over 17 years

I'd swap Lehmann for Richards any day. I'd love it if Wenger bought him he's got a great future ahead of him and i think he'd get plenty of game time unlike if he went somewhere like Chel$ki.

over 17 years
Would you really start richards ahead of toure/gallas/eboue/sagna???
Yes he would get game time, but not in a big game with everyone fit. He may very well be defensively better than eboue/sagna (big if) but he would not suit our game plan with them flying down the right garrincha style.
Definitely no way I would start him in the middle ahead of toure or gallas either...
Just not the arsenal way - we buy them young and mould them. Richards is already a class act - yes he will get better but he hasn't been bought through our systems so may not align to our style of play. Does he have the one-touch skills which are a necessity for all ten outfiled players at arsenal??? (Senderos aside )
Starting XI
over 17 years
Its funny how we always pick on the other CD when they are paired with Toure. First Cygan (who wasn't completely useless), now Senderos.  I think senderos is a great CD but even Rio Ferdinand or John Terry would look crap playing alongside Toure. I am still amazed that every summer with all the rumors of big clubs stealing our best players, nothing ever gets mentioned about Toure? UberGunner2007-10-13 09:44:02
over 17 years
Very good point. Toure is absolutely outstanding year after year - perhaps the most underrated player in the premiership?
Starting XI
over 17 years
which makes losing him for the african nations cup, a major problem.
over 17 years
Agreed. We'll definitely need Gallas fit for that period. His experience will be indispensable without Toure there. Though I do rate Senderos, and Gilberto is able enough to play there, having someone like Toure or Gallas makes them look better and a lot more comfortable...
I read the other day that Bendtner is considering a move away if he cant'get gametime. That would be a shame. I liked the look of him pre-season, and he was outstanding when on loan at Birmingham. I'd love to see him fopr 90 mins in the premiership. Guess it wont happen unless there's injuries though. RVP and Adebayor are carving right now, and Eduardo is likely to get time once back from injury...
Also, even though we have all this money supposedly available in january, can you really see wenger buying anyone? We don't really appear to need any players, perhaps a centre back but that's all? Even then, we'll probably just bring Djourou back from loan? Almost certain that we won't be bidding for Richards or any other big buys.
over 17 years
Hey boys. Was just having a flick through the ManU thread and thought a congrats is in order.
The gunners thread is by far the biggest english team thread on this site, and i think the general discussion is very well informed - seems all us local gooners are quite advanced in our technical knowledge of the english game. I enjoy reading everyone's comments on here, and was quire surprised to see the number of gooners making comments on the ManU thread. Some nifty little one liners (nice work ubergunner) and a lot of sticking up for the mighty arsenal - good to see.
Because my lord, those scum fans can talk some sh*te!!!! Their thread was a load of b*llocks. Not a smart word between them.
Big ups to us gooners, we are the best fans on this site!
over 17 years
over 17 years

Tbh paul i don't even bother going into the Man Yoo thread. No time for it.

Starting XI
about 17 years

Wenger only send Djourou out on loan untill jan so he can come back and be cover while toure goes for african cup. Maybe buy a keeper i reckon we seem to have most other areas well covered. on a side note check this freekick out from the weekend

over 17 years
over 17 years
Saw an article today that steve bruce has asked wenger to have bendtner back on loan in january... thoughts?
I think it could be a good move. See him up against some big teams. Although the service to him wouldn't be great. Then again, we would be light on strikers if we got injuries...
over 17 years
Great idea imo. He's obviously gunning (no pun intended) for some game time but isn't yet up to Arsenal standards. Adebayor won't be going to the African Cup now so unless we get an injury to a striker, let Bendtner out.
over 17 years
Yea just saw that about adebayor. For anyone who doesn't know;
"Arsenal have been given a boost because striker Emmanuel Adebayor's Togo side failed to qualify for the African Nations Cup, meaning he will not miss any games for the Gunners at the end of January. (Daily Mirror)"
over 17 years
Holy sh*t just watched that youtube link a few posts up... freakin amazing. Reminded me of the first of my hattrick at indoor footy on sunday
Starting XI
over 17 years

Another bit of positive team news for Arsenal is Lehman finally put on a perfromance worthy of all his self promotion lately. His form vs Ireland was excellant, and if he continues in a similar manner to the last time Wenger dropped him, Almunia may have a struggle keeping his spot.

