Chant Savant
over 17 years

Cant wait until the day I can come stand with my Phoenix Family again at the RoF regardless of who they are and what their beliefs are. 

Unless they support Manchester United in which case they can Fudge Off!

about 13 years
over 7 years

Balbi wrote:

Liam Hyslop rang me for a yarn about it yesterday, and Dura approves too!

Stuff report on Rainbow Fever

Don't read the comments section... Don't read the comments section...Don't read the comments section.. FUCK

First Team Squad
almost 10 years

Nah man, there's some good in there. Gotta laugh at the people who so don't care that they're writing comments and posting them.

And the guy wondering if it's to boost crowd numbers. I'm in the pocket of Shane Harmon obvs.

Starting XI
over 17 years

TreeFiddy wrote:

Balbi wrote:

Liam Hyslop rang me for a yarn about it yesterday, and Dura approves too!

Stuff report on Rainbow Fever

Don't read the comments section... Don't read the comments section...Don't read the comments section.. FUCK

Yeah - why's Balbi claiming to be all-inclusive, when HE banned the police from attending HIS parade. Brilliant.

Looks like Derek C won't be coming to Nix games anymore too. Balbi's denied he's in Harmon's pocket, so obviously it's an #AucklandConspiracy to make the Nix fail #metrics.

Phoenix Academy
over 17 years

"We've got the wind and the rainbow and the Phoenix, "

over 9 years

Balbi wrote:

Nah man, there's some good in there. Gotta laugh at the people who so don't care that they're writing comments and posting them.

And the guy wondering if it's to boost crowd numbers. I'm in the pocket of Shane Harmon obvs.

Reading the comments section in a Stuff article, is often almost a type of sadomasochism.

I hope Rainbow Fever does boost crowd numbers. Might help drag my cousin & her girlfriend along.

On a lighter note, and on the theme of 'we don't care what team you play for', a scene from the world's best ever TV show.

about 17 years


He has been welcomed to join us.
He is a long time active supporter of the Nix who is not perfect. We ain't gonna shun him

paddy wrote:

The person made those statements is no longer in the zone and has set up his own support group on the other side of the stadium. 

over 17 years

Love the sentiments expressed Balbi,however  i do have a question for some of you fellow feverites. I in no way condom the behavior mentioned.

Hope i put this right and its not meant to be offensive in any way.

Are we sometimes in todays society to quick to take offense at  something said or actions taken which are in no way intended to be taken the way they seem to be some time. I have a work mate who over the years has become a close friend 2 years ago i intended his wedding to his long time partner. If you listened to these two guys talk sometimes you would think shark those guys are so anti gay its unreal,have spent some great times with them and their friends over the years and the way they make fun of each at times you think bloody hell.Yes im fully aware there are people who say and do things that they need to pulled up on as they are not being said in jest.

Not the same issue but along the same lines ,last year i was accused by some on here of being a racist for a remark that was taken way out of context and seemingly they were unable to be understand it and were far to quick to use the often pulled out " thats not PC" 

Like much in this world today sadly there are to few people who no what tolerance is.

Starting XI
over 7 years

ballane wrote:

Love the sentiments expressed Balbi,however  i do have a question for some of you fellow feverites. I in no way condom the behavior mentioned.

Hope i put this right and its not meant to be offensive in any way.

Are we sometimes in todays society to quick to take offense at  something said or actions taken which are in no way intended to be taken the way they seem to be some time. I have a work mate who over the years has become a close friend 2 years ago i intended his wedding to his long time partner. If you listened to these two guys talk sometimes you would think shark those guys are so anti gay its unreal,have spent some great times with them and their friends over the years and the way they make fun of each at times you think bloody hell.Yes im fully aware there are people who say and do things that they need to pulled up on as they are not being said in jest.

Not the same issue but along the same lines ,last year i was accused by some on here of being a racist for a remark that was taken way out of context and seemingly they were unable to be understand it and were far to quick to use the often pulled out " thats not PC" 

Like much in this world today sadly there are to few people who no what tolerance is.

Definitely agree that some people today are quick to take offense to things that aren't intended to offend at all - some people may be more sensitive than others, but this initiative's all about being aware of other peoples' feelings and at the end of the day, Balbi wants to make it a healthy environment for everyone which takes barely any effort to implement and the outcome makes a lot of people happier so I'm fully behind it

over 17 years

Yep realise that and i support the initiative as well just thought it was good thread to discuss some issues in without it getting in your face as so many other threads seem to slip into.

over 13 years

Ard Choille wrote:


He has been welcomed to join us.
He is a long time active supporter of the Nix who is not perfect. We ain't gonna shun him

paddy wrote:

The person made those statements is no longer in the zone and has set up his own support group on the other side of the stadium. 

He wasn't kicked out of the Fever zone either, he chose to leave it and is still welcome in the zone if he wanted to as well

over 13 years

what was his name on this forum?

