WPM 2022/23 Squad Speculation, Confirmation and Mutual Termination

First Team Squad
over 17 years
Interestingly David Dome said in the pod that this is the most expensive squad we've ever assembled.

That is very interesting given we don't have players in the squad of the same caliber that we had prior to Covid (the ex Prem and Bundesliga boys).  Our new signings are from lower levels of football so should be cheaper unless we've signed Reid but not announced it.

I think it was Uffie who said they'd had conversations with Reid, but for 'various reasons' he didnt want to live in this part of the world.
almost 14 years
Yep, but then players like Greenacre, Ifill, Ball, all moved their families over late in their career and decided to stick around. And the likes of Taylor and Hooper came without families in their 30s and also seemed to enjoy the place.

Just comes down to the individual and what they value. We definitely have more success with people from the UK and that's probably down to small cultural communities if people feel a little homesick.

It's just really odd when people go on about Wellington, which is rated as one of the most liveable cities in the world, as if it's Beirut or something. People need to get out more and get a bit of perspective.

One thing that Dome said on the pod is that the facilities played a part in our struggle to recruit, he mentioned one Australian player who hopped off a plane, looked at Newtown Park, and jumped back on the plane. And we all know that facilities were the reason that Rojas gave for leaving. Dome seemed bullish that with CIS, our facilities will now attract people rather than put them off.
and 5 others
over 17 years
There's a reason CCM has constantly attracted the best youth players - they have about the best facilities in Australia.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
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Shame that Ball is out for so long, although with the world cup disruption December is only round seven. 

and 2 others
Phoenix Academy
about 9 years
Yep, but then players like Greenacre, Ifill, Ball, all moved their families over late in their career and decided to stick around. And the likes of Taylor and Hooper came without families in their 30s and also seemed to enjoy the place.

Just comes down to the individual and what they value. We definitely have more success with people from the UK and that's probably down to small cultural communities if people feel a little homesick.

It's just really odd when people go on about Wellington, which is rated as one of the most liveable cities in the world, as if it's Beirut or something. People need to get out more and get a bit of perspective.

One thing that Dome said on the pod is that the facilities played a part in our struggle to recruit, he mentioned one Australian player who hopped off a plane, looked at Newtown Park, and jumped back on the plane. And we all know that facilities were the reason that Rojas gave for leaving. Dome seemed bullish that with CIS, our facilities will now attract people rather than put them off.

will the location of the CIS facility have an impact on where players in Wellington  choose to live?  Will some have gone from a 10 minute commute to a 40 minute commute?
Phoenix Academy
over 3 years
Beirut, and Lebanon in general is a beautiful city albeit war scarred, unsure if it’s a fair comparison haha. The facilities nix did have for many years were amateur at best, I remember a few Aussie players who have since left tell me that they used to train in grass that could get completely mud bathed and had to go to the local exodus gym for their gym sessions and work out with members of the public.. all seemed very amateurish..hopefully the new centre improves it
Yep, but then players like Greenacre, Ifill, Ball, all moved their families over late in their career and decided to stick around. And the likes of Taylor and Hooper came without families in their 30s and also seemed to enjoy the place.

Just comes down to the individual and what they value. We definitely have more success with people from the UK and that's probably down to small cultural communities if people feel a little homesick.

It's just really odd when people go on about Wellington, which is rated as one of the most liveable cities in the world, as if it's Beirut or something. People need to get out more and get a bit of perspective.

One thing that Dome said on the pod is that the facilities played a part in our struggle to recruit, he mentioned one Australian player who hopped off a plane, looked at Newtown Park, and jumped back on the plane. And we all know that facilities were the reason that Rojas gave for leaving. Dome seemed bullish that with CIS, our facilities will now attract people rather than put them off.
almost 17 years
thats a really quick recovery! hope they arent rushing him.
about 16 years
Payne probably has the best delivery into the box from wide positions of anyone in the squad. Handy with the extra height up top 

You never seen Sutton play?

