R1 vs Perth Glory | Sunday 12th Oct | 5pm | RoF

about 15 years

Great post BWTCF. Completely agree with everything you wrote. I will follow up with my own thoughts similar to yours.

I am absolutely amazed at everyone that jumped off the bandwagon after one game.

I looked at last nights games and thought to myself 'Perth were better than I gave them credit for'. I think Perth were better than any Phoenix fan gave the credit for which is why there is an overly negative position on just one game.

The overriding sense I got from last nights game as it started and built, is that we needed to settle and I don't think we did. We started rough as but after 15, we owned the game because some of the passes then started sticking. When they did, boy we looked like Melbourne from Friday night on the transition. I think the one thing I take from that is that our attacking build has improved as we move the ball a lot quicker. I'm not sure McGlinchey is a left sided man but I'm not the coach.

Once the goal came, we kind dropped our heads in a big way and it struck me that perhaps the Phoenix too had treated Perth with the same contempt as the fans. Opening game, best ever squad, good preseason, "lack of respect" against a team from the other side of the earth and not rated as a strong team, and now we are down 1-0 after just having a good 10 mins and pumping them. The goal itself was innocent enough and I doubt Perth could have scored that again if they had tried another 10 times. Not a fluke but almost a perfect storm (kinda like Louis header in his debut)

I admit I wrote Riera off as a crap signing when it was announced but he is the best footballer in the team. I think he has an uncanny sense of timing when to be in the right place and make some good passes. The tackle committed on him, I thought that was red when I saw it and in touching on that, I think the Phoenix did get some poor rub from the officials. Not a huge amount but there was certain cause for Durante being frustrated. I am not suggesting that the officials were to blame for this but it would be nice to have a game where Durante is not losing his rag at the ref because things are going our way. Oh and Roly, don't be a dick. You were hardly touched in the face, go live in Australia if you wanna do that shit. Cheating cunts are not tolerated.

I kinda lost focus a bit in the second half with visitors that turned up but we deserved the goal. It was a nice build and well taken. It was a simple execution and its nice to see that one go in. Last year, it would have hit the post, the keeper, missed, not had the 2nd runner, or gone wide. We slotted that one finally.

Overall I think there are some positives from the game. I think our attack does look better but that it was not given the chance the flourish as it should because we did not settle. Whether the credit goes to Perth for that, or thats the fault of the Phoenix, I am not sure. They did apply a good pressure line on us though so.... The amount of missed passes and lack of chemistry at times was crazy but I am not concerned too much after just 1 game. The worry I do have is the lack of chemistry in the back 4. For his debut, I thought Doyle did a good job and I think he should feel good about that. Hersi, as much as I think he is shit, did not show him up. The other 3 have played together for a while and it was like they were strangers together in a room meeting for the first time. Just some basic basic stuff where I thought they should have handled it better. Muscat was the better of the 3 but I thought that the line was a bit high still and Perth realised that Durante and Sigmund are not overly mobile (in terms of pace) and pressured them. If Sigmund and Durante have another game like that next week, well then one needs to be swapped out and its not usually your captain. The pass from Lia was to a defender whom should have been running onto it going forward and I don;t give Lia any angst for it..... Fenton has taken off so gives you heads up to where the play was going (forward)

Roly took a bit to settle but like what he brings. Burns had some nice touches but a striker would have finished that - still had a good game though. A-Rod and Brockie did nothing. For Brockie, its more of the same, for A-Rod, its the first time he has done that. Riera and McGlinchey stood up above their team mates.

I would throw the baby out with the bathwater if this was game 3 or 4 but its game 1 against a under rated opponent in competition environment. I'm inclinded to wait and see if this occurs next week or the week after before being doom and gloom over it.

The fans deserve a brick bat too. You can't sit there and throw stones if only 7700 turn up for the opening game of the season with all the hype that was put into it and a record season tickets sold. It really means the casual fan has switched off. I respect those fans wont be on this forum but that's pathetic.

and 5 others
Starting XI
almost 17 years

alireggae wrote:

hlmphil wrote:

The players that really stood out yesterday were the ones who've had plenty of experience in the A-league and knew what to expect  (Riera).

Heaps?! - 1/2 a season?

He also came from "Nowheresville" (bfwtf) i.e. The ASB Premiership.

Sure... but point being he knew what to expect. I wonder whether Roly & Rodriguez were possibly taken by surprise at the level yesterday. 

Phoenix Academy
over 12 years

Top post Jeff... Reasoned response

First Team Squad
about 15 years

hlmphil wrote:

alireggae wrote:

hlmphil wrote:

The players that really stood out yesterday were the ones who've had plenty of experience in the A-league and knew what to expect  (Riera).

Heaps?! - 1/2 a season?

