almost 17 years
Or get an injury tonight when you are out on the town that causes you to retire from football all together.
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
He said he will make some announcement in a few days. It would seem likely he is going to reitre. Unfortunately, I doubt we're going to see the end of him as he is almost certainly going to be a coach/manager
almost 17 years
He is a pretty good player but he is getting past his time.
He will leave a pretty big hole in (/That is)  Melbourne.
I dont see him leaving for good. I expect him to stay on in some way.
I guess we will see.
Early retirement
about 17 years
Matthew Breeze... A-League ref of the year ?

Oh. Dear.
Phoenix Academy
almost 17 years
Matthew Breeze, holy f**k is he missing a couple of chromozones or something. Just found the link to the incident on youtube
and that was completely accidental it was yellow if it even needed a card anyway.
Phoenix Academy
over 15 years
Pretty bad advertisement for the game with Kevin Rudd etc watching
Starting XI
about 17 years
Couple of things for me (ignoring the blood)

1: Cristiano (nor Allsopp for that matter) didn't bat an eyelid when he got his red card... In both cases, I think the players reactions speaks volumes. They knew they would be lucky to get less than a red. Had Breeze got it absolutely wrong, you would have seen mass pandemonium from Adelaide especially with a red in the final that early in the game.

2: He may not have been targeting Vargas (I'm thinking of the one in the World Cup Italy vs USA) but leading with the elbow at the head???? The commentators mention something about a swinging arm, what a red herring. A little something here about endangering player safety and playing in a reckless manner. He knew what he was doing and while it didn't have a malliciousness about it, it was still red.

The players themselves did approach this with sh*t attitudes and it was evident right through out the 2nd half but Breeze was bloody ordinary. We were sitting here wanting him to swallow his whistle because it just got boring listening to it drone on. That'll cost him his World Cup spot.
Agent 472009-03-01 10:59:16
Chant Savant
about 17 years
Hard News wrote:
Matthew Breeze... A-League ref of the year ?

Oh. Dear.

I take it that wasn't a YF Award?

Worst. Premeditated. Red. Card. EVER!

Chant Savant
about 17 years
Did Galekovic have a "chat" with Muscat and Brebner in the carpark before the match?
First Team Squad
almost 16 years

As a  showpiece for the A-league that was crap.

Whats with the players attitude? it looked like at any time it good turn into a all in brawl. just shows how unprofessional the players are. Being able to keep your cool in high stakes games is what its all about. Most of the players were acting like dickheads. Even the officials were starting to loose their cool. Would love to have heard what pim Verbeek thought of it...."amaturish rubbish"
The A-League still has a long way to go to reach the professionalism of most overseas leagues.
Still...great crowd, lots of noise and colour.
Can't see Melbourne being such a force next season...especially loosing a few of their top players. if Muscat goes...that would be a huge loss for them.
Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
Agent 47 wrote:
Couple of things for me (ignoring the blood)

1: Cristiano (nor Allsopp for that matter) didn't bat an eyelid when he got his red card... In both cases, I think the players reactions speaks volumes. They knew they would be lucky to get less than a red. Had Breeze got it absolutely wrong, you would have seen mass pandemonium from Adelaide especially with a red in the final that early in the game.