I have and while I think he's a better fullback overall his crossing has been pretty limited as far as getting to the byline and dinking one into the area, as opposed to payne who has the ability to whip one with pace.

FIFA knows...
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about 17 years
Payne probably has the best delivery into the box from wide positions of anyone in the squad. Handy with the extra height up top 

You never seen Sutton play?

I have and while I think he's a better fullback overall his crossing has been pretty limited as far as getting to the byline and dinking one into the area, as opposed to payne who has the ability to whip one with pace.

FIFA knows...
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Waine absolutely robbed there. 
Starting XI
almost 9 years
Payne probably has the best delivery into the box from wide positions of anyone in the squad. Handy with the extra height up top 

You never seen Sutton play?

I have and while I think he's a better fullback overall his crossing has been pretty limited as far as getting to the byline and dinking one into the area, as opposed to payne who has the ability to whip one with pace.

FIFA knows...
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If FIFA says it, its probably wrong. What does FM reckon?
almost 17 years
over 17 years
Something occurred to me the other day while I was checking out the Nix in Transfermarkt. 
Other than the likes of Sail (Aus) and Waineo (GB) which I was aware of, there are a bunch of other players with dual citizenship which may make them more appealing to clubs from those countries. 
They include:
- Paulsen (South Africa): with the PSL on the up and up and with a few Kiwis doing well there since Brockie, if he gets another run in the sticks this year, who knows if an offer from SA might come? 

- Josh Laws (Aus, GB). Transfermarkt says 'Scotland' which isn't a citizenship but I assume he has a GB passport? Aussies are taking the SPL by storm at the moment. Could Laws spark some interest? 

- Surman (GB): Transfermarkt says 'Wales', so same as above. He's obviously done really well last year. A bunch of caps for the Nix and is a stalwart of the u-20 nation team. Highly sought after in the next 1-2 years is my pick. 

- Callan Elliot: Another with 'Scottish' citizenship. Has already moved to Greece and will certainly have European aspirations, especially if he does well this season. 

-Alex Rufer (Swi): His dual citizenship is a well known fact. Still only 26, so who knows what he's thinking. He might try his luck there at some point, especially if his knee recovers ok, though he may well stay at the Nix forever. 

- Urgakovic (Croatia): he's only just arrived and is 28 so unlikely he'd try his luck in Europe now. 

- Oskar VH (Austria): An interesting one this, young Oskar needs a breakout season but that EU passport could come in very handy in the next few years. 

- Kosta (Greece): Been there, done that. Handy passport to travel through or reside in Europe for long periods of time post-retirement. 

- Waineo (GB) and Sail (Aus): in my view the most likely of the Nix players to use that second passport to help with an overseas move. Sail is one of the best keepers in the league and most clubs would do well to sign him. Playing for the AWs would help to secure work permits elsewhere as well. 
Waineo reportedly turned down interest from the Championship, but I believe it is only a matter of time until we see him in the Football League. 

To clarify, I'm not saying any of these guys will leave tomorrow. I simply noted down dual Citizenship to spark some conversations. 

EDIT: can't believe I forgot my man Nick Pennington (ITA). He's as Italian as they come, so I think his foray into the A-league was more to have a different life experience than anything else. Very likely he could move back to Italy or elsewhere in the EU if not offered a new deal. 
Phoenix Academy
over 3 years
Think you will find it’s a common thing in many South American and probably European countries in world football and not unique to the nix. I know for a fact, 3/4 of the players who play in the Argentinian Primera Division have either a Spanish or Italian passport (Most Argentinians have grandparents from Italy for example) but none of them will ever represent those countries, it’s just a gateway to enter European football easier.. we now live in a multicultural society, where people immigrate from a country to country and football being the world game that it is, mean usually children of immigrants take up the game. I think in the 2006 Socceroos squad, all of them has foreign passports or parents born in other countries. It’s pretty cool I think 
Something occurred to me the other day while I was checking out the Nix in Transfermarkt. 
Other than the likes of Sail (Aus) and Waineo (GB) which I was aware of, there are a bunch of other players with dual citizenship which may make them more appealing to clubs from those countries. 
They include:
- Paulsen (South Africa): with the PSL on the up and up and with a few Kiwis doing well there since Brockie, if he gets another run in the sticks this year, who knows if an offer from SA might come? 