He also came from "Nowheresville" (bfwtf) i.e. The ASB Premiership.

Sure... but point being he knew what to expect. I wonder whether Roly & Rodriguez were possibly taken by surprise at the level yesterday. 

Certainly looked to me like they weren't ready for match day intensity. Can't really blame Rodriguez having never played at senior level before, and I think he started to get more time on the ball and looked a lot more settled shortly before he got pulled. The Glory did seem to be targeting the youngsters with an aggressive, pressing game - and it worked. Roly settled a lot quicker but had a couple of horrible touches, I'm sure they will both be very good for the Nix after a game or two.

almost 16 years

Yep - Roly, Alex and Tom all got monstered early on.

Rodriguez may have not been as active as Roly but he still put in some good (intelligent) passes.  Other than the first goal I thought Doyle did well on his debut considering the treatment he was getting from Perth.

Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years

bwtcf wrote:

Do you follow Ernie on Twitter? If not, you should.

Just to pick up one thing - Ernie isn't on Twitter and has said as much many times. I suspect you are referring the the parody account that clearly states itself as a parody.

Starting XI
almost 17 years

Oh, and yes credit has to go to Perth. They have done some handy recruiting and will be in the mix this season I think. Nicholls was quality yesterday, and if only we had picked up someone like Keogh to play up front for us...

over 14 years

Nz_Dave wrote:

bwtcf wrote:

Do you follow Ernie on Twitter? If not, you should.

Just to pick up one thing - Ernie isn't on Twitter and has said as much many times. I suspect you are referring the the parody account that clearly states itself as a parody.

I know. That was an attempt to insert a bit of humour in an otherwise angst filled morning...

about 17 years

One thing from this game. Slow down when singing the Roly chant.
Sounds like one long drunken slur when sung so fast.

Dinosaur Dave
almost 13 years

bwtcf wrote:

Nz_Dave wrote:

bwtcf wrote:

Do you follow Ernie on Twitter? If not, you should.

Just to pick up one thing - Ernie isn't on Twitter and has said as much many times. I suspect you are referring the the parody account that clearly states itself as a parody.

I know. That was an attempt to insert a bit of humour in an otherwise angst filled morning...

Haha ok good - you had me worried. Clearly the dry nature of it was way over my head on a monday morning :)

about 12 years

I think one of the issues we had yesterday was we tended to play to narrow and through the middle with both Burns and McGlinchey coming centrally to often, closing our space down.

If this is going to happen we need Doyle and Muscat to make more penetrative runs down the flanks and be aggressive (i though Fenton did this well and brought us greater impetus).

about 12 years

Brockie did nothing yesterday, but out of the top 3 he was the only one working defensively and applying pressure. I though we let perth control the ball to easily across their back line, which surprised me as I though Ernie would have us press a bit more.

about 15 years

Actually you just reminded me Metal Leg, Brockie did hound Vuko a lot. Almost got lucky. Credit where credit is due.

over 14 years

I agree that Burns could actually be a good striker for us (considering our lack of options in that position). Can't see Ernie changing it up just yet - I presume he will want to give his chosen 11 a few more chances to prove themselves before he rings the changes. But IMO Brockie isn't the answer to our need for goals, and Burns certainly looked sharper and hungrier than him yesterday. If Burns were to come centrally that would leave room to put either Cunningham or Louis out wide, both of whom would really add to our attack I think.

over 14 years

asmodeus_82 wrote:

Can't we play Burns centrally? Am I crazy for suggesting that? 

I mean sure he missed a few he should have scored but missing is more than Brockie did, at least Burns got in a position to score.

Some of those opportunities came down the central channel too.

I agree that Burns could actually be a good striker for us (considering our lack of options in that position). Can't see Ernie changing it up just yet - I presume he will want to give his chosen 11 a few more chances to prove themselves before he rings the changes. But IMO Brockie isn't the answer to our need for goals, and Burns certainly looked sharper and hungrier than him yesterday. If Burns were to come centrally that would leave room to put either Cunningham or Louis out wide, both of whom would really add to our attack I think.

over 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

Yep - Roly, Alex and Tom all got monstered early on.

Rodriguez may have not been as active as Roly but he still put in some good (intelligent) passes.  Other than the first goal I thought Doyle did well on his debut considering the treatment he was getting from Perth.

Thought Doyle started well but ended up having a shocker - the opposite to Roly, really. He should've cleared before the first goal and then let Nichols whip a ball around him far too easily. Definitely a tough first lesson for him.

over 17 years
almost 13 years

MetalLegNZ wrote:

I think one of the issues we had yesterday was we tended to play to narrow and through the middle with both Burns and McGlinchey coming centrally to often, closing our space down.

If this is going to happen we need Doyle and Muscat to make more penetrative runs down the flanks and be aggressive (i though Fenton did this well and brought us greater impetus).

