WPM 2022/23 Squad Speculation, Confirmation and Mutual Termination

First Team Squad
almost 7 years
Friar Tuck
Friar Tuck
Pump it up to the big man? Doesn't seem like Talay's type of football.
 It’s probably less “pump it up to the big man” and more “hey Bozhidar is literally our only attacker over 6ft, we should probably get some variety in there”

Bit harsh on Waino
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I'm 6' and I'm sure he's taller than me, who knows where the hell google generates that from or how recently it was put there.
Listed as 1.79 on the Phoenix website, but that’s probably from his first season so wouldn’t be surprised if he’s 5’11 - 6ft+ now
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Friar Tuck
Friar Tuck
I’d like another RB. I feel, well, happy enough with Payne as 4th choice CB particularly if the fullbacks and midfield is reliable. 
I feel if we are scoring goals defending will be easier. 
I’d like a more defensively minded fullback to provide cover and competition at RB and LB, possibly someone with a bit of lower level experience. Essentially I’d like Louis, but crossed with Manny Muscat. 

I dunno- it’s always hard to predict. Surman looked a player last year. Honestly I feel that currently Uffie rated him ahead of Payne at CB. 

It’s hard to know where we will need cover until it happens. We won’t have the playoff game for the AWs and other commitments. 
Do we need another forward for injury cover/competition? Don’t feel that we’ve replaced Sotirio for sheer engine and commitment. 
We’ve got a lot of new exciting players and it will take a few games for that to all settle in and we can see what kind of team we can be. 
Kelvin Kalua would be a quality acquisition under those criteria I reckon. Better than Fenton, still super young and can play CB/LB as well as his natural RB. Don’t think Uffie will sign another RB though, especially after saying he’s happy with our RB depth and will look for a local CB instead after passing on JHS.
I would rate this too, he didn't look out of place in the All Whites. Good signs. Guess he hasn't been in Ole or Nix Academy though which means chances we sign him are bugger all lol
Hopefully he can get a move out of the Northern/National League soon, NZ are crying out for a high quality RB and I feel like he could flourish given the chance. Elliot is quality but has failed to kick on as of yet, same with Dane Ingham. I do rate Niko Kirwan but let's be real, he's no where near Libby's level and is 5 years older.

We really need an Auckland team in the A-League ay, there's a good few players like Kalua, Sinclair etc. who are ready to step up but don't get the chance.
He was trialling somewhere in Europe at the end of last year, which is why he was at those national team games, but must've been passed on. He's 23 this year, hasn't any professional experience, and (I assume) doesn't have an assistive passport, so getting a gig was always going to be an uphill battle. The level in Europe is a lot higher than down here, I'd say even the bottom 5/10 leagues would be comparable, and by then the (lack of) money makes it not worth the effort.

Talay doesn't rate the local leagues/players, and if the European clubs passed on Kalua, then Talay would probably see that as reason not to bother with him, which is a shame. It is a shame that Australian players aren't considered as visa players, because that might force the hand a bit more, and I can't think of many (if any) Australians that would've been given a visa spot. If an Auckland team ever actually happens (considering it's failed twice) then these players should theoretically have twice as many spots to get an A League gig. 
Agree, I love what Uffie has done and the success on-field he has brought for the team, but it's a really frustrating point.

Happy to sign inexperienced/marginal Aussies such as Walter Scott, Liam McGing, Muratovic, Lokolingoy, Pennington, Prso, Bozinovski, Mauragis, but since his first season hasn't signed any domestic players from NZ (apart from the academy). 

It's great that the club and coaching team have so much faith in the academy boys, but it does feel like quality domestic players are being left out on merit and very green youth players getting pushed in too early instead. 
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Anyway, it backs up the chatter that we need an A-League team in Auckland. Fingers crossed it will get some momentum at the next expansion talks. 
over 17 years
Hooper, Hemed, Sheridan - I think he's been consistent in targeting players who would be a bit of a presence in the box. Hooper wasn't tall but he was wide.
Phoenix Academy
over 3 years
I’m pretty sure like 90% of our goals came from counter attacks last year using the pace of Sotirio and Reno, so it will be an interesting change of style if indeed we’re all reading between the lines that we will use more crossing in our gsme style 
Pump it up to the big man? Doesn't seem like Talay's type of football.

no but crossing the ball in from the wide players is! Plus having a good target man for the set piece is something we need right now with all our shortish attack players.
Lets hope the crossing problem has been fixed because that was one of the issues we had last season. No good having a great target man if those delivering the crosses/passes consistently fail to do the job
chicken/egg kind of situation, crossing was bad last season but we really didnt have a giant of a man in the middle either, Hooper isnt exactly huge. Having a big man upfront to work with Ball, Kosta, Waine will be amazing.
Na dont agree its a chicken/egg thing no point having a big man to work with with those guys  if the crosses/passes arnt being delivered. You could have the best big man in the league but he will be no use at all if he isnt getting the ball. Its amazing Hooper was able to come up with the stats he did given injury and the rubbish ball he was expected to work with. 