- Josh Laws (Aus, GB). Transfermarkt says 'Scotland' which isn't a citizenship but I assume he has a GB passport? Aussies are taking the SPL by storm at the moment. Could Laws spark some interest? 

- Surman (GB): Transfermarkt says 'Wales', so same as above. He's obviously done really well next year. Played a lot for the Nix last season and is a stalwart of the u-20 nation team. Highly sought after in the next 1-2 years is my pick. 

- Callan Elliot: Another with 'Scottish' citizenship. Has already moved to Greece and will certainly have European aspirations, especially if he does well this season. 

-Alex Rufer (Swi): His dual citizenship is a well known fact. Still only 26 so who knows. He might try his luck there at some point, though he may well stay at the Nix forever. 

- Urgakovic (Croatia): he's only just arrived and is 28 so unlikely he'd try his luck in Europe now. 

- Oskar VH (Austria): An interesting one this, young Oskar needs a breakout season but that EU passport could come in very handy in the next few years. 

- Kosta (Greece): Been there, done that. Handy passport to travel through or reside in Europe for long periods of time post-retirement. 

- Waineo (GB) and Sail (Aus): in my view the most likely of Nix players to use that second transfer for a move overseas. Sail is one of the best keepers in the league and most clubs would do well to sign him. Playing for the AWs would help to secure work permits elsewhere as well. 
Waineo reportedly turned down interest from the Championship, but I believe it is only a matter of time until we see him in the Football League. 

To clarify, I'm not saying any of these guys will leave tomorrow. I simply noted down dual Citizenship to spark some conversations. 
over 17 years
Definitely, I wasn't really thinking any of these players will go on to play for other national teams. Only that that second passport is super handy if you want to play in that country (or EU if applicable) which is huge as it negates the need for work permits/domestic players quotas etc. Same as Rojas playing in Chile really. Clubs effectively get to sign a foreigner without worrying about any of these things. 
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

Really cool that they included the registered Academy players in this.
and 2 others
over 17 years
Something occurred to me the other day while I was checking out the Nix in Transfermarkt. 
Other than the likes of Sail (Aus) and Waineo (GB) which I was aware of, there are a bunch of other players with dual citizenship which may make them more appealing to clubs from those countries. 
They include:
- Paulsen (South Africa): with the PSL on the up and up and with a few Kiwis doing well there since Brockie, if he gets another run in the sticks this year, who knows if an offer from SA might come? 

- Josh Laws (Aus, GB). Transfermarkt says 'Scotland' which isn't a citizenship but I assume he has a GB passport? Aussies are taking the SPL by storm at the moment. Could Laws spark some interest? 

- Surman (GB): Transfermarkt says 'Wales', so same as above. He's obviously done really well last year. A bunch of caps for the Nix and is a stalwart of the u-20 nation team. Highly sought after in the next 1-2 years is my pick. 

- Callan Elliot: Another with 'Scottish' citizenship. Has already moved to Greece and will certainly have European aspirations, especially if he does well this season. 

-Alex Rufer (Swi): His dual citizenship is a well known fact. Still only 26, so who knows what he's thinking. He might try his luck there at some point, especially if his knee recovers ok, though he may well stay at the Nix forever. 

- Urgakovic (Croatia): he's only just arrived and is 28 so unlikely he'd try his luck in Europe now. 

- Oskar VH (Austria): An interesting one this, young Oskar needs a breakout season but that EU passport could come in very handy in the next few years. 

- Kosta (Greece): Been there, done that. Handy passport to travel through or reside in Europe for long periods of time post-retirement. 

