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almost 13 years

yellowsite wrote:

Chris Greenacre and Des Buckingham's ascension to permanent roles was expected to be confirmed this week, but it is understood the decision was put on hold because of the side's 2-2 draw with the Newcastle Jets on Boxing Day. 

Had they won they would have been given the reins until the end of the season. 

Distinct air of whimsey about this decision. Need action.

I don't get it, assuming the report is accurate. If they are going to hire them anyway why did the result of the Newcastle game matter? Or are they rethinking it?
almost 17 years

yellowsite wrote:

Chris Greenacre and Des Buckingham's ascension to permanent roles was expected to be confirmed this week, but it is understood the decision was put on hold because of the side's 2-2 draw with the Newcastle Jets on Boxing Day. 

Had they won they would have been given the reins until the end of the season. 

Distinct air of whimsey about this decision. Need action.

I don't get it, assuming the report is accurate. If they are going to hire them anyway why did the result of the Newcastle game matter? Or are they rethinking it?

This seems like Gareth Morgan decision making, not Rob Morrison decision making! If they want Des and Greenie, give it to them! If Finkler's goal goes in do they hire them? If Moss saves or Dura doesn't get turned inside out by Nabbout do they hire them?

Not happy with the media reports.

about 14 years

Speculation alert:  I think it is possible that Des and Greenie are a backup Plan B while an unknown (to us) Plan A is still negotiated.

over 13 years

here's hoping, our future depends on not plan b

almost 14 years

Mainland FC wrote:

Speculation alert:  I think it is possible that Des and Greenie are a backup Plan B while an unknown (to us) Plan A is still negotiated.

It could also be that Bosnich, the FFA, the footballing advisors that they've got, the players, or us fans have sewed the seeds of doubt.

about 15 years

Radio live report this afternoon reckons there will be an announcement before the new year

First Team Squad
over 13 years

Radio live report this afternoon reckons there will be an announcement before the new year

New Year next year?

First Team Squad
over 12 years

Chinese new year.

Starting XI
about 12 years
Welnix should have said. 'We'll look for a new coach, could take a month in the meantime our two interim coaches will have our full support.' They still could have surprised us with a new coach before christmas. Maybe to honest to us fans? Naïve to find someone in week? I think the double coaching is strange, why is not one of them in charge? In the press conference you have two guys sitting explaining, I found that picture odd. It's all a bit in limbo, guess not really helping everyone. Maybe would be essier for coaches to have certainty they have a fee month and not going week by week. I do not trust anything from the players camp about them, how well everyone is doing, they had no glue about Ernie's feelings. Also Doyle seems happy today not loosing three games is an achievement, yes, if you don't want to climb the ladder. I wish they would be a more self critical, do they don't watch their own games. I wish everyone would be bit more angry.
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

number8 wrote:
I wish everyone would be bit more angry.

I don't.

A) Anger is a scarce resource that should be used for important things like climate change, resurgence of global fascism, forumers who disagree with you, etc.
B) Anger won't make Welnix choose a coach any quicker or choose a better one.
C) Anger leads to the Dark Side and that's how we got Donald Trump.

Go have a Snickers.

about 14 years

Doloras wrote:

number8 wrote:
I wish everyone would be bit more angry.

I don't.

A) Anger is a scarce resource that should be used for important things like climate change, resurgence of global fascism, forumers who disagree with you, etc.
B) Anger won't make Welnix choose a coach any quicker or choose a better one.
C) Anger leads to the Dark Side and that's how we got Donald Trump.

Go have a Snickers.

I am with Doloras on this. But I think Number8 means anger on the field not on the forum?

For example I do not think Siggy was ever "angry" on the field. But I still would not want to be tackled by him if I was an opposition striker. Siggy had a "mongrel" and is now sorely missed, especially his later version when his tackles were clean and his headed goals memorable.

Starting XI
about 17 years

Mainland FC wrote:

For example I do not think Siggy was ever "angry" on the field. 

Have you ever seen Patricks avatar?

Starting XI
about 16 years

Seems to me that the best solution would be to appoint Ramon as head coach with Greenacre and Buckingham as his assistants.

Then let Ramon appoint other assistants next season if he wants to, or keep the same.

Then they'd have Ramon's tactical nous and coaching ability and experience allied with Greenacre and Buckingham's knowledge of and relationship with the current players.

All this stuffing around over the decision indicates weak leadership from the Nix owners and erodes the confidence of supporters, the general public, the media, and probably the players.

and 5 others
almost 17 years

does Ramon have the necessary quals for a non Aussie/NZ A-league coach?

First Team Squad
almost 12 years

Big Pete 65 wrote:

Seems to me that the best solution would be to appoint Ramon as head coach with Greenacre and Buckingham as his assistants.

Then let Ramon appoint other assistants next season if he wants to, or keep the same.

