Crowds - The thread of Australian whining

almost 16 years
Tegal wrote:
Junior82 wrote:

I do even when we aren't.

Maybe you should stop coming then we might actually win something yeah? 

I know you're game, you want that $10k for yourself.
Well you can't it's mine.

almost 16 years

Win or lose I still look forward to it every fortnight or so. However this time it's been too long since the last time. I'm gagging for this Sunday.


Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
almost 17 years

I read somewhere that the RU side averages about 10 K at the ROF ... is that correct ??? 

Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
almost 17 years

I read somewhere that the RU side averages about 10 K at the ROF ... is that correct ??? 

First Team Squad
almost 14 years
Midfielder wrote:

I read somewhere that the RU side averages about 10 K at the ROF ... is that correct ??? 

Which union side? Hurricanes more, Lions less.

Here are attendances for 2013 for the stadium.

Can I have some lungs please miss
almost 17 years
Midfielder wrote:

I read somewhere that the RU side averages about 10 K at the ROF ... is that correct ??? 

Super 15 (Hurricanes) yes, Local provincial (Lions) is more like 5... last year at least - Hurricanes had a poor season (though you have All Blacks involved), Lions had a good season - got to final (but few big name players). 
Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
almost 17 years
rjmiller wrote:
Midfielder wrote:

I read somewhere that the RU side averages about 10 K at the ROF ... is that correct ??? 


Which union side? Hurricanes more, Lions less.

Here are attendances for 2013 for the stadium.[/quote]


I read somewhere that the RU side averages about 10 K at the ROF ... is that correct ??? 

Super 15 (Hurricanes) yes, Local provincial (Lions) is more like 5... last year at least - Hurricanes had a poor season (though you have All Blacks involved), Lions had a good season - got to final (but few big name players). 

Looking at those stadium figures crowds at the ROF don't get over 10 K all that much... very very interesting ...
Life and death
over 17 years

Its really only All Black games that you routinely get sell out or near sell outs every time. I think the NZRFU are reasonably canny in moving AB game to smaller venues too, dependent on the opposition. We've got as many big stadia as we need in NZ now, it was looked upon as a risk building Westpac to seat so few but how often do they sell out now even?

I think it's fair to say [and a lot of people are saying it] that the Nix have a base support of around 6,000 and anything larger than that is dependent on a wide range of factors ranging from special events [LA Galaxy, Boca Juniors] a good finals run [a few years ago] coming to see someone like ADP or Heskey {I made a special trip to see Robbie Fowler playing for the Fury when I wouldn't necessarily of spent one of my trips away on the Fury]

Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
almost 17 years


If that's the case would it make more sense to replace the ROF with a say 15 to 16 K covered modern rectangle stadium and while its being build say 18 months move games away from Wellington...  

Blue Cod
over 14 years

Wouldn't it make more sense to spend more on top quality imports to boost the Phoenix on the field and attract more casual punters to Westpac than to spend many millions on a new stadium out of central Wellington? Build a better team and the fans will come to Westpac, rather than blow a lot of money on a new stadium for smaller crowds.

Be in the top four and you'll get 10-12k to the existing stadium and everyone will be happy.

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

How is that working for Sydney?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

There's this little thing called the salary cap that stops us from doing that. We can't and won't spend any more money on our imports than we already are.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

In love that an ACFC fan proposed that idea though :p

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

I thought they were after more Kiwis?

over 11 years

ACFC import them; Nix pinches them.

Blue Cod
over 14 years
2ndBest wrote:

How is that working for Sydney?

Double Phoenix crowds on average. I'm not suggesting an ADP marquee but make the existing team as competitive as possible.  Still think it would make more sense to invest more in the team and bring 10-12k to Westpac than build an expensive new stadium out of central Wellington. 

Blue Cod
over 14 years
2ndBest wrote:

I thought they were after more Kiwis?

I know what you're getting at but I think ACFC has a pretty good blend at the moment. Likewise the Nix. Take Hernandez, Cunningham and Stein out of the Nix front line and what would you have? Brockie leading the line.

What you're lacking is another Reira. In an ideal world Wood, Reid and Thomas would be at the Phoenix, but the reality is they're playing at a higher level and making way more money.

almost 13 years
Bluemagic wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

How is that working for Sydney?

Double Phoenix crowds on average. I'm not suggesting an ADP marquee but make the existing team as competitive as possible.  Still think it would make more sense to invest more in the team and bring 10-12k to Westpac than build an expensive new stadium out of central Wellington. 

But Sydney has a population base of 10 times Wellington's - even if it's split between 2 teams that still affects their attendance positively because the derby games get way bigger crowds. I get the point you are making and I don't entirely disagree with it (it seems silly that the club flat out refuses to consider a marquee or hasn't invested in its training facilities but then talks about dropping $25million on a stadium) but I think that comparing crowd sizes to Sydney is a red herring.
Starting XI
over 17 years

I notice that on a beautiful Friday night for their 1st home game of the season (usually means good crowd), the hurricanes got just 8,000 in. Highlights that this is not just a Nix issue. Quite a bit of marketing went into that as well. Tricky.

almost 13 years
Turfmoore wrote:

I notice that on a beautiful Friday night for their 1st home game of the season (usually means good crowd), the hurricanes got just 8,000 in. Highlights that this is not just a Nix issue. Quite a bit of marketing went into that as well. Tricky.