- Waineo (GB) and Sail (Aus): in my view the most likely of the Nix players to use that second passport to help with an overseas move. Sail is one of the best keepers in the league and most clubs would do well to sign him. Playing for the AWs would help to secure work permits elsewhere as well. 
Waineo reportedly turned down interest from the Championship, but I believe it is only a matter of time until we see him in the Football League. 

To clarify, I'm not saying any of these guys will leave tomorrow. I simply noted down dual Citizenship to spark some conversations. 

EDIT: can't believe I forgot my man Nick Pennington (ITA). He's as Italian as they come, so I think his foray into the A-league was more to have a different life experience than anything else. Very likely he could move back to Italy or elsewhere in the EU if not offered a new deal. 

Courtesy of the dogshark way the British Tory party has rolled out Brixit, Brits (myself included) need a work visa for the continent so now it's harder for kiwis with UK ancestry to work or play football on the continent.
Phoenix Academy
over 9 years
Something occurred to me the other day while I was checking out the Nix in Transfermarkt. 
Other than the likes of Sail (Aus) and Waineo (GB) which I was aware of, there are a bunch of other players with dual citizenship which may make them more appealing to clubs from those countries. 
They include:
- Paulsen (South Africa): with the PSL on the up and up and with a few Kiwis doing well there since Brockie, if he gets another run in the sticks this year, who knows if an offer from SA might come? 

- Josh Laws (Aus, GB). Transfermarkt says 'Scotland' which isn't a citizenship but I assume he has a GB passport? Aussies are taking the SPL by storm at the moment. Could Laws spark some interest? 

- Surman (GB): Transfermarkt says 'Wales', so same as above. He's obviously done really well last year. A bunch of caps for the Nix and is a stalwart of the u-20 nation team. Highly sought after in the next 1-2 years is my pick. 

- Callan Elliot: Another with 'Scottish' citizenship. Has already moved to Greece and will certainly have European aspirations, especially if he does well this season. 

-Alex Rufer (Swi): His dual citizenship is a well known fact. Still only 26, so who knows what he's thinking. He might try his luck there at some point, especially if his knee recovers ok, though he may well stay at the Nix forever. 

- Urgakovic (Croatia): he's only just arrived and is 28 so unlikely he'd try his luck in Europe now. 

- Oskar VH (Austria): An interesting one this, young Oskar needs a breakout season but that EU passport could come in very handy in the next few years. 

- Kosta (Greece): Been there, done that. Handy passport to travel through or reside in Europe for long periods of time post-retirement. 

- Waineo (GB) and Sail (Aus): in my view the most likely of the Nix players to use that second passport to help with an overseas move. Sail is one of the best keepers in the league and most clubs would do well to sign him. Playing for the AWs would help to secure work permits elsewhere as well. 
Waineo reportedly turned down interest from the Championship, but I believe it is only a matter of time until we see him in the Football League. 

To clarify, I'm not saying any of these guys will leave tomorrow. I simply noted down dual Citizenship to spark some conversations. 

EDIT: can't believe I forgot my man Nick Pennington (ITA). He's as Italian as they come, so I think his foray into the A-league was more to have a different life experience than anything else. Very likely he could move back to Italy or elsewhere in the EU if not offered a new deal. 

Courtesy of the dogshark way the British Tory party has rolled out Brixit, Brits (myself included) need a work visa for the continent so now it's harder for kiwis with UK ancestry to work or play football on the continent.
Sovrinty innit.
over 17 years
BREXIT was a tragedy, I agree. Still, having a UK passport opens a big door for those who wish to play in the Football League 
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
Personally reckon we could do with some defensive reinforcement in January. Nikko Boxall and Dylan Fox are already free agents, whilst come November 30, both Kyle Adams and James Musa will become free agents (assuming they don’t extend between now and then).