Starting XI
about 17 years
as crazy as lehman is he is our number 1, i have never really rated Almunia as a first choice keeper for us, if we are going to do business in the transfer window i'm sure it will be for a keeper
Starting XI
about 17 years
paulm wrote:
Saw an article today that steve bruce has asked wenger to have bendtner back on loan in january... thoughts?
I think it could be a good move. See him up against some big teams. Although the service to him wouldn't be great. Then again, we would be light on strikers if we got injuries...
It would be good to see him in top flight and give him a chance to prove himself, he would get good service from seb larrson the x gunner he's they best player. I really do hope that Bendtner does stick around because he has a lot of skill and is big and strong. On a sidenote cant wait for silva to click into gear, he scored for croatia in the weekend
Starting XI
over 17 years
It must be hard for Wenger to decide which players to give game time too. for the first time in a long time we don't have a plethora on injuries, and the team seems to be firing on all cylinders. we are so attack minded that at home we basically play 2-4-4, with both our left and right sides spending more time forward than back. We struggled to use our width last season and considering the amount of space we had at Highbury its no surprise that it took a while to adjust, but now with the pace and ball control we have out wide, teams struggle to contain us. Teams that last year where putting 10 men behind the ball where having some success because we seemed to only have one type of approach play, now we are whipping in pinpoint crosses behind those 10 man defenses and scoring nearly at will sometimes. I think when we play Liverpool and Man- u at the end of the month we will see how much ground we have made on the big teams. Lesser teams playing against Arsenal try to contain us. Bigger teams try and stick to their own game plan which they struggled to do against us last year, this year i think they will be in with the other teams, trying to contain us and scoring on the counter. I am really looking forward to seeing how this run into Xmas pans out as it is usually our weakest period of the season but I just cant spot any significant weakness this year.
(pauses for breath)
Starting XI
about 17 years
yeah i do agree with you on that, the next 3games will be massive for us, bolton has been our bogey team for a couple of years even thou they arnt good as they used to be. if we can get 4points form liverpool and man u i'd be happy
Starting XI
about 17 years
speaking on strikers we have young mexican carlos vela out on loan in spain too
Starting XI
about 17 years
gunners vs bolton @245am sunday morning, sky has finally come to its senses
over 17 years
I'm all over this one. 


I'm thinking 3-1.
Starting XI
about 17 years
i'd say 2 nil, RVP should be raring to go as he didnt play for holland in the weekend, dont why considering he's been on fire in EPL. hope silva will come and score.
about 17 years
silva scored a goody for croatia. if you watch him before the bal gets centered he totally confuses the defender who loses him, then he does well to get to the ball and score. overall good. also hope he blossoms, which i dont see as a problem seeing his past form for club and country
over 17 years
Can't wait for the bolton game. Im predicting 4-0. Yes they have been our nemesis, but i think we have shown a lot of resolve this year and rough tactics don't seem to phase us like they have over the past two years. In saying that, Bolton are not necessarily playing that type of game anymore either. They are trying to play real football and failing miserably. It will be a hiding, all we have to do is keep a lid on anelka. I'm not really worried about how we'll perform against the big teams either. We coped with them well last year. All we need is for our midfield to control posession and hte goals will come. It will be all about our backs keeping drogba (if fit), torres, ronaldo etc under control - which i think they are well capable of. When these guys run riot it's generally due to their pace against cumbersome fullbacks and centre halves. Sagna and clichy have plenty of pace, and toure/gallas are no slouches. I am confident and i think we should be looking for 6 pts against manU/Lpool, although i too would be happy with 4 points. Lpool are down at the moment, and i think they should be targeted for a good beating. Knowing their rubbish rotation policy, you can bet more than one of their truly class players won't be playing either. Always a bonus...
More importantly, i really hope we can get rosicky out there and give him some good minutes to get his game going. With him, fab, diaby, hleb, flamini, denilson and gilberto all fit, we'll have a great starting midfield, and an awesome bench should we need change it up a bit. Our depth is looking more impressive every game that goes on. How many times do we dominate and score when our subs are on...
P.S. i'm so damn excited that i am getting sick and tired of international breaks!!!!
over 17 years

Left out Eboue when talking about that midfield too...

