Crowds - The thread of Australian whining

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

And obviously TW attendances have increased since the travelling circus began. But then by your same logic they'd decrease in the city that they're travelling to. 

(Both are untrue, just trying to work out your logic here as it doesn't quite seem to add up)

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Smith on Vietch at 2:45pm. Hopefully he doesn't get binned this time.

almost 16 years

You mean "some bloke from the yellow fever" on Vietch?

(ooh err)

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Meant to be after 3 now.

almost 17 years
Tegal wrote:

It's pretty annoying to get to though. 

Not for away fans!!
Blue Cod
over 14 years
2ndBest wrote:

So instead of once a season, you are advacating for 2 or 3 times a season.

What I'm suggesting is instead of Gareth investing millions in an Auckland A League franchise which would kill ACFC, it would be better to bring the Nix to Auckland two or three times, which I think would allow ACFC and the ASBP to survive. Better still put money in the ASBP rather than in another NZ A League franchise so it's a flourishing feeder base for the Phoenix.

about 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

So instead of once a season, you are advacating for 2 or 3 times a season.

What I'm suggesting is instead of Gareth investing millions in an Auckland A League franchise which would kill ACFC, it would be better to bring the Nix to Auckland two or three times, which I think would allow ACFC and the ASBP to survive. Better still put money in the ASBP rather than in another NZ A League franchise so it's a flourishing feeder base for the Phoenix.

I was going to go and come up with arguments but I'm too tired. No we are the Wellington Phoenix - don't want any more games in Auckland. Sorry there are amazing guys on here who support the Wellington Phoenix who live in Auckland but I reckon we need to throw everything at Wellington.

First Team Squad
almost 14 years
Bluemagic wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

So instead of once a season, you are advacating for 2 or 3 times a season.

What I'm suggesting is instead of Gareth investing millions in an Auckland A League franchise which would kill ACFC, it would be better to bring the Nix to Auckland two or three times, which I think would allow ACFC and the ASBP to survive. Better still put money in the ASBP rather than in another NZ A League franchise so it's a flourishing feeder base for the Phoenix.

I don't think there is any realistic amount of money that can be invested in the ASBP that will make the media interested. Our domestic Rugby and Cricket competitions really struggle and those sports are globally minute compared to Football. And without the media it won't develop any wider interest. I think the only genuine way forward is linking ourselves to Australia and Asia. I think another a-league team in Auckland, and eventually one in Christchurch as well, makes sense.
about 15 years

Agree with Fortean Times. I'm an Aucklander but its the Wellington Phoenix (and I don't mean that in a sense that its not wanted here in Auckland)

Bluemagic, your point of view really is protectionalist towards ACFC. a bit myopic.

RJ what you say is true. Crowd and TV ratings for Friday night cricket are rubbish. You could pay Sky to screen it and I doubt it will have much as a support base still.


The good old days of the national league are well and truly gone and this really is it. Call it defeatist if you want but for all the investment in the game, what would it get you, an extra 1500 bums on seats maximum?

about 14 years
rjmiller wrote:
Bluemagic wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

So instead of once a season, you are advacating for 2 or 3 times a season.

What I'm suggesting is instead of Gareth investing millions in an Auckland A League franchise which would kill ACFC, it would be better to bring the Nix to Auckland two or three times, which I think would allow ACFC and the ASBP to survive. Better still put money in the ASBP rather than in another NZ A League franchise so it's a flourishing feeder base for the Phoenix.

I don't think there is any realistic amount of money that can be invested in the ASBP that will make the media interested. Our domestic Rugby and Cricket competitions really struggle and those sports are globally minute compared to Football. And without the media it won't develop any wider interest. I think the only genuine way forward is linking ourselves to Australia and Asia. I think another a-league team in Auckland, and eventually one in Christchurch as well, makes sense.