Nikko Boxall seems the obvious choice, although Kyle Adams would have to be the best option. A homecoming for Musa or Fox could be good, although I don’t rate either of them as highly as the San Diego boys.
almost 5 years
Friar Tuck
Personally reckon we could do with some defensive reinforcement in January. Nikko Boxall and Dylan Fox are already free agents, whilst come November 30, both Kyle Adams and James Musa will become free agents (assuming they don’t extend between now and then).

Nikko Boxall seems the obvious choice, although Kyle Adams would have to be the best option. A homecoming for Musa or Fox could be good, although I don’t rate either of them as highly as the San Diego boys.

Agree with you but that didn't Uffie say that we used the budget for the season or something like that?
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
Friar Tuck
Personally reckon we could do with some defensive reinforcement in January. Nikko Boxall and Dylan Fox are already free agents, whilst come November 30, both Kyle Adams and James Musa will become free agents (assuming they don’t extend between now and then).

Nikko Boxall seems the obvious choice, although Kyle Adams would have to be the best option. A homecoming for Musa or Fox could be good, although I don’t rate either of them as highly as the San Diego boys.

Agree with you but that didn't Uffie say that we used the budget for the season or something like that?
He might have, Domey did say this is the most expensive squad we’ve ever put together.
First Team Squad
over 5 years
Friar Tuck
Friar Tuck
Personally reckon we could do with some defensive reinforcement in January. Nikko Boxall and Dylan Fox are already free agents, whilst come November 30, both Kyle Adams and James Musa will become free agents (assuming they don’t extend between now and then).

Nikko Boxall seems the obvious choice, although Kyle Adams would have to be the best option. A homecoming for Musa or Fox could be good, although I don’t rate either of them as highly as the San Diego boys.

Agree with you but that didn't Uffie say that we used the budget for the season or something like that?
He might have, Domey did say this is the most expensive squad we’ve ever put together.
 Also maybe Waine leaves in Jan to those rumored interested clubs if he keeps up his form and that'd give us some extra cash + wages freed up.
First Team Squad
over 3 years
Friar Tuck
Personally reckon we could do with some defensive reinforcement in January. Nikko Boxall and Dylan Fox are already free agents, whilst come November 30, both Kyle Adams and James Musa will become free agents (assuming they don’t extend between now and then).

Nikko Boxall seems the obvious choice, although Kyle Adams would have to be the best option. A homecoming for Musa or Fox could be good, although I don’t rate either of them as highly as the San Diego boys.
Doesn't this seem to happen every season with us? Maybe we wouldn't start so slowly if we actually signed where the gaps were in the first place.
almost 14 years
Friar Tuck
Personally reckon we could do with some defensive reinforcement in January. Nikko Boxall and Dylan Fox are already free agents, whilst come November 30, both Kyle Adams and James Musa will become free agents (assuming they don’t extend between now and then).

Nikko Boxall seems the obvious choice, although Kyle Adams would have to be the best option. A homecoming for Musa or Fox could be good, although I don’t rate either of them as highly as the San Diego boys.

Agree with you but that didn't Uffie say that we used the budget for the season or something like that?
Ufuk said that the money we have for a back up CB would depend on how much we're spending on our striker. After Zawada was hired, Ufuk said we're not going back to the market until January.
almost 17 years
I'd be ok with bring Dylan Fox back to the Nix...
about 10 years
Friar Tuck
Friar Tuck
Personally reckon we could do with some defensive reinforcement in January. Nikko Boxall and Dylan Fox are already free agents, whilst come November 30, both Kyle Adams and James Musa will become free agents (assuming they don’t extend between now and then).

Nikko Boxall seems the obvious choice, although Kyle Adams would have to be the best option. A homecoming for Musa or Fox could be good, although I don’t rate either of them as highly as the San Diego boys.

Agree with you but that didn't Uffie say that we used the budget for the season or something like that?
He might have, Domey did say this is the most expensive squad we’ve ever put together.
 Also maybe Waine leaves in Jan to those rumored interested clubs if he keeps up his form and that'd give us some extra cash + wages freed up.

