Reserve or Yoof teams

Starting XI
about 16 years

How have you guys been noticing growth among your players in your B teams?


Not sure how it works, but it seems that play time = Growth in the amount of precious stars the have? One of my players has gained a whole star.. Maybe I'm just imagining shit?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

That player probably hit their bloom period,which is when they develop the most. 

The only real advantage of a B team is extra routine for your developing players. Which is a pretty big advantage actually. 

Starting XI
about 16 years

So will they ever actually reach their full potential? How long does it take?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

It depends,they can bloom early,normally or late! Scout them to find out. Or check their TI if you have pro. 

It takes a much shorter time now that new youths are recruited as age 18 rather than 16-17 like they used to be. 

I think generally they go until have a star of their potential,then take a little longer for the last half star. Depends on training facilities and coaches too. If you have a 5 star youth,but no facilities or coaches,you're almost better off just selling him for a tonne perhaps,then using that money to buy a finished product. Haven't had that decision with my Wellington Phoenix side yet. 

Starting XI
about 16 years

Am also curious as to why I was given a free goal keeper haha.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

You get crap players if you don't have enough to fill your team.

Starting XI
about 16 years

Awesome, so can I potentially sell him? Infinite wealth cheat. 


Though, lets be honest, no one would buy him... Plus he is retiring at the end of the season mesthinks.. who knows. Haven't really looked at him, he'snot even my back up keeper, some defensive midfielder is.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years
Starting XI
over 17 years

Does the pool of yoof available on saturdays become better if my academy is of a higher level currently i'm building level 4 but the talent isn't much better than when i was on level one will i only see real talent if i build up to level 10 ?

also did it always cost 2 pro points for younger youth ?

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

It increase slightly,but also the recommendation is more accurate. You also get more youths per week the higher you go. The younger talent thing is a vaguely long story,but basically: every youth you pulled use to be a 'younger talent' at age 16ish. TM decided to improve this as they said it was boring it took two seasons before you could sell,and longer still before they're first team ready. Their solution was to make youth pulls 18 instead of 16,they said the players 

would still work out to be just as good. Some people didn't understand this and kept moaning how their youths wouldn't be as good anymore. so TM in a bit of a smartass move,made the option younger youth pulls costing pro days. If you believe TM,there is no advantage

 To pulling younger guys,except maybe a couple of years extra in their career. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Guess we could uses this as a reserves as well as a youth intake thread? (Patrick could change the title to something suitable?)

I see TTU pulled a 4.5 star on the weekend. Lucky bastard. 

Starting XI
about 14 years

Sounds good, I need a place to rant about continually getting 1.5 star players.

over 14 years

My youth accademy is up to level 8 and my training is up to level 9, and it is now starting to deliver.

Two of my first team players are youth graduates now. Jimmy McCann is my OML - he's 20 and still developing but already 3 stars and a free kick danger (16).

Even more promising is Tim Hickey my centre midfielder who is 4.5 stars potential and coming on in leaps and bounds.

Looking forward to the next stellar draw...

almost 17 years

I'm getting some reasonable potential players through witha level 6 academy and level 5 training. I'd like to get more but can't afford it, end of season sponsor money is going to be a huge help.

almost 13 years

I downgraded my youth facilities from 7 to 6 to save cash - $1,350,000 pw to be exact. Got sick of paying the money, getting guys come through either only being 2-2.5 stars or saying they will be 3-3.5 and then when I get them into my squad all my scouts saying they are only 2.5. It was just pissing me off. The only youth player I've ever pulled who's got into my 1st team on even a semi-regular basis was the very first youth player I ever pulled when I had a 1 star setup anyway.

I figure the actual difference in the odds of getting a quality youngster between a 6/10 and 7/10 youth setup doesn't justify spending an extra $16m a season.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Agree with that. Sensible. I think at a level below premiership/top of championship there are a lot of kiwi players floating about on the transfer market. 

However above that, there isn't a lot. So what I'd save on maintenance, I'd end up paying in over the top transfer fees to get a kiwi player, and bidding against clubs with a lot more money. I've also found since taking the plunge and upgrading all the way that I've pulled more 3-3.5 potential players, which I then sell straight away for a profit. So that recoups some of the cost. 

almost 13 years

yeah, I've upgraded my training facilities to 6 now too so that the couple of youngsters I have got through with 3.5 star potential should at least get a bit closer to that mark, and so it can start to be worth me buying youngsters with potential rather than waiting for the randomness of youth academy production to turn out in my favour.