It is clear to me that unless NZ is allowed to join AFC (Asian federation) we should not even bother with planning another A-League club. This would only be baiting the trolls in Australia and unlikely to have any legs until the FIFA, OFC and AFC all agree.
Of course the FFA themselves would be happy to have one more financially stable HAL franchise, no matter where. But moving us into AFC would make Oceania federation (OFC) fall over.  We may talk about our currently easy entry to World Club champs etc, but apart from that our other duty is to prop up the reasons to have the OFC. Are the OFC dignitaries happy to be moved out of Auckland and relocated to New Caledonia or Fiji? Are the NZF interested in reporting to AFC in Qatar rather than to an OFC office in Auckland? Would Bin Hamman be interested in us adding to the competition for the already limited Asian spots at the World Cup? Middle Eastern nations have always played like crap at WC finals and if an extra spot is added, we would provide stiff competition to them (if we can afford the airfares first).

Once that issue is cleared (and once we also agree that that would be beneficial for us to shift to AFC, as many might object) then we can consider having another A-League franchise to be granted to New Zealand. Auckland might work (a large city, direct flights, large international population). Money to run it would be a problem, but then we might also get more local media interest (OK, going out on a limb here).

I also disagree with the notion of bringing Phoenix to play in Auckland more than once a year. Consistency of playing at home in the capital is far more important. We won't get a massive surge in interest in Auckland from one game or two, while taking it to Auckland more than 1-2 a year is simply likely to erode the support in Wellington (i.e. cutting the tree branch we are sitting on, to use a tree surgery analogy).
about 15 years

If we skipped OFC and it fell over, FIFA would just split Asia into two and drag Australia back out way along with places like Guam, Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines and other places in East Asia etc. It wont work out how people think.

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years

AFC is a waste of time without money. We wont even be playing that many more games. We'll substitute the OFC Cup for the Asia Cup, and if we get knocked out early will probably end up playing less games... same goes for WC qualifying. We would end up broke as fuk if we had to fly to a whole heap of middle eastern nations too, leaving nothing for international friendlies.

We're pretty much fucked either way. OFC is weak, AFC is too costly. Lets revisit this when NZ has a population of 20m people and a larger economy ...

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Can we get back to the topic of Phoenix crowds please. Plenty of other threads to talk about OFC/AFC and the ASBP.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Nix crowds are as high as they will ever get and there's nothing we can do about it. IBTL.

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
patrick478 wrote:

Nix crowds are as high as they will ever get and there's nothing we can do about it. IBTL.

Re: your sig. lol.
about 14 years
2ndBest wrote:

Can we get back to the topic of Phoenix crowds please. Plenty of other threads to talk about OFC/AFC and the ASBP.

Quite. My apology. I reposted it now under the "A-League expansion" topic in the Straya thread.
about 14 years
AJ13 wrote:
patrick478 wrote:

Nix crowds are as high as they will ever get and there's nothing we can do about it. IBTL.

Re: your sig. lol.

^ +1
Ernie said in the post-match conference that for a moment he thought he was watching Jose Mourinho on the Roar sidelines.
Starting XI
about 12 years

I always wondered how much the main sponsor add to finances. Dome said in that radio interview on Sunday that Huawei brings more money to the club than all season members tickets sales. Quick calculation ~$150/pass * ~3500 members = ~525,000.

He also mentioned they need 9500 per game to break even, is that right? So we are 1500-2000 short, is it possible to fill with a better performance? Will bring a final matches an extra 10.000? That would bring some extra cash.

about 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Bluemagic wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

So instead of once a season, you are advacating for 2 or 3 times a season.

What I'm suggesting is instead of Gareth investing millions in an Auckland A League franchise which would kill ACFC, it would be better to bring the Nix to Auckland two or three times, which I think would allow ACFC and the ASBP to survive. Better still put money in the ASBP rather than in another NZ A League franchise so it's a flourishing feeder base for the Phoenix.

I was going to go and come up with arguments but I'm too tired. No we are the Wellington Phoenix - don't want any more games in Auckland. Sorry there are amazing guys on here who support the Wellington Phoenix who live in Auckland but I reckon we need to throw everything at Wellington.

Agree. We're also called the Wellington Phoenix for a reason.
about 17 years

Reckon with a few more decent results and a continuation of the positive vibes from the press, the crowds will return.

Life and death
over 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:
[quote=FU BLU][quote=hamezilla][quote=kingmartin]

Dear Yellow Fever,

You are never going to resemble an English Football fan base, so put your shirts back on, shut up and clean up your act up.