Then they'd have Ramon's tactical nous and coaching ability and experience allied with Greenacre and Buckingham's knowledge of and relationship with the current players.

All this stuffing around over the decision indicates weak leadership from the Nix owners and erodes the confidence of supporters, the general public, the media, and probably the players.

100% spot on BP

This seems to me to be the most logic solution. Ramon is a proven head coach and his appointment would be widely supported by the fans I think. I like the fact that Ramon has a bit of a reputation as a "you are going to do this my way" reputation. The coaching setup at the moment is a little to much "buddy buddy" for me. Keeping the other two on at least until the seasons end has some logic. Except they are tight with most of the senior squad. If Ramon came in and started kicking a few butts then you could get a split between him and players siding with Greenie. 

I suspect that there is still some more to play out over this. If Greenie/Bucks were going to take over then they would be announced already.....why the wait? Is there someone else in the frame? Are they still negotiating with someone else who is taking their time? maybe they are waiting on the FFA to rule on Ramons second tier qualification....i.e can he coach as a "local" using that qualification?

If someone else is appointed then all this delaying only adds to the pressure they would be under. The Nix have a full calender in January. Really really tough for a new coach to get the time to imprint their mark on the team.

First Team Squad
over 12 years

theprof wrote:

does Ramon have the necessary quals for a non Aussie/NZ A-league coach?

I believe he thinks he does. Dome didn't know when last asked. Let's hope so.
almost 14 years

The way the rule is written he doesn't, by the intent maybe different. He's also apparently close to getting the correct license, and can coach for a few months as a caretaker without it.

about 15 years

might be negotiating over $$.  Who really knows.  They'll tell us when they're good and ready.

almost 17 years

perhaps that is plan A - and clarifying the rules with FFA is taking time, possibly delayed too as NZF faxes not being monitered over xmas so they've not seen the release request?

Starting XI
over 10 years

Big Pete 65 wrote:

All this stuffing around over the decision indicates weak leadership from the Nix owners and erodes the confidence of supporters, the general public, the media, and probably the players.

Unless everything is all but signed behind closed doors, and maybe the team and staff know that and are keeping their lips tight.

I don't quite get the negativity, we currently have caregivers, our team isnt losing, and the team is still going.  If it takes the Wellnix group a few more weeks to get the coach they want, as opposed to the best they can get by mid-december, then I'm all for that.

about 14 years

Ryan wrote:

Mainland FC wrote:

Speculation alert:  I think it is possible that Des and Greenie are a backup Plan B while an unknown (to us) Plan A is still negotiated.

It could also be that Bosnich, the FFA, the footballing advisors that they've got, the players, or us fans our result against the Jets have sewed the seeds of doubt.

.... fixed.....
about 14 years

Kiwi Hatter wrote:

Mainland FC wrote:

For example I do not think Siggy was ever "angry" on the field. 

Have you ever seen Patricks avatar?

Sure.  "Angry"?? No. "Effective"? Yes. "Committed"? Yes!  We were playing Australia! 

One in a million
over 17 years

I think they are all waiting for a fax from NZ Football.

Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years

Man, those "fax" jokes never get old.

over 13 years

The one fax I actually hope they fudge up is the dynamic duo's. Save our club

about 14 years

I think they are all waiting for a fax from NZ Football.

Meanwhile, at the Coaching Contracts Department......

almost 17 years

Well it's hard to get 'angry' about climate change when only about 4 countries worldwide can really make a difference and NZ certainly isn't one of those....

But back on topic, I would have thought that if they'd  wanted Des and Chris they'd have signed them up already. Hoping for Ramon to come on board now there has been a delay. Not sure what signal it sends if they delay the announcement after the all the Bosnich stuff, but then sign them up anyway. A lack of a clear leadership I would have thought.

Starting XI
about 12 years

Doloras wrote:

number8 wrote:
I wish everyone would be bit more angry.

I don't.

A) Anger is a scarce resource that should be used for important things like climate change, resurgence of global fascism, forumers who disagree with you, etc.
B) Anger won't make Welnix choose a coach any quicker or choose a better one.
C) Anger leads to the Dark Side and that's how we got Donald Trump.

Go have a Snickers.

With "angry" I mean hungry for more wins not draws. Moss says also happy to give the two the coaching  job. I don't think the playing group is seeing the issue. I think they need an outsider to analyze the team and change things to make them a winning team. For them it's all fine. The may start to repeat 'we have the quality' but so far they only showed glimpses.

about 17 years

I am starting to wonder if complacency might be playing a role in this. When one is pretty much assured of playing, one can get this way.

over 11 years
Lonegunmen wrote:

I am starting to wonder if complacency might be playing a role in this. When one is pretty much assured of playing, one can get this way.

Been like this for last few seasons imo.

First Team Squad
almost 12 years

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

I am starting to wonder if complacency might be playing a role in this. When one is pretty much assured of playing, one can get this way.

Been like this for last few seasons imo.


