over 17 years

No cant see low range DUI really having much affect on entry issues to Aussie. Also would be massively unfair if he was harshly treated over the other issue given some of the crap that's gone down there this week. Would expect the club to heavily sanction him but not a sacking offence for me.

about 17 years

ballane wrote:

No cant see low range DUI really having much affect on entry issues to Aussie. Also would be massively unfair if he was harshly treated over the other issue given some of the crap that's gone down there this week. Would expect the club to heavily sanction him but not a sacking offence for me.

The DUI on a golf cart is dumb, but minor. Breaking quarantine (that took special arrangements to set up) is serious.

First Team Squad
over 8 years

Sorry, but If you think Payne's contract should be terminated you're daft. What he did was incredibly stupid and disappointing given how the club had to make special arrangments, but kicking him out does nothing to help the situation. He gets his punishment and that should be the end of it. This is really out of character for him and it shows in his radio interview with Piney He's genuinely remorseful and it's not like what he and Oli did is the worst thing anyone contracted to us right now has done. Also for the people crying "No dickhead policy"... Just stop. So far this is one time event for him, granted a very serious one. And it's not like we haven't signed dickheads before, but I didn't hear anyone calling for Mandi to be terminated for his constant diving.

about 17 years

Lachyloolaa wrote:

Sorry, but If you think Payne's contract should be terminated you're daft. What he did was incredibly stupid and disappointing given how the club had to make special arrangments, but kicking him out does nothing to help the situation. He gets his punishment and that should be the end of it. This is really out of character for him and it shows in his radio interview with Piney He's genuinely remorseful and it's not like what he and Oli did is the worst thing anyone contracted to us right now has done. Also for the people crying "No dickhead policy"... Just stop. So far this is one time event for him, granted a very serious one. And it's not like we haven't signed dickheads before, but I didn't hear anyone calling for Mandi to be terminated for his constant diving.

I certainly hope he is not sacked, you can tell from his interview how upset he is with himself and his actions.  If he is though, I wouldn't blame the club.

tradition and history
about 17 years

aitkenmike wrote:

Lachyloolaa wrote:

Sorry, but If you think Payne's contract should be terminated you're daft. What he did was incredibly stupid and disappointing given how the club had to make special arrangments, but kicking him out does nothing to help the situation. He gets his punishment and that should be the end of it. This is really out of character for him and it shows in his radio interview with Piney He's genuinely remorseful and it's not like what he and Oli did is the worst thing anyone contracted to us right now has done. Also for the people crying "No dickhead policy"... Just stop. So far this is one time event for him, granted a very serious one. And it's not like we haven't signed dickheads before, but I didn't hear anyone calling for Mandi to be terminated for his constant diving.

I certainly hope he is not sacked, you can tell from his interview how upset he is with himself and his actions.  If he is though, I wouldn't blame the club.

You are always upset when you get caught. 

over 17 years
over 13 years

I have always liked him as a player but it is quite serious shark

We are all in isolation now so should all understand

I'm sure he and the others were told what they could and couldn't do - more then once in their bubble

almost 12 years

I know there is a serious side to it but I can't help laughing. At least it's a momentary distraction from all the crap going on in the world at the moment. And it's hardly more stupid than 4000 people sharing round a killer virus at Bondi Beach a few days before.

Buggy has surely got to be his new nickname.

over 9 years

Really stupid act, but not a sackable offence. Fact Nix let him (or pushed him?) to go on the radio, is a sure sign, he's not being shown the door. Has at least a few months now before Nix play again for it to be forgotten about.

Seriously may struggle to be let into Australia for awhile though. The authorities there won't take this lightly.

