Starting XI
over 10 years
About bloody time this has been suggested multiple times but for some reason has been completely ignored since our 1st season. Imagine over the years if those young footballers had been encouraged many would probably be paying members know. Guess better late than never is true.

I guess its been a cost thing, getting a sponsor to "pay" for it all rather than the club. Lets hope the kids' parents actually do something to get the kids to the games. Of course they have to know about it and claim the ticket first. As a parent of a registered U16 player I've seen nothing from our club.
Yeah sadly seems their delivery of the message to people is still sadly lacking. At least they as opposed to the past they are making an effort just need to try harder to get it to the people they are trying to reach.  Most of the promotion seems to have started far to late.

I got an email from capital city football.  Of course this is long after I bought my kids season passes haha
over 17 years
About bloody time this has been suggested multiple times but for some reason has been completely ignored since our 1st season. Imagine over the years if those young footballers had been encouraged many would probably be paying members know. Guess better late than never is true.

I guess its been a cost thing, getting a sponsor to "pay" for it all rather than the club. Lets hope the kids' parents actually do something to get the kids to the games. Of course they have to know about it and claim the ticket first. As a parent of a registered U16 player I've seen nothing from our club.
Yeah sadly seems their delivery of the message to people is still sadly lacking. At least they as opposed to the past they are making an effort just need to try harder to get it to the people they are trying to reach.  Most of the promotion seems to have started far to late.

I got an email from capital city football.  Of course this is long after I bought my kids season passes haha
Sadly just another example of how the Nix just keep getting things wrong then complain because people dont turn up. That sort of stuff should have been well in place while most of the kids were still playing.
about 17 years
About bloody time this has been suggested multiple times but for some reason has been completely ignored since our 1st season. Imagine over the years if those young footballers had been encouraged many would probably be paying members know. Guess better late than never is true.

I guess its been a cost thing, getting a sponsor to "pay" for it all rather than the club. Lets hope the kids' parents actually do something to get the kids to the games. Of course they have to know about it and claim the ticket first. As a parent of a registered U16 player I've seen nothing from our club.
Yeah sadly seems their delivery of the message to people is still sadly lacking. At least they as opposed to the past they are making an effort just need to try harder to get it to the people they are trying to reach.  Most of the promotion seems to have started far to late.

I got an email from capital city football.  Of course this is long after I bought my kids season passes haha
Sadly just another example of how the Nix just keep getting things wrong then complain because people dont turn up. That sort of stuff should have been well in place while most of the kids were still playing.
Ideally it should have been up and running while winter leagues were still running, but this was announced about 4 weeks ago. (it was pretty well pushed by the club across all socials and discussed on here) 

The issue of actually getting info on how to get tickets took ages, when it was announced the press release said "Further details about Macca’s Junior Nix, including how to secure a membership, will follow in the coming weeks." And it comes days before the first game.
Starting XI
over 10 years
To be clear I'm not complaining.  I was boying my kids their season passes anyway.

It was supposed to be a humourous timing comment, not a dig at the Nix.  Anything to get more bums in seats and hopefully life long fans is a good thing.
over 17 years
Any wonder people get pissed off just went to book parking for the game on the 28th to find they have put it up. Paid $17 for women's game know $22. Yep not much i know but just feels like stadium is screwing Nix fans yet again
about 17 years
It was only $10 for the Home Show a few weeks ago
about 17 years
Toying if I can be bothered this Sunday. On a tight budget of late as I'm not doing any Overtime at work. The great car park rip off and booking bullshark. You should be able to show up, pay $10 like other stadiums around the country and have a safe car park. But we know through history that the Stadium trust are just a bunch of self serving P---ks that love to rip the Phoenix off with not just the car parks but the rent they charge the phoenix to play there. I thought the Trust was there to serve the Community and rate Payers, not the other way around.
over 17 years
Gooner 4 Life
It was only $10 for the Home Show a few weeks ago
It actually stinks Hurricanes and Lions members get it for $17  yet we get ripped off. Club dosnt want to hear about it
almost 17 years
Gooner 4 Life
It was only $10 for the Home Show a few weeks ago
It actually stinks Hurricanes and Lions members get it for $17  yet we get ripped off. Club dosnt want to hear about it

Why have a go at the club,? there's only so much they can do to influence a decision being made by the stadium exec.
over 17 years
Rearly they are the tenant how about sticking up fot the fans and trying to do something about an issue that's been around since forever.
So you think it's fine some people have to pay up to $ 35 to park. Some people have moblity issues and really need to park there. 
End of the day only asking to be treated the same as the rugby members do.
almost 17 years
you dont think Dome does just that? Come on man, he is the most outspoken of any sports group in the country, particularly about how poorly the stadium treats us.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
I'm always skeptical of disabled people (mobility issues) being used as a rhetorical tool prioritise car drivers above public/active transport users. I am going to guess people with mobility issues are a quite small minority of the people who would prefer to drive up and not pay for parking. Of course people with mobility issues shouldn't be pinged - it's everyone else who want their choice to take a car to be subsidized by broader society that annoy me.
almost 17 years
I'm always skeptical of disabled people (mobility issues) being used as a rhetorical tool prioritise car drivers above public/active transport users. I am going to guess people with mobility issues are a quite small minority of the people who would prefer to drive up and not pay for parking. Of course people with mobility issues shouldn't be pinged - it's everyone else who want their choice to take a car to be subsidized by broader society that annoy me.

