about 17 years

james dean wrote:

I think that is all very self - serving and lacks much self awareness/criticism.  This was my favourite part - being lectured on football by football visionary Gareth Morgan (TM):

Interesting, as I don't read it that way at all. And I must have missed the part where he was explaining football tactics.
over 17 years

Would you describe yourself as "intrigued by what's evolving" and "fascinated week to week" as we've slumped to last on the table??!!  If not, you're described as "only being interested in short term gratification".

I find the short termism thing the silliest - we've been watching the Phoenix for a hell of a lot longer than he has!

about 15 years

 ^This. he even professes to know fuck all about football.

Thats why I raised the 'who on the board knows about football and what advice is Noah giving them?' I like Noah. I do wonder how much of what comes out in the press (skewed or whatever) he agrees with.

almost 12 years

james dean wrote:

Would you describe yourself as "intrigued by what's evolving" and "fascinated week to week" as we've slumped to last on the table??!!  If not, you're described as "only being interested in short term gratification".

I find the short termism thing the silliest - we've been watching the Phoenix for a hell of a lot longer than he has!

I'm neither here nor there on Morgan but I really don't see the condescension you obviously do.
almost 17 years

yeah all very marketing businessman speakish, answering the question but avoiding the actual issue. I'm stunned by his beleif that the change in style has been a progreesive one. I'm pretty sure that it was a sudden change from the old (last season style) to this new one which isn't sitting well before a certain game, I can't name exactly which game but it was s definate change - maybe those trainspotters out remember the xact game it was??? I think he is naive to say that those people who want gratification each match wont buy into this process - I assume he's referring to those of us who want a win each match - what I think he is missing here is that we win each match we win the league! and that is what he is trying to achieve is it not?

almost 13 years

Dunno if this has been raised before, but in theory could the Fever start a supporter's trust and buy into the Welnix consortium? I seem to remember under Terry it was said the club was apparently running at a loss of about $1,000,000 a season or so. Assuming that the increased spending by Welnix has been offset by higher TV revenue and that figure is roughly true, then if a trust could inject $50,000 a year into the club could it buy a 5% stake? Then the fans could have a representative on the board and at least have some role in the running of the club.

Obviously this is not going to happen any time in the foreseeable future but would such a thing be possible, at least in theory?

(I know I said "in theory" twice but I'm just making it clear I'm only wondering about the possibility)

almost 17 years

nice idea and I'm sure it's been thought of, I'm not sure if Gareth would really want "us" having any form of power.

almost 13 years

yeah and obviously the practicalities of raising that much money each year would be a big barrier! Not really sure how trusts do it in Europe - purely just donations/membership fees from members?

almost 17 years

 I suppose, there are how many YF members 4000+

$100 per member is $40k so potentially affordable.

almost 13 years

or this  :P

(not sure if that's breaking the forum rules but risking it anyway)

almost 17 years
Listen here Fudgeface
over 14 years

or this  :P

(not sure if that's breaking the forum rules but risking it anyway)

Not need to worry, you're fine.
almost 13 years

patrick478 wrote:

or this  :P

(not sure if that's breaking the forum rules but risking it anyway)

Not need to worry, you're fine.
Phew, got away with a fat joke!
almost 16 years

patrick478 wrote:

or this  :P

(not sure if that's breaking the forum rules but risking it anyway)

Not need to worry, you're fine.
Phew, got away with a fat joke!


Isn't the $50 club membership sort of the same thing (I dn't have one btw)?  You get to vote and stuff.

I got very angsty when Rob Morrison was suggesting that more games (plural) would be taken out of Wgtn.  I got somewhat irked by Gareth's comment about total football.  Still not fully trusting that in the next few years the owners won't take more than a couple of games to other places.

