over 7 years

martinb wrote:

token wrote:

patrick478 wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

2ndBest wrote:

Nelfoos wrote:

I have it on reasonably good authority that no offers are on the table for either Vinnie or Mossy, but they're not willing to sit on their hands and wait for new coaches to decide whether they're worth a new contract or not, so they're both looking further afield to get some certainty on their futures.

Same person also said that Moss to South Africa was 100% fabricated and there's no basis to it and that Tratt is home simply because he's "homesick" and is likely to join another A-League team ASAP.


I'm not convince this is true.

Yeah there may have been more to it that they didn't want to tell me but they certainly indicated that they didn't think he'd acted in good faith and said he hadn't enjoyed living in Wellington. There could well be more to it but the person definitely knows what they're talking about.

The reason why Tratt has left will likely rule him out of top level football for at least the next season, perhaps longer. That said, he deserves a level of privacy, so beyond saying that Tratt had no issues with the club, city, players or staff there's not much more than should be stated publically.

do you actually know this reason patrick

Obvious from his comments he knows or at least has a very different, but equally reputable source to Nelfoos.

i dont care what you say im asking the man
Starting XI
almost 12 years
Leave the him alone, what part of 'private' people do not understand?
and 3 others
over 7 years

number8 wrote:
Leave the him alone, what part of 'private' people do not understand?
this is a forum not a private members club if he knows this to be true he will answer not you muppet
about 17 years

token wrote:

number8 wrote:
Leave the him alone, what part of 'private' people do not understand?
this is a forum not a private members club if he knows this to be true he will answer not you muppet

By 'him' i'm pretty sure he means Tratt.  Why do you think you have the right to know something that both the club and the player agree is private?

over 7 years

aitkenmike wrote:

token wrote:

number8 wrote:
Leave the him alone, what part of 'private' people do not understand?
this is a forum not a private members club if he knows this to be true he will answer not you muppet

By 'him' i'm pretty sure he means Tratt.  Why do you think you have the right to know something that both the club and the player agree is private?

then why should he know whats what. the he is patrick by the way we are talking tratt butt maybe powell or whoever? i spend shytloads going to the games etc butt i know more about ccm , because of rr ryans rovers, efforts . so if patric knows legit imfo share it all or keep it too yourself if told in confidence. i would rather ask him then get his ladies in waiting answer. ya feel me now.
almost 14 years

It's nobodies business whatever it is. And has nothing to do with how much anyone spends on the club.

over 7 years

Ryan wrote:

It's nobodies business whatever it is. And has nothing to do with how much anyone spends on the club.

nother load of dribble
Phoenix Academy
over 7 years

Ryan wrote:

It's nobodies business whatever it is. And has nothing to do with how much anyone spends on the club.

Exactly. Tratt is gone and we should move on, and start figuring out maybe who could replace him and talk about the general transfer shenanigans. 

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Token, I'm not sharing anything more. I said what I said to dispel talk of a spat between Tratt and Nix, which isn't the case at all.

almost 17 years

Blew.2 wrote:

2ndBest wrote:

I was saying the other day that it's a shame Leo Villa from Teedubs isn't 5 years younger. Reckon he might have been able to do a Riera. 

 Or Joel Stevens did not fill out - gain height a little during his time with Nix.

Joel shows some real classy touches and I hope that maybe after another season or two at TeeDubs he gets more game-time under his belt and keeps on improving his game, becomes more influential and consistent, so that he could be picked up by the Nix again as he approaches his prime.

over 7 years

i dont care about tratt but if the hurricanes had a similar problem in camp the whole country would know. we know nothing not coaches, managers , recruitments etc, which is why i joined the forum to be in the know nothing more. all this private bullshark is not making things gel on the field or the stands too much rumors. and money does count it costs 2-300 a game for me and mine. petrol sux. so if a longtime member is in the know ill ask

over 17 years

While i dont agree in any way with tokens delivery re this matter.Despite the denials by some there is far to much said at times that some are aware of this or that with the club but due to confidentiality or some other BS it cant be shared.Thats fine and understand that but in that case dont bother mentioning it or posting about it.