Totally agree. Someone early said that you could have thrown a blanket on our team, we were so bunched up. The lack of width plus the highline made us very compressed, and allowed Perth to press easily because there was always a second defender close to cover, so the first guy could charge in. I think the other factor that contributed to our narrowness was Brockie's lack of involvement centrally which meant that Burns and WeeMac were drifting inside to try to provide options. Would rather see a 4-2-3-1, Burns up top, A-Rod in the hole, Kenny and WeeMac on the wings
almost 13 years

heh heh: "a rod in the hole"!

Phoenix Academy
about 17 years

Okay, my uneducated overview of the game:

I was suprised by the effort Glory put in, They were up for the game and tackled,bashed anything wearing yellow. Had more shots and could have won by more.

1st goal Doyle should have hoofed the ball into the stands.

2nd goal, Shit happens in football, happens too often for the nix.

When we went down the flanks, i thought the support for the ball carrier was lacking and team quite static for long periods of the game, leaving the player to try a: beat 2 or 3 players or pass back 20-30 metres. Perth on the other hand always had players making runs, supporting the player.

Thought we were too narrow and played to deep and when we did switch play, it looked quite laboured, whereas Perth switched play very well.

Overall Perth wanted the game more and I was suprised how well they played.

Think we will get better and showed some real nice play but only in short bursts,

Shame about the crowd, maybe needed some wind and rain to help numbers.

Looking forward to the next home game, will bring my 6yr old along as no school on Monday so will leave the zone for that game( in his word's" to many loud people with large bellies")

almost 14 years

AMac wrote:

asmodeus_82 wrote:

Can't we play Burns centrally? Am I crazy for suggesting that? 

I mean sure he missed a few he should have scored but missing is more than Brockie did, at least Burns got in a position to score.

Some of those opportunities came down the central channel too.

I agree that Burns could actually be a good striker for us (considering our lack of options in that position). Can't see Ernie changing it up just yet - I presume he will want to give his chosen 11 a few more chances to prove themselves before he rings the changes. But IMO Brockie isn't the answer to our need for goals, and Burns certainly looked sharper and hungrier than him yesterday. If Burns were to come centrally that would leave room to put either Cunningham or Louis out wide, both of whom would really add to our attack I think.

Ernie said that he has a history of converting wingers to strikers and Burns is definitely in this vein and he is confident of getting goals out of him.

How about this for a left field suggestion? Put Manny as a centre back with Burns and Fenton as wing backs.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years


Please find that quote and post here. You flip flop so much its hard to remember what your original view was on anything.

You say "flip-flop", I say "open minded". But here's the evidence that I was sceptical before he was even chosen.

Heaven knows I'm miserable now
about 16 years
btwfc - I am less interested in what Ernie is saying, and more interested in what he does / is doing. He's had 6 full months pre season to improve the defence. He has brought in one player who is untested at this level. We didn't score enough goals last season. Our top scorer left and has not been replaced adequately. He persists with Brockie who simply cannot play the lone striker role. Vince Lia was given a 2 year contract. Now, I do like Ernie, and he does come across well in interviews that I have seen (hence being pretty excited about the new season), but if we cannot produce the goods on the park, then talk is very cheap. We may well get a result this weekend as we're probably better set up for away games, but this home form really must be addressed quickly - both for getting points on the board, and getting more people through the door.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years
over 14 years

Fair enough Steve-O. You make some good points there.

I was just objecting to your characterisation of Ernie as blissfully unaware. Accusing him of not acting is different to accusing him of being unaware...

over 11 years

I thought we played okay...a few issues but it's early days . Doyle had a bit of a rough intro to pro football but things can only get better for him.
As for ARod and Roly people ripping into them need to give them a break.It was their first game in the league ffs.
Wee mac and burns are pretty bloody awesome as is Albert.
Brocks did ok and put a heap of pressure on Vuka but still looks to be lacking confidence
Im picking that we'll pick up around Christmas as we did last year but rather than get killed off by injury we willpower on through for 4th or 5th place

Starting XI
over 17 years

i was very impressed by perth.  marinkovic especially had the midfield sussed in a very quiet way.  they had good width and good shape.  they used the ball well.  i also like that they played 2-up away from home.

i thought we looked lethargic and narrow.  our midfield was also a long way away from brockie.  

i weigh 596kg but i reckon i would have had fun marking mcglinchey.  he played well, but does not have the ability to go outside his man on the left, so all he can do is check back.  he needs an advanced central play maker like flores next to him to be effective in this role.

almost 14 years

Thought he played on the left for CCM?

Life and death
over 17 years
crewemad wrote:

Okay, my uneducated overview of the game:

I was suprised by the effort Glory put in, They were up for the game and tackled,bashed anything wearing yellow. Had more shots and could have won by more.

