Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
I don't think it's an "if" as to whether we'll be based in Aussie again. There will be no travel bubble again, not in the next 12 months anyway.
Phoenix Academy
about 9 years
I'd like to think the Phoenix+A League, Warriors+NRL, Breakers+NBL, SuperRugby Pacific, Netball, AFL and the various country and state government officials are trying to come up with some form of plan that allows all these competitions to proceed in some form of home and away fashion.  If that means excessive testing, fly in, bus to ground, play, bus to airport, fly home, having a plan for injuries requiring hospital treatment, fitting stadium out with facilities for teams to isolate their 24 hours if need be, perhaps playing Perth in a neutral venue, tweaking draws so you play in mini-groups so be it.  If they look overseas, they will see teams in many leagues and sporting codes playing home and away.
over 9 years
I don't think it's an "if" as to whether we'll be based in Aussie again. There will be no travel bubble again, not in the next 12 months anyway.

Fully vaccinated people with a negative Covid test will be travelling ‘freely’ between NZ and Australia in the next 6 mths. Highly likely less.
and 2 others
Starting XI
almost 15 years
How many players have had the jab? will there be a no jab no play rule?.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
If so, good thing we're not relying on Marinovic again
and 2 others
over 9 years
If so, good thing we're not relying on Marinovic again

Marinovic wanted the “Swedish” approach, though to partly excuse him that was in the fairly early stages of the pandemic, before that idea was completely totally debunked.

His partner is a pharmacist. It would be surprising if he was anti vax.

And yes Australasian sports stars who won’t get vaccinated risk being unemployed when their individual contracts expire. A rugby league players agent has already raised that prospect. Even interstate flights in Oz you could end up needing to show you have been jabbed.
Starting XI
almost 6 years
I don't think it's an "if" as to whether we'll be based in Aussie again. There will be no travel bubble again, not in the next 12 months anyway.

Fully vaccinated people with a negative Covid test will be travelling ‘freely’ between NZ and Australia in the next 6 mths. Highly likely less.
When do you think vaccinated Australians be able to travel 'freely' interstate ?
What's your take on that side of the ditch. 
almost 14 years
I don't think it's an "if" as to whether we'll be based in Aussie again. There will be no travel bubble again, not in the next 12 months anyway.
The government literally announced a few weeks ago that we'll be opening our border to low risk countries Q1 next year. Assuming Australia is low risk then we should see quarantine free travel in the next seven months.
over 9 years
I don't think it's an "if" as to whether we'll be based in Aussie again. There will be no travel bubble again, not in the next 12 months anyway.

Fully vaccinated people with a negative Covid test will be travelling ‘freely’ between NZ and Australia in the next 6 mths. Highly likely less.
When do you think vaccinated Australians be able to travel 'freely' interstate ?
What's your take on that side of the ditch. 

It's messy here, definitely political. NSW & Federal (Scomo) are Liberal. They want things 'opened up'/no more lockdowns, ASAP. Starting from reaching min 70% fully vaccinated adult popn (ages 16+). Nationally on track to hit that Oct 31st & by Nov 17th,  80% double vaccinated. NSW & Tas are leading the way getting jabs in arms.

VIC, QLD & WA all Labor. QLD & WA are bottom of the vaccine log. "Why bother getting vaccinated if it ain't here"?  Your motivation is stronger when you see a real threat. Though yeah Tasmanians are debunking that. One theory being as they are 90% Anglo Saxon there is no mixed messaging, no language barriers to getting jabbed.

But yes premiers of VIC, QLD & WA are throwing mud at Gladys in NSW plus Scomo, and mud is coming back. Relationships are fraught.

QLD & WA have already said they may not open up at the 70% mark. They can do what they want. VIC premier Andrews yesterday conceded he may open up at that mark, but sounded reluctant. 

So who really knows when things will open up, and interstate travel will fully return. The squabbling will go on for a long while yet. But if free travel for vaccinated folk is not possible all over Aus by the Christmas holidays, there will be a lot of public outrage from the majority who are vaccinated and vote. And politicians like to keep their jobs.
Starting XI
almost 6 years
Interesting thanks.
Wonder if FA might be considering something like FFA cup games in November and delay the start of the A league proper.
That way they can test the waters as far as how vaccinated travel is going to work for sports teams.
over 9 years
I don't think it's an "if" as to whether we'll be based in Aussie again. There will be no travel bubble again, not in the next 12 months anyway.
The government literally announced a few weeks ago that we'll be opening our border to low risk countries Q1 next year. Assuming Australia is low risk then we should see quarantine free travel in the next seven months.
And that will likely have an earlier 'phase in' period, of different relaxed measures.

Maybe exemptions for international vaccinated travellers like sports teams who fly, bus, hotel, play sport/do business, hotel, bus and fly home. 