As well as downgrading my youth academy I've also built a team around a solid defensive base and quick counterattacks and plan to continue to utilise that approach. I care greatly about the league table. I splashed a lot of cash on a foreign striker who was much better than any of my current options. I've never read Moneyball but I  think it's potential application to running football clubs is probably minimal. Plus I like cats and don't really care whether native bird species survive or not beyond zoos and predator-free zones like Zealandia. 

Basically I'm the anti-Gareth Morgan.

Starting XI
about 14 years

Every week I look forward to new youth players, every week I get mad after picking up a 0.5 star player.

over 14 years

I think I have been approaching youth recruits the wrong way.

I have been only hiring good prospects, thinking I'll develop them.

I think, with a high investment in youth and training facilities I need to recruit ALL players who are even halfway decent and if they are not ones I want to keep, put them up for sale to generate cashflow...

almost 13 years

 Exciting times for Peow FC as our star graduate looks to make his move into the first team in the next few games.

46. Duncan Abbott
ClubPeow FC Reserves Age21 Years 9 Months Height / Weight170cm / 71 kg Wage152,016 Recommendation Skill Index5,340 Status Routine15.5
Skills Strength15 Passing10 Stamina12 Crossing5 Pace15 Technique12 Marking4 Heading10 Tackling7 Finishing17 Workrate6 Longshots13 Positioning5 Set Pieces9
almost 13 years

He has previously got caps with the first team but that was only as a sub (Got his first, first team cap at 17). He has the quality now to start.

almost 17 years

nice, I"m still waiting for one of my grads to make the first team. might happen this season

Starting XI
about 14 years

Yeah agreed, nice get there Peow, some good stats in good places

over 14 years

I've pushed two of my youth graduates into full time first team action. Luke is a little green, but I figured it was worth pushing his development now as his TI is at 28 and he is coming on in leaps and bounds. I just hope he doesn't peak too early.

Tim is a solid prospect in the heart of midfield too.

Starting XI
about 14 years

Bloody youth development got my hopes up again with two three star players, turns out they are both 2 stars. I'll be the first player ever to get a 5 star youth and then find out he's only 1.5 stars.

Starting XI
about 14 years

N-Bomb wrote:

Bloody youth development got my hopes up again with two three star players, turns out they are both 2 stars. I'll be the first player ever to get a 5 star youth and then find out he's only 1.5 stars.

Just got a 3.5 potential striker, scout him.... 2 stars. I hate my youth academy.
over 14 years

Maybe your scout is shit?

Starting XI
about 14 years

2 scouts, both good. Just a continuing trend with my youth development!

over 14 years

Relatively happy with the latest two drafts from the Little Chew Chew's Youth Academy...

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Unusual to get 2 that scout upward. 

I've been getting a big fat pile of nothing for a couple of seasons. Must be due a good recruitment or two soon.

over 14 years

Yeah was happy with that... pity David Owen looks like a crazy thug... might have to sell him.

Starting XI
about 14 years

Finally got myself a nice little player, of course my youth academy scouted him as being 2 stars, bloody hopeless!

3 star pot DC, probably won't get much play but will be able to sell him at worst for a nice gain, I'm stoked to finally have somebody above 2 stars!

Liam Geogan 

Starting XI
about 14 years

Got myself a 3.5-4 star right midfielder, pretty pleasing work!

Starting XI
over 14 years

Could someone please help me out, this guy came out of my Youth Academy with 4 stars, but my Scout only says 2.5 (But he has an interested team?), could someone run a scout over him, trying to decide if he stays or not.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

I got him as 3 and he's bloomed.

Starting XI
over 14 years

Thanks Tegal. Now to make a decision as part of my clean out :D

First Team Squad
over 13 years

Only just figured out how to start a reserves team, should be up and running by tomorrow.

Is there a reserves league / cup comp?

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

michaelme wrote:

Only just figured out how to start a reserves team, should be up and running by tomorrow.

Is there a reserves league / cup comp?

Your reserve team will be placed in the lowest league with places available. There's no specific reserve league, your reserves will be playing against other people's first teams. It is actually possible to have your first team and your reserve team end up in the same league, bizzarely enough.
over 17 years

Guess they never wrote a code to stop that happening.

First Team Squad
over 13 years

There are only 4 players in my reserve squad, but Ive got tonnes of youth players kicking around doing nothing.  How do I shift them into the reserves team?

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