But all this recent palaver is mostly a media beat up and Gareth's blog comments while perhaps not chocka of football pedigree are his opinions (and possibly shared by the Board and the Welnix).  At least he is airing them and justifying them.  He could just do a Clive Palmer  

over 17 years

Junior82 wrote:

 palaver is mostly a media beat up and Gareth's blog comments while perhaps not chocka of football pedigree are his opinions (and possibly shared by the Board and the Welnix).  At least he is airing them and justifying them.  He could just do a Clive Palmer  

And put a giant dinosaur in the middle of the stadium?

almost 13 years

But we have Ernie the chicken, and birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs, so we are already there


Still Believin'
over 17 years

james dean wrote:

I think that is all very self - serving and lacks much self awareness/criticism.  This was my favourite part - being lectured on football by football visionary Gareth Morgan (TM):

"The first half of that game and the one the week before was fantastic – any serious observer of the game would see that see that our players are bloody good professionals. Such observers should be intrigued by what’s evolving and be fascinated week to week by what the players are doing. Those whose interest goes only so far as instant gratification each match won’t be capable or interested in this process."

Jesus wept JD, the guy has given you a very full answer to your question and you're still complaining (the second time he has done so in recent weeks, I doubt you would get the same courtesy from many other A-League owners). Of course his answer is self-serving. Your question was self-serving.

Gareth Morgan is a smart, successful guy who is used to being his own boss. He has a new project (the Nix) that is clearly very passionate about. He likes to talk about it - a lot! He is also on a very steep learning curve when it comes to football, so he has said a few stupid things along the way. But hell, if there was one person in the country I'd back to get themselves quickly through a learning curve it would be Gareth (and some of his Welnix mates).

There's been some poor communication around this playing style thing but so what? Even if it had been all been well communicated pre-season there's every chance we'd still be struggling with it now. That's just football (something we all seem to have lost sight of was that success this season was never guaranteed). And if Welnix want to hang on to Ricki then so be it. They are the ones paying the money and they are a hell of a lot closer to the situation and privy to a much greater level of information and insight than any of us.

about 15 years

terminator_x wrote:

james dean wrote:

I think that is all very self - serving and lacks much self awareness/criticism.  This was my favourite part - being lectured on football by football visionary Gareth Morgan (TM):

"The first half of that game and the one the week before was fantastic – any serious observer of the game would see that see that our players are bloody good professionals. Such observers should be intrigued by what’s evolving and be fascinated week to week by what the players are doing. Those whose interest goes only so far as instant gratification each match won’t be capable or interested in this process."

Jesus wept JD, the guy has given you a very full answer to your question and you're still complaining (the second time he has done so in recent weeks, I doubt you would get the same courtesy from many other A-League owners). Of course his answer is self-serving. Your question was self-serving.

Gareth Morgan is a smart, successful guy who is used to being his own boss. He has a new project (the Nix) that is clearly very passionate about. He likes to talk about it - a lot! He is also on a very steep learning curve when it comes to football, so he has said a few stupid things along the way. But hell, if there was one person in the country I'd back to get themselves quickly through a learning curve it would be Gareth (and some of his Welnix mates).

There's been some poor communication around this playing style thing but so what? Even if it had been all been well communicated pre-season there's every chance we'd still be struggling with it now. That's just football (something we all seem to have lost sight of was that success this season was never guaranteed). And if Welnix want to hang on to Ricki then so be it. They are the ones paying the money and they are a hell of a lot closer to the situation and privy to a much greater level of information and insight than any of us.

I think this is a key thing.
Had everyone come out at the start of the season and said 'We are going to try to play a different brand of football with these players this year. At times its going to be good, at times its going to be bad. We are doing this in the interests of not settling for always being a play off team. We want to win the league and the style we used was most likely not going to get us there. Bear with us as it could get bumpy but we have a plan and how we want to execute it". At least we would have gone 'Right, this is the lie of the land, we know whats coming'

As things have gone, the indication it gives everyone who tunes in is that there does not appear to be a plan with an execution strategy because of poor communication and now its a case of 'well I'm not involved in this and I know nothing of that and thats him' and the other side is saying the same. Hence all this angst comes up because the communication of it or even the execution of it (depending on your view) was just a disaster from a public perseption point of view. Considering that the public pay the bills with bums on seats, you have to make sure you are crystal clear with them or else they will throw their hands up and go 'fuck this for a game of soldiers'

I think this has been a rather large execise in how to cock up your communication and I do wonder if the same guys that advise NZC also advise Welnix... I will finish this with one thing.There needs to one mouth when it comes to talking about future strategy. Hopefully the club have figured that out. Whether its the coach, the GM or the Chairman is for them to decide.
Life and death
over 17 years