I think the only way Waineo leaves in January is if the offer is too good to refuse. WelNix will know what they want for him, and if he keeps up this very good start, his price is only going one way - ⬆️

That League One side must be kicking themselves. They've likely priced themselves out of a move through low-balling us. Now Waine has come to the party and has the bit between his teeth to start the campaign. Could be his coming of age as a striker (early doors yet mind you, so don't want to jinx him).

almost 14 years
While Fox or Boxall would be great to bring in, I'm not as anxious as others are about our defence. Last season was a freak one, we had so many injuries that we played our import wide attacking player (Sandoval) as a defensive midfielder, and our striker (Waine) as a right back, so I don't think it's fair to rate our current players based on what happened last season.

In a normal season, without all the injuries, we won't be in that position. A team defends from the front, and with players like Ugarkovic involved we have increased our defensive stocks.
almost 17 years
I'm certainly not concerned aout our defence - like you I beleive last season was an anomoly. But if Uffie is looking at a CB in Jan theb Fox would be my first choice.
First Team Squad
over 10 years
Did some research (Wikipedia search), Dylan Fox left the Nix in March 2019, while recovering from his season ending injury. In May 2019 Uffie took over, so they never got to work with eachother.

I used to love Dylan, very solid at the back, so hopefully we can pick him up in January 🤞
about 17 years
So what’s our current striking and 10s hierarchy?

9s:  Waine, Zawada, Kosta, Ball, Kraev, Sasse?
10s: Kraev, Kosta, Sasse, Ball, Old? 

It seems to me very difficult to choose between them, as they’re all players of similar ability. Maybe Ball has to start if fit as he’s the most composed/experienced player? Is he available? 

Or perhaps the option of little/large/little/Sasse or little/large/large/little? 

You feel one of Kosta/Ball has to start. Otherwise nobody is obviously head and shoulders better or at Uli/Hemed level, as much as we’d like Waino to be heading there. 

The composure and attitude on the field is something too. If we get a reputation for getting thrown off our game with a bit of kicking we’ll get it a bit more. I think we gotta watch the boys playing so far away from home for the first time and give them a bunch of support as we start to travel to Aussie and back. A win would probably help too!
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
I honestly have no idea if he is any good but Elliot Collier's deal is up soon, if Waine was to be sold during the January window. 
over 9 years
I honestly have no idea if he is any good but Elliot Collier's deal is up soon, if Waine was to be sold during the January window. 

More a winger than a striker, but good enough to be in around the AWs, and Hay said he was unlucky not to make the squad for Costa Rica playoff.

Amongst the goals in USL early season, then got injured, and has struggled to get back in the San Antonio starting 11, as they have been runaway Western Conference winners.

But he's likely well settled in the US (got a Green Card), having gone through the College system, and maybe eyeing up a life there post football, like alot of other past Kiwi footballers.

Moses Dyer & Myer Bevan are two, that might be improved players since they were last in NZ, and not looking to make Canada their long term home. Though Bevan has already trialled for Uffie and not been picked up. Who's the next Alex Greive on the NZ domestic scene?

Partly why I floated the idea of a Nix verus NZ selection game(s) during 3 week break over the upcoming Qatar WC. Will be a host of NZ footballers around from USA, Canada, Ireland, Finland, Sweden, Denmark etc in their off seasons/long winter breaks. Such a game would keep the Nix squad active, new AWs coach views some fringe AWs, and Nix see live a few NZ footballers based overseas they might look to sign one day
First Team Squad
almost 7 years
So what’s our current striking and 10s hierarchy?

9s:  Waine, Zawada, Kosta, Ball, Kraev, Sasse?
10s: Kraev, Kosta, Sasse, Ball, Old? 

It seems to me very difficult to choose between them, as they’re all players of similar ability. Maybe Ball has to start if fit as he’s the most composed/experienced player? Is he available? 

Or perhaps the option of little/large/little/Sasse or little/large/large/little? 

You feel one of Kosta/Ball has to start. Otherwise nobody is obviously head and shoulders better or at Uli/Hemed level, as much as we’d like Waino to be heading there. 