Starting XI
over 7 years

Good on ya! Great appearance on Newshub, got the point across in a really peaceful, level headed way

Life and death
over 17 years

Are police in uniform allowed either in the zone or on the terrace.

First Team Squad
almost 10 years

Well there's already a Kopa on the pitch ?

Chant Savant
over 17 years

So does this mean now get to refer to Jest players as "useless gypsy vegan hippie gobsharke mofo unlce-fudgeing Carfinal Pell loving prick riding cods" and not that other word?

One in a million
over 17 years

Good coverage of the rainbow on tv during game

Starting XI
over 10 years

Is Rainbow Fever a permanent fixture in the zone now? 

about 17 years

They can wear what they like on the Terrace side.
The two that I know prefer not to wear a uniform.

Are police in uniform allowed either in the zone or on the terrace.

First Team Squad
almost 10 years

Bananas wrote:

Is Rainbow Fever a permanent fixture in the zone now? 

The flag will be there, yes. There'll probably be some more stuff for the Eden Park game in February, but got to plan it out.

over 17 years

Pretty sure off duty cops aren't allowed to go walking about in their uniform

over 7 years

TBH i'm suprised about this, i never really thought there was that much discrimination at the Pheonix games that major parts of the LGBT community that wanted to go were put off. Sad if true.

However, I feel the Pheonix do have a perception problem that is true.

I work in the construction industry and took a bunch of asian workers (and football fans) from a building site in central wellington to a game. None have returned. They laugh and say am "i going to hang out with my white middle class mates?" One mentioned to me to count the none whites around me at the game (not including those working in the food service industry)...for a multi cultural city the number was appaling. A one handed man missing a couple of digits could play this game quite easily.  

Sorry Balbi for stating this on your tread but i feel this is a major problem. 

The Pheonix don't attract all Wellingtonians, because football/Pheonix is still seen as an upper class, British thing. 

tradition and history
over 17 years

CrankyOldMan wrote:

TBH i'm suprised about this, i never really thought there was that much discrimination at the Pheonix games that major parts of the LGBT community that wanted to go were put off. Sad if true.

However, I feel the Pheonix do have a perception problem that is true.

I work in the construction industry and took a bunch of asian workers (and football fans) from a building site in central wellington to a game. None have returned. They laugh and say am "i going to hang out with my white middle class mates?" One mentioned to me to count the none whites around me at the game (not including those working in the food service industry)...for a multi cultural city the number was appaling. A one handed man missing a couple of didgits could play this game quite easily.  

Sorry Balbi for stating this on your tread but i feel this is a major problem. 

The Pheonix don't attract all Wellingtonians, because football/Pheonix is still seen as an upper class, British thing. 

The upper class British thing follow rugby not football. 

over 7 years

Leggy wrote:

CrankyOldMan wrote:

TBH i'm suprised about this, i never really thought there was that much discrimination at the Pheonix games that major parts of the LGBT community that wanted to go were put off. Sad if true.

However, I feel the Pheonix do have a perception problem that is true.

I work in the construction industry and took a bunch of asian workers (and football fans) from a building site in central wellington to a game. None have returned. They laugh and say am "i going to hang out with my white middle class mates?" One mentioned to me to count the none whites around me at the game (not including those working in the food service industry)...for a multi cultural city the number was appaling. A one handed man missing a couple of didgits could play this game quite easily.  

Sorry Balbi for stating this on your tread but i feel this is a major problem. 

The Pheonix don't attract all Wellingtonians, because football/Pheonix is still seen as an upper class, British thing. 

The upper class British thing follow rugby not football. 

In Britain yes, but in NZ it's the British/English that have run our football clubs kept them going for decades. Football is more popular in seatoun and karori, than cannons creek and stokes valley. Yet in most other countries this would be the complete opposite. Hence, the British upper class thing, because i'm talking about the perception here, not in Britain. However, its probably more a problem that our crowd is so much leaning to one ethnicity, in a multi cultural city.

First Team Squad
almost 10 years

CrankyOldMan wrote:

TBH i'm suprised about this, i never really thought there was that much discrimination at the Pheonix games that major parts of the LGBT community that wanted to go were put off. Sad if true.

However, I feel the Pheonix do have a perception problem that is true.

I work in the construction industry and took a bunch of asian workers (and football fans) from a building site in central wellington to a game. None have returned. They laugh and say am "i going to hang out with my white middle class mates?" One mentioned to me to count the none whites around me at the game (not including those working in the food service industry)...for a multi cultural city the number was appaling. A one handed man missing a couple of digits could play this game quite easily.  

Sorry Balbi for stating this on your tread but i feel this is a major problem. 

The Pheonix don't attract all Wellingtonians, because football/Pheonix is still seen as an upper class, British thing. 

Nah mate, you're bang on tbh, how football is percieved effects who wants to come to a game.