Vaccinated NZ/Aus citizens who MIQ for only 5 days, or quarantine at home for 5-14 days (with officials dropping in to check) instead of MIQ. 
over 9 years
Interesting thanks.
Wonder if FA might be considering something like FFA cup games in November and delay the start of the A league proper.
That way they can test the waters as far as how vaccinated travel is going to work for sports teams.

Latest news now in Aus, is 178 new cases in Victoria and about 80 of those cases as yet can't be traced. A tired looking Premier Andrews stated that zero Covid in Victoria now is over as a goal. Lockdown in Victoria will only end at 70% adult popn fully vaccinated. Early Oct at earliest. I've spoken to friends in Melbourne (one worked in travel & other in the Arts), they just want lockdown to end. It's been a massively challenging 18 mths for them, with 6 lockdowns.

So VIC and NSW now on same page, hit vaccination thresholds and things will open up. Then they just hope their health systems can cope with the Covid cases, whilst pushing to reach 80-90% vaccination mark.

So you now effectively have 2 groups of states, with defined splits. 

VIC and NSW maybe with travel between the 2 when hit 70% vaccination mark. Then SA, WA, Tas and QLD with I guess continuing travel between those 4 states. They are making no promises at all about reopening when hit 70% jab benchmark. In fact QLD Premier now saying she wants kids under 12 to now be vaccinated (something no country in the world is yet doing).

Perhaps it's time for NZ to look at reopening the TT bubble with specific states ie WA, SA & Tas. I'd be wary of QLD, with such a large NSW/QLD border community.
almost 17 years
Interesting thanks.
Wonder if FA might be considering something like FFA cup games in November and delay the start of the A league proper.
That way they can test the waters as far as how vaccinated travel is going to work for sports teams.

Latest news now in Aus, is 178 new cases in Victoria and about 80 of those cases as yet can't be traced. A tired looking Premier Andrews stated that zero Covid in Victoria now is over as a goal. Lockdown in Victoria will only end at 70% adult popn fully vaccinated. Early Cct at earliest.

So VIC and NSW now on same page, hit vaccination thresholds and things will open up. Then they just hope their health systems can cope with the Covid cases, whilst pushing to reach 80-90% vaccination mark.

So you now effectively have 2 groups of states, with defined splits. 

VIC and NSW maybe with travel between the 2 when hit 70% vaccination mark. Then SA, WA, Tas and QLD with I guess continuing travel between those 4 states. They are making no promises at all about reopening when hit 70% jab benchmark. In fact QLD Premier now saying she wants kids under 12 to now be vaccinated (something no country in the world is yet doing).

Perhaps it's time for NZ to look at reopening the TT bubble with specific states ie WA, SA & Tas. I'd be wary of QLD, with such a large NSW/QLD border community.

Can't see the govt opening up to individual states when its been so easy for people to slip across borders in Aus. That is probably until we've reached whatever vax target we have to open up fully to Australia.
Starting XI
almost 6 years
Another mine field for FA to navigate. The Nix aside. Looks like the only way they will be able to start the season on 30 October is in a hub or a couple of hubs.
Still 2 month away though. But when can we expect some decisions from FA around scheduling. Would have thought by the end of September.
over 9 years
It's ain't easy at all to cross the border from NSW/VIC into WA. She's a big drive!

There have been a few NSW long haul truck drivers test positive. But they are generally low risk. Sleeping in their cabs. Monitored to avoid human contact.

Community cases in WA like NZ, have been pretty much leaks from MIQ. Safest place with SA, to have an all teams A League hub if needed. But yeah I'd avoid SE QLD, will be lucky here if we don't get Covid back at some point.
almost 14 years
It will be interesting to see what happens internally in Australia, based on past behavior I'd expect QLD and WA to keep their borders closed and be very aggressive until they hit their vaccination targets.
Starting XI
almost 6 years
It will be interesting to see what happens internally in Australia, based on past behavior I'd expect QLD and WA to keep their borders closed and be very aggressive until they hit their vaccination targets.
Can't blame them. I think that is what everyone initially wanted to do. Keep Covid out until vaccine rates are high and then open up slowly.  NSW and Vic included.
If they go to a hub. WA would make sense. Perth probably deserve it too after all there travels last season.
almost 14 years
Nope, you've got to protect the economy and peoples lives but it's going to cause massive havoc for the A-League. Worse than last season I'd expect.
about 3 years
I don't think it's an "if" as to whether we'll be based in Aussie again. There will be no travel bubble again, not in the next 12 months anyway.

Fully vaccinated people with a negative Covid test will be travelling ‘freely’ between NZ and Australia in the next 6 mths. Highly likely less.
When do you think vaccinated Australians be able to travel 'freely' interstate ?
What's your take on that side of the ditch. 