First Team Squad
almost 6 years
Hooper, Hemed, Sheridan - I think he's been consistent in targeting players who would be a bit of a presence in the box. Hooper wasn't tall but he was wide.

Sheridan was a Snake signing wasn’t he?
about 2 years
Hooper, Hemed, Sheridan - I think he's been consistent in targeting players who would be a bit of a presence in the box. Hooper wasn't tall but he was wide.

Sheridan was signed by Rudan. Nonetheless, Sheridan looked very promising when we first signed him but he was always second best to Krishna or Williams and struggled to impress in the only two games he started, though it didn't help that Rudan frequently started him on the bench. It's also quite sad where he is now, sidelined with an Achilles tendon rupture since November last year at Dundee FC who were relegated from the Premiership last season.
Phoenix Academy
almost 3 years
  • lthomas20
    Friar Tuck
    Friar Tuck
    I’d like another RB. I feel, well, happy enough with Payne as 4th choice CB particularly if the fullbacks and midfield is reliable. 
    I feel if we are scoring goals defending will be easier. 
    I’d like a more defensively minded fullback to provide cover and competition at RB and LB, possibly someone with a bit of lower level experience. Essentially I’d like Louis, but crossed with Manny Muscat. 

    I dunno- it’s always hard to predict. Surman looked a player last year. Honestly I feel that currently Uffie rated him ahead of Payne at CB. 

    It’s hard to know where we will need cover until it happens. We won’t have the playoff game for the AWs and other commitments. 
    Do we need another forward for injury cover/competition? Don’t feel that we’ve replaced Sotirio for sheer engine and commitment. 
    We’ve got a lot of new exciting players and it will take a few games for that to all settle in and we can see what kind of team we can be. 
    Kelvin Kalua would be a quality acquisition under those criteria I reckon. Better than Fenton, still super young and can play CB/LB as well as his natural RB. Don’t think Uffie will sign another RB though, especially after saying he’s happy with our RB depth and will look for a local CB instead after passing on JHS.
    I would rate this too, he didn't look out of place in the All Whites. Good signs. Guess he hasn't been in Ole or Nix Academy though which means chances we sign him are bugger all lol
    Hopefully he can get a move out of the Northern/National League soon, NZ are crying out for a high quality RB and I feel like he could flourish given the chance. Elliot is quality but has failed to kick on as of yet, same with Dane Ingham. I do rate Niko Kirwan but let's be real, he's no where near Libby's level and is 5 years older.

    We really need an Auckland team in the A-League ay, there's a good few players like Kalua, Sinclair etc. who are ready to step up but don't get the chance.
    He was trialling somewhere in Europe at the end of last year, which is why he was at those national team games, but must've been passed on. He's 23 this year, hasn't any professional experience, and (I assume) doesn't have an assistive passport, so getting a gig was always going to be an uphill battle. The level in Europe is a lot higher than down here, I'd say even the bottom 5/10 leagues would be comparable, and by then the (lack of) money makes it not worth the effort.

    Talay doesn't rate the local leagues/players, and if the European clubs passed on Kalua, then Talay would probably see that as reason not to bother with him, which is a shame. It is a shame that Australian players aren't considered as visa players, because that might force the hand a bit more, and I can't think of many (if any) Australians that would've been given a visa spot. If an Auckland team ever actually happens (considering it's failed twice) then these players should theoretically have twice as many spots to get an A League gig. 
    Agree, I love what Uffie has done and the success on-field he has brought for the team, but it's a really frustrating point.

    Happy to sign inexperienced/marginal Aussies such as Walter Scott, Liam McGing, Muratovic, Lokolingoy, Pennington, Prso, Bozinovski, Mauragis, but since his first season hasn't signed any domestic players from NZ (apart from the academy). 