I'm like the rest of us, I expect good things from 'my' club, but let's face reality; it's not my club, it's Gareth's and his mates club and they are under no obligation to share with us their proposed playing philosophy or tell us every time they go to the toilet. You don't hear the All Blacks asking for your permission on how they should play the game, they just go out and do it. If we don't like it, then we don't have to turn up and watch [and it seems plenty are taking that option]. Too many experts around here in my opinion and none of you would have run/owned a professional sports organisation so don't have an appreciation of how hey are run or should be run.

about 15 years

I'm like the rest of us, I expect good things from 'my' club, but let's face reality; it's not my club, it's Gareth's and his mates club and they are under no obligation to share with us their proposed playing philosophy or tell us every time they go to the toilet. You don't hear the All Blacks asking for your permission on how they should play the game, they just go out and do it. If we don't like it, then we don't have to turn up and watch [and it seems plenty are taking that option]. Too many experts around here in my opinion and none of you would have run/owned a professional sports organisation so don't have an appreciation of how hey are run or should be run.

How can you use the All Blacks as an example when they don't lose? Winning teams do not face anywhere near the same scrutiny. Who got the column inches in the last 12 months about how their team played: the winning ABs or the losing Wallabies? Did people give the Roar the same scrutiny as the Victory last year? Do the two Manchester clubs get the same amount of microscope as Blackburn did last year? You've picked a team which is totally pointless to your argument.
Life and death
over 17 years

Not at all, the team itself  is not the arguement; its the concept of belief you actually have a say in how the team is run.

about 15 years

Oh we totally don't and I accept that we don't have a right to a say in how the team is run. But then by the same token, if we don't have that say, then why do the Phoenix come out and say we are doing this? Thats whats Gareths done midseason on Veitchs show.  

They do it to keep us informed and what I am saying it 'You've gone about it the wrong way'

Life and death
over 17 years

More to the point, they do it because they are asked and to not answer would be churlish. If they are saying these things to keep us informed, all well and good but they are not asking our permission and neither should they be.

about 15 years

Right fair point. But then communicate it in a manner that doesn't create this whole 'What the fuck?' and thats essentially what its been from the comments from the players, the comments from Ricki, the media's involvement. Its one big 'WTF' moment.

A communication with clarity would have stopped all of that.

Life and death
over 17 years
Early retirement
over 17 years

 Maybe They could invest in a Media Manager to take control of the message and build proper relationships with other parties...

about 15 years

You can't tell me News that they have not thought of that. That was Domes role previously was it not? Surely they would have learned at least that much in the last 2 months.

Early retirement
over 17 years

 No.  Domey was commercial (or similar).  They never replaced John Mitchell.

about 15 years

Sorry yes Johnny Mitchell. Good chap. At the TAB now I believe.
If anything, they would at least now go 'Think we need one of those guys

One in a million
over 17 years
Moar stars
over 12 years

Get the dude from the apprentice.....

Tegal Fan Club Member #1.5
almost 17 years

My reading of the tea leafs is the owners have come to [IMO] the correct conclusion that RH is not the right person to lead an A-league team..

But management have no idea who to appoint and how to judge that person...

The Mariners had a similar position when LM was coach ... except the Mariners owners by and large had a football background but that background was at association level [read senior park teams] ... meaning totally out of their depth in selecting a modern coach capable of leading an A-League team... nor of creating assessment levels and goals other than the attacking football... that a new coach can be judged by... nor of having that hard to describe but knowledge of who can work with both the management, players and local media... 

RH reminds me very much of LM... similar style similar players.... similar type of person ... 

What the Mariners board did was get LM to find a coach for them and then stay on in various other football roles... its history LM got Arnold and helped a lot in the development and scouting of the COE...also LM set the measurement levels on how Arnold would be judged and what he had to do...

RH could I am sure do a similar at  the Nix... he could determine what is needed of a coach in the A-League pick someone with the skills to play the style that will both win and get folk through the gate... the youth academy being established would be perfect for RH to develop and assist in the growth of the Nix as a football club... 