1st goal Doyle should have hoofed the ball into the stands.

2nd goal, Shit happens in football, happens too often for the nix.

When we went down the flanks, i thought the support for the ball carrier was lacking and team quite static for long periods of the game, leaving the player to try a: beat 2 or 3 players or pass back 20-30 metres. Perth on the other hand always had players making runs, supporting the player.

Thought we were too narrow and played to deep and when we did switch play, it looked quite laboured, whereas Perth switched play very well.

Overall Perth wanted the game more and I was suprised how well they played.

Think we will get better and showed some real nice play but only in short bursts,

Shame about the crowd, maybe needed some wind and rain to help numbers.

Looking forward to the next home game, will bring my 6yr old along as no school on Monday so will leave the zone for that game( in his word's" to many loud people with large bellies")

Out of the mouths of babes....
a.k.a AJ13
almost 15 years

hlmphil wrote:

Oh, and yes credit has to go to Perth. They have done some handy recruiting and will be in the mix this season I think. Nicholls was quality yesterday, and if only we had picked up someone like Keogh to play up front for us...

Keogh could be the leagues next Ifill. Has come to Perth of a similar pedigree and age as when Paul came to us.

Life and death
over 17 years
Doloras wrote:


Please find that quote and post here. You flip flop so much its hard to remember what your original view was on anything.

You say "flip-flop", I say "open minded". But here's the evidence that I was sceptical before he was even chosen.

Thanks for taking the time to put all of those together. I didn't really see any in depth analysis of the failings of Merrick, only doom and gloom predictions. So, why don't you state once and for all what your opposition is to him, how he is not a good coach etc? If the Phoenix come last in the League this year i will stop posting on this forum for 3 months. If they finish higher, then you do the same. Balls my word....:)
tradition and history
over 17 years

Doloras wrote:


Please find that quote and post here. You flip flop so much its hard to remember what your original view was on anything.

You say "flip-flop", I say "open minded". But here's the evidence that I was sceptical before he was even chosen.

Thanks for taking the time to put all of those together. I didn't really see any in depth analysis of the failings of Merrick, only doom and gloom predictions. So, why don't you state once and for all what your opposition is to him, how he is not a good coach etc? If the Phoenix come last in the League this year i will stop posting on this forum for 3 months. If they finish higher, then you do the same. Balls my word....:)

NP. they won't finish bottom, that is for sure.

about 16 years

I'm still positive about this season. It's just been one game. Perth were better than I was expecting, but we'll pick up

I thought Burns was unlucky to be up against Vuka in the one on one, I rate him as a very good goalie, but I'll accept I'm wrong if it continues throughout the season. Could have been a whole different story if someone else had gone for a run with him and given him an option to square it. Maybe I've been playing too much FIFA?

Their first goal was a great ball and a good finish. Not too many complaints. both goals could be put down to defenders turning over the ball in dangerous situations if you're into that. What I found interesting watching the replay, and I'm not bagging him here at all it's just an observation, I love his work, was how far back Dura was while the others were playing a much higher line. Were they reading different scripts or something?

I could watch the Moss save from that Nichols shot all day. Gives me the tinglies

Starting XI
over 17 years
Ryan wrote:

Thought he plaid on the left for CCM?

he sure did, but with flores next to him as an AMC

about 12 years
Moss made some good saves, played well and looked to distribute through throwing the ball more which is good to see. (his distribution from a punt is pants). We needed more out of Rodrigez. Was AWOL.
First Team Squad
over 16 years

Serious question, what was the "Twist and shout" chant that started? I couldn't make out any of the words apart from the above, so wasn't inclined to join in.

It was easy to see not many people knew the words to the new chants, but I wasn't expecting great things from the first game.

almost 16 years

Sorry to be a leech but "Twist and Shout" doesn't spin my wheels.

It's sort of like DISCO which has its place when there's nothing better to do but doing it over a long period would suggest that the game itself was rather naff.

Mind you I think the Poznan is pointless but there we go.

over 14 years

Ard Righ wrote:

Serious question, what was the "Twist and shout" chant that started? I couldn't make out any of the words apart from the above, so wasn't inclined to join in.

It was easy to see not many people knew the words to the new chants, but I wasn't expecting great things from the first game.

See here.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

I have been consistent in saying that the Tards got rid of Ernie Merrick for a reason, and that reason was that his coaching chops had become obsolete, and that a "retread" coach was not what we needed to get ahead. I think he's a lovely guy and good at what he's done, but we will not reach the heights that most of us want to see under him.

And I don't gamble. My father was an addict and it ruined his life. Sorry if you thought you were getting rid of me.

Life and death
over 17 years
I wouldn't want to see you go Doloras. xxxxx

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