    It's great that the club and coaching team have so much faith in the academy boys, but it does feel like quality domestic players are being left out on merit and very green youth players getting pushed in too early instead. 
Pick any European club on transfermarkt and pick any player, look at that players background. Almost invariably he's been through a professional academy from a relatively young age, starting  anywhere from 5 to 16 years old.
If a boy goes to an academy, his selection assumes that he has pace, power, technical skill to varying degrees of each. Those attributes are taken for granted. The academy then trains tactics in a regimented and relentless fashion, 3-5 days a week, 40 weeks per year.
There are few or no semi pro or amateur players that have any idea how to fit into the tactical system that modern coaches want to play.
It happens for very natural centre forwards, but for other positions, it's very rare.
Sadly, if you haven't made it to an academy by the time you're 16, your chance to be a professional footballer is microscopic.
Even academies in Italy or the UK only give a professional contract to around 10%. 2% make it to the top level.
Phoenix Academy
almost 3 years
Let me make another point that I think. We're giving amazing opportunities to some lads, for example Surman. He is a talented lad but in Europe he would not start for a professional team YET. The reason, IMHO, is that he's much too slow to make passing decisions, once he's made his mind up the player he eventually passes to is already being strongly pressed.
about 17 years
We changed to counter attack because of Sotirio’s form and injuries and absences which meant we couldn’t play with a slower build up as we lacked technical quality across the team. It wasn’t because that was the preferred tactic. It was the fall back. 
and 3 others
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
It’s almost like football in New Zealand is behind the game in Europe?? There are two high level academies (Nix and Ole) in the entire country and only one of them has a direct pathway to professional football. Now it is abundantly obvious that high level academies produce better players and we can see that come to fruition the last few years in NZ with the likes of Cacace, Singh, Bell, Pizzuto and Harris coming through the Nix academy and Thomas, Stamenic, Garbett, Pijnaker & Just coming through Ole. 

But the NZ academy production line is only just starting to kick in, so yes whilst they do produce higher quality players than the domestic clubs, stand out domestic players still shouldn’t be overlooked. The likes of Alex Greive, Jack-Henry Sinclair, Kelvin Kalua etc would all be assets to the Nix. Players like Niko Kirwan and Clayton Lewis came through domestic clubs and are now well established All Whites (although Lewis was part of the Wanderers SC programme)
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
This article https://www.torcedores.com/noticias/2022/08/ex-america-mg-coritiba-e-vasco-yan-sasse-acerta-com-time-da-australia says Sasse is actually on a 1+1 deal, with set requirements to trigger the second season.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Joshua LAWS
Clayton LEWIS
Lucas MAURAGIS [Loan]
Oliver SAIL
Yan SASSE [V] *

Bozhidar KRAEV [V]

Scott WOOTTON [V]  
David BALL [V] 

* Reportedly has triggers to extend contract by 1 season
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
This article https://www.torcedores.com/noticias/2022/08/ex-america-mg-coritiba-e-vasco-yan-sasse-acerta-com-time-da-australia says Sasse is actually on a 1+1 deal, with set requirements to trigger the second season.
Huge fan of this, he’s coming in with less of a track record than Kraev and with less English ability the chance that he might not settle in Welly. Protects the club whilst also giving that option in the case that he’s a revelation. Personally super excited to see him play and I’m confident he’ll get extended.
First Team Squad
over 3 years
kungfu panda
  • lthomas20
    Friar Tuck
    Friar Tuck
    I’d like another RB. I feel, well, happy enough with Payne as 4th choice CB particularly if the fullbacks and midfield is reliable. 
    I feel if we are scoring goals defending will be easier. 
    I’d like a more defensively minded fullback to provide cover and competition at RB and LB, possibly someone with a bit of lower level experience. Essentially I’d like Louis, but crossed with Manny Muscat. 

    I dunno- it’s always hard to predict. Surman looked a player last year. Honestly I feel that currently Uffie rated him ahead of Payne at CB. 