2: He may not have been targeting Vargas (I'm thinking of the one in the World Cup Italy vs USA) but leading with the elbow at the head???? The commentators mention something about a swinging arm, what a red herring. A little something here about endangering player safety and playing in a reckless manner. He knew what he was doing and while it didn't have a malliciousness about it, it was still red.
I'm sorry Agent but every player goes up for a header with this arms out.  Doesn't mean they should be booked.  Do you expect every player to jump for a header with his arm by his sides.  If you look at Cristiano he only look at the ball the whole time.  He doesn't check to see if Vargas is there or not.  there was absolutely no malice involved.  He didn't swing his elbow into Vargas it was simply an accidental collision.
To be fair on breeze, he got stitched up by this lino on both occasions.  If you watch the replay, he pulls a yellow out of his right pocket while running over to the incident, but puts it back straight away.  Then he talks to his lino and pulls out a red from his left pocket.
So he was only ever gonna give a yellow until the lino told him otherwise.
about 17 years
man i tuned in last night with a bottle of wine, chippies, and turned my cellphone off. I was really hoping to watch a good game, but was highly disappointed.
First that red card - the ref was going to make the right call (yellow card) but then he wisely thought that perhaps the fourth official would have seen what had taken place better than he did. At that point the fourth official should have ONLY told him to red card Cristiano if he was 100% certain that the contact was intentional - which it wasn't!
Adelaide played a good game - I was certainly cheering for them.
Then I remembered why I don't like football downunder. The whole game becomes about hitting people (see Danny Allsopp checking people on every corner kick and shoving Jamieson in the back as the youngster walks back), see Muscat grabbing players by the throat in seveal occasion, see Celeski's challenge on the very last play of the game.
That is just crap. Everybody loves tension in a football game, and I'm the first to never pull out of a challenge when I am playing, but yesterday the physical side of the game took over the tecnical side, and as a lover of the beautiful game, i can only despise that.
Sure, not every games are like that, but there are certain players out there who really ruin the show. Danny Allsopp is one of them, he ALWAYS plays dirty. I told my wife that prior to his red car he had only been booked 4 or 5 times and she couldn't believe it.
Muscat, who praised "the boys" and talked sugar after the game, was choking Adelaide player in order to defend an underfendable Allsopp. I'm sick of this sh*t, you shouldn't see that stuff in a grand final.
At least last night cleared all my doubts in regards to which team I hate the most in the A-League. I really hope we'll beat them again next year when they visit the RoF so I can go near the exit as I did last year and send them off with a big fat smile on my face while Kevin, Ronnie, Danny, Billy and Archie are leaving the pitch looking grim.
Starting XI
over 16 years
Hard News wrote:
Matthew Breeze... A-League ref of the year ?

Oh. Dear.
...and he's a Police prosecutor by day!
If my mate stole a loaf of bread, I'd sh*t myself that he'd do my whole family for murder
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
Poor officiating, poor game.

The crowd was great though.

And fark I hate Robbie Slater.
almost 17 years
Frankie Mac wrote:
how garbage was Archie Thompson?????????
Having seen about 3 games this season, I am going to call him the most over-rated player in the league.
Marked out of the game last night, Mullen and Cornflake gave him no space.
That red card rarely cost Adelaide, left no-one capable of playing at the sharp end, with Agostino the only other proper striker, and he's rubbish, Dodd was left isolated far too often.
Salley was a beast by the way, best player on the pitch IMO.
and LOL at how much attention 3 News just gave Melbourne's Victory, right at the end - "oh and Melbourne won the A-League last night 1-0 over Adelaide." - No big surpirse though...
about 17 years
Oska wrote:
Frankie Mac wrote:
how garbage was Archie Thompson?????????
Having seen about 3 games this season, I am going to call him the most over-rated player in the league.
Marked out of the game last night, Mullen and Cornflake gave him no space.
That red card rarely cost Adelaide, left no-one capable of playing at the sharp end, with Agostino the only other proper striker, and he's rubbish, Dodd was left isolated far too often.
Salley was a beast by the way, best player on the pitch IMO.
and LOL at how much attention 3 News just gave Melbourne's Victory, right at the end - "oh and Melbourne won the A-League last night 1-0 over Adelaide." - No big surpirse though...
Not a mention on TV1 news.
about 17 years
oh yeah thanks for reminding me..Salley was magnificent last night! It would be awesome if we wore the yellow and black next season!
almost 17 years
about 17 years
Agent 47 wrote:
Couple of things for me (ignoring the blood)

1: Cristiano (nor Allsopp for that matter) didn't bat an eyelid when he got his red card... In both cases, I think the players reactions speaks volumes. They knew they would be lucky to get less than a red. Had Breeze got it absolutely wrong, you would have seen mass pandemonium from Adelaide especially with a red in the final that early in the game.

I have heard this arguement a couple of times from commentators now, and I don't like it.  Not going ballistic, screaming abuse in the face of a ref and jostling him noe seems to be an admission of guilt by the player.  In these days where respect for the ref is so high on the agenda of football, players should be praised for handling poor decisions without all the dramatics that we normally see.
Starting XI
about 17 years
2ndBest wrote:
Agent 47 wrote:
Couple of things for me (ignoring the blood)

1: Cristiano (nor Allsopp for that matter) didn't bat an eyelid when he got his red card... In both cases, I think the players reactions speaks volumes. They knew they would be lucky to get less than a red. Had Breeze got it absolutely wrong, you would have seen mass pandemonium from Adelaide especially with a red in the final that early in the game.