Does this make anyone else feel smug? Or is it just me?
almost 13 years

Just came across this article:

Looks like the hatred of stadium announcers and music at earbleeding volumes in stadia isn't confined to this part of the world

about 17 years

No but still the stadium trust wont do a thing about it. Its a fucken pain.

Starting XI
about 17 years
Turfmoore wrote:

I notice that on a beautiful Friday night for their 1st home game of the season (usually means good crowd), the hurricanes got just 8,000 in. Highlights that this is not just a Nix issue. Quite a bit of marketing went into that as well. Tricky.

8,000 is very poor for NZ's national game,

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

Over 40,000 at last night's Sydney/WSW derby.

over 10 years

Is there much of a rivalry between Auckland and Wellington?

If Auckland get a team in the HAL do you think it would drive up average attendance? Would there be a derby feel to the games when you meet?

A local rivalry might leverage increased attendances for both teams.

I think (some way down the track) this is the way to add Tasmania to the HAL. Enter a Hobart and Launceston team at the same time because there is already an existing rivalry in Tassie between these two regions. This would help drive crowd numbers IMO.

over 17 years

One can dream after looking at that sydney derby last night. I had no interest in it, was just flicking channels, and was absolutely blown away by what I was seeing. Two ends going full nuts, it was so loud. No idea what happened in the game, was watching the stands the entire time. 

One in a million
over 17 years

What was attendance today?

about 17 years

6041..or some low 6000 number.  I remember thinking 2K under Canes

almost 16 years


Would have looked small in a 12k stadium.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Would have been bigger if security weren't being dicks to us...

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Was hoping the nix would beat the canes this week!
about 17 years

Once again that cunt was playing the fucken music way too loud and once again the fun police were out enforcing their work ethic. How the fuck are people meant to enjoy their Westpac experience? Once again aisles 25 to 28 got all the entertainment and pretty much all the giveaways and once again Nixies refusec to come past aisle 19 around towards where all the kids were in ailes 10. You know, the very kids whom do the Hyundai banner on the halfway line. And what the fuck was with the first 200 in got free scalves? We were about numbers 50, 51 and 52 and we missed out completely. Another fuck up. 

I so hope that we get Petone and that Red Cunts are not employed to do security. I did enjoy the public argument at the food stall from the supervisor and her team by aisle 12 thouh. Was interezting watching her lose the plot. Was very professional in front of the paying public.

David Dome, do something about these complaints. Enough is enough and our money over in aisles 9 to 19 is exactly the same colour as everyone elses. Show us some respect and sort this on going shit out.

about 17 years

Ps: I also note the fucktard announcer could not even get that kids birthday correct and then he made a flippant remark about it. Fucken dork announcer! 

Rant over for another week when come March 30, we will see nothing has been done or addressed as per fucken normal.

almost 17 years

dork announcer is Nick Tannsley (sp) he's better than the previous three trialists they had.....but still very "ZM radio". email domey with you moans even if he reads this forum finiding one rant is going to be tough - or email thundersticks too.

Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years

I just don't get the whole ZM tie in and complete focus on 'family'.

I'm not saying family should be ignored but surely a large portion of the money coming in is from males aged 20-60, i.e. the traditional football crowd.

That's not to say there are no women and kids there as there are lots, just wondering for what reason is it the group I've highlighted are largely ignored in terms if the music 'played' (blasted) etc.

Saying that, I suppose all those stupid warnings are targeted at that group....

Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
almost 17 years

Is it

The Stadium

The City not going to sporting events

The price

Football has not taken hold

The product on offer

The weather

Lack of a broader media 

the Rugby only got 2K  more 

If you own the club I wonder what you are thinking today ... 

almost 17 years
Steve-O wrote:

I just don't get the whole ZM tie in and complete focus on 'family'.

I'm not saying family should be ignored but surely a large portion of the money coming in is from males aged 20-60, i.e. the traditional football crowd.

That's not to say there are no women and kids there as there are lots, just wondering for what reason is it the group I've highlighted are largely ignored in terms if the music 'played' (blasted) etc.

Saying that, I suppose all those stupid warnings are targeted at that group....

agree that the l;atge part of the fanbase are 20-50+ men, but some of us bring our kids too - my 3.5 years old hates the loud music, says it's too loud - I've emailed the club with LG's comments and voiced my own issues with the actual expeirence - the things the club can do something about opf course.

about 17 years

Thanks heaps. These rants are over things the club can easily solve. For example, Nixie coming over to aisle 12 where there are more kids than aisle 25. Its not a hard ask. Turning the music down or preferably off is also easy enough to do. Having competitions for fans in all areas of the ground, not just aisles 24 to 28.

almost 17 years

totally agree! so does my boy - like I said he spends the first part of the gmae with his ears covered due to the music.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
Midfielder wrote:

Is it

The Stadium

The City not going to sporting events

The price

Football has not taken hold

The product on offer

The weather

Lack of a broader media 

the Rugby only got 2K  more 

If you own the club I wonder what you are thinking today ... 

Bolded the ones that I think are the main reasons (although weather hasnt been an issue at all this season, hasnt rained for a game yet).

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