Starting XI
over 5 years

I can definately see one of our visa spots going to a CB. 

Bossi Insider
almost 16 years

Ranix wrote:

I can definately see one of our visa spots going to a CB. 

We only have 4 visa slots & we have huge holes everywhere now that we have lost both starting strikers. I guess Talay could spend all his cash parking the bus and hoping we can sneak the odd goal or two.
Woof Woof
almost 17 years

There's also off-contract A-league players and the Aussie state leagues. Not every gap has to be filled in by an import player.

First Team Squad
almost 7 years

Talay has said he would like to use an import spot on a centre back, a 10 and a 9

Bossi Insider
almost 16 years

Bring back Tratt! If we could get past the first man, we might actually be a threat at corners with a Tratt/Taylor CB pairing.

almost 12 years

Tratt and Pnjaker with Taylor as a back three offers a lot IMO.

Tratt and Pnjaker can both play football and Taylor gives us that experience and mongrel. Boxall would be a good signing as well - he's no longer a starter, so his club might be willing to release him. If he is on an international player deal, they may consider him to be a waste based on current pecking order.

almost 17 years

Yakcall wrote:

Shaun9 wrote:

Rumor in the paper that Durante is going to link up with Rudan, Kurto and Burgess....

That has been rumoured (pretty much confirmed) for a long time. He has gone and will be doing some playing over there but moving on also with Sports Management.


almost 17 years

we're more of a new club now than WU

Starting XI
over 5 years

MetalLegNZ wrote:

Tratt and Pnjaker with Taylor as a back three offers a lot IMO.

Tratt and Pnjaker can both play football and Taylor gives us that experience and mongrel. Boxall would be a good signing as well - he's no longer a starter, so his club might be willing to release him. If he is on an international player deal, they may consider him to be a waste based on current pecking order.

I rate Tratt, but think it unlikely he will return to Wgtn after previous personal issues. Unless Talay took him under his wing at Sydney FC last season and can convince him to try it over here again.

about 5 years

RR wrote:

Ranix wrote:

I can definately see one of our visa spots going to a CB. 

We only have 4 visa slots & we have huge holes everywhere now that we have lost both starting strikers. I guess Talay could spend all his cash parking the bus and hoping we can sneak the odd goal or two.

I think that trying park the bus all season will be difficult for us considering the amount of goals we've leaked over the past few years. 
First Team Squad
almost 7 years

I know many on here think it's very unlikely that Bell would give up his scholarship to come with us, but multiple media sources say that we are in talks with him and I sure hope we are. The thought of a midfield three of Bell, Rufer and Singh would be an exciting prospect, especially if you add a quality import to the mix and maybe TAHW and/or some young aussies. 

over 17 years

RR wrote:

Ranix wrote:

I can definately see one of our visa spots going to a CB. 

We only have 4 visa slots & we have huge holes everywhere now that we have lost both starting strikers. I guess Talay could spend all his cash parking the bus and hoping we can sneak the odd goal or two.

I think that trying park the bus all season will be difficult for us considering the amount of goals we've leaked over the past few years. 

With Dura gone hopefully so might the leaky defence.LOL
almost 15 years

ballane wrote:

RR wrote:

Ranix wrote:

I can definately see one of our visa spots going to a CB. 

We only have 4 visa slots & we have huge holes everywhere now that we have lost both starting strikers. I guess Talay could spend all his cash parking the bus and hoping we can sneak the odd goal or two.

I think that trying park the bus all season will be difficult for us considering the amount of goals we've leaked over the past few years. 

With Dura gone hopefully so might the leaky defence.LOL

So in a previous post you are bagging him for leaving, and now you are welcoming him leaving?

Seriously man, you need to sort you head out. The guy is a fudgeing legend in a Phoenix shirt. Not how we expect him to leave but he did and gave more than required while he was here. Remember the cancer girl?

Show some class fella

One in a million
over 17 years

Ranix wrote:

I can definately see one of our visa spots going to a CB. 

Aren't one of our visa spots already a CB?

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Im of the mind to say fudge off to the lot of them, tbh

over 13 years

el grapadura wrote:

Mainland FC wrote:

I must have missed any news update but is Nathan Burns still officially with us? 

Nope, he was part of the five or six who were released just before Talay arrived here.

I spoke to Nathan yesterday at  my local cafe. I think his summary of the Nix’s season under Rudan might be “opportunity lost”. 

over 5 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

ballane wrote:

RR wrote:

Ranix wrote:

I can definately see one of our visa spots going to a CB. 