Any wonder people get frustrated at times you hear squat out of the Phoenix then you come on here to be told by XYZ they are aware of whats going on but sorry you blebs cant be told.

almost 14 years

But the team has told us, they issued a press release. Tratt was release for personal reasons, what more do we need to know?

over 7 years

Ryan wrote:

But the team has told us, they issued a press release. Tratt was release for personal reasons, what more do we need to know?

fark tratt read a bit deeper, 
over 7 years

The line personal reasons unfortunately means squat these days. An all black lock came home from a tour last year due to "personal reasons". 

Players have been instructed by their union to use those two words if they fail an A sample drugs test whilst they are awaiting the B sample.

over 14 years

token wrote:

i dont care about tratt but if the hurricanes had a similar problem in camp the whole country would know. we know nothing not coaches, managers , recruitments etc, which is why i joined the forum to be in the know nothing more. all this private bullshark is not making things gel on the field or the stands too much rumors. and money does count it costs 2-300 a game for me and mine. petrol sux. so if a longtime member is in the know ill ask

i reckon we as the public know a lot more about internal things at the Nix that at any NZ rugby team...

almost 13 years

Fudge me, this is going to be a long off season....

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

mods take control etc. 

over 14 years

Kawasaki wrote:

The line personal reasons unfortunately means squat these days. An all black lock came home from a tour last year due to "personal reasons". 

Players have been instructed by their union to use those two words if they fail an A sample drugs test whilst they are awaiting the B sample.

The All Blacks had their hands tied legally in that case: see here

over 7 years

And therein lies my point

For all we know the Nix have their hands "tied legally"

almost 13 years

Tegal wrote:

mods take control etc. 

over 13 years

Fudge me, this is going to be a long off season....

Dad, are we there yet?

almost 13 years

Global Game wrote:

Fudge me, this is going to be a long off season....

Dad, are we there yet?

Don't make me turn this car around
over 13 years

Global Game wrote:

Fudge me, this is going to be a long off season....

Dad, are we there yet?

Don't make me turn this car around

Return to Ricki? 

Bossi Insider
almost 16 years

ballane wrote:

While i dont agree in any way with tokens delivery re this matter.Despite the denials by some there is far to much said at times that some are aware of this or that with the club but due to confidentiality or some other BS it cant be shared.Thats fine and understand that but in that case dont bother mentioning it or posting about it.

Any wonder people get frustrated at times you hear squat out of the Phoenix then you come on here to be told by XYZ they are aware of whats going on but sorry you blebs cant be told.

I really don't think there is a Fever Elite conspiracy to withhold information about what happened. Yes, certain people have fairly reliable sources close to the club which helps them hear rumours about things happening within the club but if its of a medical nature, this isn't the right place to post unconfirmed information. Patrick posted trying to dispel any idea that anything untoward happened between Tratt & the club, which seemed to create more questions than is possible to answer in a public forum. In hindsight, im sure he wishes he didn't post what he has.

The fact it comes the season after we lost Powell to CCM via a similar sounding release adds to the intrigue but I'm sure the clubs hands are tied over what they can say about it. But from the clubs actions, giving him time to go home & try to get over the issue and by how really disappointed he appeared in his acceptance speech, I think its clear both parties wish he was still here.

and 2 others
Starting XI
about 17 years

Interesting one. We have no knowledge of why he left, as "personal reasons" leaves us all in the dark.

May not have liked the club, may have issues with a team member, may have issues with Wellington, may have decided to retire, may have an ill family member, may have a friend needing him, may have a business at home needing his time, may have mental health issues, may have ....

I don't see any of those possibilities not being able to be known. Something was so pressing that he couldn't play out the season, what?

He was one of the most promising, and a back, rarity, that's why it is frustrating, 

almost 14 years

It's private. 

