydney game and (b) Ring of Fire for Victory game.
Take our YF hats off here fellas, and think realistically.
Can we fill the Basin for the first outing???? 13000-15000 I think.
I reckon we can get 8000-10000 and 15000+ for both games....
Starting XI
about 17 years
I think we'll get 5000 for the preseason game at the Basin.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
a) 5 - 8 K
b) 20k
A lot will depend on prices and weather on the day.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
I think weather is a good point especially at the basin, it gets fuc$ing cold there when the wind comes in down adelaide rd!!!! But i would like to think that we could fill it up, being a pre-season game maybe the price will be minimal to raise awareness.

Go the Fenix
Starting XI
about 17 years
Hey BP, can you translate your signature, and give us tips for pronounciation, I think we can probably turn the lyrics into a song. It'd be nice to have a song with Portugese lyrics for the Brazilian player(s)!
First Team Squad
about 17 years
O fenix vai bombar means the phoenix is going to go off!!! aw pheenix vy bom bar.

    A good one when the team is one down or something would be Esse jogo vai virar Eu quero ser o vencedor
Which is this game is gonna turn round I want to be the victor!!

ehhsee jo go vy veerah eooo kerooo se ooo venseedoor

ok i hope that helps, just ask me and i can find some more cool ones and we can pick a couple to scream for daniel and co
First Team Squad
about 17 years
O Fenix renasceu das cinzas
Para conquistar o mundo
O Fenix vai bombar
O fenix do caralho

This is cool, i just made it up but i think we could teach the boys this one


The phoenix ressurected from the ashes
To conquer the world
The phoenix is gonna go off!!
The phoenix is the fuc$ing best hahaha

Its ok to swear in portuguese at a game ay
Black Plague2007-06-08 12:03:34
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
I agree with Phil I think about 5K at the Basin.  For the first game at the stadium maybe 12k.
about 17 years

I guess that there will be around the 5 thousand mark for the pre season game , but for the first game at the stadium it will be humming with over 20 thousand , I have freinds who have never been to a live game and thay will be there too.

about 17 years
what about the chch game,
i for one will be there,
is the yellow fever goin to be there?????
about 17 years
I know Da Selekta is going down. PM him and sort out a plan of attack
First Team Squad
about 17 years
i think we can get 5k at both pre season games...

i'll be at QE2
Early retirement
about 17 years
I've suggested a trip to ChCh to Mrs. News and she didn't smack me for suggesting it so I'll keep campaigning on it.
Starting XI
about 17 years
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Surley we can get a big number for the first game at the Stadium, im looking at a 20k mark.
AS for the basin, dont expect too much 4-6k.
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
i seriously doubt that well get over 7k for both games remember where we are folks, especially if the tickets are more than 10-15 bucks. Ill got to both and know people keen but we are in NZ and the games will be on TV, i think alot of on the fence-ers will just watch with a better view on their TVs

i hope im wrong
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
Staying at home doesnt put money into the nix pockets WPFC_OR_DEATH .
First Team Squad
about 17 years
i seriously doubt that well get over 7k for both games remember where we are folks, especially if the tickets are more than 10-15 bucks. Ill got to both and know people keen but we are in NZ and the games will be on TV, i think alot of on the fence-ers will just watch with a better view on their TVs

i hope im wrong
7k for the stadium?????
First ever A-league game, against arguably then best team in the A-league, in the Phoenixs first A-League game debut.
There will be more than 7k.
Starting XI
about 17 years

Pre-season games wont attract too many, but with some smart marketing and ticket pricing, we should get somewhere near 20k for the debut against Melbourne.

Starting XI
about 17 years
Are the ticket prices $10 Adults and kids under 16 free? Thought I saw this somewhere else on this forum.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
kiwikev wrote:

I guess that there will be around the 5 thousand mark for the pre season game , but for the first game at the stadium it will be humming with over 20 thousand , I have freinds who have never been to a live game and thay will be there too.