No promotion relegation. Not much competition inside the squad for first team places. Turn up, get selected. Matey matey with the training staff.....all very comfortable.

I hope that Ramon, or someone can come in and  stir things up a bit........have a good hard look at the setup, the tactics, the motivation of the players.

I'm sick of watching opposition side just waltz through our happens match after match. Ernie didn't fix it, Greenie has not fixed it. 

The longer this is delayed the less likely Greenie/Bucks will be the coaches......other wise they would have been appointed already. I guess we will just have to watch this space

Phoenix Academy
about 11 years

Defence gets caught out as the wingbacks - who are newbies - bomb forward and we get caught on the counter.

Defence stretched rather than poor. Who's job is it on the field to fix this obvious tactical draw back when the wings are up over halfway? Cbs or dms? 

Ex team USA coach Bradley is available to coach. 

almost 14 years

austin10 wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

I am starting to wonder if complacency might be playing a role in this. When one is pretty much assured of playing, one can get this way.

Been like this for last few seasons imo.


No promotion relegation. Not much competition inside the squad for first team places. Turn up, get selected. Matey matey with the training staff.....all very comfortable.

I hope that Ramon, or someone can come in and  stir things up a bit........have a good hard look at the setup, the tactics, the motivation of the players.

I'm sick of watching opposition side just waltz through our happens match after match. Ernie didn't fix it, Greenie has not fixed it. 

The longer this is delayed the less likely Greenie/Bucks will be the coaches......other wise they would have been appointed already. I guess we will just have to watch this space

We've got the ultimate promotion / relegation. Don't perform and the club is gone, need more motivation than that?

about 17 years

Ryan wrote:

austin10 wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

I am starting to wonder if complacency might be playing a role in this. When one is pretty much assured of playing, one can get this way.

Been like this for last few seasons imo.


No promotion relegation. Not much competition inside the squad for first team places. Turn up, get selected. Matey matey with the training staff.....all very comfortable.

I hope that Ramon, or someone can come in and  stir things up a bit........have a good hard look at the setup, the tactics, the motivation of the players.

I'm sick of watching opposition side just waltz through our happens match after match. Ernie didn't fix it, Greenie has not fixed it. 

The longer this is delayed the less likely Greenie/Bucks will be the coaches......other wise they would have been appointed already. I guess we will just have to watch this space

We've got the ultimate promotion / relegation. Don't perform and the club is gone, need more motivation than that?

Players can always move to other clubs if they are good enough. The only people that will get punished are the fans that do show up week after week of dross and frustrations

One in a million
over 17 years

Lonegunmen wrote:

Ryan wrote:

austin10 wrote:

Jerzy Merino wrote:

Lonegunmen wrote:

I am starting to wonder if complacency might be playing a role in this. When one is pretty much assured of playing, one can get this way.

Been like this for last few seasons imo.


No promotion relegation. Not much competition inside the squad for first team places. Turn up, get selected. Matey matey with the training staff.....all very comfortable.

I hope that Ramon, or someone can come in and  stir things up a bit........have a good hard look at the setup, the tactics, the motivation of the players.

I'm sick of watching opposition side just waltz through our happens match after match. Ernie didn't fix it, Greenie has not fixed it. 

The longer this is delayed the less likely Greenie/Bucks will be the coaches......other wise they would have been appointed already. I guess we will just have to watch this space

We've got the ultimate promotion / relegation. Don't perform and the club is gone, need more motivation than that?

Players can always move to other clubs if they are good enough. The only people that will get punished are the fans that do show up week after week of dross and frustrations

Or the ones who don't because they are too lazy or too halfarsed

about 15 years

Phoenix stand-ins Buckingham, Greenacre set to stay distance

Was this article meant to be posted tomorrow???

"Barring a catastrophe in tonight's A-League clash with Adelaide United, Wellington Phoenix interim coaches Des Buckingham and Chris Greenacre will be permanently confirmed in the roles tomorrow."

First Team Squad
almost 17 years

Phoenix stand-ins Buckingham, Greenacre set to stay distance

Was this article meant to be posted tomorrow???

"Barring a catastrophe in tonight's A-League clash with Adelaide United, Wellington Phoenix interim coaches Des Buckingham and Chris Greenacre will be permanently confirmed in the roles tomorrow."

I would be very disappointed if this was to happen

U Turning
over 14 years

paullt wrote:

Phoenix stand-ins Buckingham, Greenacre set to stay distance

Was this article meant to be posted tomorrow???

"Barring a catastrophe in tonight's A-League clash with Adelaide United, Wellington Phoenix interim coaches Des Buckingham and Chris Greenacre will be permanently confirmed in the roles tomorrow."

I would be very disappointed if this was to happen

That surely won't be the case. So underwhelming if true.

over 13 years
Opinion Privileges revoked
almost 15 years


Greenacre is Domey's nephew?!

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