It's messy here, definitely political. NSW & Federal (Scomo) are Liberal. They want things 'opened up'/no more lockdowns, ASAP. Starting from reaching min 70% fully vaccinated adult popn (ages 16+). Nationally on track to hit that Oct 31st & by Nov 17th,  80% double vaccinated. NSW & Tas are leading the way getting jabs in arms.

VIC, QLD & WA all Labor. QLD & WA are bottom of the vaccine log. "Why bother getting vaccinated if it ain't here"?  Your motivation is stronger when you see a real threat. Though yeah Tasmanians are debunking that. One theory being as they are 90% Anglo Saxon there is no mixed messaging, no language barriers to getting jabbed.

But yes premiers of VIC, QLD & WA are throwing mud at Gladys in NSW plus Scomo, and mud is coming back. Relationships are fraught.

QLD & WA have already said they may not open up at the 70% mark. They can do what they want. VIC premier Andrews yesterday conceded he may open up at that mark, but sounded reluctant. 

So who really knows when things will open up, and interstate travel will fully return. The squabbling will go on for a long while yet. But if free travel for vaccinated folk is not possible all over Aus by the Christmas holidays, there will be a lot of public outrage from the majority who are vaccinated and vote. And politicians like to keep their jobs.
That's a shame that it sounds more like political squabbling rather than a covid response. If those other states won't open that 70% what would they open up at? Cause I have this funny feeling that we're gonna get a new covid every year tbh.
over 9 years
That's the question Scomo is asking, if not at 70% when will you open up? And apparently the States did earlier agree on a 70% target as part of some national Covid plan. The squabbling will continue on.

But now WA & QLD especially are looking inward, and not liking the high Covid numbers in NSW & VIC. WA & QLD are also the slowest states re vaccine roll out, and will be last to get to 70%. 

I think a poll showed 77-80% of adult Aussies are happy to get the jab. So can see WA & QLD trying to get to that 80% level, and maybe even then having a plan to vaccinate under 16s before agreeing to open up.

Last outbreak here in SE QLD, which being Delta they did a great job to crush in only 2 weeks, got into 4-5 schools. So that's the future worry that under 16 yr old school kids if unvaccinated become super spreaders.

I'm still optimistic that by Xmas you will have a normal A League H&A season, at least for the Aussie teams. All of Australia should be very close to 80% fully vaccinated by then. Definitely players/support staff will need to be double vaccinated, with some travel rules likely (fly, bus, hotel, game, bus, hotel, fly) and maybe limited crowds. 

What happens with the Nix will be in the hands of the NZ Govt. But travel exemptions (no MIQ) for fully vaccinated overseas sports teams into NZ, will definitely be being discussed later this year.
over 9 years
Come to the Sunshine Coast Uffie.


What is the best-case scenario for the Wellington Phoenix next season with regards to where the Club plays its home matches and where it’s based from in order to be part of the A-League competition?

Obviously we want to play games in New Zealand and at Sky Stadium next season, and the Club is doing everything it can to make that happen. What happens in New Zealand, Australia and with the Trans-Tasman bubble over the next 4-5 months plays a big part of this, but home is where we want to be.

I don’t think the plan is – if we are going back to Australia for a short time – to go back to Wollongong.

It’ll always come down to what’s best for the Club and what’s best for the team, so there’s a few options for the Club that are being looked at this stage, but nothing concrete so I’m sure in the next few weeks – once the A-League knows what is happening from a competition perspective – we’ll know what we’ll be doing and where the teams will be based, whether it be in a hub or in another state.

I’m sure we’ll have more clarity in the coming weeks, but the most important thing if do have to hub in Australia for the short-term, is that the facilities that we go to and the training ground that we train on is up to standard – as we’re training on it every day. The boys need to be happy and comfortable where they’re working.

Things change very quickly, but at the end of the day, there's several places that the Club – and the wider competition – are looking at in terms of where we could be based next season.

almost 14 years
I thought I'd use my lunch break to google the state of border policies within Australia to see how that will affect the A-League:

Western Australia is saying they'll keep their borders closed to the rest of Australia "for a few months"

Queensland is saying they'll keep their borders closed for the rest of Australia until Christmas.

South Australia is saying that they'll open the border to regions of states that don't have covid clusters once vaccinations hit 80%

Victoria is saying their border with NSW could be closed until well into next year.

(not a big deal for A-League but) Tasmania is saying they'll keep their borders closed to the rest of Australia until "closer to 90% vaccination is reached"

Seems to me that the A-League have to do a hub arrangement for pretty much all teams in QLD, WA, NZ, or SA for at least the first half of the season.
over 9 years
You may find, fully vaccinated sports teams and officials can get some sort of travel exemptions (with restrictions) especially by October-November. Clubs possibly travelling between SA, WA, QLD & Tas anyway.