    It’s hard to know where we will need cover until it happens. We won’t have the playoff game for the AWs and other commitments. 
    Do we need another forward for injury cover/competition? Don’t feel that we’ve replaced Sotirio for sheer engine and commitment. 
    We’ve got a lot of new exciting players and it will take a few games for that to all settle in and we can see what kind of team we can be. 
    Kelvin Kalua would be a quality acquisition under those criteria I reckon. Better than Fenton, still super young and can play CB/LB as well as his natural RB. Don’t think Uffie will sign another RB though, especially after saying he’s happy with our RB depth and will look for a local CB instead after passing on JHS.
    I would rate this too, he didn't look out of place in the All Whites. Good signs. Guess he hasn't been in Ole or Nix Academy though which means chances we sign him are bugger all lol
    Hopefully he can get a move out of the Northern/National League soon, NZ are crying out for a high quality RB and I feel like he could flourish given the chance. Elliot is quality but has failed to kick on as of yet, same with Dane Ingham. I do rate Niko Kirwan but let's be real, he's no where near Libby's level and is 5 years older.

    We really need an Auckland team in the A-League ay, there's a good few players like Kalua, Sinclair etc. who are ready to step up but don't get the chance.
    He was trialling somewhere in Europe at the end of last year, which is why he was at those national team games, but must've been passed on. He's 23 this year, hasn't any professional experience, and (I assume) doesn't have an assistive passport, so getting a gig was always going to be an uphill battle. The level in Europe is a lot higher than down here, I'd say even the bottom 5/10 leagues would be comparable, and by then the (lack of) money makes it not worth the effort.

    Talay doesn't rate the local leagues/players, and if the European clubs passed on Kalua, then Talay would probably see that as reason not to bother with him, which is a shame. It is a shame that Australian players aren't considered as visa players, because that might force the hand a bit more, and I can't think of many (if any) Australians that would've been given a visa spot. If an Auckland team ever actually happens (considering it's failed twice) then these players should theoretically have twice as many spots to get an A League gig. 
    Agree, I love what Uffie has done and the success on-field he has brought for the team, but it's a really frustrating point.

    Happy to sign inexperienced/marginal Aussies such as Walter Scott, Liam McGing, Muratovic, Lokolingoy, Pennington, Prso, Bozinovski, Mauragis, but since his first season hasn't signed any domestic players from NZ (apart from the academy). 

    It's great that the club and coaching team have so much faith in the academy boys, but it does feel like quality domestic players are being left out on merit and very green youth players getting pushed in too early instead. 
Pick any European club on transfermarkt and pick any player, look at that players background. Almost invariably he's been through a professional academy from a relatively young age, starting  anywhere from 5 to 16 years old.
If a boy goes to an academy, his selection assumes that he has pace, power, technical skill to varying degrees of each. Those attributes are taken for granted. The academy then trains tactics in a regimented and relentless fashion, 3-5 days a week, 40 weeks per year.
There are few or no semi pro or amateur players that have any idea how to fit into the tactical system that modern coaches want to play.
It happens for very natural centre forwards, but for other positions, it's very rare.
Sadly, if you haven't made it to an academy by the time you're 16, your chance to be a professional footballer is microscopic.
Even academies in Italy or the UK only give a professional contract to around 10%. 2% make it to the top level.
This is an incredibly insular, even elitist view, and not fit for the Australia/NZ football model. I've seen enough National League and regional league play and know enough about the clubs that I can damned well say that to act like semi-pro players in the top NZ teams such Auckland City, Miramar, Cashmere Tech can't fit into a pro lifestyle or pro tactical system of a team like the Nix is absolute nonsense.

Like someone else said, yes the pro academies tend to produce better players more often than the semi-pro/amateur system and both Ole/Nix have a strong recent record, but to dismiss players outside the pro system entirely is just total horseshark I'm sorry. 
and 3 others
almost 5 years
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I don't know how genuine this guy is. Just adds to some speculation...
about 2 years
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I don't know how genuine this guy is. Just adds to some speculation...

Guy only created his account this month. Plus I think someone on here mentioned in the past that Ball and Carroll wouldn't get along if we did actually sign him.
over 17 years
Havnt some of these so called quality local players been offered the chance with the Nix over the years but have chosen to stay in the local system. Or is that just a myth.
If a professional coach dosnt feel a particular local player would fit his system not sure why amateur fans think that player has a right to a spot. Would suggest even if Auckland had a team it dosnt mean these players would be given a chance. Maybe we need a 3rd team in Christchurch
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Wusty Wab
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I don't know how genuine this guy is. Just adds to some speculation...

