Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Reminds me of when we had a small quake sometime last year, I was at work and a lady came out and was very anxious and panicked. 

She wanted to know what I was going to do and what our procedure was if there was another one. Its really hard to make "take cover, ride it out, assess the situation, then check on everybody" sound reassuring. She didnt seem to think that was good enough but I don't know what she wanted me to say short of 'we press a magic button and the cinema floats away harmlessly into the night sky'. 

It didnt help that her husband was full on yelling at her to stop being stupid and to go back and watch the movie. She went back in eventually, but it obviously got to her as they had left by the end of the film. 

Starting XI
over 17 years
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Just what everyone needed, a big alarming headline. 

Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

so this is what happens when you build on the waterfront of reclaimed land.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
2ndBest wrote:

so this is what happens when you build on the waterfront of reclaimed land.

Reports suggesting that that is a photo of the Telstra building in Christchurch after the major one. 
Appiah without the pace
about 17 years

Ha really? giggles.

almost 15 years
Big Pete 65 wrote:

Best wishes for your bumpy ride from Christchurch - big quakes freak you out at first and though aftershocks can keep you on edge, you do get used to them.

Wellington's probably had an unrealistically long stretch without major quakes since the mid-nineteenth century when you had some huge ones. Are inevitable I'm afraid and they are a major drawback to living in many parts of this country.

Interesting to read your local writer Rodney Grapes' books on the history of Wellington quakes - destruction of major buildings, liquefaction, 11 metre tsunamies hitting Paekakariki and Paraparam and large cracks opening in the ground all experienced in mid-nineteenth century quakes.

Any damage to Westpac Stadium?

Probably built on reclaimed land, hence more vulnerable as in this report?

"Victoria University geophysics professor Euan Smith said much of Wellington's city centre was reclaimed land which meant it was not as stable as other areas.

"Where rubble has come down in Featherston St, there was no land there before the 1855 earthquake in Wellington.

"Reclaimed land shakes more easily and is not as strong as hard ground. From Lambton Quay and towards the harbour is also reclaimed land, and these areas will shake much more strongly than other areas."

The Hutt Valley was similarly on softer ground.

Don't tell me that, I live by the beach! eek.
almost 15 years
patrick478 wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

so this is what happens when you build on the waterfront of reclaimed land.

Reports suggesting that that is a photo of the Telstra building in Christchurch after the major one. 

From BNZ twitter "Just to confirm, the photo circulating is of our Harbour Quays building. All staff are safe. More details once engineers have been through."
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years
JanelleRT wrote:
patrick478 wrote:
2ndBest wrote:

so this is what happens when you build on the waterfront of reclaimed land.

Reports suggesting that that is a photo of the Telstra building in Christchurch after the major one. 

From BNZ twitter "Just to confirm, the photo circulating is of our Harbour Quays building. All staff are safe. More details once engineers have been through."

As you were then. I'm suspicious of any information until there are official sources.
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Unless it comes from Piney

over 17 years

anyone else become slightly obsessed with GeoNet or anything else showing earthquake activity?  I find myself checking it every 10 minutes or so to see what has been happening, although I am not entirely sure what I am hoping to learn from it.

about 13 years

We are hoping not to see it reduce to quickly as that would not be a good sign for us.

We need the stress taken out of the Wgtn fault - Sorry Seddon.

almost 16 years

Went into the office after lunch.  No one else there, a bit of paint/plaster has fallen off and some small cracks in the ceiling. 

Outside quite a lot of broken glass from office buildings.  Very quiet in town - people wandering around but a good number of shops were closed.

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Got told not to bother coming in to work at the cinema as we only have 7 booked (in the Gold Lounge) all night, and the food court is like a ghost town. Score!

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

After looking at the plots of all the earthquakes in the last 3 days or so on GeoNet, they line up more along the Wairarapa Fault.

Was at the movies with the kids when the 6.5 struck.  Never got to see how "Despicable Me 2" ended.  Must've missed the last 10 mins of it.  I'll have to rent it on DVD when it comes out.

Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

Found the culprits of the damage on Featherston:

Chant Savant
over 17 years

Am happy to report that a pen fell off the shelf at Smiggle Napier but is OK people!!!


3rd XI
over 14 years

I was on the toilet taking a shit when it hit .got up without wiping and hid in the hallway doorframe

Phoenix Academy
about 16 years
chefmivec wrote:

I was on the toilet taking a shit when it hit .got up without wiping and hid in the hallway doorframe

almost 16 years

What kind of door frame and building?