QLD have just controversially let lots of NRL officials & families into the state, in lead up to the finals. AFL is playing it's final series between QLD, Tassie, SA & WA. No games VIC & NSW.

But yes A League season will definitely start with hub(s). NSW Premier has said full lockdown will end at 70% fully vaccinated (looks to be around mid Oct), with things within NSW opening up. That will happen before A League season scheduled kick off, 31st October. So cheapest option could be that 5 NSW teams just play each other, sans crowds for the first 8-10 rounds. Then review. Cheaper likely than relocating these 5 teams to another state. 

It could yet be that the Nix relocate again to the Gong, so creating 6 teams in NSW, and avoiding a bye. Though article on Nix website, had Talay quoting that a return to the Gong was unlikely.

Where Nix are heavily disadvantaged is that all the other A League teams are still training, even those in NSW & VIC. Plus other teams can continue to make signings. Nix are effectively in wait & see mode, especially re any new visa players who like Hemed season may be better to do 2 weeks MIQ in Oz, rather than NZ.

3 new community cases in SE QLD (family of a truckie driving between Sydney & Brissy), but seems that again got lucky here, and no spread amongst wider community. But fear luck here will run out at some point.
almost 14 years
Yeah, wasn't commenting on the NIx's disadvantages (the biggest one is relocating again), just on the logistics and risk to the league.

The problem is if we have a NSW hub if one of those players gets covid the whole thing shuts down. 
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years
Boys can get out and train again on Wednesday
almost 14 years
Boys can get out and train again on Wednesday
And with that delayed start as cochiee posted, maybe starting pre-season later than other teams won't be much of a disadvantage.
Life and death
over 17 years
The club obviously has money, they are going to finance a W a league team. I’m pretty certain (these days) the owners are serious and in for the long haul, losses or not.
So Wellington will go under if they have to play in another hub again? APL are already holding up the Jets so i doubt there is any thing left in their pockets to keep Nix a float. Maybe that's why the signing so far have been poor because they have no other option but to remain cheap and do as little spending as possible to survive. We even have players refusing to go back to NZ. I don't think we will be spoon bound but def not top 6 this season. 

good grief!
the off season is long enough without this bollocks.

It’s bait for responses but it would be naive to think if the likely scenario that they are based again in Australia that it wouldn’t affect finances, they shouldn’t be spending money they don’t have and this could well mean they have less to offer players
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
and 2 others
One in a million
over 17 years

I think i can count twelve players
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
Oi Oi Edgecumbe

I think i can count twelve players

16 signed atm. Assuming Sail is off doing Keeper drills & we know Pennington/Piscopo are still overseas, we are only missing 1 person.
Phoenix Academy
over 9 years
Oi Oi Edgecumbe

I think i can count twelve players

16 signed atm. Assuming Sail is off doing Keeper drills & we know Pennington/Piscopo are still overseas, we are only missing 1 person.

I think there are 13 there.. the 4th from left player is obscuring someone running in the opposite direction. There are 3 boots and 2 heads in there
Bossi Insider
about 16 years

So everyone here. Hooper now has long hair & looking trim, he is the one turning behind Taylor on the right it seems.
almost 5 years
Kinda hoping we make way to Aus now rather than later in case NZ goes into another snapshot lockdown. But I'm wondering if Uffie wants to hold trials with NZ locals.
over 17 years
Delay it until Jan
Bossi Insider
about 16 years
over 9 years
Know nothing why Warriors have already made this early decision. But I'd be really surprised (and disappointed) if the NZ Govt weren't at least considering reopening the TT bubble for vaccinated travellers by the end of this year. 

TT travel maybe possible even earlier for vaccinated sports teams, who are travelling under strict restrictions, ie airport, hotel, game, hotel, airport.

I'm sure Nix and the Breakers are having some chat with the NZ Govt, who admittedly at the moment won't be able to give any sort of guarantee around dates for TT travel, sans MIQ happening. But surely they are at least discussing possible options before going back to Aus.

Two crowds of 20,000 plus at the end of last season, will mean the Nix this early on won't be giving up on returning to NZ post Christmas or earlier.

Do the Warriors have a lot more players with young school age kids etc? So not so keen to return player's families to NZ mid season.

Only guys with kids at the Nix, are Ball and Hooper from memory. And Gazza's whanau probably still in the UK I think.

almost 17 years
the warriors have always made their decisions re staying or not pretty early, primarily as I understand it due to players' family commitments etc. They also dont want to risk the quarantine at either end of the border screwing up the season. Think the owners have said that they'd base themselves in Aussie and maybe cross the border for home games if and when they can. 

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