2: He may not have been targeting Vargas (I'm thinking of the one in the World Cup Italy vs USA) but leading with the elbow at the head???? The commentators mention something about a swinging arm, what a red herring. A little something here about endangering player safety and playing in a reckless manner. He knew what he was doing and while it didn't have a malliciousness about it, it was still red.
I'm sorry Agent but every player goes up for a header with this arms out.  Doesn't mean they should be booked.  Do you expect every player to jump for a header with his arm by his sides.  If you look at Cristiano he only look at the ball the whole time.  He doesn't check to see if Vargas is there or not.  there was absolutely no malice involved.  He didn't swing his elbow into Vargas it was simply an accidental collision.
To be fair on breeze, he got stitched up by this lino on both occasions.  If you watch the replay, he pulls a yellow out of his right pocket while running over to the incident, but puts it back straight away.  Then he talks to his lino and pulls out a red from his left pocket.
So he was only ever gonna give a yellow until the lino told him otherwise.

So if most players go into a challenge studs up to the challengee, we should just ignore that because everybody does it? Your logic is flawed.

I never said that players shouldn't jump with their arms nor should be they be booked it for everytime however it is a blight on our game that FIFA have been trying to stamp out of the last 4 years so live by the sword, fall on it... The crux of my argument was "A little something here about endangering player safety and playing in a reckless manner" Players jump with their arms up all the time, in this case, with a LEADING elbow. Is that endangering other players safety.....?

If your argument is 'he was looking at the ball', I think you'll find a great deal of fouls occur with the offending player looking at the ball, but also with out regard for the player they foul. The immortal line 'but I won the ball' comes to mind but not relevant in this case. Look at that Daniele De Rossi vs Brian McBride challenge. He was watching the ball too....

Peter Halsted: How many times he been carded or sent for use of elbows? Nicest guy around too
Agent 472009-03-01 22:17:44
Chant Savant
about 17 years
Royal wrote:
Hard News wrote:
Matthew Breeze... A-League ref of the year ?

Oh. Dear.
...and he's a Police prosecutor by day!
If my mate stole a loaf of bread, I'd sh*t myself that he'd do my whole family for murder

Do it in a Tards shirt and you'll get away with it!
Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
Agent 47 wrote:

So if most players go into a challenge studs up to the challengee, we should just ignore that because everybody does it? Your logic is flawed.

I never said that players shouldn't jump with their arms nor should be they be booked it for everytime however it is a blight on our game that FIFA have been trying to stamp out of the last 4 years so live by the sword, fall on it... The crux of my argument was "A little something here about endangering player safety and playing in a reckless manner" Players jump with their arms up all the time, in this case, with a LEADING elbow. Is that endangering other players safety.....?

If your argument is 'he was looking at the ball', I think you'll find a great deal of fouls occur with the offending player looking at the ball, but also with out regard for the player they foul. The immortal line 'but I won the ball' comes to mind but not relevant in this case. Look at that Daniele De Rossi vs Brian McBride challenge. He was watching the ball too....

Peter Halsted: How many times he been carded or sent for use of elbows? Nicest guy around too
Your right, that would be flawed logic..assuming it was my argument (which it isn't).  My point was that it is impossible to jump without having you arms out for balance.  My question is that if he didn't get enough hieght and got him in the chest would that be a red card?  Instead he has outjumped Vargas, got in a better position than him, and accidently elbowed him without any malice.
almost 17 years
One of major gripes from the game was how little extra time there was. Evan Berger injury took about 3min to treat, then add the rucus with Allsop being sent off and other stopages/substitutions and it should have been closer to 10min.  
Woof Woof
almost 17 years
Agent 47 wrote:

The crux of my argument was "A little something here about endangering player safety and playing in a reckless manner" Players jump with their arms up all the time, in this case, with a LEADING elbow. Is that endangering other players safety.....?If your argument is 'he was looking at the ball', I think you'll find a great deal of fouls occur with the offending player looking at the ball, but also with out regard for the player they foul. The immortal line 'but I won the ball' comes to mind but not relevant in this case. Look at that Daniele De Rossi vs Brian McBride challenge. He was watching the ball too....Peter Halsted: How many times he been carded or sent for use of elbows? Nicest guy around too

You do make an interesting point, but I think there's a difference between playing in a 'reckless' manner or a 'careless' manner. I would classify Cristiano's foul in the GF in the latter category - yes the elbows were high, but with no malice involved in the action, he should've been pinged only for careless play, and received a yellow. As 2B pointed out, that's what Breeze was going to do until the lino intervened.