We only have 4 visa slots & we have huge holes everywhere now that we have lost both starting strikers. I guess Talay could spend all his cash parking the bus and hoping we can sneak the odd goal or two.

I think that trying park the bus all season will be difficult for us considering the amount of goals we've leaked over the past few years. 

With Dura gone hopefully so might the leaky defence.LOL

So in a previous post you are bagging him for leaving, and now you are welcoming him leaving?

Seriously man, you need to sort you head out. The guy is a fudgeing legend in a Phoenix shirt. Not how we expect him to leave but he did and gave more than required while he was here. Remember the cancer girl?

Show some class fella

Sure he will always be a legend and he should be commended for all he did for the club, but he's quietly done us pretty dirty with this move. The club gave him a lot of opportunities and paid his way to prepare for his life after football with a front office career, but now it sounds like his deal with WU means he'll play one more year and then join their front office. To be honest, that's a bit of a snakey move and I feel like that's being really overlooked right now.

Starting XI
almost 10 years

RR wrote:

Ranix wrote:

I can definately see one of our visa spots going to a CB. 

We only have 4 visa slots & we have huge holes everywhere now that we have lost both starting strikers. I guess Talay could spend all his cash parking the bus and hoping we can sneak the odd goal or two.

We'd do well to stay away from playing a style that pretty much sums up Darije Kalezic's way of playing.

almost 12 years

We might actually have a squad for next season before we had this years one, given how late Rudan came in.

Opinion Privileges revoked
over 14 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

ballane wrote:

[/quote]With Dura gone hopefully so might the leaky defence.LOL

So in a previous post you are bagging him for leaving, and now you are welcoming him leaving?

TBF if Dura had retired from playing but continued in the Nix back office I think that would have been wonderful.

But OTOH if Dura is actually past it, then someone tell WU and Rudan who have paid good money for him.

over 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

ballane wrote:

RR wrote:

Ranix wrote:

I can definately see one of our visa spots going to a CB. 

We only have 4 visa slots & we have huge holes everywhere now that we have lost both starting strikers. I guess Talay could spend all his cash parking the bus and hoping we can sneak the odd goal or two.

I think that trying park the bus all season will be difficult for us considering the amount of goals we've leaked over the past few years. 

With Dura gone hopefully so might the leaky defence.LOL

So in a previous post you are bagging him for leaving, and now you are welcoming him leaving?

Seriously man, you need to sort you head out. The guy is a fudgeing legend in a Phoenix shirt. Not how we expect him to leave but he did and gave more than required while he was here. Remember the cancer girl?

Show some class fella

Great one to talk about class seriously what dont you understand about being  PO when he has seemingly gone with Rudan  and WU and stating something that is fact that we have had a leaky defence for some time.Yes club legend but given the situation we are in at the moment you would think a club legend would be aware how this would be taken.

As an aside being a survivor i find it massively offensive that you have used any form of cancer analogy and for that alone GGF U C K E D

about 13 years

Enough please from both of you and lets get it back onto topic about Nix transfers. 

over 17 years

This escalated quickly.

Anyhoo, which Boxall is the most likely to come back?

almost 17 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

ballane wrote:

RR wrote:

Ranix wrote:

I can definately see one of our visa spots going to a CB. 

We only have 4 visa slots & we have huge holes everywhere now that we have lost both starting strikers. I guess Talay could spend all his cash parking the bus and hoping we can sneak the odd goal or two.

I think that trying park the bus all season will be difficult for us considering the amount of goals we've leaked over the past few years. 

With Dura gone hopefully so might the leaky defence.LOL

So in a previous post you are bagging him for leaving, and now you are welcoming him leaving?

Seriously man, you need to sort you head out. The guy is a fudgeing legend in a Phoenix shirt. Not how we expect him to leave but he did and gave more than required while he was here. Remember the cancer girl?

Show some class fella

Sure he will always be a legend and he should be commended for all he did for the club, but he's quietly done us pretty dirty with this move. The club gave him a lot of opportunities and paid his way to prepare for his life after football with a front office career, but now it sounds like his deal with WU means he'll play one more year and then join their front office. To be honest, that's a bit of a snakey move and I feel like that's being really overlooked right now.

this is all true, and he had said he wanted to stay with the club in a managerial manner, but if the club doesn't exist then he has no reason to stay - he had to make a decision at some point - young family to care for and all. I hate that it had to be to WU. But this is what we get with the FFA and independent A-League taking so long to sort out.

almost 14 years

theprof wrote:


this is all true, and he had said he wanted to stay with the club in a managerial manner, but if the club doesn't exist then he has no reason to stay - he had to make a decision at some point - young family to care for and all. I hate that it had to be to WU. But this is what we get with the FFA and independent A-League taking so long to sort out.