The composure and attitude on the field is something too. If we get a reputation for getting thrown off our game with a bit of kicking we’ll get it a bit more. I think we gotta watch the boys playing so far away from home for the first time and give them a bunch of support as we start to travel to Aussie and back. A win would probably help too!
I think the absolute strongest front 4 right now (assuming everyone is fit and available) would probably be:

Haven’t seen enough of Sasse yet and Kosta isn’t quite at the same level as those four anymore imo.
Starting XI
almost 9 years
So what’s our current striking and 10s hierarchy?

9s:  Waine, Zawada, Kosta, Ball, Kraev, Sasse?
10s: Kraev, Kosta, Sasse, Ball, Old? 

It seems to me very difficult to choose between them, as they’re all players of similar ability. Maybe Ball has to start if fit as he’s the most composed/experienced player? Is he available? 

Or perhaps the option of little/large/little/Sasse or little/large/large/little? 

You feel one of Kosta/Ball has to start. Otherwise nobody is obviously head and shoulders better or at Uli/Hemed level, as much as we’d like Waino to be heading there. 

The composure and attitude on the field is something too. If we get a reputation for getting thrown off our game with a bit of kicking we’ll get it a bit more. I think we gotta watch the boys playing so far away from home for the first time and give them a bunch of support as we start to travel to Aussie and back. A win would probably help too!
Depends on form and matchups. Zawada and Waine are both showing great willingness to get between CB and FB and make wide runs - if a team plays like CCM and those are the out balls they give us, those are the strikers we'll be starting with.

However, if we aren't being pressed and need to break down a defenence, I expect we'd see Kosta's movement in the box favoured over on of the other options. Hard to say where Sasse fits in, but he's obviously not done himself any favours in terms of selection. Kraev has shown flashes, but hasnt really put it all together yet for me - but that's to be expected 2 games in. 

I think Waine and Zawada are both showing they deserve starting spots. I like Kosta and Ball for the 10 roles at the moment, largely because they're known quantities but I think we'll learn plenty more about both Kraev & Zawada before Ball is back anyway and things can change. Impact off the bench is something we've lacked in recent seasons and I'm really excited by our depth, if we're ever fully fit.

Despite our options, injury/suspension kinda means the front 4 picks itself for the next game (unless Sasse's suspension is reduced, which would be a pleasant surprise but not uncalled for given Elsey got 2 weeks for far, far worse). 

Zawada/Waine/Barba/Kraev to get another crack vs a Newcastle side that we should be favourites against.
about 2 years
I know this is kind of off topic compared to the last few posts but I hope wherever Waine goes after the Phoenix, he continues to play as a striker and doesn't switch positions kinda like how McCowatt has since leaving NZ. 

Aside from playing as a winger at the U20 World Cup, he is a striker by trade and his strength, hold-up play, and finishing shows why he needs to stay in that position going forward, same for the All Whites. Was really not great watching Talay play him as a defender in those last two regular season games last season even if it was to help fill space for all the injured players. 

Sure hope Talay doesn't try something like that again this season or in future seasons if he does extend.
Phoenix Academy
about 2 years
So what’s our current striking and 10s hierarchy?

9s:  Waine, Zawada, Kosta, Ball, Kraev, Sasse?
10s: Kraev, Kosta, Sasse, Ball, Old? 

It seems to me very difficult to choose between them, as they’re all players of similar ability. Maybe Ball has to start if fit as he’s the most composed/experienced player? Is he available? 

Or perhaps the option of little/large/little/Sasse or little/large/large/little? 

You feel one of Kosta/Ball has to start. Otherwise nobody is obviously head and shoulders better or at Uli/Hemed level, as much as we’d like Waino to be heading there. 