Plenty of rightful angst in NZ about tourists not obeying self isolation rules. This is the same. Saving grace maybe that 99% of Australians won't know who he is. If it was a NRL player in Sydney doing the same, would be a massive shark storm.

over 17 years

considering you can still get haircuts in Oz, a person from NZ going for a hoon is the least of their risks :)

about 17 years

Feverish wrote:

considering you can still get haircuts in Oz, a person from NZ going for a hoon is the least of their risks :)

That is one point I have been thinking about - it's hard to take quarantine seriously in a country that is taking the piss.

over 7 years

aitkenmike wrote:

Feverish wrote:

considering you can still get haircuts in Oz, a person from NZ going for a hoon is the least of their risks :)

That is one point I have been thinking about - it's hard to take quarantine seriously in a country that is taking the piss.

He broke immigration law. Much like the tourists here last week who refused to self isolate, as Jacinda said " we don't want you here" to them, Aussie can say that to Tim. I fairness to Aussie I would not blame them because I felt Jacinda was right. Breaking immigration law is a big deal.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

He should get the boot, conditions were put in place to protect himself and those around him.This is a huge act of stupidity that potentially good have put lives at risk not only drink driving but lives from this VIRUS that we are trying to protect others from.The Phoenix should act swiftly and sack both he and Sail.Forget what the Aussie courts will do Its what Dome should

about 14 years

charger1 wrote:

He should get the boot, conditions were put in place to protect himself and those around him.This is a huge act of stupidity that potentially could have put lives at risk not only drink driving but lives from this VIRUS that we are trying to protect others from.The Phoenix should act swiftly and sack both he and Sail.Forget what the Aussie courts will do Its what Dome should

I do not see it as a black and white issue of "not guilty, leave him alone" vs. "sack him right now and never let him back into Oz" type of thing.  Most offences have a degree of seriousness to them and even if you are found in breach of a rule, there is still a question of degree and potential danger to the public involved.

There is a difference between a tourist publicly stating (on TV as it happened) on his arrival to NZ "they would have to find me first" and Payne and Sail busting out of the facility for a drunken golf cart joyride at 1am knowing the season was postponed and the team was flying out that morning. I suspect Payne would be pilloried in Sydney press if he was sober.

over 17 years

Bloody hell some of you really do over react to some things. Might as well put the gallows up as well while your at it. Given the state of their quarantine and lock down not sure how the book can be thrown at him. Yep not good and he messed up but come on as pointed out they were probably aware it was over. Would have been a PO had it been when they first got there but really.

First Team Squad
over 7 years

aitkenmike wrote:

Feverish wrote:

considering you can still get haircuts in Oz, a person from NZ going for a hoon is the least of their risks :)

That is one point I have been thinking about - it's hard to take quarantine seriously in a country that is taking the piss.

A lot of people seem quite bemused that you could get a haircut in Australia.

Seems a bit petty to bring this up when you could still get a haircut in NZ until 2 days ago, when people first started making this comment

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Men forget about the hair cuts its not about who could and who couldn't its about isolation and the fact that they both broke that isolation they were under and what it meant for others in the group and then coming back to NZ. Who knows the Aussie Cop who stopped and breath tested him could be a carrier.It was a stupid act a needs to be acted upon quickly and severely by the Phoenix (Dome) 

almost 17 years

incredibly stupid and reckless act on both Payne's and sail's behalf. Those calling for the sack are insane. Sure the broke some rules and in Payne's case the law. They'll be fined, suspended by the league and the club should add their own penalty too.

over 13 years

I don't wish it on him


At times like this place yourself in his shoes 

If you were overseas on business with all your colleagues

and you are in isolation (so similar to what you are doing now)

And you got pissed and drove around the district shirtless for kilometres

And you got done by the police 

would you be fired?

almost 14 years

I don't wish it on him


At times like this place yourself in his shoes 

If you were overseas on business with all your colleagues

and you are in isolation (so similar to what you are doing now)

And you got pissed and drove around the district shirtless for kilometres

And you got done by the police 

would you be fired?

Nope, and by NZ law you wouldn't be allowed to either. You would be reprimanded and you would also be the butt of a lot of jokes, especially if there was video.

over 13 years

ummmmm, he's at work, representing his employer, why not?

almost 14 years

ummmmm, he's at work, why not?