That is unfortunately how I also see it.  

Are we angry at Dura because his move plays into our own worst fears?

about 13 years
First Team Squad
almost 7 years

At first I laughed at this signing, but thinking about it now I'm actually not too disappointed by it if you look at it through the lense of Sotirio being a direct replacement for Burns. Both are wide players, Sotirio is a lot quicker and actually scored when he came on last season, 3 in fact. A lot younger too and making far less money. Providing he's an impact off the bench, decent business. 

almost 14 years

At first I laughed at this signing, but thinking about it now I'm actually not too disappointed by it if you look at it through the lense of Sotirio being a direct replacement for Burns. Both are wide players, Sotirio is a lot quicker and actually scored when he came on last season, 3 in fact. A lot younger too and making far less money. Providing he's an impact off the bench, decent business. 

Hopefully Waine develops into that impact role.

Starting XI
over 8 years

Is this an indication of Talay looking to play with wide players, where Rudan didn't really?

Don't see really Sotirio filling any role in Rudans 3-5-2.

Bossi Insider
almost 16 years

Nelfoos wrote:

Is this an indication of Talay looking to play with wide players, where Rudan didn't really?

Don't see really Sotirio filling any role in Rudans 3-5-2.

I can't see us playing 3-5-2 under Talay, so will probably be a 4-5-1.
First Team Squad
over 5 years

I hope the club has a good look at David Browne if you look at our best imports 2 of them came from the national league.

Woof Woof
almost 17 years

Nelfoos wrote:

Is this an indication of Talay looking to play with wide players, where Rudan didn't really?

Don't see really Sotirio filling any role in Rudans 3-5-2.

Talay will play a back 4, suspect that's part of the reason why Dura's left. Expect a 4-3-3, or a 4-5-1, depending on how you look at it.

almost 10 years

wilbaker wrote:

I hope the club has a good look at David Browne if you look at our best imports 2 of them came from the national league.

That is a big risk to use an import slot there at this point in time, with the club fighting for its future in a year of recovery with a new head coach (New as a head coach not just to us) using one of your important import slots on a untested (at this level) 23 year old I would find strange (Imagine Watto as an import). Different story if we had 3 imports all signed up with one being a proven A league level striker but I just dont see the club/coach taking that chance.

Starting XI
over 8 years

RoriM6 wrote:

wilbaker wrote:

I hope the club has a good look at David Browne if you look at our best imports 2 of them came from the national league.

That is a big risk to use an import slot there at this point in time, with the club fighting for its future in a year of recovery with a new head coach (New as a head coach not just to us) using one of your important import slots on a untested (at this level) 23 year old I would find strange (Imagine Watto as an import). Different story if we had 3 imports all signed up with one being a proven A league level striker but I just dont see the club/coach taking that chance.

If we were gonna sign a young, untested, foreign forward to a contract it would've been Calvin Harris. Can't see any chance of us doing it for Browne.
almost 17 years

Who can replace Dura? We've had continuity there, if less elsewhere 

almost 17 years

el grapadura wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Is this an indication of Talay looking to play with wide players, where Rudan didn't really?

Don't see really Sotirio filling any role in Rudans 3-5-2.

Talay will play a back 4, suspect that's part of the reason why Dura's left. Expect a 4-3-3, or a 4-5-1, depending on how you look at it.

With talk of signing another 10 - 4222/41212?
about 5 years

Bullion wrote:

el grapadura wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

Is this an indication of Talay looking to play with wide players, where Rudan didn't really?

Don't see really Sotirio filling any role in Rudans 3-5-2.

Talay will play a back 4, suspect that's part of the reason why Dura's left. Expect a 4-3-3, or a 4-5-1, depending on how you look at it.

With talk of signing another 10 - 4222/41212?

4-2-3-1 possibly? sign Bell and have him and Stensness in the two?
Phoenix Academy
over 17 years

I touched on this in another forum but was interested in any feedback on Rolly B whom I see has been released by WSW.

.....A step backwards?....I do recall he was injured for a bit of the latest season but when he played was quite influential..

First Team Squad
almost 7 years

Tunnelrat wrote:

I touched on this in another forum but was interested in any feedback on Rolly B whom I see has been released by WSW.

.....A step backwards?....I do recall he was injured for a bit of the latest season but when he played was quite influential..

He signed for Al Faisaly in the Saudi league a month ago. 

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