You are a disgrace to New Zealand Football and one of the main reasons why Phoenix crowds are so bad. Parents simply do not want to expose their children to your crap, nor does any self respecting individual wish to be subjected to your dribble week in, week out.

Even the Phoenix owner can't stand your carryon. You don't own the club or really do much for it apart from complain. Sort it out.

Rant over.

Not Gareth Morgan


ACFC's albeit smaller version gets the same frosty attitude from some of the City haters on this forum, it's a fact of life in NZ football. Some dour so-called football fans come to games and expect silence. Humour, chants, songs are not to be tolerated. They are who they are. You do the Phoenix proud YF because you have passion for your club, just like we do at Kiwitea Street. Sing louder I say.

Personally I don't choose to watch my football in the same way that those in the Zone do but you know what? I don't have to sit there.... I've sat really close once and it was amusing but won't do it again as it distracted me from the game. However I LOVE having them there and what they add to the atmosphere and how they have an obvious affect on the players in the team. I would doubt that anyone is put off coming to our games because of the folks in the Zone.
about 17 years
axxaa wrote:

Reckon with a few more decent results and a continuation of the positive vibes from the press, the crowds will return.

maybe 2014/15 but not for the few remaining home games unless guaranteed 6th is a win last game of season..

Life and death
over 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:
Leggy wrote:

Actually, I think if those things make someone who goes to all games lose interest (or that they hate it) then it's probably put a casual fan off more. 

During the 6 weeks with no games in wellington, even I lost interest. So I can only imagine how much interest a more casual fan would have lost. 

Now that we've had a fair few games in a row, I'm right back into it again. But then I looked at the schedule and there isn't another game for a month again, so that disappointed me again. Had a conversation with someone at work who had heard about a lot of nix games in welington, and the buzz of us winning. She asked when the next game was, I said a month and she said "damn, oh well" and lost interest immediately. 


Obviously not real football supporters.

That's actually not fair. Leading a busy life influences how you relate to football. If football gets pushed to your periphery by games not being played at home than other things will come to the focus. Work, family, stress, illness can all take footballs' place pretty easily.

Hey, we get the real football supporters coming to our games now and that's not enough. We need to find ways to attract the 'unreal' football supporters to make up the type of numbers we are talking about.
Life and death
over 17 years
Lonegunmen wrote:

The real Manchester club you mean? Light blue tops??

The unique thing about the Nix is that no one really had a chance to support anyone else. After Aucklands turn, it was ours. Would have been interesting if the Knights had still existed when the Nix were started.

Fans like atrick, show that people can e attracted to the game and it is these types of fans that need to be encouraged.

Stockport County
Life and death
over 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:

Being an active ACFC fan (I know, that'll come as a surprise to some) I wouldn't like to see an Auckland A League side join the Nix as it would be the end of ACFC and the ASBP. An Auckland A League side would simply suck up all the attention and money. That in turn would mean an end to O League participation too and the Fifa Club World Cup as any A League club has to be registered with the Asian Confederation and not Oceania (even though the Nix can't qualify for the AFC). 

However as the last big urban centre in Australasia without an A League club I probably think its inevitable someone will bankroll an Auckland A League franchise one day. I just hope its way down the line so we can enjoy a few more good years of the ASBP, O League and CWC.

Disagree, all of those competitions would still operate at the same or close to the same level as now. Despite ACFCs good results recently against A League teams, their current configuration wouldn't be allowed to play in the A League and possibly wouldn't be consistently good enough anyway.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Lonegunmen wrote:

The real Manchester club you mean? Light blue tops??

The unique thing about the Nix is that no one really had a chance to support anyone else. After Aucklands turn, it was ours. Would have been interesting if the Knights had still existed when the Nix were started.

Fans like atrick, show that people can e attracted to the game and it is these types of fans that need to be encouraged.

Stockport County

Starting XI
almost 17 years
number8 wrote:

I always wondered how much the main sponsor add to finances. Dome said in that radio interview on Sunday that Huawei brings more money to the club than all season members tickets sales. Quick calculation ~$150/pass * ~3500 members = ~525,000.