It could be serious misconduct, but I worked once with someone who did worse including bringing his friends to the office for a unauthorised party one weekend and trashing the place and many more things and he got an unjust dismissal verdict, t there is a process that needs to go through including written warnings and the need to try and rectify the behaviour.

about 14 years

ummmmm, he's at work, representing his employer, why not?

Because this is more like a misdemeanour with a potential risk to others, rather than an actual case of causing harm.   

Any punishment must be balanced with the degree of harm. Otherwise we'll end in a situation where you have taken an office paperclip home and got sacked and reported to the police for theft.  

almost 14 years

Saying that, they're probably contractors not employees so the employment law won't count.

about 14 years

Ryan wrote:

Saying that, they're probably contractors not employees so the employment law won't count.

I am not sure that's the case. Happy for someone to correct me.

over 13 years

I think you're find that for some things in life there are no warnings 

about 17 years

At least he didn't have school girls coming to the hotel for some "fun" unlike another code I can think of. Go easy on him. Unless he was driving down the main street in the Golf Cart and endangering himself against other cars.

tradition and history
about 17 years

I bet if it had been an Aussie player in a Oz team, there would be no sympathy what so ever.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Have to agree with you Leggy if he was an Aussie player in any code there would be huge repercussions for any player.

1 broke curfew

2 drunk in charge

3 caused damage

4 broke isolation

5 ????????? management 

Of course he's sorry so would i be  

Starting XI
over 7 years

can't believe people are unironically calling for the sack. this isn't ancient Rome lads

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Well mrsmiis how does it look now that a Phoenix coach has the virus. Makes Tims little ride even worse hope he doesn't test positive.

over 13 years

heaps of people are getting the sack for less at the moment 

Not wishing it on him

But I know if most did it on a work trip they would be 

If he doesn't get the sack he should be made to he volunteer as an orderly at a hospital during his off season once this lock down is finished 

Starting XI
over 7 years

charger1 wrote:

Well mrsmiis how does it look now that a Phoenix coach has the virus. Makes Tims little ride even worse hope he doesn't test positive.

I posted that aware that a Phoenix staff member tested positive - you can't seriously be suggesting Tim gave him the virus, right?

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

No I'm not saying that Tim has past it on i hope he never gets it, but what if. Im not sure you see how serious this matter and virus is it kills people 

about 17 years

charger1 wrote:

No I'm not saying that Tim has past it on i hope he never gets it, but what if. Im not sure you see how serious this matter and virus is it kills people 

The way the Australian and federal governments are behaving in Australia towards all this Covid19 business makes Payne's indiscretion the least of their worries. Don't worry because one can still get their hair cuts. What he did was stupid and wrong but in the context of the political decisions being made over there I think it hardly warrents anything. He is going before the courts over there in regards to it anyway. Will have to be via AVL unless the Australians continue to ignore lockdowns and self isolation.

Starting XI
over 7 years

charger1 wrote:

No I'm not saying that Tim has past it on i hope he never gets it, but what if. Im not sure you see how serious this matter and virus is it kills people

oh yeah, I absolutely see how serious it is. I should know - I've been tested. My issue is with the people who not only misunderstand the severity of the virus, but choose to ignore and endanger other people because of their own beliefs on what's right or not; i.e. the completely ignorant ones.

Tim was drunk, probably out of it, and must have thought he wouldn't be endangering anybody - it was late at night and they were just on a joyride - obviously a huge lapse in judgement to say the least, but says nothing horrendous about his character, and that's evidenced by how remorseful he was on the show with Piney.

Phoenix Academy
over 11 years

Of course he had to be remorseful his career was and is on the line id be remorseful just like you would be i hope  knowing my jobs on the line

almost 14 years

He should face consequences i.e a fine, probation, community service, shouldn't lose his career over it.

and 1 other
First Team Squad
over 8 years

Man some of you can't wait to bite into someones neck when given the chance. "He's only sorry cuz he got caught". Or maybe he was just genuinley sorry that he had betrayed the trust of his teammates, Ufuk, and the club. Not everyone is a fudgeing sociopath who only cares about how their actions affect their career.

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