DO NOT stand in a doorway: An enduring earthquake image of California is a collapsed adobe home with the door frame as the only standing part. From this came our belief that a doorway is the safest place to be during an earthquake. True- if you live in an old, unreinforced adobe house or some older woodframe houses. In modern houses, doorways are no stronger than any other part of the house, and the doorway does not protect you from the most likely source of injury- falling or flying objects. You also may not be able to brace yourself in the door during strong shaking. You are safer under a table.

Starting XI
over 17 years

I was just looking at this. Two quakes in China. Have a look at the magnitiudes and depths. Fascinating. How does it all work?
China's Gansu province hit by powerful earthquakes

Moar stars
over 12 years

Well, the epicenter was directly under the city. Plus their building codes are not like NZ's. Either way, very scary.

First Team Squad
almost 17 years
First Team Squad
almost 17 years
chefmivec wrote:

I was on the toilet taking a shit when it hit .got up without wiping and hid in the hallway doorframe

I assume you returned to the toilet & wiped after the shaking had stopped?

3rd XI
over 14 years

well you could almost say I literally crapped my pants . but no I wiped after the shaking . thanks for you concern .And no skids either

about 17 years

Been surprised by the reaction of people over this. I have had to oversee a fair amount of staff. Kiwi's have been more freaked out than Brits - I'm guessing it's because the Brits have not got a clue.

Vickmeist is going in to work today in a tall building on the Terrace, a bit scared but showing grit, more than I can say of others.

almost 12 years

Any reports on the Cake Tin? It's on reclaimed land isn't it?

Starting XI
almost 17 years
ForteanTimes wrote:

Been surprised by the reaction of people over this. I have had to oversee a fair amount of staff. Kiwi's have been more freaked out than Brits - I'm guessing it's because the Brits have not got a clue.

Did the Brits see all the coverage of Chch? I honestly don't think that people in Wgtn would be as freaked out about this one, if Chch hadn't of happened. That quake (well the Feb one in particular) made death and destruction in NZ a very real possibility. Before then it was just something that happened overseas in third world countries (such as China overnight).
almost 17 years

I parked the car in the cake tins car park - got the all clear yesterday.........for mine people in genearl are over reacting and stressing about this quakes, mind you the media hype is not helping.

about 13 years
Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Good thing only one nix game would be affected in the next 4 and a half months. 

over 16 years

I work with a couple of young British lasses who have only been in the country for at maximum, a year.  This was their first taste of earthquakes and it's fair to say they're terrified.

I'm pretty on edge myself but I think it's because of what happened to Christchurch and also the media hype 'if that was under the city this would happened etc'

about 13 years

The old  "Look on the positive side"  We take more chances crossing the road daily. 

Head Sleuth
over 17 years

Yeah it's actually really bad how the media are working people up. 

Though it can also be good if it gets them to prepare emergency kits etc I suppose. 

about 17 years

Tegal - Agree I think the coverage has been rubbish and not helpful at all at times. I also think with access to apps, twitter and Geonet people are making their own minds up about what is going on  which is a good thing as the media always wants to put a negative spin on things to make things more juicy.

Blew - This is the way I feel. I'm  more likely to kill myself on kiwi roads or buggering about in my garden than having an earthquake finish me off.

I've been thinking again and the Brits I 've  dealt with have been a little bit older, been here awhile but have been shaped by their job which is not to get freaked out by stuff. Part of the work we do is dealing with emergency situations. Also they would have been old enough to have heard stories about the Blitz etc about how you just get on with stuff - Basically working class no nonsense folk.

Not spoken to younger folk.

over 17 years

but it's not the risk that makes earthquakes particularly scary; it's the nature of what they are (impossible to predict, all-encompassing etc)

Groundskeeper Willie
over 16 years
Blew.2 wrote:

The engineer reports came back all good. Only some very minor damage that will be fixed shortly.
over 17 years

Don't know why people are complaining about an 'over-reaction'. Wouldn't you prefer that people are ready in case the worst does happen? No one in Chch thought it would be so bad, either.

over 17 years

yeah and people either get scared or not. You can't rationalize fear. Phobics usually know their fear is irrational. If it was governed purely by risk, most people wouldn't drive.

Bossi Insider
about 16 years
TopLeft07 wrote:
Blew.2 wrote:

The engineer reports came back all good. Only some very minor damage that will be fixed shortly.
Well thats a tad disappointing. I was looking forward to a nice rectangular stadium being built in its place, even if it did cost us the World Cup game.

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