Not sure its got anything to do with wanting a subsidy. Its more about having the parking fee actually represent the cost to provide the service. If that is $17 per park then fine. But if thats the case why is the fee less for the rugby? The only reason the rugby fans should be getting parking cheaper is if the rugby clubs are subsidising it, which I doubt they are as they have no money to do so. Equity, fairness across all codes is what we are asking for.
and 1 other
about 17 years
I'm always skeptical of disabled people (mobility issues) being used as a rhetorical tool prioritise car drivers above public/active transport users. I am going to guess people with mobility issues are a quite small minority of the people who would prefer to drive up and not pay for parking. Of course people with mobility issues shouldn't be pinged - it's everyone else who want their choice to take a car to be subsidized by broader society that annoy me.

Not sure its got anything to do with wanting a subsidy. Its more about having the parking fee actually represent the cost to provide the service. If that is $17 per park then fine. But if thats the case why is the fee less for the rugby? The only reason the rugby fans should be getting parking cheaper is if the rugby clubs are subsidising it, which I doubt they are as they have no money to do so. Equity, fairness across all codes is what we are asking for.

QBE Stadium $10, Forsythe Barr Stadium $10, Sky Stadium $35. Hamilton, Napier, New Plymouth, Palmerston North, Christchurch Free on Street Parking.
Starting XI
about 17 years
The stadium park is nowhere near full for the average game. It's nuts not to maximize the facility,it's overpriced!
over 17 years
I'm always skeptical of disabled people (mobility issues) being used as a rhetorical tool prioritise car drivers above public/active transport users. I am going to guess people with mobility issues are a quite small minority of the people who would prefer to drive up and not pay for parking. Of course people with mobility issues shouldn't be pinged - it's everyone else who want their choice to take a car to be subsidized by broader society that annoy me.
Pretty sure no where have i said those with mobility issues should have free parking. In fact havnt even asked for a cheaper price. What i am asking is that Phoenix fans get charged the same as other users of the stadium are charged.

Phoenix fans are being ripped off and it just dosnt make sense to have a facility that isnt being utilized to its potential.
about 17 years
The WXV rugby was also $35 on the weekend.
almost 17 years
Gooner 4 Life
The WXV rugby was also $35 on the weekend.

So the stadium trust is anti football and women's sport?
What is wrong with these people? hitting the fan bases of "smaller" sports with higher parking fees - although having said that you'd be hard pressed to get too many fans to a rugby match these days, even with $10 parking.
Starting XI
about 7 years
I've always had a season ticket over the years but due to moving out of welly during the season I've had to get a nix six pass. Can anyone enlighten me on how that works? I think in the past you had to redeem it through ticketek for every game you wanted to receive an individual ticket but I can't see that written anywhere anymore. Just has a QR code, can I just use that six times at the turnstiles?
over 17 years
Some genuine help needed if somebody can. Firstly I seem to maybe have deleted any email that I may have received on the subject.(not convinced I actually got such an email)
So I brought a Woman's membership along with my Foundation Membership and I want to give my tickets for the Womans game to someone. But have been unable to find out how I turn the season pass into tickets as it dosnt scan. DONT tell me to email the club because its impossible to get a reply.
Don't get why it seems to be so dammed hard to do what should be an easy job. It's pretty obvious from others comments elsewhere I'm not the only one having issues.
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years
Try this....
1) go to
2) on top right click "my account", then "my account" in the drop menu
3) once loaded click on "orders" and select which membership you want to pass on.
4) scroll down to " view tickets" at the bottom.
5) then "download membership tickets" and email the attachment to the person.
over 17 years
Try this....
1) go to
2) on top right click "my account", then "my account" in the drop menu
3) once loaded click on "orders" and select which membership you want to pass on.
4) scroll down to " view tickets" at the bottom.
5) then "download membership tickets" and email the attachment to the person.
Thanks Dale will give that a crack
over 17 years
That seems to have done the trick thanks Dale. We will find out Saturday because you will hear Andy scream from the stands if they don't let him in.
about 12 years
I want to get 16 adult tickets (possibly more) for the Nov 25th game? I emailed WPX directly to chase up because tickets aren't available yet on Ticketek for the game??

I also wanted to know if there was a discount code for large groups or similar.