If my recollection of the De Rossi incident is correct (and it may not be, I was watching the game in a bar somewhere in Germany and was a tad under the influence), he swung the elbow in the direction of the American player during his jump, and that most definitely is reckless play and the red card was fully justified.
Starting XI
about 17 years

2ndBest wrote:

Your right, that would be flawed logic..assuming it was my argument (which it isn't).  My point was that it is impossible to jump without having you arms out for balance.  My question is that if he didn't get enough hieght and got him in the chest would that be a red card?  Instead he has outjumped Vargas, got in a better position than him, and accidently elbowed him without any malice.
You are confusing the issue. Forget the arms up for balance man. The issue is 'playing in a way which endangers another player'

I walk up to you and elbow you in the head and in the chest. You tell me which is more dangerous to you (and don't try break it down into 'ooh but the heart is there') The answer is the head. When people fight, they always try punch you in the head or if they have no sack, they fight dirty and kick you in the nuts because thats where you do the most damage to someone else.

Unless you go down the pub and drink shots of concrete, an elbow to the head has a higher chance to f**k you up than an elbow to the chest. You keep arguing the merits of the two. I think I've more than proved my point.

[QUOTE=el grapadura] You do make an interesting point, but I think there's a difference between playing in a 'reckless' manner or a 'careless' manner. I would classify Cristiano's foul in the GF in the latter category - yes the elbows were high, but with no malice involved in the action, he should've been pinged only for careless play, and received a yellow. As 2B pointed out, that's what Breeze was going to do until the lino intervened.

Yeah Breeze spoke to the lino in both cases. Maybe he is trying to earn a star or something but isn't that why they wear mics and stuff?

Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
So if there is a head clash both players should be sent off (tounge in cheek)? 
I can't how you can send someone off if there is no swinging of the arm or any intent.  Vargas had his elbow out too.  But Cristino gets punished because he got more height on his jump/
about 17 years
about 17 years
Breeze took out a yellow before he went to the linesman and switched it to a red. Just another game in which Breeze became the centre of attention. They should just clone Delovski 5 or 6 times imo.

Was a decent game to be at. Only really got going in the 2nd half though.

Starting XI
about 17 years
2ndBest wrote:
So if there is a head clash both players should be sent off (tounge in cheek)? 
I can't how you can send someone off if there is no swinging of the arm or any intent.  Vargas had his elbow out too.  But Cristino gets punished because he got more height on his jump/
Whats intent got to do with it? Do most players commit fouls with the intent of hurting other players?
Again. I'll type it really slowly because you still don't seem to comprehend.
H e  g o t  s e n t  o f f  f o r  e n d a n g e r i n g  t h e  s a f e t y  o f  a n  o p p o n e n t, n o t  f o r  e l b o w i n g  h i m.
over 16 years
so following your logic Agent both Vargas and Christiano should have been booked, as both wnt in with elbows up! no intent to strike from either but because vargas is a fat cnut who can't get off the ground Chritiano bumps him in the head and he gets cut. No intent, no malice, - yellow. I aklways thought that's what the straight red was for, intentionally putting another player at risk. If your carless or mistime a tackle you get the yellow as a warning to nbe more careful - which is what Breeze was going to do, the touchy screwed up, by coming on and clearly stating that he thought there was intent - I also think players like muscat et al should have been yellowed for charging the ref demanding that Christiano was carded.
Starting XI
about 17 years
theprof wrote:
so following your logic Agent both Vargas and Christiano should have been booked, as both wnt in with elbows up! no intent to strike from either but because vargas is a fat cnut who can't get off the ground Chritiano bumps him in the head and he gets cut. No intent, no malice, - yellow. I aklways thought that's what the straight red was for, intentionally putting another player at risk. If your carless or mistime a tackle you get the yellow as a warning to nbe more careful - which is what Breeze was going to do, the touchy screwed up, by coming on and clearly stating that he thought there was intent - I also think players like muscat et al should have been yellowed for charging the ref demanding that Christiano was carded.
No. Wrong. My god.... How hard is it to make this point any clearer.
Intent has absolutely nothing to do with it. If that was the case then there would be alot less red cards because what player says 'right you prick, come here while I twat you in this tackle'
Forget the elbows up. It so totally not what the argument is about or what he was sent off for, who got up higher, who jumped up like superman. It could be knees, boots, throwing f**king sushi at each other.
The question is: Did he play (not elbow but play) in a manner that endangered the safety of the opponent? He obviously did because he caught him in the side of the head with the point of his elbow. No intent necessary. He lacked care for another players safety. If that had been a boot up there that had caught him in the head, everyone would be totally fine with it. Its an elbow and just as dangerous. The fact is, he played in a manner not safe for the other player.
One of my players got sent off last year for a tackle he made where he DIDN'T touch the other guy but lept in like a f**king maniac and had absolutely no regard for the other guy. He didn't intend to jump in like that but it was just so ugly, poorly timed and wrong that the other guy had to leap out the way or he would have been clowned by it. He got marched, no issue at all.
Who knows what the lino said but whtever it was, it changed what colour it was going to be.
almost 17 years
Agent 47 wrote:
theprof wrote:
so following your logic Agent both Vargas and Christiano should have been booked, as both wnt in with elbows up! no intent to strike from either but because vargas is a fat cnut who can't get off the ground Chritiano bumps him in the head and he gets cut. No intent, no malice, - yellow. I aklways thought that's what the straight red was for, intentionally putting another player at risk. If your carless or mistime a tackle you get the yellow as a warning to nbe more careful - which is what Breeze was going to do, the touchy screwed up, by coming on and clearly stating that he thought there was intent - I also think players like muscat et al should have been yellowed for charging the ref demanding that Christiano was carded.
The question is: Did he play (not elbow but play) in a manner that endangered the safety of the opponent?