about 17 years
international breaks are a pain in the ass, 4-0 is my minimum score, hoping for more tho...Besides Keepers is there any positions we need to fill??
over 17 years
I don't think so. Djourou will come back on loan to cover toure for the african nations cup. Who else do we lose for the african nations? Just Eboue? Sagna is playing well, and we've got Hoyte there... Bendtner is our fourth striker, and even if we had striking injuries, we are more than confident playing a 4-5-1 with RVP or Adebayor leading the line.
Our midfield is deep, plenty of cover there.
I don't think we'll need a keeper either really. Almunia has been competent lately. And Lehmann is talking trash in the press - generally when he talks trash he backs it up with good form - like last time Almunia had a stint, and when he overtook Kahn for Germany. We will really just need to grab a keeper next year i think as this will probably be Lehmann's last. We may see Almunia keeping next year in the premiership, with Fabianski doing the FA Cup/Carling Cup in anticipation of taking the first team spot for 09/10. It appears we bought him to groom him for Lehmann's eventual departure...
paulm2007-10-16 23:09:48
Starting XI
about 17 years
Dont really rate Almunia much aye, doesnt let in howlers but does let in a few softies
Starting XI
over 17 years
PaulM is right. We couldnt be in a better position atm. everyone is in form, nearly everyone is fit. quality cover and competition in all positions, a carling cup squad that could beat most premier league teams. Tonnes of cash for transfers, but no reason to spend it :). The only downside at the moment is the international break makes the newpapers in spain a little nervous with no gossip to report so they have started the whole Fabregas rumors again. First it was Barca, now Real Madrid. I dont think Fabregas will want to leave Arsenal for another 3-4 years (if ever- and then only to go to Barca), But if someone coughed up the 100mil euros to buy out his 8 yr contract who knows?
Starting XI
about 17 years
i think he will repay wenger cos of the faith wenger should in him, well i'm hoping so. He is our future captain if he sticks around and has the x factor. Could trade him with barc maybe if they gave us messi LOL
over 17 years
Agreed ubergunner. I really dont think fabregas will leave - he loves wenger. But it doesn't make it any easier when reading all the rumours. I think that's something I'll never get used to. F*cking press!!!!
And ripthajacka i agree to some level on your almunia comment. He doesn't have howlers, but he does let some in sometimes that make me wonder 0 chief being both goals in the champions league final; - if lehmann hadnt been sent off i suspect he could have just about saved both of those... I don't see Almunia as a number one keeper for any length of time. I think hes only there for exactly what hes doing right now - cover for injury. And we've obviously bought fabianski as our long term number one keeper eventually.
All i can do is watch Petr Cech and dream of what could be... honestly the guy is amazing. He is the only thing i really enjoy watching when chelsea is playing. He never mistimes coming out, he alwasy gets the ball, hes great one on one, hes great at diving saves, the guy has it all. For me he is by far and away the best keeper in the world, i've never seen anything like him, not Van der sar, not buffon, not kahn even at his peak, dare i say it hes better than seaman ever was. The guy is unbelievable.
over 17 years
paulm wrote:
All i can do is watch Petr Cech and dream of what could be... honestly the guy is amazing. He is the only thing i really enjoy watching when chelsea is playing. He never mistimes coming out, he alwasy gets the ball, hes great one on one, hes great at diving saves, the guy has it all. For me he is by far and away the best keeper in the world, i've never seen anything like him, not Van der sar, not buffon, not kahn even at his peak, dare i say it hes better than seaman ever was. The guy is unbelievable.

Better than Robinson?
Starting XI
over 17 years
Arsenal wrote:
paulm wrote:
All i can do is watch Petr Cech and dream of what could be... honestly the guy is amazing. He is the only thing i really enjoy watching when chelsea is playing. He never mistimes coming out, he alwasy gets the ball, hes great one on one, hes great at diving saves, the guy has it all. For me he is by far and away the best keeper in the world, i've never seen anything like him, not Van der sar, not buffon, not kahn even at his peak, dare i say it hes better than seaman ever was. The guy is unbelievable.

Better than Robinson?
Hell im better than Robinson, and the keepers glove dont fit me properly.
Starting XI
about 17 years
Wont mind if we bought scott carson the liverpool keeper hes pretty good
Starting XI
over 17 years
Wont mind if we bought scott carson the liverpool keeper hes pretty good
The problem is, is "pretty good" good enough for Arsenal. If he isnt a regular fist team starter @ Liverpool, do we really want to have him as our first choice.
I was quite excited after the world cup when we where rumored to be looking at buying Buffon (shame it never happened), but finding a quality keeper from anywhere, good enough to make a mark in the Premier League is a big ask. Thats why I think Wenger is grooming Fabianski. Every year it gets harder to import premier league quality as the level increases year after year, as better players are brought in. Even the championship quality is increaseing as the quality of the premiership hand me downs, increases also.
over 17 years

paulm wrote:
if lehmann hadnt been sent off i suspect he could have just about saved both of those... I don't see Almunia as a number one keeper for any length of time....He never mistimes coming out, he alwasy gets the ball, hes great one on one, hes great at diving saves, the guy has it all. For me he is by far and away the best keeper in the world, i've never seen anything like him, not Van der sar, not buffon, not kahn even at his peak, dare i say it hes better than seaman ever was. The guy is unbelievable.

If Lehmann hadn't been sent off in that match, then he probably could have saved both of the goals that Barcelona scored, but having said that, Almunia didn't have a bad final. Overall I rate him as a good goalie - nowhere near the best, but I'd prefer him to a lot of other premier league goalies. And when you say that Cech is better than Kahn in his prime, I think that's quite a big call to make. In his prime Kahn was a phenomenal goalkeeper. And I think Moss could give old Cech a run for his money any day
Starting XI
about 17 years
i thought he was out at loan at aston villa at the moment?? he was awesome for charlton last year, if he wasnt there charlton might have let in double the amount of goals
ps Yes i was excited about buffon too but i have learnt that wenger will never buy a superstar
Starting XI
over 17 years
Heh. Bolton have let both their managers go 4 days out from this weekends game. They probaly said you have get a point from the Arsenal game or your fired, and he said "May as well quit now then!"

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