First Team Squad
over 12 years
First Team Squad
almost 12 years

Jeff Vader wrote:

There's been some poor communication around this playing style thing but so what? Even if it had been all been well communicated pre-season there's every chance we'd still be struggling with it now. That's just football (something we all seem to have lost sight of was that success this season was never guaranteed). And if Welnix want to hang on to Ricki then so be it. They are the ones paying the money and they are a hell of a lot closer to the situation and privy to a much greater level of information and insight than any of us.

[/quote]I think this is a key thing.
Had everyone come out at the start of the season and said 'We are going to try to play a different brand of football with these players this year. At times its going to be good, at times its going to be bad. We are doing this in the interests of not settling for always being a play off team. We want to win the league and the style we used was most likely not going to get us there. Bear with us as it could get bumpy but we have a plan and how we want to execute it". At least we would have gone 'Right, this is the lie of the land, we know whats coming'

As things have gone, the indication it gives everyone who tunes in is that there does not appear to be a plan with an execution strategy because of poor communication and now its a case of 'well I'm not involved in this and I know nothing of that and thats him' and the other side is saying the same. Hence all this angst comes up because the communication of it or even the execution of it (depending on your view) was just a disaster from a public perseption point of view. Considering that the public pay the bills with bums on seats, you have to make sure you are crystal clear with them or else they will throw their hands up and go 'fuck this for a game of soldiers'

I think this has been a rather large execise in how to cock up your communication and I do wonder if the same guys that advise NZC also advise Welnix... I will finish this with one thing.There needs to one mouth when it comes to talking about future strategy. Hopefully the club have figured that out. Whether its the coach, the GM or the Chairman is for them to decide.


!00% this

I see Hamish Bidwell wrote an article in todays Doom post where he rehashed the "they suddenly changed styles midseason"... sloppy journalism really. But the trouble is I'd imagine that just about everyone in the public now thinks this is what happened. I have lost count of the number of people I have talked to and the subject of the Nix's season has come up and they have all said the same thing..."why did they make such a change right in the middle of the season".....its now a bona fida urban myth!

Gareth made the point that observant people would have noticed signs of a change from early season. Come to think of it I did notice how we started with two strikers from game one and played the youngster Fenton(Ricki normally being very conservative to blooding youngsters) Boyd also got time early too. Can any one imagine Ricki, circa seasons 1 to 5 giving a 17 year old kiwi kid a run. But interdispersed with that was a fair bit of long ball. Even now probably 90% of Pastons clearances go 50 metres down field so it all has been a bit confusing.

Totally agree with above post that clear communication at the start would have avoided the controversy. Ricki too is culpable to some extent. After the Vietch interview he did say that he was "alongside" the new strategy and supported it but it all seemed a bit half hearted IMO. He certainly has avoided the heat of poor results by hiding behind the smokescreen of Gareths "total football" statements. If Ricki had come straight out afterward and strongly stated that this new strategy was devised a long time ago by  concensious from a group including myself, Noah Hickey, Chotey and some board members then the controversy would have died very quickly IMO.

By not doing so he has not exactly helped Gareth or the board out of the spot they have found themselves in. We can only speculate why he has not done this 

First Team Squad
over 12 years
over 13 years

What intrigues me is the players take on this total football implemented by the owner. It just strikes me of a right wing factory owner stating this is the way you will work, these are your targets, work like a dog or piss off. Whilst this may work in an electronic component factory in Manila, it doesn't work in Wellington in a football team whom many simply don't possess that skill set and have contracts for next year.

almost 12 years

What intrigues me is the players take on this total football implemented by the owner. It just strikes me of a right wing factory owner stating this is the way you will work, these are your targets, work like a dog or piss off. Whilst this may work in an electronic component factory in Manila, it doesn't work in Wellington in a football team whom many simply don't possess that skill set and have contracts for next year.

So, let me get this right, the Phoenix is now some kind of footballing sweatshop?

Pretty silly, although frankly I'm surprised no one's gone for the full Hitler's Nazi Germany comparison yet.
over 13 years
In a round about way you may have got it. What works in business doesn't always work in a soccer team
over 17 years

In a round about way you may have got it. What works in business doesn't always work in a soccer team
But if you listen to Gareth at times he seems to think there is no reason it shouldnt.
over 13 years
If you listen to Gareth too much, we will be 5 nil behind again at half time

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