Should Vargas been sent off for playing in a manner that endangered the safety of Christiano by raising his elbow while going for the ball?
Early retirement
about 17 years
The problem I have is that is you watch it, Cristiano never looks anywhere but at the ball and it would appear that he doesn't know Vargas is there.  If he takes a sneaky glance and then raises the elbows maybe but he has no idea where he is.

At the base level a defender making a defensive header with no-one within 20 metres of him could be done for the same thing because a player 'could' have been there.
about 17 years
Starting XI
about 17 years
News watch that De Rossi thuggery against McBride. It is an blatant case of out and out red but at no point, did he look at the McBride. He just knew he was there and schmacked him one square in the puss.
I think we give these players just a little too much credit in the innocence stakes at times. It amazing as you go down the younger grades, incidents like this just do not happen, they don't happen because they aren't coached it. Diving - They are coached to deliberately go down but make it appear that they were tripped.
This incident isn't as innocent as it appears. Players put their arms up because they are coached to. Teenage kids don't do it and they challenge for the ball just as well aerially. One day, someone thought 'I'll stick me elbows up here to help me dominate in the air because if anyone trys to challenge, they'll just run into my elbow' Defenders and other players decided, sh*t we'd better do that too. and now its common place, not to help jump, but to dominate in the air. Get it wrong, what other options are there?
The biggest issue here really, is what did the lino say to change Breezes mind?
almost 17 years
Agent 47 wrote:
No. Wrong. My god.... How hard is it to make this point any clearer.
FFS, agree to disagree and get over it
Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years

One last question I will ask is...would you agree agent that every time a player gets pinged for high foot that they should be send off.  Just as dangerous.

Starting XI
about 17 years
So if I say yes, then every player should get sent off that sticks up a high boot and if I say no then a high foot is more dangerous than an elbow and I'm some sort of hypocrite? That bait is stinky and I choose not to bite it.

I think it all depends on whether he does it in a manner that endangers the safety of another player. You can't pigeon hole every single action. If I read all your posts and piece together your rationale (since you do the same back at me) every player that jumps using their arms that makes contact with another player should get a yellow but if he intends to do it, then its red. You and I know both that thats horse and I don't use that argument against you.
Agent 472009-03-02 22:00:01
Appiah without the pace
almost 17 years
Ok here is law 12.

Careless, reckless, using excessive force

�Careless� means that the player has shown a lack of attention or consideration when making a challenge or that he acted without precaution. No further disciplinary sanction is needed if a foul is judged to be careless

�Reckless� means that the player has acted with complete disregard to the danger to, or consequences for, his opponent.  A player who plays in a reckless manner must be cautioned.

�Using excessive force� means that the player has far exceeded the necessary use of force and is in danger of injuring his opponent.  A player who uses excessive force must be sent off.

I think most people would say he was careless.

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