No reply.
over 17 years
Sadly that seems to be the norm I still havnt had a reply on a couple of emails I have sent. Really disapointing if I'm honest as they are bloody quick to have crack at people for not turning up. So bloody frustrating from them.
almost 17 years
who are you emailing? I've found its easier just to get in touch with the head honcho, he responds pretty promptly.
about 12 years
The head honcho shouldn't be doing the work of his admin team.
almost 17 years
The head honcho shouldn't be doing the work of his admin team.

you might find that the admin team actually isnt a team, might just be 1 person. if you're having issues with this person then go straight to the top.
last I heard was that a lot of the office staff had not retained their jobs during covid, I'm wondering if the club may not have replaced all of them?
over 17 years
Even he can be slack on responses as have also messaged him. But to be honest  shouldn't be the CEOs job to respond fan questions we are bloody lucky he chooses to respond to any one
First Team Squad
almost 6 years
Have tried multiple times to book tickets on the website for today, and always seems to time out. Does this always happen on match day? Guess we’ll have to rock up at the gate
about 17 years
Have tried multiple times to book tickets on the website for today, and always seems to time out. Does this always happen on match day? Guess we’ll have to rock up at the gate
I’ve never had that problem but I did notice that on Friday night, the tickets online were $32.50 and then on match day online, they had gone up to $37.50 so it pays to do it earlier. Still cheaper than buying at the gate I think.
First Team Squad
almost 6 years
Gooner 4 Life
Have tried multiple times to book tickets on the website for today, and always seems to time out. Does this always happen on match day? Guess we’ll have to rock up at the gate
I’ve never had that problem but I did notice that on Friday night, the tickets online were $32.50 and then on match day online, they had gone up to $37.50 so it pays to do it earlier. Still cheaper than buying at the gate I think.

Can concur, this cost me more at the gate (which was horrendous on the day). Slow as fudge for no apparent reason. There is a reason why I always buy in advance, but was a last min decision by the wife and kids to come along.
about 17 years
That seems to have done the trick thanks Dale. We will find out Saturday because you will hear Andy scream from the stands if they don't let him in.

It didnt work, then the box office did a fix and that didnt work, 3rd time lucky.
about 17 years
Gooner 4 Life
Have tried multiple times to book tickets on the website for today, and always seems to time out. Does this always happen on match day? Guess we’ll have to rock up at the gate
I’ve never had that problem but I did notice that on Friday night, the tickets online were $32.50 and then on match day online, they had gone up to $37.50 so it pays to do it earlier. Still cheaper than buying at the gate I think.

Can concur, this cost me more at the gate (which was horrendous on the day). Slow as fudge for no apparent reason. There is a reason why I always buy in advance, but was a last min decision by the wife and kids to come along.

I've gotten on to Domey that the high prices are affecting casual and walk up attendees. did so yesterday.
over 17 years
Gooner 4 Life
Have tried multiple times to book tickets on the website for today, and always seems to time out. Does this always happen on match day? Guess we’ll have to rock up at the gate
I’ve never had that problem but I did notice that on Friday night, the tickets online were $32.50 and then on match day online, they had gone up to $37.50 so it pays to do it earlier. Still cheaper than buying at the gate I think.

Can concur, this cost me more at the gate (which was horrendous on the day). Slow as fudge for no apparent reason. There is a reason why I always buy in advance, but was a last min decision by the wife and kids to come along.

I've gotten on to Domey that the high prices are affecting casual and walk up attendees. did so yesterday.
Not so sure you will get any traction there have brought that issue up before and there are normally heaps of excuse. What i find staggering is the claim made by the Phoenix some time ago that their prices were in line with what Hurricanes /Lions charge have no idea what prices they are comparing but you can get into those games much cheaper and also pay less for parking.  very disappointing that this issue is still around with Phoenix seemingly reluctant to help the fans out. 
almost 17 years
alot of the time when Domey talks about ticket prices he uses season pass prices,which according to the nix are similarly prices to olther aleague clubs and equate to a similar per game price. Like the nix the rugby will have many tiers of ticket to gain access depending on the day.
Starting XI
almost 9 years
Domey is on record as saying the higher pricing on match day is deliberate to encourage pre-buying. Seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face to me.
over 17 years
Domey is on record as saying the higher pricing on match day is deliberate to encourage pre-buying. Seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face to me.
Pretty much says it all so when they have 5k or 6k there rather than sell tickets they keep the prices high
First Team Squad
almost 6 years
Domey is on record as saying the higher pricing on match day is deliberate to encourage pre-buying. Seems like cutting off your nose to spite your face to me.
Pretty much says it all so when they have 5k or 6k there rather sell tickets they keep the prices high

I mean I get you want as many pre-sale to understand how much catering etc, but it does seem ridiculous. It wouldn't be so bad if the tellers were quick, but they're so slow.  it's a painful process, and it wasn't like I didn't try to buy them prior. I did! 

I'm glad they've upped the advertising (seeing it at stations etc) though.  Will be beating the drum until the next home game.
Starting XI
over 10 years
Tiering pricing as you get closer to an event is very normal.

It encourages buying early, and if you have the tickets it makes you more likely to go.

This is very normal.  If heaps of people rock up on the day to buy tickets at the gate, the queues suck so people may walk off/not come next time, all kinds of other logistics issues.

I can say anecdotally, if I don't buy tickets while they are on my mind, I don't go to heaps of stuff.  Was the same with the Nix where I went to 1 game in 2 years.  Bought a season pass and in the last 10 years I can count the Welly games I missed on 1 hand.

This isn't uncommon as the day rolls around and kiwis go, fudge it I'll watch it on sky.  You already have he tickets and you plan the day around it.

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