Guy only created his account this month. Plus I think someone on here mentioned in the past that Ball and Carroll wouldn't get along if we did actually sign him.
Taylor and Carroll had the issues, Andy broke Stevie's jaw 12 years ago over a set of long pins. 
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
Havnt some of these so called quality local players been offered the chance with the Nix over the years but have chosen to stay in the local system. Or is that just a myth.
If a professional coach dosnt feel a particular local player would fit his system not sure why amateur fans think that player has a right to a spot. Would suggest even if Auckland had a team it dosnt mean these players would be given a chance. Maybe we need a 3rd team in Christchurch
First, cut the sarcasm with the Christchurch comment. Second, Howieson is the only well known case of having turned down an offer. Third, no one’s saying anybody has the right to a place, just that the domestic league has some excellent players, much better than the likes of Bozinovski, Prso, Lokolingoy, Muratovic etc.

Annoying and unnecessary comment from you, although that’s to be expected with your track record on this forum. If you want to act snarky then go for it, don’t expect to get much positive engagement though.
about 2 years
Wusty Wab
image.png 56.5 KB

I don't know how genuine this guy is. Just adds to some speculation...

Guy only created his account this month. Plus I think someone on here mentioned in the past that Ball and Carroll wouldn't get along if we did actually sign him.
Taylor and Carroll had the issues, Andy broke Stevie's jaw 12 years ago over a set of long pins. 

Oops, thanks for clarifying that.
about 2 years
Friar Tuck
Havnt some of these so called quality local players been offered the chance with the Nix over the years but have chosen to stay in the local system. Or is that just a myth.
If a professional coach dosnt feel a particular local player would fit his system not sure why amateur fans think that player has a right to a spot. Would suggest even if Auckland had a team it dosnt mean these players would be given a chance. Maybe we need a 3rd team in Christchurch
First, cut the sarcasm with the Christchurch comment. Second, Howieson is the only well known case of having turned down an offer. Third, no one’s saying anybody has the right to a place, just that the domestic league has some excellent players, much better than the likes of Bozinovski, Prso, Lokolingoy, Muratovic etc.

Annoying and unnecessary comment from you, although that’s to be expected with your track record on this forum. If you want to act snarky then go for it, don’t expect to get much positive engagement though.

Just remember you're saying all this to someone who's been here since the very beginning, everyone here has their own opinions that sometimes not everyone will agree with.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
image.png 56.5 KB

I don't know how genuine this guy is. Just adds to some speculation...

It's not totally unrealistic at least, the APL did create a list of people they would help fund & I could see him being on it. Doubt the discussions with his agent would have continued after finding out his wage expectations 
almost 14 years
If true it shows ambition. But, he's an obvious guess and a name that's been thrown around twitter since Ufuk said we wanted a tall striker, so I'm skeptical. 
Phoenix Academy
almost 3 years

Thanks for your reaction to my comments.

I would argue that I'm not talking about the quality or ability of local players in NZ. Which is as high or higher than other countries per capita. I am saying that coaches/sports directors look for players who have come through academies. Rightly or wrongly.

about 2 years
image.png 56.5 KB

I don't know how genuine this guy is. Just adds to some speculation...

It's not totally unrealistic at least, the APL did create a list of people they would help fund & I could see him being on it. Doubt the discussions with his agent would have continued after finding out his wage expectations 

Personally not a big fan of it. While he does obviously have plenty of Premier League/Championship experience as well as featuring for the national team, he's had a few long term injuries at West Ham and last time he scored a decent number of goals was in 16/17. Also around the later stages of last season he was brought in as injury cover for Daryl Dike at WBA and failed to impress despite starting the majority of matches.
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
Wusty Wab
Friar Tuck
Havnt some of these so called quality local players been offered the chance with the Nix over the years but have chosen to stay in the local system. Or is that just a myth.
If a professional coach dosnt feel a particular local player would fit his system not sure why amateur fans think that player has a right to a spot. Would suggest even if Auckland had a team it dosnt mean these players would be given a chance. Maybe we need a 3rd team in Christchurch
First, cut the sarcasm with the Christchurch comment. Second, Howieson is the only well known case of having turned down an offer. Third, no one’s saying anybody has the right to a place, just that the domestic league has some excellent players, much better than the likes of Bozinovski, Prso, Lokolingoy, Muratovic etc.

Annoying and unnecessary comment from you, although that’s to be expected with your track record on this forum. If you want to act snarky then go for it, don’t expect to get much positive engagement though.