I had a close family member get very sick and then die, it impacted on my work in some ways so I told my boss, but if anyone speculated on why I was missing from work or was under performing for a few months well it was none of their business. If I left it would have been none of their business either. 

People are entitled to a personal life.

Even more so when you're in the public eye, otherwise you get situations like Harry Arter who was taunted about his daughters death. Some supporters around the league have shown themselves to be equally as crass.

and 8 others
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Ryan wrote:

It's private. 

I had a close family member get very sick and then die, it impacted on my work in some ways so I told my boss, but if anyone speculated on why I was missing from work or was under performing for a few months well it was none of their business. If I left it would have been none of their business either. 

People are entitled to a personal life.

Even more so when you're in the public eye, otherwise you get situations like Harry Arter who was taunted about his daughters death. Some supporters around the league have shown themselves to be equally as crass.

Sorry to hear about your loss Ryan - kia kaha to you and your whānau. 

This hits the nail on the head - just because these players play for our football club doesn't mean that they have to share their entire private lives with the general public. We don't get to choose what they want to remain private or not hepatitis, that is up to them. If they deem that any of those "issues" that you listed off are things that they'd prefer not to share, then they don't have to. Simple as that.

In Tratt's case, it's not any of the "may not have liked the club, may have issues with a team member, may have issues with Wellington" things you mentioned. That's the only reason I posted initially, because some were speculating that it was a sign of deeper issues at the club. It's nothing like that at all.

I'm sorry for even posting that because the way some posters in here have had a go at me for sharing that makes me thing I shouldn't share anything I hear about the club at all on here.

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

hepatitis wrote:

Interesting one. We have no knowledge of why he left, as "personal reasons" leaves us all in the dark.

May not have liked the club, may have issues with a team member, may have issues with Wellington, may have decided to retire, may have an ill family member, may have a friend needing him, may have a business at home needing his time, may have mental health issues, may have ....

I don't see any of those possibilities not being able to be known. Something was so pressing that he couldn't play out the season, what?

He was one of the most promising, and a back, rarity, that's why it is frustrating, 

I think these would be good reasons not to say anything. I sure wouldn't want half of NZ and Australia knowing this about me. 

about 11 years

We all have a social mask, right? We put it on, we go out, put our best foot forward, our best image. But behind that social mask is a personal truth, what we really, really believe about who we are and what we're capable of.

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

If he left because he hates Wellington, the club, or for similar reasons I reckon one of the anti-nix media brigade in Australia would have found that story by now.

over 14 years

Kawasaki wrote:

And therein lies my point

For all we know the Nix have their hands "tied legally"

And if they did (not saying they do), it makes calls for them to explain silly, doesn't it?

Starting XI
about 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

hepatitis wrote:

Interesting one. We have no knowledge of why he left, as "personal reasons" leaves us all in the dark.

May not have liked the club, may have issues with a team member, may have issues with Wellington, may have decided to retire, may have an ill family member, may have a friend needing him, may have a business at home needing his time, may have mental health issues, may have ....

I don't see any of those possibilities not being able to be known. Something was so pressing that he couldn't play out the season, what?

He was one of the most promising, and a back, rarity, that's why it is frustrating, 

I think these would be good reasons not to say anything. I sure wouldn't want half of NZ and Australia knowing this about me. 

I think those reasons you highlighted are honourable and not something to be ashamed of, if so, I would say good on him.

I can't see anyone harassing him as Ryan suggested.

Anyway we won't know and I wish him well regardless, and hope we get a good replacement that raises the excitement levels in the same way he did, he was a good find

almost 13 years

Wind the clock back and stop guessing - wait

Remember this:  A few red faces appeared during The  Guess and tell

over 17 years

Have to laugh how some try and take the moral high ground.I have no interest in why he left and dont think anyone else should.Also dont think those who are aware of the situation have any right in hinting that they are aware,if things are that sensitive and speculation isnt wanted then why fuel that speculation by passing comment at all . Frankly if you are party to receiving information that isnt to be shared then do that just keep it to yourself.

over 17 years

RR wrote:

ballane wrote:

While i dont agree in any way with tokens delivery re this matter.Despite the denials by some there is far to much said at times that some are aware of this or that with the club but due to confidentiality or some other BS it cant be shared.Thats fine and understand that but in that case dont bother mentioning it or posting about it.