The Rainbow Fever thing not so much a simple fight against discrimination (but yeah, it is) as being openly welcoming to communities who, like your mates from work there, look at a Nix crowd and maybe make an assumption about what it'll be like.

Look at football across NZ and you'll see mad diversity, but when it comes to the top it's still a lot of white (british) guys running the show.

Obviously the Nix already run a lot of diversity programmed.

over 17 years

Wow think you are way out of line with that thinking.Not sure what more you want the Phoenix to do they have been very proactive in trying to get recent immigrants to attend games giving away hundreds of tickets. As for "Phoenix is still seen as an upper class, British thing." you must be having a laugh.

over 7 years

Ok so take out the upper class british thing, do you think our crowd is multi cultural? I don't. And i have been told by football fans why they don't go. Perception is reality.

almost 14 years

The Phoenix literally bring in bus loads of immigrants and kids from poorer parts of the region who tend to be not white.

tradition and history
over 17 years

CrankyOldMan wrote:

Ok so take out the upper class british thing, do you think our crowd is multi cultural? I don't. And i have been told by football fans why they don't go. Perception is reality.

The breakdown is approx 71% white, 14% Maori, 11% Asian, 7% Pacific Islanders, Middle Eastern,African,Latin American 1%

Why is it surprising that most people are European looking at Nix games. 

This is becoming ridiculous. 

Starting XI
almost 15 years


about 17 years

I hope the Phoenix are not going to be hijacked to promote political agendas. It's a good club for anyone and everyone. The club do their best to encourage all sorts of people of various races, creeds, religeon and persuasians. I just hope one group do not turn it into a circus. I've been watching and reading this thread and overall it seems that one persons beef with one other persons stupidity is now snowballing. Perhaps time to step back, take stock and close the thread down. The point was made. As we say on the terraces - We're here to watch the football. .

One in a million
over 17 years

The main reason Nix fans might be seen as white is when we take our shirts off! Could YF members please try and get a bit of a tan this summer?

First Team Squad
almost 10 years

The main reason Nix fans might be seen as white is when we take our shirts off! Could YF members please try and get a bit of a tan this summer?

100% this. Watching back yesterdays footage I think we all need a good solid Vitamin D prescription.

Starting XI
over 10 years

So the people are saying they don't go to the football because they don't like the skin tone of other people there? 

Seems pretty racist. 

Also it's self defeating.  If people from other cultures don't go because too many white people are there, then that keeps the ratio white. 

Also it's racist to assume a white crowd isn't multicultural.  I've read a lot of articles of people who hate being assumed to be white when they identify with their families culture. 

And more importantly what is the solution? This thread has been about stamping out homophobic and sexist language, which is something we can improve.  If non white people don't turn up because too many white people turn up, whats the solution? White people stop turning up? 

If they didn't turn up because there were racist chants, that's one thing, but you said they don't turn up because of the skin colour of the people who do. 

As others have said, the Nix literally bus multicultural groups in with free tix, if that's not enough then the only solution we as fans can enact is not going to help out the ratio for people like yourself. 

I feel like that's a bad idea with after beating Sydney we still got less than 7k, but that may just be me justifying being allowed to go with my white skin *shrug*

First Team Squad
almost 10 years

I'm happy that yesterday went well, and there's some early plans for some stuff in the future - Domey asked about Eden Park after the match last night. But if the thread's reached a natural conclusion, maybe it's time to wrap up.

But thanks everyone, the discussion's been pretty healthy.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Okaaay this is a thread about LGBTQIA+ inclusiveness, there are other threads about racism where this has been discussed previously if you want to chat about that. Let's keep this thread at least tangentially related to John's original piece. 

about 17 years

I have never heard a racist chant from anywhere in the ground at the games I have attended and I hope quite sincerely I never do. The term "same old aussies, always cheating" if considered racist, then I stand corrected. I always felt it was just friendly banter.

over 7 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

I hope the Phoenix are not going to be hijacked to promote political agendas. It's a good club for anyone and everyone. The club do their best to encourage all sorts of people of various races, creeds, religeon and persuasians. I just hope one group do not turn it into a circus. I've been watching and reading this thread and overall it seems that one persons beef with one other persons stupidity is now snowballing. Perhaps time to step back, take stock and close the thread down. The point was made. As we say on the terraces - We're here to watch the football. .

Ok i'll apologize. Not sure if it's my beef or i'm the stupid one. I actually feel this affects our numbers, but hey i should not have mentioned it.

about 17 years

Balbi wrote:

I'm happy that yesterday went well, and there's some early plans for some stuff in the future - Domey asked about Eden Park after the match last night. But if the thread's reached a natural conclusion, maybe it's time to wrap up.

But thanks everyone, the discussion's been pretty healthy.

Discussion is/was healthy and that is the beauty in living in such an awesome country as this and the almost self policing of this website. Views are expressed whether we agree or disagree with them. There is an opportunity to express how you feel. I love this site for it.