Rugby League tri-nations international didn't come close to that so it is hard to see a club football match getting close to 20000. However, I really hope it does!!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
ok i saw some of the rugby game tonight in welly and those yellow seats stick out even when theres 35000 odd we should paint them black its seariously going to make us look bad unless we use smart camera angles and restrict seating to one part of the stadium.

we'll see man ill be stunned if we pull 13000+ we are on the back foot from the start,
a) we are a not a footy city/nation
b) we are a NZ team in a Ausy league - look at the sh*t the warriors get every week (and they have been in the NRL for around 10 years)
c)its televised
d) ticket prices will be crucial i dont think it should cost more than a movie C. $15 (14 is fair as its double the team welly games)

i dont mean to be overly negative but some ppl saying 20k to me thats unrealistic, we must take these into account

say we did get 13k would we keep those fans at the stadium for the whole season??????WPFC_OR_DEATH2007-06-10 02:06:29
about 17 years
When are the Basin games, and where are can I buy tickets?
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Tickets to pre-season cup games are $10 for adults and free for whippers under 16.  I think the Basin game is July 22nd - news on ticket sales to be out in next fortnight.
I think main games at the stadium will be more in the $20-25 bracket unfortunately....
We should get 8-10000 at the Basin and 15-18000 when the Victory come to town - spread the word and bring everyone you know....friends, family, workmates.....the first 2 games are crucial to get good support and a great following heading into the season.
Briiiiiing iiiiiit!!!! 
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
20-$25 is not unfortunate it is is great news for the families with soccer kids.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
Blew wrote:
20-$25 is not unfortunate it is is great news for the families with soccer kids.
Yeah no doubt, but for some reason i feel a 30$ coming on.
about 17 years
It will be a mistake to make general admission $30. $20 or more likely $25 should be the price.
First Team Squad
about 17 years

If theyre smart theyll make it 20, if theyre greedy theyll make it 30, if theyre smartlly greedy itll be 25.

I wouldnt mind a 25 price tag.
First Team Squad
about 17 years
I reckon they'll get around 15k for the first game, which will drop back to somewhere between 8-12k depending on how the season goes...
And as stated earlier, the empty seats stck out like dogs bollox, there is no way round it, they should have painted them different colours like they did at the Gabba in Brisbane, always hard to tell if the seats are empty or not - whereas Bright Yellow, yeah well pretty easily spotted!
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
The empty seats, are just the early days marketing ploy set up by Yellow fever, you just can,t see the crowd because they all wear yellow!
about 17 years
It's all looking good for game one against the Victory,
15,000 + is a realistic target.
170 large is the cost for us coming down from Auckland, so if my thought process is common then the 26th of August will be 'the' bumper crowd for out of towners.
We just need the secret ingredient to get the average bloke and his dog down the game, especially if he's a wellingtonian...
Starting XI
about 17 years
Sounds good. Coming up on the 22nd? September for the first night game. Looking forward to it. Bringing the wife & kids.
Ronaldoknow2007-06-11 23:52:46
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
well some one should inform terry of where YF are and tell him to put the shots of the crowd where we YF are... thats what i would do if i was incharge. at least that way we would have the illusion of a huge pumping crowd. is there going to be any signature piece of clothing for YF like a scarf, t-shirt, or beenie????? or is it too early for that
about 17 years
He is sorting out the seating for us. Dont think he will be working the cameras though.
First Team Squad
about 17 years

How many seats is terry exactly researving and how do we know if we have a seat?

First Team Squad
about 17 years
Knights games were $25 per adult.
And they put all the fans in one part of the ground so that half the stadium was empty. Except of course, the cameras would only show the parts of the ground which were full.
about 17 years
Cant Wait till the season kicks off!!! i Live in CHrsitchurch But i will try to get to as many home games as possible!!! Exsepcially the First at the Basin REserve againsnt the Mariners!!!!!!
about 17 years

How many seats is terry exactly researving and how do we know if we have a seat?

Details will become clearer when they have sorted out season tickets (which is not yet unfortunately)
Phoenix Academy
about 17 years
so we'll need a season ticket to be in the area,
f**k that im sitting where i want to with/without a season ticket

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