The composure and attitude on the field is something too. If we get a reputation for getting thrown off our game with a bit of kicking we’ll get it a bit more. I think we gotta watch the boys playing so far away from home for the first time and give them a bunch of support as we start to travel to Aussie and back. A win would probably help too!
Depends on form and matchups. Zawada and Waine are both showing great willingness to get between CB and FB and make wide runs - if a team plays like CCM and those are the out balls they give us, those are the strikers we'll be starting with.

However, if we aren't being pressed and need to break down a defenence, I expect we'd see Kosta's movement in the box favoured over on of the other options. Hard to say where Sasse fits in, but he's obviously not done himself any favours in terms of selection. Kraev has shown flashes, but hasnt really put it all together yet for me - but that's to be expected 2 games in. 

I think Waine and Zawada are both showing they deserve starting spots. I like Kosta and Ball for the 10 roles at the moment, largely because they're known quantities but I think we'll learn plenty more about both Kraev & Zawada before Ball is back anyway and things can change. Impact off the bench is something we've lacked in recent seasons and I'm really excited by our depth, if we're ever fully fit.

Despite our options, injury/suspension kinda means the front 4 picks itself for the next game (unless Sasse's suspension is reduced, which would be a pleasant surprise but not uncalled for given Elsey got 2 weeks for far, far worse). 

Zawada/Waine/Barba/Kraev to get another crack vs a Newcastle side that we should be favourites against.
 Oh geez please don't say we are favourites. Newcastle won a good game with a man down at the end of their last match, they're at home and have an in form striker plus pace with Sotirio up front. Considering our current form I would be happy with a point.
Starting XI
almost 9 years
So what’s our current striking and 10s hierarchy?

9s:  Waine, Zawada, Kosta, Ball, Kraev, Sasse?
10s: Kraev, Kosta, Sasse, Ball, Old? 

It seems to me very difficult to choose between them, as they’re all players of similar ability. Maybe Ball has to start if fit as he’s the most composed/experienced player? Is he available? 

Or perhaps the option of little/large/little/Sasse or little/large/large/little? 

You feel one of Kosta/Ball has to start. Otherwise nobody is obviously head and shoulders better or at Uli/Hemed level, as much as we’d like Waino to be heading there. 

The composure and attitude on the field is something too. If we get a reputation for getting thrown off our game with a bit of kicking we’ll get it a bit more. I think we gotta watch the boys playing so far away from home for the first time and give them a bunch of support as we start to travel to Aussie and back. A win would probably help too!
Depends on form and matchups. Zawada and Waine are both showing great willingness to get between CB and FB and make wide runs - if a team plays like CCM and those are the out balls they give us, those are the strikers we'll be starting with.

However, if we aren't being pressed and need to break down a defenence, I expect we'd see Kosta's movement in the box favoured over on of the other options. Hard to say where Sasse fits in, but he's obviously not done himself any favours in terms of selection. Kraev has shown flashes, but hasnt really put it all together yet for me - but that's to be expected 2 games in. 

I think Waine and Zawada are both showing they deserve starting spots. I like Kosta and Ball for the 10 roles at the moment, largely because they're known quantities but I think we'll learn plenty more about both Kraev & Zawada before Ball is back anyway and things can change. Impact off the bench is something we've lacked in recent seasons and I'm really excited by our depth, if we're ever fully fit.

Despite our options, injury/suspension kinda means the front 4 picks itself for the next game (unless Sasse's suspension is reduced, which would be a pleasant surprise but not uncalled for given Elsey got 2 weeks for far, far worse). 

Zawada/Waine/Barba/Kraev to get another crack vs a Newcastle side that we should be favourites against.
 Oh geez please don't say we are favourites. Newcastle won a good game with a man down at the end of their last match, they're at home and have an in form striker plus pace with Sotirio up front. Considering our current form I would be happy with a point.
Newcastle snuck past a shadow of a Perth side who could well be whipping boys (alongside the Roar) and needed a late counter against a side throwing men forward for a late set piece to do it. Based on what I've seen, we're the better side by a good margin - so based on that we're gonna lose 3-0.

WPM 2022/23 Squad Speculation, Confirmation and Mutual Termination

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