Just remember you're saying all this to someone who's been here since the very beginning, everyone here has their own opinions that sometimes not everyone will agree with.
Okay?? I was at game 1, doesn’t make dumb comments any less dumb
Phoenix Academy
about 5 years
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I see Aaron Evans has arrived in Sydney today and now a free agent. Australian center back with a bit of experience
about 17 years
Jordan Rhodes anyone?
Phoenix Academy
almost 3 years
  • LG
    Jordan Rhodes anyone?
  • We desperately need a striker. We don't have any money. And he's been prolific at a pretty high level. Despite the fact that I dislike Scottish football, I'd bite his arm off.
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Jordan Rhodes anyone?
Played in every game this season, mainly small minutes off the bench & has scored 2 goals. So not on the outer anymore.
Starting XI
about 16 years
This new Brazilian, Yan Sasse, seems a bit average.
A reserve player at his clubs in Brazil (though at a very good level):
Aged 25.
Only 47 starts in his senior career since 2016 (average 8 per season)
57 substitute appearances (average 9 per season).
Had one season in Turkish Super League but only four starts before he was released.
So he's certainly not a star player.
Just an average player from the top league (Serie A) in Brazil.
Probably good enough for the A-League but i think that there's some risk that he'll prove a dud.
Let's see how he goes.
over 17 years
Not sure i have seen the story where the club says it dosnt have any money for a striker. Care to share it 
over 17 years
Friar Tuck
Havnt some of these so called quality local players been offered the chance with the Nix over the years but have chosen to stay in the local system. Or is that just a myth.
If a professional coach dosnt feel a particular local player would fit his system not sure why amateur fans think that player has a right to a spot. Would suggest even if Auckland had a team it dosnt mean these players would be given a chance. Maybe we need a 3rd team in Christchurch
First, cut the sarcasm with the Christchurch comment. Second, Howieson is the only well known case of having turned down an offer. Third, no one’s saying anybody has the right to a place, just that the domestic league has some excellent players, much better than the likes of Bozinovski, Prso, Lokolingoy, Muratovic etc.

Annoying and unnecessary comment from you, although that’s to be expected with your track record on this forum. If you want to act snarky then go for it, don’t expect to get much positive engagement though.
Wow over reaction much, sorry if you dont like getting called on your demands for us to sign whatever local player is your current favourite. Despite your claim Howison is NOT the only local player to have turned down the offer to trial with the Phoenix. If a player has accepted the offer to trial but hasnt shown enough to be signed is that the Nixs fault. 
So on this forum now if you disagree or want to post an opposing   view its discouraged. Sorry i wasnt aware of that rule change to the forum.
Not sure how you managed to get anything snarky out of that post and really what the hell does  "although thats to be expected with your track record on this forum". At least unlike many i havnt tried to hide behind a new account.
Actually dont give a toss what you think always thought this was a place that encouraged  differing views my mistake never realized that had changed.
and 4 others
Phoenix Academy
about 2 years
I thought that when I joined only a week or so ago that rule 6) (R.E.S.P.E.C.T.) probably wasn't required but holy hell I can see things get real spicy in here ahahah.
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Havnt some of these so called quality local players been offered the chance with the Nix over the years but have chosen to stay in the local system. Or is that just a myth.
If a professional coach dosnt feel a particular local player would fit his system not sure why amateur fans think that player has a right to a spot. Would suggest even if Auckland had a team it dosnt mean these players would be given a chance. Maybe we need a 3rd team in Christchurch
I don't think anyone, let alone the players, think they have a right to a contract. More of my annoyance comes from the fact Talay is more than happy to sign Australian players straight off the bat, but will only offer a trial for the local New Zealand players, if that. Of course you can argue that the Australian players have professional experience, but if you need professional experience to get a professional gig, then where do you start? 

In Talay's four seasons (including current) he has signed 15 Australian players, none of whom, I believe, have trialled for spot; in contrast he has signed nine New Zealand players, with three or four having trialled. This current window, no players from NZ's best league were invited to trial, and the only one from Central League was turned down after a fortnight. 