He also mentioned they need 9500 per game to break even, is that right? So we are 1500-2000 short, is it possible to fill with a better performance? Will bring a final matches an extra 10.000? That would bring some extra cash.

At the members function a month or so back, Rob Morrison (who had obviously come from a long wet lunch) made some interesting comments around crowds. Usual "costs too much to play in Wgtn" stuff, but also made a vague reference to the Huawei sponsorship that sounded like it was part of the contract that they had to play around NZ (particularly Auckland I think) to spread the sponsorship dollar. Anyone else pick that up? Regardless, what I picked up from him there was that the away games aren't going away any time soon.
We all dream of a team of Team Andys
over 12 years
hlmphil wrote:
number8 wrote:

I always wondered how much the main sponsor add to finances. Dome said in that radio interview on Sunday that Huawei brings more money to the club than all season members tickets sales. Quick calculation ~$150/pass * ~3500 members = ~525,000.

He also mentioned they need 9500 per game to break even, is that right? So we are 1500-2000 short, is it possible to fill with a better performance? Will bring a final matches an extra 10.000? That would bring some extra cash.

At the members function a month or so back, Rob Morrison (who had obviously come from a long wet lunch) made some interesting comments around crowds. Usual "costs too much to play in Wgtn" stuff, but also made a vague reference to the Huawei sponsorship that sounded like it was part of the contract that they had to play around NZ (particularly Auckland I think) to spread the sponsorship dollar. Anyone else pick that up? Regardless, what I picked up from him there was that the away games aren't going away any time soon.

That is how I understood it too. He also mentioned that with some of the other regional games the council/local sponsors pick up the cost so the club won't lose any money.
over 13 years

Partially agree with BM in that we need to steer clear of putting all eggs into Australia league basket but also disagree with NZ Phoenix - steer clear of Auckland. I see Dome's banging on with the threats of not bringing games back to the wonderful City of Auckland if fans don't turn up. I'm personally hoping they don't turn up and the Phoenix don't come back. 

PS plenty of TV adverts here.

a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years
axxaa wrote:

Reckon with a few more decent results and a continuation of the positive vibes from the press, the crowds will return.

It is as simple as this. You can have half time dancing Nixxie chicks, tee shirt canons, attractive D cup women wearing black lace bras... but actually winning games, and winning games good, is the only way to bring 10k+ people through the gates.
Starting XI
over 14 years
alireggae wrote:
PS plenty of TV adverts here.
This is one thing that has frustrated me for a few seasons, always seems sooo much advertising and marketing of the one-off games in AKL, CHCH etc, and next to none in Wellington for our ten games. Surely they should be marketing down here to build the base, rather than spending soo much getting fans in for one-offs.
Life and death
over 17 years

Maybe some pressure needs to be put on the Wellington council and/or stadium to reduce costs. The alternative to them not doing that is the team playing home games out of town more [on more favourable terms] and if necessary moving full time to another city.This happens a lot in American sport, the team owners [businesses that wish to make money] go where they get the best deal. If they can do better elsewhere, they will look to move. They don't always move but do use the threat to get more favourable deals in their current location. I know it might sound harsh to the 4,000 odd Wellignton domiciled fans that turn up every game [I'm estimating the others come from out of town] but the owners need to make money and the right location is part of that. What might be a limiting factor is that there are not many alternatives to move to.  

about 17 years

Saw two adverts very late at night on TV for the game. Thank god I am on nightshift to see them. They were on at some obscure hour.

over 17 years

Maybe some pressure needs to be put on the Wellington council and/or stadium to reduce costs. The alternative to them not doing that is the team playing home games out of town more [on more favourable terms] and if necessary moving full time to another city.This happens a lot in American sport, the team owners [businesses that wish to make money] go where they get the best deal. If they can do better elsewhere, they will look to move. They don't always move but do use the threat to get more favourable deals in their current location. I know it might sound harsh to the 4,000 odd Wellignton domiciled fans that turn up every game [I'm estimating the others come from out of town] but the owners need to make money and the right location is part of that. What might be a limiting factor is that there are not many alternatives to move to.  