Any wonder people get frustrated at times you hear squat out of the Phoenix then you come on here to be told by XYZ they are aware of whats going on but sorry you blebs cant be told.

I really don't think there is a Fever Elite conspiracy to withhold information about what happened. Yes, certain people have fairly reliable sources close to the club which helps them hear rumours about things happening within the club but if its of a medical nature, this isn't the right place to post unconfirmed information. Patrick posted trying to dispel any idea that anything untoward happened between Tratt & the club, which seemed to create more questions than is possible to answer in a public forum. In hindsight, im sure he wishes he didn't post what he has.

The fact it comes the season after we lost Powell to CCM via a similar sounding release adds to the intrigue but I'm sure the clubs hands are tied over what they can say about it. But from the clubs actions, giving him time to go home & try to get over the issue and by how really disappointed he appeared in his acceptance speech, I think its clear both parties wish he was still here.

Where in my post have i mentioned a fever elite.Frankly if you are party to "fairly reliable sources close to the club" then its bloody irresponsible to then be posting on an internet forum hints about what you may be aware of. Pretty sure those  "fairly reliable sources close to the club" would not be best pleased if they were aware various pieces of information was being hinted at in forums.

May not have mentioned it in my post but you are kidding yourself if you dont think there is a so called fever elite,its the wrong term for it and not really sure how you would term it.But its there despite the denials,actually nothing wrong with it at all frankly apart from the denials.

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

Back to speculation, we have one u20 spot free don't we? Guessing that will go to Singh.

Head Sleuth
about 17 years

Does the U20 spot screw him up in any way in terms of playing for WU and/or WeeNix in ASBP? ie one less senior player we can drop for ASBP, and/or him no longer being able to play over winter. 

almost 12 years

Did McGarry get resigned after they released him early to allow him to play club footy?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

ballane wrote:

RR wrote:

ballane wrote:

While i dont agree in any way with tokens delivery re this matter.Despite the denials by some there is far to much said at times that some are aware of this or that with the club but due to confidentiality or some other BS it cant be shared.Thats fine and understand that but in that case dont bother mentioning it or posting about it.

Any wonder people get frustrated at times you hear squat out of the Phoenix then you come on here to be told by XYZ they are aware of whats going on but sorry you blebs cant be told.

I really don't think there is a Fever Elite conspiracy to withhold information about what happened. Yes, certain people have fairly reliable sources close to the club which helps them hear rumours about things happening within the club but if its of a medical nature, this isn't the right place to post unconfirmed information. Patrick posted trying to dispel any idea that anything untoward happened between Tratt & the club, which seemed to create more questions than is possible to answer in a public forum. In hindsight, im sure he wishes he didn't post what he has.

The fact it comes the season after we lost Powell to CCM via a similar sounding release adds to the intrigue but I'm sure the clubs hands are tied over what they can say about it. But from the clubs actions, giving him time to go home & try to get over the issue and by how really disappointed he appeared in his acceptance speech, I think its clear both parties wish he was still here.

Where in my post have i mentioned a fever elite.Frankly if you are party to "fairly reliable sources close to the club" then its bloody irresponsible to then be posting on an internet forum hints about what you may be aware of. Pretty sure those  "fairly reliable sources close to the club" would not be best pleased if they were aware various pieces of information was being hinted at in forums.

May not have mentioned it in my post but you are kidding yourself if you dont think there is a so called fever elite,its the wrong term for it and not really sure how you would term it.But its there despite the denials,actually nothing wrong with it at all frankly apart from the denials.

Yes, there are a bunch of us that volunteer our time to run the Fever. It doesn't run itself.

There's shark that needs doing. We do it. We don't deny it.

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