If you look at the old ISPS Handa Prem, Auckland City won the league every season since 13/14 or so, with the Phoenix reserves regularly propping up the table, yet few City players even got so far as a trial, let alone the contracts given to reserve players. These guys are quality players, and I'm sure they would do more than a job in the A League.
and 2 others
almost 14 years
Not sure i have seen the story where the club says it dosnt have any money for a striker. Care to share it 
there hasn't been one, all I've seen is Ufuk saying we have to sign the striker before we sign the backup CB because we have no idea how much money will be left over in the budget from the striker.
almost 17 years
Havnt some of these so called quality local players been offered the chance with the Nix over the years but have chosen to stay in the local system. Or is that just a myth.
If a professional coach dosnt feel a particular local player would fit his system not sure why amateur fans think that player has a right to a spot. Would suggest even if Auckland had a team it dosnt mean these players would be given a chance. Maybe we need a 3rd team in Christchurch
I don't think anyone, let alone the players, think they have a right to a contract. More of my annoyance comes from the fact Talay is more than happy to sign Australian players straight off the bat, but will only offer a trial for the local New Zealand players, if that. Of course you can argue that the Australian players have professional experience, but if you need professional experience to get a professional gig, then where do you start? 

In Talay's four seasons (including current) he has signed 15 Australian players, none of whom, I believe, have trialled for spot; in contrast he has signed nine New Zealand players, with three or four having trialled. This current window, no players from NZ's best league were invited to trial, and the only one from Central League was turned down after a fortnight. 

If you look at the old ISPS Handa Prem, Auckland City won the league every season since 13/14 or so, with the Phoenix reserves regularly propping up the table, yet few City players even got so far as a trial, let alone the contracts given to reserve players. These guys are quality players, and I'm sure they would do more than a job in the A League.

remembering of course the the nix reserves team was full of under 21 players coming up against men 5-10 years older, with more experience, but less potential.
Starting XI
almost 6 years
Havnt some of these so called quality local players been offered the chance with the Nix over the years but have chosen to stay in the local system. Or is that just a myth.
If a professional coach dosnt feel a particular local player would fit his system not sure why amateur fans think that player has a right to a spot. Would suggest even if Auckland had a team it dosnt mean these players would be given a chance. Maybe we need a 3rd team in Christchurch
I don't think anyone, let alone the players, think they have a right to a contract. More of my annoyance comes from the fact Talay is more than happy to sign Australian players straight off the bat, but will only offer a trial for the local New Zealand players, if that. Of course you can argue that the Australian players have professional experience, but if you need professional experience to get a professional gig, then where do you start? 

In Talay's four seasons (including current) he has signed 15 Australian players, none of whom, I believe, have trialled for spot; in contrast he has signed nine New Zealand players, with three or four having trialled. This current window, no players from NZ's best league were invited to trial, and the only one from Central League was turned down after a fortnight. 

If you look at the old ISPS Handa Prem, Auckland City won the league every season since 13/14 or so, with the Phoenix reserves regularly propping up the table, yet few City players even got so far as a trial, let alone the contracts given to reserve players. These guys are quality players, and I'm sure they would do more than a job in the A League.
Last two seasons under Talay were a bit exceptional with the team being based in Aus/ Covid etc. 
This year hasn't been the case. Only Maragush questionable Aussie signed. But is there another NZ left back that should have got a call up/trial.
Also maybe its a Phoenix thing, not Talay. To promote from the acadamy, expose players and sell on.
But you are correct in that there needs to be better pathways for NZ domestic players.
PS. Some Aus players did trial. Lochalingoy is one. 
First Team Squad
over 5 years
Havnt some of these so called quality local players been offered the chance with the Nix over the years but have chosen to stay in the local system. Or is that just a myth.
If a professional coach dosnt feel a particular local player would fit his system not sure why amateur fans think that player has a right to a spot. Would suggest even if Auckland had a team it dosnt mean these players would be given a chance. Maybe we need a 3rd team in Christchurch
I don't think anyone, let alone the players, think they have a right to a contract. More of my annoyance comes from the fact Talay is more than happy to sign Australian players straight off the bat, but will only offer a trial for the local New Zealand players, if that. Of course you can argue that the Australian players have professional experience, but if you need professional experience to get a professional gig, then where do you start? 

In Talay's four seasons (including current) he has signed 15 Australian players, none of whom, I believe, have trialled for spot; in contrast he has signed nine New Zealand players, with three or four having trialled. This current window, no players from NZ's best league were invited to trial, and the only one from Central League was turned down after a fortnight. 

If you look at the old ISPS Handa Prem, Auckland City won the league every season since 13/14 or so, with the Phoenix reserves regularly propping up the table, yet few City players even got so far as a trial, let alone the contracts given to reserve players. These guys are quality players, and I'm sure they would do more than a job in the A League.
Not that it makes much of a difference but iirc Charles Lokolingoy did a trial with us before signing so that's 1 Australian. 

WPM 2022/23 Squad Speculation, Confirmation and Mutual Termination

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