So you are advocating Welnix becomes NZnix.From memory when Welnix took over they said one of the reasons they did it was for Wellington i cant recall them saying they did it for NZ.Many still carry on about the need to make money,yes that would be fine.However not sure why people should be expecting them to make money when bigger clubs in better leagues struggle to make money.Then again they are successful business men so they must know best.Sadly for them a football club is a different beast from anything any of them have been involved with before and it seems from some of the things some of them and their management have said they clearly dont understand this.  

Interesting that people keep hammering on about the crowds in Wellington but havnt we even at our worst still got better than Auckland managed to attract  when they had the chance.

Seems to me we have a core of supporters who turn up most games and surely its the club that faces the challenge to increase that.
Take a look at the Warriors they seem to have a core group of fans of about 12 to 13 thousand who turn up no matter how bad they are doing,yet they string some results together and get into a position to finish in a play off spot their crowds increase dramatically.I cant seem to recall them turning into a travelling circus or threatening fans about what they would do if they dont turn up.  Given the difference in populations i dont think we do to badly.
At the end of the day despite playing much better football we are still closer to the bottom than we are to the top and to expect crowds to increase while that situation continues is unrealistic.
about 17 years

Well said Ballane, that sums it all up quite nicely. as I have referred to before. Average 7k v 900.

Blue Cod
over 14 years
Jeff Vader wrote:

Agree with Fortean Times. I'm an Aucklander but its the Wellington Phoenix (and I don't mean that in a sense that its not wanted here in Auckland)

Bluemagic, your point of view really is protectionalist towards ACFC. a bit myopic.

RJ what you say is true. Crowd and TV ratings for Friday night cricket are rubbish. You could pay Sky to screen it and I doubt it will have much as a support base still.


The good old days of the national league are well and truly gone and this really is it. Call it defeatist if you want but for all the investment in the game, what would it get you, an extra 1500 bums on seats maximum?

So you are saying forget NZ having a national league. I'm protective of ACFC because without ACFC there is no ASBP and no credible O League competitor. I don't want to see an Auckland A League franchise, although I suspect it's inevitable, because it will be the end of our national league. If I'm a bit myopic JV then you're a bit defeatist.

over 11 years

Have seen a few Nix ads at the movies at Reading Courtney in the last few weeks, advertising upcoming games, not seen many of the bus shelter ads recently though.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

We usually have a few ads at reading, we get given them to put in poster boxes as part of the sponsorship. 

Including the cardboard cut outs of brockie and ifill outside the steer and beer restaurant that I have to walk past many times a day. They usually have posters of upcoming games on them too (depending whether staff remember to change them or not)

about 17 years
Bluemagic wrote:
Jeff Vader wrote:

Agree with Fortean Times. I'm an Aucklander but its the Wellington Phoenix (and I don't mean that in a sense that its not wanted here in Auckland)

Bluemagic, your point of view really is protectionalist towards ACFC. a bit myopic.

RJ what you say is true. Crowd and TV ratings for Friday night cricket are rubbish. You could pay Sky to screen it and I doubt it will have much as a support base still.


The good old days of the national league are well and truly gone and this really is it. Call it defeatist if you want but for all the investment in the game, what would it get you, an extra 1500 bums on seats maximum?

So you are saying forget NZ having a national league. I'm protective of ACFC because without ACFC there is no ASBP and no credible O League competitor. I don't want to see an Auckland A League franchise, although I suspect it's inevitable, because it will be the end of our national league. If I'm a bit myopic JV then you're a bit defeatist.

He didn't say that. I think the national league will survive. Its perfect for amateur and semi professional players. People will still go along to these games. Auckland would still have an A League team if the fans had supported it.  That includes the Kiwitea Street fans. I'd love to see a pro team from Auckland, one from CHCH well as Wellington in there but I know it wont happen. It would certainly make things interssting and with the three centers being so far apart, gate takings wouldn't be affected. But would the public in all three centers back it? Wellington with its 7k base is doing ok but there sure is room for improvement. Of the other two centers, I wonder if they have the heart to make it happen?
Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
about 17 years

After 16 rounds...

MV 22, 969

SFC 19, 782

ROAR 16, 365

WSW 15, 368

JETS 12, 499

AU  11, 366

HEART 9, 967

PG  9, 963

CCM 9, 916

NIX 7, 576

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